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Chemtrails Over Los Angeles

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:59 PM
I took this video of chemtrails over the San Fernando Valley on January 30th 2008. I was out in the garden taking pictures and then I looked up and noticed the densest concentration of chemtrails over the valley I had ever seen. I took some pictures and I made a few quick videos. You can even see a jet producing a normal contrail in the video. I'll post the pictures up soon but I wanted to get the video up first.

Here's the link:

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:04 PM
Hey i grew up out there!! =)

They look the same as they ever did. There was an awful lot of them, how far from the airport are you?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:11 PM
There's always heavy traffic over the area. You have Van Nuys airport, Whiteman airport, Burbank International, and Los Angeles International. They typically never even leave contrails. This is something I pay attention to, I've been interested in aviation my whole life and I look to the sky often. I also spent some time pursuing a VFR rating.

I'd like to talk to you about the old valley friend, but this thread is going beyond the level of anonymity I prefer to have here on ATS. Police state and that sort of stuff, you understand.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:24 PM
Wow thats pretty heavy there.

I live in the San Gabriel valley region, and have noticed more chemtrial type of trails more and more in the past 4 weeks or so. Been interesting to see the skies sometimes to say the least. I may snap a few pics to show you guys.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by wingman77

I noticed a heavy amount of chem trails that whole week. I took pictures myself and posted them on this thread (I'm in Orange County).

Have you been seeing an increase in helicopters in your area too? Here's a thread about the ones that have been buzzing around here a lot lately. Here

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:43 PM
This is a GREAT topic - having grown up in the SFV and now I work in Van Nuys, I know this con trails are deadly.

Nearly two weeks ago I was concerned with these thick con trails floating, very thick, over the entire valley in the most extreme way. I've had a respiration problem since that day - ironically the same day "flu season" was announced on the radio.

This is clear in my mind, and people would laugh at me when I was pointing the fluffy clouds ascending on us. They laughed, but I'm glad there's ATS and you for being able to do this work for us.

There needs to be answers, but for now I have to live with this government created illness. A real downer, I think it's also affected other areas of my life but for now, I won't get all worked up until more of us join together for the battle. I hope this topic continues it's popularity.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by chetinglendalevillage
This is a GREAT topic - having grown up in the SFV and now I work in Van Nuys, I know this con trails are deadly.

No living organism has ever been in danger on contrails.

1. It's impossible for them to reach a level humans or organisms live.
2. See #1.

"Chem"trail threads are absolutely hilarious. Well at least to me as I study the weather and atmosphere. If they were chemicals, do you realize how large the droplets of those chemicals would have to be to even come close to reaching the ground?

This chemtrail stuff is fairly new as far as conspiracies go. And it's based on......absolutely nothing. Just another attempt from (you know who) to scare his minions. There are a ton of conspiracies that have some merit but this is one of the only ones where no one has ever presented any credible evidence to support their claim.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Here's another video showing a regular contrail being formed in the midst of the chemtrails.

Shakesbeer, I have noticed a lot more helicopter activity over the past several weeks. I've seen a pair of AH-1s flying from the valley down south. I've witnessed these helicopters along with a friend who has seen them on a few different occasions. I also saw a CH-47 Chinook overfly the valley heading north into the hills and then turn due east close over the SWAT facility up there. There has also been daily LAPD helicopter patrols over the valley at night. I've also noticed many more police cars, double manned.

I'm growing concerned.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:59 PM
Last week I stood there, in Van Nuys and watched as one particular cloud literally descended on us. It was the lowest I've ever seen a contrail and to assume, with such a lack of - (how else can I put this...)- being there, you wouldn't believe it, but was clearly low enough to circulate with the normal winds. Then with the news stories about flu season taking off, then getting sick the very next day, you can call it whatever you want. I call this flu season "manufactured".

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:06 PM
'Chemtrail threads are hilarious'
Than why do I see unmarked white jets at high altitude that trail, shut off for a few miles then proceed while changing tanks. Must be a weather anomoly huh.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

Most likely because weather conditions are not constant, ice does not vanish into thin air, and most Airliners paint schemes are now Eurowhite. That's why.

Why exactly would it take a few minutes to 'change tanks'?

[edit on 17/2/2008 by C0bzz]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Minutes to change tanks. No. Either they have a flame out, do not see any drop in descent, they come back on rather quickly. But there IS a small delay.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:56 PM
Chemtrails are not merely a delusion. It's been admitted by governments that spraying has occurred to manipulate the weather and to spread insecticides. Now if you trust the government I can understand the disbelief surrounding this phenomenon, but if you distrust the government however it is easy to comprehend why such a practice would exist.

