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Is holography currently available for use and misuse?

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posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 01:04 PM
And I quote... “you couldn’t comprehend it.”
Go back to sleep and enjoy your lucid dreams. I posted one message on here in appreciation for one of the previous comments posted and you took it upon yourself to try and criticise, ridicule, judge and categorise me.
Ha! When you look at your reaction it’s really quite hilarious.
You’re problem is you feel to need to prove your intellect via recorded so called facts, figures and conclusions which were made by scientists, historians etc that may be long dead or apart of the walking dead.
Don’t get all offended because I won’t give you the fuel you crave... You couldn’t grasp the truth and even if somebody tried to explain it you’d just come back with “where’s your evidence to back this up!!!”
I don’t care... in my line of business I come across people like you every single day and as much as it sometimes gets to me I always remind my self not to get adjutated because these people are lost.
So come on, repeat repeat repeat! “Where’s your evidence! Give me some hard facts! Tell me about the illuminati!”

a reply to: neutronflux

edit on 7-11-2017 by MattGilligan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: MattGilligan
And I quote... “you couldn’t comprehend it.”
Go back to sleep and enjoy your lucid dreams. I posted one message on here in appreciation for one of the previous comments posted and you took it upon yourself to try and criticise, ridicule, judge and categorise me.
Ha! When you look at your reaction it’s really quite hilarious.
You’re problem is you feel to need to prove your intellect via recorded so called facts, figures and conclusions which were made by scientists, historians etc that may be long dead or apart of the walking dead.
Don’t get all offended because I won’t give you the fuel you crave... You couldn’t grasp the truth and even if somebody tried to explain it you’d just come back with “where’s your evidence to back this up!!!”
I don’t care... in my line of business I come across people like you every single day and as much as it sometimes gets to me I always remind my self not to get adjutated because these people are lost.
So come on, repeat repeat repeat! “Where’s your evidence! Give me some hard facts! Tell me about the illuminati!”

a reply to: neutronflux

Why do need to feal superior? Maybe if you could articulate an argument that outlines some sort of logic that is not based on rants you could effectively communicate.

Or do you fear ridicule?

For whatever reason you choose, I feel sad for you that you cannot put on your big person pants to formulate a coherent argument to show how and way you think the Illuminati invoked imaginary jets on 9/11.

And it’s even sadder you feel the need to create your own air of false knowledge and authority.

Now, you got a credible argument? Or you just going to beat your own chest and go into another rant of self importance? It’s easy to be self important when you create your own fantasy. I rather be a walk on part in reality than the king of my own delusion.
edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 03:29 PM
Your fantasy, my fantasy... Your superiority and my superiority. I quoted on somebody else’s comment earlier in this forum and you felt the need to question me over and over again. I’m not superior to you or anybody else. Don’t get your head all muddled with yet another angle to make your self feel “righteous.” I don’t know you from Adam but I know off you.
My focus right now is on my path and the light ahead. I’m only answering your posts because In fairness I kinda like your rants. You’re not digesting what I’ve been saying you’ve only judged which is a common human reaction to everything ever.
If we were to talk in person you’d probably gain a lot more respect for my opinions and likewise for me too. A forum is only to be perceived by those reading from their own outlook by processing through their own belief system. To speak in person would be a lot more powerful and to the point. I’ve probably digressed from the subject matter on this forum but that’s because with every tree there are many roots.
If I was to go into detail on here like so many have it would only fuel your belief system into defensive mode and we’d get nowhere until your ego was satisfied. (That’s not meant to sound patronising) We all have an ego system that can be tamed and controlled or fuelled and abused.
Anyhow, I’m sure you’ll get the last word in but hey!, try to be diplomatic and tamed.

a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: MattGilligan

You don’t get any where because you will not state a truth that you are willing to take a stand on. Your empty.

I think implying the Illuminati invoked some sort of conjuring is total BS? Whatever would have been conjured would still need tit for tat.

Is E=MC^2 a lie? If the jets were a complete physical manifestation, how much energy would have been needed. Be it from a physical reaction or a spiritual reaction. If the Illuminati had that power, they would not need 9/11. They would already have total control.

If the Illuminati are already in control, they didn’t need 9/11.

