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Anti-gravity and the search for Dr. Ning-Li

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posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 11:33 PM
I am posting this here because it seems to coincide with many of the aims of the Pegasus group. If Mr. Lear or one of the mods would like it moved, i am cool with that...i just wasn't sure where else to put it.

I was fortunate enough to have a fellow poster from another forum share a link with me regarding a very interesting discovery by Dr. Ning-Li, then of the University of Alabama. The article can be found here:

"While an operational device is at least five years in the future,
developers of what can be loosely termed a force-field machine say it
has cleared major theoretical hurdles. To demonstrate their claim, they
invited POPULAR MECHANICS to visit their Huntsville, Ala., laboratory
to see the most important component of their proof-of-concept
demonstrator. It is a 12-in.-dia. high-temperature superconducting disc
(HTSD). When the force-field machine is complete, a bowling ball placed
anywhere above this disc, which resembles a clutch plate, will stay
exactly where you left it."

I was particularly hopeful after reading the article, as the good Dr. was quoted as saying:

Li says she has turned down several offers for financial backing. It is less about money than control. "Investors want control over the technology," she says. "This is too important. It should belong to all the American people."

Very promising, indeed!

So, i went on a search. The article was from 1999, so given that she predicted applications of the technology in 5 years, i was wondering where is was at as of 2004.

Problem is, after this article, the trail pretty much runs cold. Now, i am not saying i have done exhaustive searches. But i have employed the assistance of various friends and individuals (some of whom are Drs in the field, as well...they say that DARPA snapped her up....which i think i believe).

So, here is what i have been able to find:

One member of Pegasus found this link, which was shared with me:

It is very similar in concept to what i already had...but there is some additional information (of a more technical nature) than the PM article:

“If Einstein was right, the amount of gravito-magnetic energy produced by an object is proportional to its mass and its movement”, explains Dr. Li. To create the artificial gravitational fields, Torr and Li propose placing a superconducting container in a magnetic field to align ions that are spinning or rotating in tiny circles inside the superconducting material. Their theory predicts the existence of ionic spin or rotation in a superconductor in a magnetic field.

It goes on to explain what an Einstein/Bose condensate is, and how this applies to the HTSD technology.

This was very exciting information to see for me, for sure. And i was getting more and more curious about where Dr Li was, and what she was doing.

There was talk of her starting her own company, "AC Gravity LLC", but i could find nothing about it anywhere, other than mentioning it as a plan.

Then i decided to start searching .gov and .mil sites, taking the advice of another ex-Pegasus member who believes she is working for DARPA now.

Seems as though this may somehow be true:

### Missing Scientist Update: ###

Dr. Ning Li is still missing, and I will post the DoD funding receipt showing where she's probably at below:
Department of Defense Annual Report on Cooperative Agreements and Other Transactions Entered into During FY2001 Under 10 USC 2371
Agreement Number: DAAH01-01-9-R001

Type of Agreement: Other Transaction for Prototype

Title: Gravito - Electro Magnetic Superconductivity Experiment

Awarding Office: US Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), AMSAM-AC-RD-BA

Awardee: AC Gravity, LLD

Effective Date: 25 Apr 2001

Completion Date: 25 Sep 2002

U.S. Government Dollars: $448,970

Non-Government Dollars: $ 0

Dollars Returned to Government Account: $ 0

I find this amusing, as she stated in the article you referenced that she didn't want outside investors so much, since she wanted control. She claimed that her work was the property of the American People. How quickly she lost this promising outlook.

Regardless, she left the University shortly after NASA began to show interest:

The main university professor involved with the project, Ning Li, has since left the school. She said she has founded a company in Huntsville that also will market a gravity-shield device.

Li said she dropped the NASA collaboration and decided to work independently after the agency "wasted" the project's money and resources.

Koczor said the project fell apart not because of incompetence, but because Li was primarily interested in proving her theories of why the "gravity shield" would work. That differed from NASA's goal of simply building a working device, he said.

And went to work for some other DoD project:

In the summer of 2002 an unusual story by Nick Cook appeared in Jane's Defence Weekly. Cook, the former aviation editor at Jane's, revealed that the American aerospace contractor Boeing was investigating antigravity technology at their Phantom Works facility. Now it can be shown that the American military was also investigating antigravity technology for weapons research.

Buried in the obscure "Annual Report on Cooperative Agreements and Other Transactions Entered into During FY2001" - a report required by law - the US Army Aviation and Missile Command awarded funds to experimentally test superconductors for the manipulation of the gravitational field. Heading this effort was Dr. Ning Li and her company AC Gravity Inc. "

And this, my friends, is where the trail ran cold. It appears that when she left the University of Alabama, she formed her company. I cannot find trace of this company thus far, but the above mentioned report dispersed funds to this company.