I don't claim to know what is being dispersed, if anything, but I am open to the idea that it may be happening. They could be spraying inoculations, sodium iodide (cloud seeding), metallic nano particles (e.g. radar chaff), viruses (population control), psychedelics (mind control).

The theories range from plausible to far fetched but you really can't count them out, there is plenty of eye witness reports and videos/photos.

Being a debunker, repeating, "there's nothing to see here, move along", isn't going to add anything to the discussion. It would be nice to do some real research and gather some physical evidence so we can get to the bottom of this. Unfortunately, financial restrictions and government regulations prohibit us from scrambling jets capable of reaching the altitude the supposed chemtrails are released at to recover a pure sample. We couldn't even launch a balloon or rocket without breaking a multitude of laws.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:01 AM
I saw trail a year ago at about 3000 ft as I walked my dogs. It was just so bizarre others walking, going about their business just stared at it.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Minutes to change tanks. No. Either they have a flame out, do not see any drop in descent, they come back on rather quickly. But there IS a small delay.


In aircraft when you switch tanks there's no delay.

Chemtrails are not merely a delusion. It's been admitted by governments that spraying has occurred to manipulate the weather and to spread insecticides.

Yes... but the scale which some people say the operation is at, and the evidence, usually pictures of normal contrails, is complete bull and proves absolutely nothing.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by wingman77
Chemtrails are not merely a delusion. It's been admitted by governments that spraying has occurred to manipulate the weather and to spread insecticides.

The seeding of weather events (which were stopped long ago when the results were to be found inconclusive) would not cause "chemtrails"
They did this in hurricanes and other major events and the winds that high up are even stronger than they are on the surface. You wouldn't see any signs of the seeding.

As far as insecticides, again, they (the gov.) don't do that any more (and again, the "chemtrail" theory is fairly new. Started long after insecticides were stopped). Also, they did that at MUCH MUCH MUCH lower levels. If they tried to do that at the levels contrails form, whatever spray they use would end up hundreds of miles away.

Now if you trust the government I can understand the disbelief surrounding this phenomenon, but if you distrust the government however it is easy to comprehend why such a practice would exist.

What practice?
If they are spraying chemicals that high up, whatever they're using would end up in Europe.

Is the government working with Russia or China to poison the American people? If so, why?
This has nothing to do with trusting or distrusting the government, it's about using common sense.

there is plenty of eye witness reports and videos/photos.

There are plenty of eye witness reports, videos, and photos of CONtrails.

It would be nice to do some real research and gather some physical evidence so we can get to the bottom of this. Unfortunately, financial restrictions and government regulations prohibit us from scrambling jets capable of reaching the altitude the supposed chemtrails are released at to recover a pure sample. We couldn't even launch a balloon or rocket without breaking a multitude of laws.

That is one of the biggest loads I have ever heard

Contrails start to form at about 26,000 feet. Private jets go that high all the time. What in the world are you talking about?

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Every, every contrail thread on this site has posters that attempt to dissect them.
I do believe they protest too much.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I was suggesting that scrambling a jet from an airfield to intercept the flight path of a suspected chemtrail would probably be prohibited and the costs of such a program would be astronomical for a small group of concerned citizens.

I understand weather and the jet stream, anything sprayed at the cruising altitude of a commercial jet would fall very far from the area over which it was sprayed. Particle density would affect how far it would drift as would a range of other factors.

It is possible that China/Russia could collude with the U.S. government in a wide ranging program of spraying for whatever reason, the new world order could be a reality.

Judging from your hostility and avatar 'ThatsJustWeird', it's likely that you wouldn't consider that the U.S. government could ever do any harm, but I won't make any assumptions. Thanks for correcting my grammatical error, that should have been an 'are' rather than an 'is'.

Trolls keep us on our toes.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:58 AM
Im a mailman in the valley and watching jets one after another its if there trying too catch up after the rains.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by wingman77

That sounds exactly like that same guys I'm seeing. When they come up from the south, what way do they head relative to downtown? Do you see a lot of small to medium sized commercial type helicopters flying around too? Police presence has gone up a bit here, but not as much as it seems it has in your area.

I do see a lot of chemtrails blowing in from the west though that is for sure.

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