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Simple and Elegant Plan (9/11)

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posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:53 PM
Ok since apparently posting a thread were you try to poll a group to get an idea about something and provide no information as to why your doing it it is ad hominium. Blind studies must be ad hominium.
All well. This is the way I shall go then.

Firstly a little bit about me.
I am a gamer geek. Have been for about 13 years. I started gaming with First Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and probly since has played every pen and paper roleplaying game there is.
Also I used to spend all of my free time hanging out at my local gaming store and have been a regular to at least one convention.

I said all that to say this. Over my time as a gamer I have learned advanced planning skills. I have learned how to attempt to plan for every eventuallity, take into consideration the various elements and their natures, and ALWAYS have an contigency plan for every element of your plan. Also a major rule of planning is K.I.S.S. (otherwords Keep It Simple Stupid), the more exotic you get with a plan the more likely you will have a problem if not have your plan destroyed.
We used to sit around at the game store when not gaming and plan perfect crimes, how to do this, or how to do that. So I am well versed in how to take the whole picture into account.

Ok. Now. This is based off of me imagining I was some mover and shaker shadow within say the republican party and various parts of the government who has major influence and an agenda to take control of the people.
First off the plan it's self.

Q) What would the best way to get people to trust your puppets completely. allow you to pass a few laws that will reduce their freedoms and basically give you more room to operate?
A) The answer to that is well documented in history. The sneak attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th 1941 that brought the United States into World War 2. It seems to be well documented they knew the attack was coming and let it happen because they knew that is one thing that would get the normally isolationist americans to want to fight a war, that is being attacked.
Ok. So. You have a square one for your plan.
An attack by an enemy on American soil.

Q) What enemy is the best enemy to make stand out as the enemy that attacked us?
A) In that the benefits of making the muslims that enemy is many. The excuse to start wars to get a handhold in the region, Muslim extremists are the perfect boogeymen since they are not an army and operate largely seperate from any government but evidence can be trumped up to make any governement over there you want look like a terrorist supporting state, and Islam and Christianity have been enemies for a long long time. Lets not forget every American leader claims Christianity.
And you have one asset in particular that has his own network and is left over from the cold war that could be given ideas and you do have a little bit of influence with, Osama Bin Laden. (KEY)
The situation with China would be too messy for your tastes and its conceivable they could beat the tar out of the USA.
And various other countries and groups not nearing the benefits of the first one.

Q) What on American soil would be the best visible thing to attack?

A) The World Trade Center in New York, it is having finacial trouble anyway, is HIGHLY visible and in a way is a symbol of America.
The Pentagon a symbol of American military might as well as a control center.
The White House its the US president's home and Bush wasn't going to be there anyway. I heard that is where they say the 3rd one was probly going but it is altogether possible the third one was a red herring and meant to hit nowhere important. But the Capital Building is a logical target too. All three targets are high visibility targets and 2 high body count targets particularly in civilian numbers.

Q) Ok having decided on perpitrator and targets how do you bring the two together?

A) Easily. Muslim Extremists want badly to hit America anyway due to the simple fact the US is majorly sticking their collective noses into places they aren't wanted. Simply drop ideas to Osama and let him flesh it out you could if you trust him assure him that should he pull this off American authorities will never be able to touch him. But either way you can drop hints subtly without raising much stink aobut who it came from.

You then go about setting up your plans about letting them make it in and hit you.
So far, so good. Very little threads that could concievably lead to you, especially if your REALLY sneaky about it.
And as I have said before Controlled Demolitions, Exotic Tech you claim you don't have and bombs made out of exotic materials that are VERY expensive to make the basic component of is just tooo messy.
It beats the basic idea of K.I.S.S., the more mouths you bring in the more mouths that might speak or need to be silenced for insurance.

Now how do you cover your evil little butt?
Simple really, you know people. You know psychology, group dynamics and how there is a group that if you said the sky was blue they'd find a way to refute you.
You needant even actually have anyone on the payroll to do disinformation.
Simply make a few holes so that it looks like your trying to cover something up and leave them to it.
If need be you can have people to prod them because sometimes people are dense to the point of madness.
But you don't need paid experts to say what you want them to, to confuse the situation. Some "experts" will spring up out of the woodwork that will unintentionally cover your butt.
Leave them room to question whether the buildings could actually have fallen down anyway.
Leave them room to question everything. Every aspect you can you want them questioning.
Because, they will go off in some rather strange directions.
You know this. And in so doing will bury in the mind of the majority ANY questions because lets face it, the majority tends to lump this stuff together, the completely out there to the completely plausable and throw it all away.
And your butt is nice and protected by simple human nature.
And well in the end the only crime they can really get your people on is that they looked the other way and allowed alot of people to die.

Plausable yes?

[edit on 27-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:14 PM
So no one has any comments huh? I find that rather hard to believe.
Or do I have a point? I lean towards that one but that is a matter of course.

[edit on 27-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:15 AM
plausable?? Yes! There is no doubt about that. I really like the anaolgy too. It makes sense. You as a gamer know that there are no real personal consequenses to your game. You will never be harmed from the actions that you create.

I believe that we americans have been treated the same way. We are a means to personal greed and glory....well put.

I hope the people of ATS take the time to read the dark truth that eminated from your soul!

