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Spirit Pictures?

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:29 PM
Here I have a few pics sent to me from a pen pal in Kiev,Ukraine. I wonder if she has beings around her too.I haven't used photo programs on her images yet,but saw big "invisibles" in the Penguin pic,and the kneeling beach pic without peeking first photographically. What results do you get? If you have the time,much appreciated.It will help my understanding,and be easier to spot with such plain backgrounds I'm hoping. Thanks,Jerry. Her screen name is Margarita.
I'm also curious if the "invisibles" have any aversion or reaction to water.When you say they are advanced mentally,can you give me more of an idea? My IQ is somewhere around 140,but I wasn't an overachiever in school by any means,mostly because of lack of interest. I own a lot of books.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Hey Jerry, beautiful woman with a lot of invisible admirers. Let me try to answer a few of your questions while they are fresh on my mind. I am 60 years old and i have known about our friends all my life. As a child i was frightened of them and pretended i could not see or hear them I remember one of them in stone burned my finger at a local waterfall, lots of mist in the air and the attendant prismatic effect. I was taught to ignore them also but i spied on them anyway. When i was a sophmore in high school we reestablished contact and i learned many things from and about them. They had ruled the America's since the beginning, we knew them as the Maya, Incas, Toltec, etc. They were the pyramid builders They played a great part in creating the world we know today more later.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:48 AM
Here's a strange question.Since I mentioned that I was a ghostwriter for sci-fi,like Star Trek and Predator(that's a monster who fights Arnold and the Aliens movie monsters),then I'm thinking in terms of War of the Worlds instinctively. So in a sci-fi way can you explain in a movie scenario how an international military force would have a chance and exploit the INVISIBLES weaknesses? That might be overly simplistic and showing my naive wreakless ignorance,but humor me with shortcuts to deeper knowledge if you'd be so kind.Because it is slow going in my world about understanding these creatures after doing it alone and not having your background and knowledge. I'd like to know what I'm up against if say you died tomorrow and I was left with so many questions unanswered. You say for instance that they can kill a person,but I would like to know why they would kill? What motivates them (?) is the big question I have now.What are they here for and what do they want(?) is perhaps the bigger question. Of course I have a zillion questions,but I'm fast on understanding some things and slow on others,like a stalled engine.
I'll also try to work on some of your pictures to see if I can add anything you may not have seen.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:07 AM
That is really amazing because I only saw your above post after i rechecked the Sunday morning 6 oclock hour am post.I added the pyramid builders scenario into the Predator story 1987,as they were a master to humanity species that was intergalactic and used us as their folly in games and breeding these ALIENS(from ALIENS Movie) for the HUNT.So it was all for sport. If the predators won the games they used the aliens blood(acid) to mark a Kanji sign I made up as the profile outine of an Alien Monster on their skin/forehead like African tribes mark themselves with lion's blood from the hunt to celebrate victory and skill. Anyway the stories were set in Jungles of South America,Antarctica,and Los Angeles(roughly). What a coincidence!!! I guess I never told you,but here's another reason to hate LBJ if you didn't already from agent orange exposure.LBJ knew the Mars Mariner 1966 shots showed lights from probable civilization on the dark side surfsce of Mars and lied saying there were no Martians and no war of the worlds to worry about,that it was dead and dry,just rocks.Barren. Warmonger scumbag. Viking Lander 1970's
My baby Spirit rover delivers Mars Lady & pet dragon shot early 2004 which rocked my world,showing a new species of humanoid with tiny eyes and wide bony plate cheek bones.I saw a live one who looks almost just like her to confirm my suspicions.She was amused by the rover.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:58 AM
Hi there what do you think of this photo

thanks any info welcome


posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Hey Matt, nice picture. It is not a ghost nor a dog, it is the type of entity that we are discussing on this site. If you have a highlighter on your pc try this, Highlight the faces faintly visible in the shrubbery behind the people in the photo. Believe it or not they are part of the ghost/dog. Altering the light or color values will usually reveal the connection.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Hey Jerry, been working on a couple of things, one is a picture of Noah' ark and the other a video, i'll try to get it on now youtube has been messed up for the last two days.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Kills With One Bite "" flashvars="m=28358782&v=2&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346">Add to My Profile | More Videos This is a video about Kamodo Dragons of Asia. Pretty soon I'll compare them to similar dragons of Mars.Imagine an astronaut bitten by one of these and taken down like a buffalo.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 07:18 PM
uh i'm not seeing much

