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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 01:13 PM
David Icke's book, Human Race Get Off Your Knees, is quite good, but a flag for those who would immediately turn off due to preconceived ideas of Icke. However, there is something he brings up that I believe gives a physical component to law of attraction/affinity, and why it works. Though you base this on perceptions of reality, ie, according to conventional science we have 5 input senses, though we could have significantly more according to Ingo Swann.

But, sticking with the 5, all that surrounds us is information/energy. Its through those 5 senses that we deprogram and read a portion of the full spectrum comparative infinite ethernet data, and within the confines of our brains limitations, we erect our world. The chair, is within us so to speak, though energetic information data for the chair does exist outside in a huge cosmic internet of sorts, what pertains to us and our realm is what our brains are designed to register, the chair, the computer, the bird, the tree, the person standing next to us. If we picture an ET standing beside us, his body suit, programming could be designed to pick up alot more information. So that is what is meant by higher dimensions.

In any case, our computer brain is programmed to flesh out our reality. And most just live that material reality without deep thinking and accept as absolutes to some degree what religion/science/authorities, tell us, as beliefs.

Those beliefs can be held rigidly, or less rigidly. Do we have rigidly held beliefs or an open mind.

The part I'm reading now was very interesting. Because people can override reality in front of them, only see what they're programmed, or even more, what they believe is possible.

So if your brain computer, is programmed to render a landscape out of far bigger pockets of info, lets say this is a wide open plain of infinite information.

Lets say, ET can render a world or box of beliefs, the size of a shipping crate, the kind you can build a house out of.
We can see and register and render a world the size of a vacuum cleaner sized box, but our belief system can reduce that to the size of a cereal box. We ignore or even can recreate data to fit our beliefs. We don't pay attention to things that our outside our beliefs, depending on how rigid our beliefs are.

So this is very advantageous to PTB bullies who wish to ensure that you are in a much smaller paradigm or box than they are in to rule over you, and prevent you from gaining awareness of the bigger box, and also that you might be able to meditate and practice excercises in consciousness that can open the doors and windows on that bigger box even and project your understanding even further.

I want to break this up, so the next post will be part 2 and about what I found on page 7 of his book (yes Im at the beginning), which is so interesting, but will put it into my own words.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 01:28 PM
part 2

So if our consciousness is capable of perceiving far more in open mind and even more if we push the boundaries of the next layer of box, as far as possible, AND if what we believe affects even what we see, its quite easy to grasp that as energetic beings, in an energetic system, we may have ability based on our positive thought, or negative thought, lightness or less dense thought, or more rigid and dense thought, to reshape the reality we're seeing. Law of Affinity.

To draw a better reality to us out of an ocean of possibilities.

In fact this may be the very test we're in.

And our brain may be designed to do this, with actual physiology or a kind of freezing of energy into matter through density into physical reality. The physiological pattern may be formed via belief, then reshape our outer world.

I can't prove that we have the power to reshape our world based on belief, but the mechanism that would allow it, is explained and thats what Im trying to do, find the mechanism that would allow it. The actual proof is going to be self realized, like all of life is as its all a test IMO, or an assignment or a volunteering, one of 3.

The physiological mechanism would be Brain Mapping.

ll neuroimaging can be considered part of brain mapping. Brain mapping can be conceived as a higher form of neuroimaging, producing brain images supplemented by the result of additional (imaging or non-imaging) data processing or analysis, such as maps projecting (measures of) behavior onto brain regions (see fMRI). One such map, called a Connectogram, depicts cortical regions around a circle, organized by lobes. Concentric circles within the ring represent various common neurological measurements, such as cortical thickness or curvature. In the center of the circles, lines representing white matter fibers illustrate the connections between cortical regions, weighted by fractional anisotropy and strength of connection.

Basically like unto like, birds of a feather flock together or law of affinity. Clusters of neurology and density created by fixed ideas, belief structures, even possibly cause and effect, like a mouse trained to do a certain thing over and over to get the reward, so all kinds of information gathering to form belief patterns that reshape and remap the brain neurology into clusters and patterns.

