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Mysterious Pyramids of China

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Deep within China near the ancient capitol of Xi'an lies a series of pyramid mounds virtually unknown outside the country. Entwined with the reality of these remote tombs, lies a legend of an even greater pyramid seldom seen; a pyramid of such size and grandeur as to put all the other pyramids of the world to shame. This is the legend of the white pyramid of China.

China’s Great Pyramids Controversy

Despite speculation about the existence of great pyramids in China, archaeologists and bureaucrats have refused to consider even the rumours about such structures. But recent pictorial evidence proves that China’s pyramids are indeed real, rivalling those of Egypt and Central America for their age, size and significance
Read more here

Hartwig Hausdorf, a researcher in Germany, sent over these photographs from his collection, taken during his 1994 trip to the Forbidden Zone in The Shensi Province in China. Estimates for an age are 4,500 years old, but Hausdorf mentions the diaries of two Australian traders who, in 1912, met an old Buddhist monk who told them these pyramids are mentioned in the 5,000 year old records of his monastery as being "very old."

What I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

I am hoping the diligent members of ATS would like to expose this further.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana
What I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

Uhm... No. Its not quite on the same scale. A city like New York probably have more skyscrapers than Central America, Egypt and China combined has pyramids (or the entire world, that's easier to say).

It be great if the Chinese pyramids would be further investigated by archeologists though. I'm sure many interesting finds could be made.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by merka]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by IvanZana
What I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

Uhm... No. Its not quite on the same scale. A city like New York probably have more skyscrapers than Central America, Egypt and China combined has pyramids (or the entire world, that's easier to say).

jeez, don't be so boody anal.

it was simply a 'generalisation', and valid enough

It be great if the Chinese pyramids would be further investigated by archeologists though. I'm sure many interesting finds could be made.

i agree!

most interesting

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:55 AM
The Chinese 'pyramids' are burial tombs covered in earth. The famous terracotta army came from near one of them - the emperor's tomb itself has not been excavated. The 'white pyramid' is a natural hill.

The interesting thing about pyramids is that whilst they've been built all over the world, they were all built at completely different times, for completely different reasons, using completely different styles and construction methods. Odd that

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:13 AM
Nice thread. This is news to me. I have been to museum that now holds the terracotta soldiers and I don't remember seeing anything that mentioned any pyramids. Certainly nothing that would resemble what is in the OP's pictures.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Essan
The interesting thing about pyramids is that whilst they've been built all over the world, they were all built at completely different times, for completely different reasons, using completely different styles and construction methods. Odd that

It depends on how you look at it. A pyramid is the simplest large structure you can possibly make, period. I do not think its odd that pyramids was the choice of design for the ancients. We couldnt make much more complicated large structures until we started using more advanced techniques. Even then, the "pyramid" is part of many buildings such as Hindu temples or cathedrals.

If you want a similar thing, consider the pillar. It is just like the pyramid a base for structural design.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by merka]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Nice thread. This is news to me. I have been to museum that now holds the terracotta soldiers and I don't remember seeing anything that mentioned any pyramids. Certainly nothing that would resemble what is in the OP's pictures.

and it's no surprise.
they are not discussed.
(may or may not have anything to do with the fact that the pyramids are related to china's ancient 'religous' past, and something they are not willing to discuss.)

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana

Hartwig Hausdorf, a researcher in Germany, sent over these photographs from his collection, taken during his 1994 trip to the Forbidden Zone in The Shensi Province in China. Estimates for an age are 4,500 years old, but Hausdorf mentions the diaries of two Australian traders who, in 1912, met an old Buddhist monk who told them these pyramids are mentioned in the 5,000 year old records of his monastery as being "very old."

Note the bolded portion.

Either Hausdorf is lying, or these (possibly not imaginary) "Austrian traders" were lied to by a Buddhist monk. Myself, I'd guess the former, since Hausdorf continues to perpetuate the hoax about the "Dropa Stones" even to this day.

Chinese writing only dates to around 4,000 years ago.

There cannot possibly be any "5,000 year old monastery records" in existence in China.

Originally posted by IvanZanaWhat I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

At the risk of being called "anal" by liv074_v.2, I have to disagree with you here.

There was not a single pyramid in existence in 5,000 B.C.

There was never a point in history where "everybody was building pyramids."