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Jeff Riff

I just looked at it as if I was so inclined to do so with the power to do so.
Do too much and leave too many possible threads, get too intricate in your plans, you stand a chance of being found out and becoming the most hated individual in America and lose all your power.
These people that had a hand in this aren't stupid.
They know people.
They have made it their lives work manipulating and twisting every event to a favorable light.
And that is why I cannot accept the Controled Demolition theory. It's tooo damn messy. Brings in more people then is needed if you properly plan and make damn sure to cover your butt.
And then there is the procuring the materials (explosives).
And then there is the people setting up the explosives.
And so on and so forth.
Tooooooooo messy.
And I myself am paranoid when I am doing something I know I could land myself in deep dookie for. So I plan and plan and plan, and when Im done planning I make contigency plans.
All kept as simple as possible to as to not complicate matters and give Murphy's lovable law from pimp slapping me.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:37 AM
I have always been a believer that if 9-11 ia an inside job, the only thing those in government need it to do was allow it to happen.

Not saying that was the case, but at the end it makes the most sense.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:41 AM
I like your line of thinking there, but I believe that there was active complicity domestically, as opposed to the back door being left open on purpose.

I do not believe that WTC 7 was brought down because of a few little fires, after it was already reported to have collapsed. I also believe that the Pentagon was hit with a missile, to ensure accuracy. Lastly, I believe that the Flight 93 crash scene was an outright hoax.

[edit on 1/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

That is the messiness I was talking about.
It muddies the waters and begs Murphy's law to spank you. That destroyer of sometimes even the best laid plans.
And completely gives up the ground of Half Truth.

And as for Shanksville and the Pentagon. Those would be part of the holes I was talking about. There is not a great amount of photographs and what is out there does somewhat support the cruise missle and other thing theories. But we don't have crime scene level analysis of those sites beyond a few pictures that are open to intereptation.
Make holes.
Let those that are inclined to do so make them bigger.
The plan as I see it is rather well impressive if it wasn't so wrong.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:55 AM
I do see your point, I just can't agree with it yet. I don't think that the towers were detonated. I think they were weak, were about to be condemned, and that the "terrorists" were pointed right at them by whoever "left the door open."

I just can't get around WTC 7 collapsing though. The evidence at the Pentagon, the lack of evidence in Shanksville...

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:58 AM
...but why would they execute a more complex plan? Maybe they couldn't get enough legit terrorists. Seems unlikely I suppose. But perhaps it had something to do with timing. Perhaps there was some other unforseen event that forced the operation to be put into play and improvised. The bombing at the State Department on 9/11 springs to mind.

[edit on 1/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Oh by all means believe what you want.
Im just tickled you admited I had a point.
This subject has too much insulting back and forth for my taste even if I have been guilty of a little myself. I'm passionate and my emotions get the better of me. And I can admit it.

I just can't get around WTC 7 collapsing though. The evidence at the Pentagon, the lack of evidence in Shanksville...

Like I said. I see that as something they counted on to confuse the issue.
Gives a false lead to further confuse those who would search for the truth.
Pretty little labyrinth that is really easy to make when you think about it.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
...but why would they execute a more complex plan? Maybe they couldn't get enough legit terrorists. Seems unlikely I suppose. But perhaps it had something to do with timing. Perhaps there was some other unforseen event that forced the operation to be put into play and improvised. The bombing at the State Department on 9/11 springs to mind.

The people that did this didn't get to where they are by being hasty or allowing themselves to be rushed.
Otherwise they would probly have never gotten as far as they have.
And well. The whole Palestinian problem is a veritable suicide bomber farm. Considering how that situation is.

But it is plausable.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:06 AM
I think this is the sort of discussion that should be happening. This is the first time I ever considered that "plans" for 9/11 might have had to be moved up and improvised because of some tremor in the planned timeline. I want to figure out what speeded up their plans now. A new direction of investigation in a story that I though had been beaten like a rented mule.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by WraothAscendant

The whole Palestinian problem is a veritable suicide bomber farm.

True, but there couldn't be the slightest scent of Palestinians on this without possibly provoking a chain of events that would set of WWIII (before Bush was ready).

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Not meaning the Palestianian people at large had a hand it in.
But the situation is there that causes individuals to want to join up and die for allah and make a stand to better their people's lot in life. Aka bringing American down.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:15 AM
No, I understand that, but there could be absolutely no ties to the Palstinians whatsoever. Israel would have latched onto news like that like a deer-tick to an armpit. Keeping the terrorists Arab gave the US more control over the situation. This is why we are still friends with the Saudis, while at the same time most Americans still can't tell you the difference.

[edit on 1/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

[edit on 1/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:24 AM
I like the way this thread is unfolding, let me give you my thoughts.

If it was like WA is trying to imply, would that mean that more than one U.S. President would be culpable for the events that happen on 9-11, or can we put that to rest by implying that just a rogue segment of the Government had knowledge about what was going to happen and they led it slid by? Remember that at the time this preparations were taking place many of the intelligence agencies in the U.S. were discourage and at sometimes prohibited from sharing information between them.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Bunch

I think there is a group of power mongers.
This is just heresay, but you really gotta ask yourself why quite a few movers and shakers tend to just leap frog from president to president. Like say Rumsfield.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox

I thought Palestianians were arabs?

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:36 AM
But not Saudis. Pardon my "dumb American" oversight.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Bunch

I think there are various "rogue" elements within the US government. From down here though, it's very difficult to identify them, or discern their interactions. Bush being a Bonesman certainly concerns me though. I'm more concerned about that than any Mason.

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