[edit on 18-2-2008 by kklover]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 07:24 PM
i see a lion on the right side of your face hmmmm my spirit guide is a panther but i never caught it on film

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:16 AM
Hey Jerry, been ill, i'll try to catch up. You can kill the body but not the soul, at least the immortal kind. Fact is, using that criteria, we are alr4eady immortal but we have yet to shed the body. These invisibles have already lost their bodies and i don't see any way to kill them. Even sentencing them to hell is only a punishment. Humanity has no chance against them. They kill out of necessity, they crave our blood, hormones, endorphins, et cetera. You can find photograph's of all our nuclear explosions on the internet, you need to look at some of them and tell me what you see. Their weakness'es are their ego's. One of the names these people are known by is the d'jinn, their are five different kinds of them. Two kinds are amiable, one is indifferent and the other two run the gamut between vampires and the Marquis de Sade You can challenge the d'jinn to a mental challenge for control. You bet more than your life and these people have been around forever. It is like going one on one against a god. Sorry, i don't know enough about television or the movies to ask the right questions

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:42 AM
link" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/> Matt sent me this photo of a "ghost dog" probably circa 1880's I have taken the liberty of revealing the true entities as they "blanket" this pretentious tea party. There is an old saying, "many people have entertained "angels" unaware...I think that is appropriate here (a rose by any other name...)

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:59 AM
This is Mount Ararat, the site where Noah's Ark landed after the flood. I really don't care what your religious belief's are, that's between you and whatever you believe in. These are the Spirit's captured on Camera near the top of Ararat. This is the real reason Ararat is closed to Mankind, the stench of your sin is intolerable to them and your mere presence is a desecration of Holy Ground. Mankind has always known that the high places were the homes of the Gods and that to trespass there was to place your life in jeopardy. A point to ponder.....People who live in the fastness of remote mountains tend to be a lot more spiritual than people who live far away. The value of an old boat is not equal to that of the still living passengers and crew. Immortality is forever.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:46 AM
You might not recognize this photo right away because every pixel has been examined and brought back to life. This is the "Roswell" saucer crash from near Socorro, N.M. in July of 1947. I found that there was a lot more than a dozen aliens onboard. They also bear an uncanny resemblance to the people of God on Mount Ararat (see previous picture)The fact of the matter is, the truth is all around you and it does require a little effort to discover. I am not a very trusting person so i examine the evidence for myself.. Not only that i constantly seek the "best" and highest quality evidence i can find You might want to notice the dead alien girl (lower left corner) and the people who surround her body at the crash site. They also accompany her to the autopsy table. Santilli had absolutely nothing to do with the autopsy film nor the control panels and parts removed from the flying saucer. The same people are present in the .37 second ambulance film. None of the false claimants knew that these people were present and that they could be made visible.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by debris765nju

Holy crap, that picture is cool! On the left-hand side, close to the bottom, it looks there is an almost Roman looking face, with a helmet, with "it's" mouth wide open.. a big sharp nose. And it also seems like there is many dancing little figures, all connected. Certainly one of the most interesting photos i've seen in some time!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Hi Debris... just looking over your material now and am finding your images very intriguing.
Will comment later on some of them but thanks for sharing them with us! I too get a lot of anomalous images in my movies and photographs where I started off experimenting in those techniques used in ITC but am now getting them by just turning on my camera and taking short movies of blank walls.

I'm so glad you're here!!

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by debris765nju

Thanks Debris for trying to help me see what you see and know. The invisibles questions are so many for me I don't know where to begin.I'm atheist now for 40 years but at least have Catholic upbringing as a reference to souls,and the spiritual stuff I found hard to swallow when younger. My personal beliefs aren't that important as is finding new amazing things to wonder about (or old and immortal amazing "things"). I'll work with the images and find faces. I AM interested in Roswell and similar events. I wonder if you can communicate well with the invisibles and do they speak truth? In other words can they be trusted to answer questions accurately and truthfully? What do they want most from us and what can we gain from them? I understand your breaking them down into 5 types. How would it be possible to attract the good ones and avoid the bad ones?
Also,does this place called the Pinnacles have any significance for you?

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by debris765nju

Wow,Debris,you are killing me with your images.Thanks so much. Eye openning to say the least. I try to bridge the gap for folks who have not yet seen what you know is/are there. I'm just circling a few sample faces that come easiest to me to share them with others who just get confused by the overload so miss details. Here goes.
The last one,the negative image was most worth the effort for me personally.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 09:59 PM

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:15 PM

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