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2012 The Odyssey.

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:35 PM
There's a new 2012 video out there on the market. I had not seen it yet. Today in searching youTube "2012" I found someone actually uploaded it. Thought some would like to view it too.

This is a link to the video's website:

[edit on 17-2-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 02:33 PM
I was unsure what I would think about this video. I knew I had seen much of the info in this video via youTube. However I've found the video is very good. It addresses many many issues of 2012, and it does it with ease. I'd buy this video now, and maybe I'll go do that.

If anyone would like to disscuss this video, i'd be open to some communications.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:30 AM
I believed this stuff for a while that 2012 was going to be some cosmic event, but this video has convinced me of what I had suspected, it's nothing, but pure propaganda put out by NWO associates. It paints a picture of freemasons as these good guys preserving an ancient knowledge of what's to come in 2012. Near the end of the video it shows the Denver Airport and she says the paintings there are fascinating, but doesn't give any interpretation of them at all and she even shows the really disturbing painting that depicts a Nazi stormtrooper guy killing a dove and a woman terrified, but she says nothing. Then goes up to the plaque with the Freemason Square and Compass and says "I found a plaque of the men who built this Airport". Anyone would think it's a Freemason recruitment video or something.

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