If the conjuring was more like a hologram, you still have the physical limitations of a hologram. Still need the spiritual energy, and the catalyst to convert to a physical phenomenon. Still need to create the required sound. And still have all the holes created by using Holograms. Where were the explosives placed on the outside of the towers to blow only in. Where was all the drums of fuel stored to create a fire ball. The hologram in daylight issues. The very real jet wreckage landing on streets and buildings. The jets tracked by radar that blinked into wreckage. The families that had loved ones gone missing that boarded the jets. The DNA and remains of the jet’s crew and passengers ending up at the WTC.

Why go through the trouble of captured souls, converting spiritual energy to physical effects, or all the complications of summoning a demon and blood payment when evil can just whisper sweet suduction in the minds of the willing?
edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 05:08 PM
I think your questions are aimed at the person I quoted on. It seems I Gate crashed a conversation that obviously was not finished to your satisfaction. I suggest you reply to previous comments on this thread. Like I said before I was just showing appreciation for the earlier comment made by Adampants2007. I do have my own opinions and insights into this subject but as stated before I don’t have the need or energy to get into a heated discussion on the matter. I’m passed all that and have moved on...Sorry to dissapoint...

a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: MattGilligan

Still not willing to argue a truth and take a stand to stimulate intellectual debate. What is the use of any knowledge if not applied to discern truth. I understand if you want to fantasize like Lucas in a vacuum,to create something as uninspired as the Star Wars prequels.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 05:50 PM
There you go with your favourite word again...”fantasy.” You really believe your argument is intellectual? I don’t even see it as an argument...You’re just playing at impressing the thousands of onlookers in your mind, ie the ego.
How old are you anyhow? Somebody with this much passion to satisfy the ego and indulge in utter BS can’t be that old surely?...
I don’t know, but in truth my truth is written. Not in any text book or history books or forum but within the realms of reality and what lies within and without.
My intuition has lead me in life to search out the truth. As a student I studied physics and graduated in this field working as a physicist for 12 years before realising a few home truths. I really don’t need to have an “intellectual” conversation about this given subject. So seriously, don’t bug me on your insecurities... I’ve been where you are now and can’t be bothered to search out my past in order to benefit your present.

a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 06:03 PM
Holy thread necromancy :O

It just gets worse by adding some sort of spiritual / alternate reality element to the already crazy theories.
I've still yet to see a means of projecting a dark image using the clear daylight sky as a background which is where this thread died back in '08.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: MattGilligan

I find it ironic I want to dig through what is credible and fantasy while all you can sputter....

By: MattGilligan

I really don’t need to have an “intellectual” conversation about this given subject

And I quote... “you couldn’t comprehend it.”

I think outside the box.

I can’t tell you to understand or even try to explain it to you. You have to be able to comprehend what he was saying.

I don’t need a “tin hat” because simply I understand how the illuminati tick.

I have my own evidence to back the path I walk and the things I experience in this reality.

I could write you a text book if you like?, but you’d never be able to comprehend what I am saying.

I don’t care... in my line of business I come across people like you every single day and as much as it sometimes gets to me I always remind my self not to get adjutated because these people are lost

As a student I studied physics and graduated in this field working as a physicist for 12 years before realising a few home truths.

I thought this thread was about the possible use of holograms in regards to the 9/11 attacks. Not the many “I” statements by MattGilligan

edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: MattGilligan

How do you go from...

By: MattGilligan

I don’t need a “tin hat” because simply I understand how the illuminati tick


By: MattGilligan

I think your questions are aimed at the person I quoted on. It seems I Gate crashed a conversation that obviously was not finished to your satisfaction. I suggest you reply to previous comments on this thread. Like I said before I was just showing appreciation for the earlier comment made by Adampants2007. I do have my own opinions and insights into this subject but as stated before I don’t have the need or energy to get into a heated discussion on the matter. I’m passed all that and have moved on...Sorry to dissapoint..

At least I am willing to lay it out there to get a baptism by fire.