A person who is very programmed into rigid dense beliefs can truly take the world around them and put themselves into the cereal box, the smaller box, by only seeing whatever fits their beliefs. They can't deal with what doesn't easily, for even if they see it, their own minds may be so reshaped inside, that they don't have a mechanism that responds to the new data properly, so they're kind of blank, can't respond or take it in and analyze it.

Thats what they're doing to us by the way.

So when a person starts to challenge this and overcome, they're really through practice, repetition, meditation, imaging, emotion, writing even, attempting to break a cluster of neurology up and keep an open mind, and then imprint a more positive belief where it can happen.

Now here is the part of possible mechanism. If the human neurology is able to create like unto like clusters and brain mapping, then what of the outer universe, the ocean of energies. Why can't we draw a like unto like energy response to our world, draw it in?

There is a similarity between the brain's neurology and the cosmos, as seen here:

Like unto like.

edit on 24-6-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 01:44 PM
I'm a big believer in "Being ready to receive." I just got a motorcycle...sort of it just came to me...all of a sudden I had extra cash...all of a sudden like the first bike I looked the one I got...the guy I bought it from just was the nicest most trustworthy guy. It all came together unexpectedly and fast. But, I was prepared to receive. I already had all my gear, my license, and room in my garage...just enough room.

Secondly, when it comes to money and debt...I feel strongly that I never get any unless I give some away. The only way money is attracted to me is if I give something away to someone. It's as if my mind will not believe I can receive any more money until I actually give something away...making my mind believe that I have abundance. Any thoughts on how I can overcome that mentality?

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 01:55 PM
I also believe that when you give you receive. For a variety of reasons, mostly that you are raising your frequency and escaping the lower dimensional frozen energy into matter realm that has its own self appointed rulers and renegades. You become higher frequency.

But another way of putting it, more gnosis biblical, would be looking at the gnosis in the passage where peter, the material reactive lower mind man, is given the keys to heaven and the church, temple will be built upon him, for he is expected to reach higher mind. Whatever he frees is freed in heaven and vice versa. Giving is the key to me, or kindness, or Love meaning the same thing. Or perhaps the key could simply be intent/action.

Its another way of saying that the testing ground which I perceive of as a digital reality of sorts is interactive. That it responds to your like intent and thoughts and actions. Which is again law of affinity. But Love and Positive is Teamwork, individual but Family still. So, if there are any Beings/People/Intellects behind the scenes helping you grow up, helping you achieve anything, Giving and Gratitude ensures you're not going to owe a big IOU to the dark side for co-creating selfish desires, but instead are doing Good and believing this frees Good up to come in.

You'd be trying to be responsible with what you wish for or long to see, trying to ensure it is positive and harms no one, and that all your doing really is practicing riding the bike and growing your wings to help on higher levels instead of staying a child forever who is like a little bird waiting for mommy/daddy bird to feed him. So instead, I believe the system is made for you to participate, if your not rigid in beliefs, and that as you Give, Good Gives to You. You free that up, its interactive.
edit on 24-6-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: TheBandit795

Happens to me sometimes too. I'm an IT technician and manager. Clients call me with computer problems they can't solve, and when I'm behind the computer, it suddenly starts to work perfectly. It happened last week for the last time. The IT technician who was having problems with the pc, got frustrated and wanted to strangle me for a few seconds..

I get that a lot too, people always say "oh typical, when you are standing here it works." - then when I leave I get a phone call to say its not working again - COUNTLESS TIMES
I swear that computers are governed by gremlins, sometimes when you reeeeeally need to do something everything will stop working at once for no apparent reason

Maybe its their (customers) will that it will stop working while Im there so it happens? I did it to myself the other night, the signal went bad just before a show i really wanted to watch, had to google the error number and didnt get anywhere. I said to my gf, "I bet you it will start working as the show finishes"...needless to say, it did. drives me insane, I often predict things like that. Like, oh that guy wont pay for the work we did etc and it happens. Dont know if Im manifesting that reality or a really good judge of situations?
edit on 25-6-2014 by Zenem because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-6-2014 by Zenem because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-6-2014 by Zenem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 03:37 AM
My question to SkyFloating:

When I watched the Secret for the first time I literally got goose bumps because I realized I had been doing "it" for years.
I had looked at a building on the way to work and wished I could work there and then bam a few months later Im there. (happened at least 4 times and I was contracting so had no choice in my next appointment)
I drove to work in an old car I borrowed for 2 weeks and everytime i saw the car I wanted I would say theres my car, and pictured myself driving it. (to cut a long story short, I got the car i wanted in a very cool way)
I have hundreds of other very cool stories like that but in the interest of time I think that now I am aware of this it doesnt seem to work as well now or taking much longer to manifest.

