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Hello from... ME!

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posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 12:34 AM
G'day everyone, nice to meet you all! Ive been reading the forums as a 'guest', someone who has no actual username... However its such a great forum and I love it. Im an Australian and ever since I was 16 or so, ive always been interested in these subject matter(s). Im 26 now, and feel theres so much more to life that what is "given" to us via the TV/radio and etc. Personally ive experienced a great deal in my time, and hope to have some good conversations with you all. Cheers and see you all around!

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:16 AM

I hope your stay is fulling and contributory. It is always great to have new members join and see what they have to add.

Have fun and, at ALL times, observe the requirement for the proper decorum and civility.

Your BEST starting point are Terms and Conditions which i am sure you have already read AND MOST importantly, i believe, is the Civility and Decorum thread.

You will find the Mods and Super Mods VERY helpful. The site owners are great too and participate in the site more than i have experienced elsewhere.

But i think the key here is to HAVE FUN and Deny Ignorance.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Welcome to ATS, hope you have a good time.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:51 PM
Welcome indeed! Glad you took the plunge and joined here. A lot of great things to become a participant in.

the links shearder gave are great, they will help you fit in better with our style here. I'll even throw in a few extra at no charge:

Enjoy yourself.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Aoxoa

Hey there Aoxoa,

Welcome to the family ... it sounds like you're going to fit right in. Very pleased to meet you and sure we'll be bumping into each other on the boards.


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
the links shearder gave are great, they will help you fit in better with our style here. I'll even throw in a few extra at no charge:

Enjoy yourself.

You know I forgot about that one
my bad hehehe

Thanks NGC2739 for the link!

Aoxoa: As woodwytch correctly stated, welcome to the family!

[edit on 29/1/2008 by shearder]

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