I cannot find anything that seems to match Dr. Ning Li's work in the patent archives, or in the articles at LANL or AFRL.

Fellow ATSers...any idea where Dr. Ning-Li has gone? Or where her work is at now?

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Her is additional info in reference to Dr. Ning Li's work as reported on earthfiles:

January 25, 2008 - Update of Emails:

Subject: Ricky Sorrells Drawing of Cone-Shaped Holes in Aerial Craft
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008
To: [email protected]

I saw a story in Popular Mechanics about Ning Li working on antigravity.

I googled Ning Li and the first link was to another web site explaining in more detail about her work:

Li explains that as the ions spin they also create a gravito-electric field perpendicular to their spin axis. In nature, this field is unobserved because the ions are randomly arranged, thus causing their tiny gravito-electric fields to cancel out one another. In a Bose-Einstein condensate, where all ions behave as one, something very different occurs.

Spinning ions - that' s what my email below is about (see red text).

I think I can explain what those cone-shaped holes and mirage heat waves are, but first let tell you a little about myself. I'm 30 now. When I was about 18, I saw a strange light in the sky that looked like a red ball of light. As I was looking, it shot out of sight in the blink of an eye. The first question I asked myself was not "What was that?" I asked, "How?"

Sense then in my spare time, I've researched the how question. Without getting too technical, I came to conclusion that an electromagnetic field can cause an antigravity effect IF the fields are shaped properly. There are actually two fields that need to be shaped properly. The electrical field and the magnetic field.

The electrical field has to be shaped like a tornado or a vortex. The magnetic field has to be shaped like a donut. If you can make a device that can create the electrical vortex, then the electrical field will cause the magnetic field to take the donut shape. The same is true the other way around. If you had a device that can make a donut-shaped magnetic field, it will build the electrical field in a vortex shape. These shaped fields cancels gravity.

Another thing to mention that might explain what Ricky Sorrells saw. It's known for a fact that gravity bends lights. It's part of the theory of relativity that gravity can slow down time and cause mass to change. These are relativity facts.

Now, we can explain Ricky's drawing. Each cone-shaped indention is a device that creates an electrical vortex (sometime called a plasma or ion vortex), and like a tornado with multiple vortexes, they all the add up to cause one big vortex around the craft. That big vortex causes a large donut-shaped field around the craft. Within this donut shaped magnetic field, magnetic flux lines are created in a little different shape than normal matter. Flux line are the force lines in magnetic fields. You can see these flux lines if you sprinkle metal shaving over a piece of paper with a magnet under it. Flux lines are always curved, except in the center of a donut-shaped field.

[edit on 1-2-2008 by NeedToNo]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Now, a craft using fields as described are subject to some side effects. Because atoms vibrate differently depending on gravity, a craft with a cancelling-gravity- effect will cause atoms to vibrate faster and make time seem faster (within the center). Or if you're on the edge of donut-shaped field like this, you'll be in a place were gravity is a little stronger then normal and time would seem slower. So think that if you walked up to a running craft, as you get closer to the magnetic field your watch would slow down. Once you entered the field and started to walk toward the center, your watch will start speeding up again until you get to the center. At that point, your watch will be running much faster then someone else's watch on the outside of the field. With time dilation comes length contraction. This explains why people see various craft as different sizes. The eyewitnesses are really seeing the craft's field changing and its time dilation factor changing.

As far as different lights around the craft - the color, size, and shape of the lights will depend on where you are in relationship to the craft, time of day, strength of field, and condition in the environment. Ionized air normally produces a blue hue like lightening. This is because most of the light emitted by ionized air is UV light, but some radiation is also in the visible spectrum. Water vapor in the air will split the UV light and other light into different colors. Kind of like how water vapor splits white light into a rainbow. The field will be more visible at night and might be drowned out completely during the day and the sun's light. Also, if you could see the fields around the craft, it would be like looking through a wavy pool of water. Light bends in water. If you look at something like a vent at the bottom of swimming pools, you see that it not clear, but seems to dance around. Same thing with light coming off a craft such as this, but a little bit more intense.

Above is from the middle of linked page:

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
There was talk of her starting her own company, "AC Gravity LLC", but i could find nothing about it anywhere, other than mentioning it as a plan.
It appears that when she left the University of Alabama, she formed her company. I cannot find trace of this company thus far.

Aww, c'mon! It took me about 30 seconds to find the company's address as of May 2003:
AC Gravity LLC, 511 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35816, USA. E-mail: [email protected].