Basically, theres a sport I want to do but the initial startup cost is really expensive. I also want to move into a bigger apartment with my gf and I need money to pay for an expensive exam. I picture myself with all the equipment and playing the sport almost every night and picture my ATM receipt showing hundreds of thousands so I can do the latter.

I heard that you can have problems with using the word "want" as you will then be stuck in a state of want? I keep thinking that if I get money for the exam then I can study further and move forward in my career (I will get more than double my salary when I pass) and then I can move into a bigger place and also pay the sport i want...

My question is, am I over analyzing? - Should I rather vision myself with a huge bank balance which would enable me to achieve all objectives or live/dream each scenario individually? - Should I also use the word wish instead of want? Maybe the money would manifest from somewhere completely unexpected, or I win the lotto and will never need to work again *holds thumbs*..

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 07:40 PM
Strange indeed. I tried clearing my mind of the blocks to...not wealth but just not worrying about money. Something blocking my abundance. I just made hundreds of dollars without asking and I just got thousands of dollars a different way! This will be an interesting week! My philosophy is always double down no matter what. So rather then rest on my laurels I will be again clearing these blocks tonight and tomorrow morning and I'll post what happens.

I'm trying to open my mind to the concept of the soul and reincarnation and help in that way. I'm seeming to find that the law of attraction is just one small cog in a whole spiritual way of living. Like we have gravity, but we don't stop there. I think our/my problem is that I keep stopping at the law of attraction. Anyway. I'll post more. Opportunities are flying my way today.
edit on 25-6-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: AfterInfinity

There does seem to be an element of autohypnosis to this. I had undertaken a project at home and using the LOA seemed to help me to focus and get it done, a few things outside of my control did fall into place to help.
Autohypnosis does not explain those instances where things fall into place without lifting a finger physically.

posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Zenem

SF does not seem to be monitoring this thread anymore, my suggestion is to read this thread from the beginning, I read a few pages a day & found it interesting.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 12:46 AM
There are several ways it could work depending upon the person using it. The first option is that it "works" in the sense that the person thinks it works. This would manifest as follows:

1. The person hears about it, and is skeptical or not
2. If the person is skeptical, he eventually becomes convinced through some "event" that he places into this very specific, unfalsifiable context.
3. He becomes a believer and everything suddenly is happening "because of the law of attraction" which provides further evidence for the belief regardless of what actually caused it (if anything)
4. He shuts everyone out of his life who doesn't accept it because of something about energy fields and vibrators.
5. He makes nice new friends who are on his "level", in his "league" etc. etc. that make him feel superior, consciously or not, to all of the people who are negative.
6. He lives happily ever after and dies deluded.


1. The person hears about it and is skeptical or convinced
2. If the person is convinced, he eventually becomes skeptical.
3. He attributes his causes to something other than the universe conspiring with him to cause him harm or do good.
4. He shuts out only the people who cause him to feel bad, which coincidentally (or not) been on a "lower" level than he is.
5. He makes friends based on the merits of those friends or petty emotions, I don't really care. It's just not specifically because they are human vibrators.
6. He lives his life, in this particular aspect, a skeptic or a cynic or anyone, really.

No matter what you think about this nonsense, it only confirms the validity of the poorly tested hypothesis. Please try harder next time, but base the next cult on things that don't sound terrible on their face.

"a village caused the tsunami to come to them" - can you honestly, in your neurons of neurons, say that with a straight face? If you are, you're a heartless monster and I want to be friends with you because I like that in a person.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 11:23 AM
I didn't have time to read the whole thread as I am at work this morning. The ideas behind the Laws of Attraction can produce fruitful results, in my opinion. I don't believe there is some unknown force at work out there that ensures that all desires are met as long as one has sufficiently wanted it.