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Harte

How come that in every thread that is mentioned antiquity including pyramids you are going to be always the 'debunker' one? What makes you so sure that you're right and all the rest are wrong? What the orthodox archeology says? Or what the official academic position is, regarding ancient civilization? And why are Dropa Stones a hoax? Because don't match with the timeline and the orthodox point of view about our ancient past? Or because some die hard archaeologist lid screwed to the 3000 b.c. starting point of the civilization can't accept otherwise? Did you ever think for a moment, what if you were wrong? And also think for that moment how able you'll be to swallow everything you've said so far in all the threads. Gee man, you're becoming worst than Marduk

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by IvanZana

Hartwig Hausdorf, a researcher in Germany, sent over these photographs from his collection, taken during his 1994 trip to the Forbidden Zone in The Shensi Province in China. Estimates for an age are 4,500 years old, but Hausdorf mentions the diaries of two Australian traders who, in 1912, met an old Buddhist monk who told them these pyramids are mentioned in the 5,000 year old records of his monastery as being "very old."

Note the bolded portion.

Either Hausdorf is lying, or these (possibly not imaginary) "Austrian traders" were lied to by a Buddhist monk. Myself, I'd guess the former, since Hausdorf continues to perpetuate the hoax about the "Dropa Stones" even to this day.

Chinese writing only dates to around 4,000 years ago.
There cannot possibly be any "5,000 year old monastery records" in existence in China.

so, what are you saying. the textbook is never wrong..?
and, therefore, these reports of 5,000yr old monastery records (..making them now the oldest, obviously), can be dismissed out of hand because of such..?

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by IvanZanaWhat I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

At the risk of being called "anal" by liv074_v.2, I have to disagree with you here.

There was not a single pyramid in existence in 5,000 B.C...

you've seen the detailed archaeological findings by impartial professionals (regarding these pyramids, and their age)..??
may we see them..?

of course, again, we cant have them being 4 or 500 years or so older than the present accepted concensus, can we.
dismissed, out of hand.

There was never a point in history where "everybody was building pyramids."


was there 'a time' when it seems..
that the earliest civilisations, however seperate from each other,
went about building pyramids;

many of such size and quality,
..that they would suppass anything built ever since..?

seemingly, was there..?

[edit on 14/2/08 by liv074_v.2]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by mojo4sale

thanks for all the links, mojo

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by liv074_v.2
you've seen the detailed archaeological findings by impartial professionals (regarding these pyramids, and their age)..??
may we see them..?

of course, again, we cant have them being 4 or 500 years or so older than the present accepted concensus, can we.
dismissed, out of hand.

Well, why not dismiss it?

The original poster makes a claim about 5000 BC just out of the blue. He certainly dont have any archeological findings. Also note that the article says 5000 year old. Not 5000 BC. Unless we live in the year 0, that means 3000 BC.

And no, there isnt any recognized time when "everyone was building pyramids". Why? Because there's been thousands of years apart in different parts of the world and a rather small number. Compare that with the skyscraper relation that the OP made, heh. Now, if every pyramid in the world had been built with a mere 20 years apart or something, I'd agree with it.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by merka]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Telos
And why are Dropa Stones a hoax? Because don't match with the timeline and the orthodox point of view about our ancient past? Or because some die hard archaeologist lid screwed to the 3000 b.c. starting point of the civilization can't accept otherwise?

No, because the original hoaxer admitted the hoax.

What else do you want?

Originally posted by liv074_v.2

Originally posted by Harte

Chinese writing only dates to around 4,000 years ago.
There cannot possibly be any "5,000 year old monastery records" in existence in China.

so, what are you saying. the textbook is never wrong..?
and, therefore, these reports of 5,000yr old monastery records (..making them now the oldest, obviously), can be dismissed out of hand because of such..?

Let me ask you this, then.

Where are these "ancient monastery records?"

Are you saying that every single Archaeologist that accepts that Sumerian Cuneiform is the earliest form of writing ever found is wrong?

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by IvanZanaWhat I find most intruiging is that around 5000 b.c, everone in the world was building pyramids just like everyone today build 4 walled houses and skyskrapers.

At the risk of being called "anal" by liv074_v.2, I have to disagree with you here.

There was not a single pyramid in existence in 5,000 B.C...

you've seen the detailed archaeological findings by impartial professionals (regarding these pyramids, and their age)..??
may we see them..?

of course, again, we cant have them being 4 or 500 years or so older than the present accepted concensus, can we.
dismissed, out of hand.

More like 2400 years "or so." The fact is, even Egyptologists will allow a little wiggle room on the exact date of construction at Giza. Current theories differ by as much as 150 years.

There exist relics, discovered by Archaeologists, in Egypt from the time period around 5,000 B.C. (and earlier.)
The forerunners of the Egyptians from this time period did not construct temples, homes, or other buildings, from cut stone.