Of course the address is no longer current (site is up for sale or lease, see, but you shouldn't say, that one "can't find nothing about it anywhere"

Anyway, Dr. Li's "absence" leaves essentially two options:
1) She and her work was grabbed by the government/military/NWO/[insert favorite malevolent organization here], never to be seen in the public again.
2) Her ideas were bunk and simply didn't work.

You decide

[edit on 1-2-2008 by z-bar]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by z-bar

Thank you very much. This is the reason i brought this to aid in my search. I would like to find something more tangible than an outdated lease agreement (that we never know was actually used and mentioned very infrequently).

I have no evidence that the site ever was up and running. I had found that there was an address but noted that it was VERY near the university and assumed that it was somehow related.

Now that I have checked on the Russell website, it appears that it is just off the university, and represents an industrial research park (a common place for the university eggheads to set up shop).

I have yet to find any filings to indicate that the company was actually set up...but i will assume it must be as the government dispersed funds to them. I am still running down that avenue.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Fantastic thread

Just the thought of a disk with a diameter of 1 ft creating an anti gravity beam from the surface of the planet out into space, That would then create a massive leap in Mankinds exploration of space.

Just position what you want in orbit then a tiny rocket motor would be all you needed to achieve orbit,

I love the future in regards to this technology which will help mankind, can you image a zero G enviromental hospital? what would that do for burn victims, broken bones, arthritis sufferes, the list is endless, would create cures for a lot of these illnesses, and that is just the tip of the benefits iceburg.

Flag and Star

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by azzllin
Fantastic thread

Just the thought of a disk with a diameter of 1 ft creating an anti gravity beam from the surface of the planet out into space, That would then create a massive leap in Mankinds exploration of space.

Just position what you want in orbit then a tiny rocket motor would be all you needed to achieve orbit,

I love the future in regards to this technology which will help mankind, can you image a zero G enviromental hospital? what would that do for burn victims, broken bones, arthritis sufferes, the list is endless, would create cures for a lot of these illnesses, and that is just the tip of the benefits iceburg.

Flag and Star

She stated that her technology would be capable of negating gravity over a wide distance (the surface of the earth) up to 1 feet above the surface.

For whatever that i worth.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:37 AM
I have sendt mail to 4 different mail addresses I found on her. I'm not expecting any answers, but would be cool

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by tep200377

That is spectacular. let us know the results.

BTW...there are quite a few Ning Li's (seems to be a popular name in world science).

I was wanting to try to avoid drawing too much attention until I began posting about it. No need to be "sly" now.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:13 AM
I started re-reading some links and found this blog:

Unfortunately, the author is a poor speller (pet peeve of mine). Other than that, it is a similar rehash to what has already been provided.

However, the comment at the bottom, by some the blog owner, is interesting and seems to draw a similar conclusion to mine:

Primary Offline IM Just an update on the where abouts of Dr. Ning Li. I've heard that, get this, that she has excepted military financing for her research.

Now, I'm not sure what that exactly means but for someone saying that she didn't want a lot of private financial backing so that the public wouldn't lose access to this technology, well what can I say - except please do leave your comments.

Thank you for reading the article and leaving your comments. Public awareness is always essential for real valuable and lasting change.

Saturday June 23, 2007 - 05:29pm (CDT)

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:22 AM
And what about the Hutchinson effect? it is the same thing, and I wonder if she got inspired by Hitchinson or he by her.The effects seen on the videos of the Hitchinson effect are exactly like what we are talking about: Frequencies applied with electricity make objets levitate, even when non metallic.

Who knows?

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:57 AM
It is disheartening to observe that the following clip from OP is mumbo-jumbo:

If Einstein was right, the amount of gravito-magnetic energy produced by an object is proportional to its mass and its movement”, explains Dr. Li. To create the artificial gravitational fields, Torr and Li propose placing a superconducting container in a magnetic field to align ions that are spinning or rotating in tiny circles inside the superconducting material. Their theory predicts the existence of ionic spin or rotation in a superconductor in a magnetic field.

"tiny circles" gives it away, too. But let's turn to "gravito-magnetic" bit.
Typical of pseudo-science, one took an existing formula or an idea and ripped it out of the context, exploiting the ambiguous semantics of the term.

