posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:18 PM
Jerry E. Smith – “Weather Warfare” - SE06
In this ATS MIX Special Edition, Dave has a candid conversation with Author Jerry E. Smith. They discuss everything from Star Trek having underlying
meanings, the movie Space Cowboys, Scientology and being a monk for almost 10 years, HAARP and his most recent book “Weather Warfare” which
discusses the possibility of governments using the world’s weather to wage war. It is a fun interview with lots of surprises, including Jerry’s
“SCALE” on judging the fairer sex’s appeal factor.
VISIT Jerry E. Smith’s HOME PAGE
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length: 79:47
file: atsmix_2775.mp3
size: 37404k
feed: atsmix
[edit on 11/9/2008 by Dave Rabbit]