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Athletes are forced to sign no criticism contracts (08 Olympics)

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:22 AM

British Olympic chiefs are to force athletes to sign a contract promising not to speak out about China's appalling human rights record – or face being banned from travelling to Beijing.

IN what will surely be an intresting Olympics, it is already starting off well...

The article, I fine, is poorly writen, and i cannot tell if it is the Chiniese that are forceing this, or just the Brits... forceing the Brits to sign this...

I would imagine that this would apply to all countries if it is to one...

I think this is a situation to look at... and if the Chiniese are putting a Gag order on every country... then I don't think a boycott of the games would be the worst thing...


added linky

[edit on 16/3/08 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Here is another article that is speaking of the Gag order...

China wants to stand by it...

"Maybe the British are very different and they speak out more," said Chris Chan, secretary general of the Singapore National Olympic Council.

"But I don't think our athletes or even those from Southeast Asia dare to speak their minds."

The Thai Olympic Committee said athletes automatically knew not to comment on sensitive matters.

Issues considered politically sensitive in communist-ruled China range from human rights, religious freedom, Tibet, Taiwan to Beijing's role in Sudan.

So it appears that some countries don't care, and just want thier athleates to be quiet and not cause a fuss...

I hope to find more of this info... if they issue a gag order to ALL countires, i beleive that EVERYONE should pull out of these olympics.

Hopefully osme countires take a stand on this...

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:51 AM
More fallout on the situation

It seems Speilburg no longer wants to help out with the Olympics now....

His move is a public relations blow to the Chinese government, which is under pressure to force the government of Sudan to resolve the crisis in Darfur.

Spielberg's worldwide profile could lead others involved in the Games to pull out and even lead sponsors to reconsider their roles in the event.

I think this situation is going to get bigger....

as we aproach The Games, more and more people will take a stand. I am sure some athleates will not go, and mabye even entire countries will pull out.

Go Speilburg, he gained huge respect in my books, whatever his motives...

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:50 AM
I don`t think it`s all that out of the ordinary, and I`m 90% sure that it`s not China behind it.

The tradition of the Olympic games is to have the competition as the main focus - as opposed to politics. That`s why the "black power salute" thing back in the '60s was such an issue - it may be important, but it goes against the spirit of the games and all that.

Britain looks like they`re reminding their athletes of that. Other countries may follow suit.

I`d be willing to bet that a fair number of athletes had to be reminded to keep their mouths shut while at the last US games, or risk being sent home.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by vox2442
I`d be willing to bet that a fair number of athletes had to be reminded to keep their mouths shut while at the last US games, or risk being sent home.

Im going to have to COMPLETLY disagree with you there.

Here in the US, we do not try to stop other from Expressing opinion(Save a few fake Reverands). In Fact we encourage it.

It is the first and foremost principal in American SOciety, the right to freespeach.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

The athletes will be there to compete, they are not politicians and they need to keep their opinions to themselves while they are there. The nations of the world will send their top athletes to compete against other countries, the winning athletes will get their medals, some countries will dominate in some areas, blah blah blah. This is the Olympics, not a political debate. Everything is a publicity stunt these days, oh look at me, I am speaking out for those who cannot speak out for themselves, I am such a good person, bite me!

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Between this, Darfur and the pollution there I would bet that many people don't go. I hope they get moved to some other country. They may even try to use the games as cover for a move on Taiwan.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:35 PM
What does China have do do with Dafur.. nothing....

Its Burma that China has there little Comi Paws all over....

Or have we all forgot the 1000's of Burmese Citizens that were killed by the goverment(supported by the Chiniese) last year?

DId that news story already makes its way into the "it didn't effect us, so forget it" file?

And do we need to be at a political debate to express our opinion now???

Are atheles not alowed to maintain thier right to free speach, because they can run fast?

There is a time for this to be Discused, RIGHT NOW! before the games aproach... not after...

And i think the Sovergin Nation Taiwan is safe...

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:06 PM
I've boycotted the Olympics for years and this one is especially important.
China has a dismal human rights record from destroying homes to donor organs.
Gagging athletes is pathetic in my opinion.Mind you,the Olympics are pathetic in my opinion.
It just goes to show that no nation is out to protect another unless there is something to gain from it.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

China is selling Sudan all kinds of weapons and they also have huge oil contracts with them. They are the main reason why the U.N. Security Council cant get any peacekeepers in there.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

So the Chiniese are arming the Radical Sudan Goverment?

So the CHiniese are providing the weapons for the slaughter of the people in the Sudan???

The Chiniese are in bed with the Arabs???

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 04:42 PM

It now looks like France is thinking about a boycott on the opening ceramonies...

And they want to encourage all of the EU to do so as well...

... its a a start...

And another call to Boycott

Looks like a boycott of the Opening Ceramonies is not out of the qquestion now...

Its a step in the right direction, and would be a good compramise...

[edit on 3/18/2008 by TKainZero]

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