Funny you boaster your own qualities, but make yourself irrelevant by adding nothing to the topic of this thread. You will not state anything for debate, you don’t have a backbone to test your truth against the knowledge and experiences of others, while making this about you? I try to roughly stick to the topic while you drone on about my ego?

edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 7-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 03:10 AM
Ok, you wanna discuss 911?
If it’s really bugging you that some have an alternative idea about the subject that strays from the ideas you have then ok let’s discuss it. It’s early here so I’ll keep this short before I have to start my day.
What do you wanna know?
Throw it at me... I’m eager to answer all your questions and have an open discussion.

a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: MattGilligan
Ok, you wanna discuss 911?
If it’s really bugging you that some have an alternative idea about the subject that strays from the ideas you have then ok let’s discuss it. It’s early here so I’ll keep this short before I have to start my day.
What do you wanna know?
Throw it at me... I’m eager to answer all your questions and have an open discussion.

a reply to: neutronflux

I didn’t ask you to explain 9/11 as a whole to me. I asked you in a nut shell, to back and prove your implications of the Illuminati, prove your credibility and discernment for truth, what does the Illuminati have to do with what some people believe was a hologram, and how the Illuminati projected what some believe was a hologram.

While you are at it....

Using quotes from this statement, quote what is false, and argue why it’s false.

You don’t get any where because you will not state a truth that you are willing to take a stand on. Your empty.

I think implying the Illuminati invoked some sort of conjuring is total BS? Whatever would have been conjured would still need tit for tat.

Is E=MC^2 a lie? If the jets were a complete physical manifestation, how much energy would have been needed. Be it from a physical reaction or a spiritual reaction. If the Illuminati had that power, they would not need 9/11. They would already have total control.

If the Illuminati are already in control, they didn’t need 9/11.

If the conjuring was more like a hologram, you still have the physical limitations of a hologram. Still need the spiritual energy, and the catalyst to convert to a physical phenomenon. Still need to create the required sound. And still have all the holes created by using Holograms. Where were the explosives placed on the outside of the towers to blow only in. Where was all the drums of fuel stored to create a fire ball. The hologram in daylight issues. The very real jet wreckage landing on streets and buildings. The jets tracked by radar that blinked into wreckage. The families that had loved ones gone missing that boarded the jets. The DNA and remains of the jet’s crew and passengers ending up at the WTC.

Why go through the trouble of captured souls, converting spiritual energy to physical effects, or all the complications of summoning a demon and blood payment when evil can just whisper sweet suduction in the minds of the willing?

edit on 8-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed.

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: MattGilligan

You actually going to post statements in context of this thread. Or you just going to make empty I statements about yourself to shield your fragile fantasies with projected false authority.

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: MattGilligan

If you project a 3D image like a jet, don’t you need enough projectors? Take a cube for example. You need six projectors to create the image of the six sides. What projected the front of the jet, the front of the engines, and surfaces facing and parallel to the towers.

I would think the projectors would have to move with the traveling image to maintain image quality and density. Atmosphere conditions, dust, and angle of projection.

Which brings up what traveled to create the image of the bottom of the jets. A projection system that would have to navigate the city streets.
edit on 8-11-2017 by neutronflux because: Addedand fixed

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Sounds way easier and less prone to failure to just hijack a real fully fuelled jet and crash it into the target IMHO.
If you can find a willingly suicidal team (for religious/ethnic/spiritual reasons) to do it for you that is.

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: Pilgrum
a reply to: neutronflux

Sounds way easier and less prone to failure to just hijack a real fully fuelled jet and crash it into the target IMHO.
If you can find a willingly suicidal team (for religious/ethnic/spiritual reasons) to do it for you that is.

I don’t get the demon argument? Sad, but there always seems to be people willing to be the hands and feet of evil.

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Pilgrum

Unless people are making the case of people either possessed by evil, or have a hardened heart against kindness and compassion.

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 08:14 AM
I was willing to sit here a write a full blown answer to your question but then thought about the way you lay your questions out. You mock before you finish each question. You answer your own questions with “oh yeah and he’ll say this or that, spiritual BS, illuminati rubbish” etc etc....
Why the hell would I waste my time when all I’m going to get back is your constant wining mocks? When I said you have an ego that’s because you do... Your ego doesn’t want an answer because it’s completeky satisfied with its own truth... Seriously, lol read your previous posts with one thought in mind. You can’t be seen as somebody to discuss any subject with. You already know all the answers... Look, I’m done here, moving on. If you really want to understand this reality then revert back to adampants2007 and take that a bit further.

a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: MattGilligan

Nice of you to stay on topic. Sarcasm.

You have proof that the Illuminati invoked the jet impacts in some way related to the hologram context of this thread?

How did this tread go back to being about you again?

posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 09:06 AM
It’s all about you bud.

a reply to: neutronflux

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