I can't put it in words better than that article:

Fringe physics
Incomplete understanding of the meaning of the similarity of the gravitomagnetic formulas, above, and Maxwell's equations for (real) electricity and magnetism have given rise to fringe physics. Use of the gravitomagnetic analogy for a simplified form of the Einstein field equations, on the other hand, is firmly part of General Relativity. It is an approximation to the current standard theory of gravitation, and has testable predictions, which are in the final stages of being directly tested by the Gravity Probe B experiment. Despite the use of the word magnetism in gravitomagnetism, and despite the similarity of the GEM force laws to the (real) electromagnetic force law, gravitomagnetism should not be confused with any of the following:

- Claims to have constructed anti-gravity devices
- Eugene Podkletnov's claims to have constructed gravity-shielding devices and gravitational reflection beams
- Any proposal to produce gravitation using electrical circuits.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem mean you are such the debunker that you would call into question the substantiated findings by a fellow researcher that is employed in the university system?

Luckily, the government doesn't seem to be as disinterested as you do.

As a matter of fact, given that Dr. Li is missing, and the material she was working on, one would have to ask exactly what YOUR role here at ATS is.

I mean, how can you try to debunk substantiated science based on a single word or phrase that you are not familiar with (or a context that you are unfamiliar with).

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
you mean you are such the debunker that you would call into question the substantiated findings by a fellow researcher that is employed in the university system?

a) she's no longer employed in the university system
b) she elected to not publish papers, which is highly suspect

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
you mean you are such the debunker that you would call into question the substantiated findings by a fellow researcher that is employed in the university system?

a) she's no longer employed in the university system
b) she elected to not publish papers, which is highly suspect


c) she was unable to publish papers due to the classified nature of the work she was doing once she was brought into the Army research circle.

You avoid the most basic explanation that i have put forth. Do you do this on purpose?

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
you mean you are such the debunker that you would call into question the substantiated findings by a fellow researcher that is employed in the university system?

a) she's no longer employed in the university system
b) she elected to not publish papers, which is highly suspect


c) she was unable to publish papers due to the classified nature of the work she was doing once she was brought into the Army research circle.

You avoid the most basic explanation that i have put forth. Do you do this on purpose?

Note that (a) and (b) are facts. Part (c), in the other hand, is pure speculation. In fact, Dr.Li is quoted is saying that she doesn't publish in order to not allow competition to move forward more quickly than herself. I find this bogus.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Please explain to me how a) and b) are any more/less factual than c)?

Aren't they all conjecture? Now, you may not like to admit to c), but there are other well tenured physicists who have actually provided this as a likely scenario based on their own experiences.

You are not the only "physicist" that i know, and i usually take their input a little more seriously as they don't seem to desparately grasp for "mainstream" straws.

But, if you would like to provide me some insight as to where she IS, not where you think she ISN"T, then please share.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 04:30 PM
By th way, BFFT, I would like to give you credit for posting an interesting piece of material. I may be very skeptical about the circumstances in which the sensational claims were made and absence of publications, but all in all it's a lot closer to real physics (even if wrong) than the theories of hollow Neptune, breathable atmosphere on the Moon etc. I don't believe in "AC gravity" claims but would gladly read any article, if it ever comes out, that tries to replicate the experiment. I've had enough of the Element 115 bull, your stuff is more interesting

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I believe that the information regarding the near half million dollar disbursement to Dr. Li is proof enough of the validity of her claims. They bought into it, to a rather large sum of cash.

Search it out yourself. Google the Agreement Number: DAAH01-01-9-R001 .

To some degree this must validate the work of Dr. Podkletnov, no matter how it gets sliced.

There is interest in reinterpreting Einstein, as well as finding other ways to describe/interact with gravity.

Consider Bohemian Quantum Gravity

Might I add that this idea has largely been investigated by Iranian scientists, with little public interest from the west (not to say that it isn't interesting "behind the scenes").

There are other papers listed on those .gov websites, but i will leave it to you to dig more out so as to not spoil too much.

Point is, what you have hung up on is the vernacular used. The concept, i think, has been largely ignored. I have yet to hear your comments on her concept, and actual process.

I appreciate your kudo's.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:35 PM
I've found this to be an interesting thread,one that provoked me to look further.

I found some interesting things and apparently Dr. Ning Li has published a couple of articles.I'm certainly not qualified to assess these as "published" works.Maybe Buddha could comment on them.
There is a "buy" option that may or may not lead to the rest of the article/paper.
One link does show it published.I'm fascinated with these subjects but lack the education to fully appreciate it.
Perhaps it will make sense to BFFT and BS.

I found these through this site:


Both of you might find the Stirniman site interesting and Buddha might like it for some the equations put forth, or perhaps he is familiar with the site.

Anyway,I've been itching to contribute in this area and thought I'd provide what I found.These show that she, along with a collaborator did in fact publish something.

Edit to add:

I have no idea where she is but the subject of published papers caused me to look.

[edit on 1-2-2008 by citizen truth]

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