This is known, whether you know it or not, and whether you prefer to believe it or not.

Originally posted by Telos

There was never a point in history where "everybody was building pyramids."


was there 'a time' when it seems..
that the earliest civilisations, however seperate from each other,
went about building pyramids;

many of such size and quality,
..that they would suppass anything built ever since..?

seemingly, was there..?

Actually, no there was not. Like I said.

There are other structures on Earth that date from around the time of the Giza pyramids, but these are not pyramids.

The Mesoamerican pyramids were built over a thousand years after the Egyptian ones. During a time when even the Egyptians no longer remembered how their forefathers had constructed the Giza pyramids.

There aren't any other pyramids. There are mounds of earth. Mound-building predates the pyramid-building era of Egypt, this too is well known and researched.

If you wish to call a dirt mound a "pyramid," then you and I are discussing two very different structures.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by merka
The original poster makes a claim about 5000 BC just out of the blue. He certainly dont have any archeological findings. Also note that the article says 5000 year old. Not 5000 BC. Unless we live in the year 0, that means 3000 BC..

careless typo by the poster. i ignored it, and used real dates, though.

And no, there isnt any recognized time when "everyone was building pyramids"..

that's not what i asked.

Why? Because there's been thousands of years apart in different parts of the world and a rather small number..

thousands of years apart..? really..?
the pyrimids of egypt @2,500bc
these pyrimids @2,500bc
to name but two.

and, as for the small number,

... that may have something to do with the shortage of civilisations that were capable of building these, in 'almost' pre-history.

(lot's of 'may's and 'seemingly's in my posts, aren't there

..Compare that with the skyscraper relation that the OP made, heh. Now, if every pyramid in the world had been built with a mere 20 years apart or something, I'd agree with it.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by merka]

bit it of exag, i agree.
but the main image of the chinese pyramids looks as close to a 'city block' as you're likely to find. it's a beaut

as for 20 years apart, am not sure how long the suckers took to build.
so can't comment

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:04 AM
(sorry, got carried away with cut and paste..)
relate all to i have said knowledge that i/we are talking about 3000BC, or 5000 yrs ago, and had ignored the typo!

(and hence '4 or 500 years' takes us up to 3000 bc, from egypts pyrimids)

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Harte

Hey Harte

Your quoting stuff under my name that I didn't write. Is that possible that the speculation can go so far?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Telos
reply to post by Harte

Hey Harte

Your quoting stuff under my name that I didn't write. Is that possible that the speculation can go so far?

Very sorry Telos.

My mistake. Your name was still on my clipboard. I'll fix it shortly as I'm at work right now.

Again, sorry.




The 500 or so years is much better.

Of course, if I had thought the poster meant "5,000years ago" instead of "5000 B.C." then my post would have been different.

Not on the Dropa subject, though. That story is a big fat line of hooey.

Also, there has never been any Chinese writing found that dates to earlier than 4,000 years ago. Early forms of Chinese script follow a logical evolution into writing. The early pictograms are what date to 4,000 years ago, not full-fledged writing.

As you can see, this means either that no "5,000 year old monastery records" exist, or that there is a monastery somewhere in China that has examples of earlier than ever before known Chinese writing that two "Austrian traders," who weren't even looking for it, were able to find info about but the entire field of archaeology has never been able to find out about.

Lastly, I don't believe that there exists in China any order of monks that has been in existence for 5,000 years.

Of course, maybe I'm wrong on that last part. Look it up for me, will you?


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:54 AM
There are many pyramids in China, Egypt, Mexico.

I have to ask, Did these ancient peoples coincidentally build the pyramids all over the world at almost the same time frame without having any contact with eachother or did they corroberate with eachother?

It seems that mabey the pyramids were built so sturdy to survive earth catacalysms as well as possibly making the pyramids not only calendars but a clock to predict the next cataclysms or shifts of ages which could of wiped out our ancestors many times before.

Dont you ever wonder why our structures are built so poorly and 'temporary' in present day compared to the ancients?

How and why did we lose the ability and knowledge of not only building the pyramids but the reason for it?

[edit on 15-2-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana
Dont you ever wonder why our structures are built so poorly and 'temporary' in present day compared to the ancients?

No, because we dont.

A modern skyscraper is a marble of engineering. Its structural design is art, designed to be durable, flexible, withstand catastrophic fires, earthquakes (anti-shake technology is a section of its own), have an effective air conditioning system and so much more.

It may not last as long as a pile of rocks, but its certainly not poorly built.

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