But, the mindset it puts a person in works. It uses what we know from Epistemology to ensure our minds recognize opportunities when they come around, and it gives the person courage to take advantage of them. Most of humanities greatest minds have been aware of this little 'secret' to one degree or another. Scientists, writers, philosophers, etc.. all who have/had a solid understanding of Epistemology/Existentialism held beliefs that humanities ability to acquire what it wants is next to boundless. I am reminded of a quote from my favorite existentialist literary author, Franz Kafka:

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."

The world around us is our oyster, and opportunities are limitless. We recognize at any given moment less than 10% of what's around us. That just goes from the fact that our own opinions and biases get in the way and cloud our judgements way more than most realize. This is one of the problems philosophers debate at length.

Take two people, one is raised to see the world as cruel, dark, and evil place full of greed and selfishness. Another was raised to see the world as abundant, happy, fulfilling, and accommodating. Put those two people out in the world and observe the differences they both notice.

The Laws of Attraction help to put a person in the proper mindset to notice opportunities around them. It teaches optimism and gratitude. It's a good way to view life.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

I started on this quest in the 70s after reading Norman Vincent Peal's The Power of Positive Thinking, which mentions some of the principles discussed. Have done allot of reading, experimenting and maturing and in the past fifteen years or so have consciously developed unique and expanding experiences.

I think for me, terminology (IE religious, metaphysical, etc.) tends to deflect the raw experience in word meanings and interpretive insinuations. Analysis is the intellectual quagmire that beguiles the potential of the human mind.

What I've found is a pattern of conscious and subconscious elements leading to what is perceived as external pathways toward certain things imagined.

So, there is a quantitative relationship between thought and circumstance and desire which does seem rather mystical, if not intelligent or at least responsive universally. Perhaps the unknown external element in harmonic coexistence with individual thought and desire. Unless of course there is no external, and the environment is universally rigged in some fashion (a quantum fabric) as an extension of our thought processes or that we (as perhaps the manifestations of thought) are an extension (creation) of the environment. Something I have had an inkling of for some time. Thought may exist in some fine form of matter, yet to be discovered.

Nevertheless, this is merely a feeble expression of my internal senses and not some attempt to canonize my personal experiences. I've never written about them at length, though in order to do so there would have to be some ultimate goal. There's really no controversy. I understand some levels of the manifestation of my thoughts and how invocations to these pathways or scenarios guide one to recognizable opportunities.

One of the opportunities I have explored involves the potential of using this avenue to help people. Something which has become a natural path for me, something that already exists and a conceptual world I have entered many times through focal points of the imagination.

I am not a practitioner of religion, spirituality or paranormal concepts. Although, I did in the beginning explore religions and the paranormal culture, there came a epiphany in my search for meaning that these were manifestations of human compulsion expressed in complex, scripted social ritualisms.

The simple procedure that I perform now to fulfill my needs is narrowly directed and intensely intentioned. It involves the least amount of energy with the greatest effect possible. Its the same as drawing a line between point A and point B and following that path.

I have to admit that I still often struggle with the subtle but equalizing effect of positive and negative neutralization you mentioned. But when I really want something to happen, it becomes a challenge of focus on thought and preparation.

edit on 21-7-2014 by Gianfar because: grammar

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 03:56 PM
Would like to request Skyfloating or anyone to start a thread on:

LOA, Astrology, Subconscious, Genes and Re-incarnation: any correlation?

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 08:15 PM
Preferably Skyfloating.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:22 AM
Where is he? Haven't 'seen' him ages

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:41 PM

edit on 5-12-2014 by whatsecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:42 PM
I haven't read the entire thread, but have glanced through here and there. As yet I haven't seen any posts about balance and equilibrium? See,from what I can ascertain, Nature works entirely on Balance, Equilibrium and SUFFICIENCY - niether excess nor deficit. I also believe that until 6 to 8000 years ago, and some right up to the 1600/1700's, humans were part of Nature. I only really and truly understood this Equilibrium and sufficiency business about 16 years ago and have have truly applied it since. I never ask for, or try to manifest, anything - only "sufficient". It seems to work beyond all my understanding and comprehension. I live with very little "money", since money means absolutely nothing to me, I cannot eat or drink it, and it's only a few seconds of warmth in my wood stove, but I ALWAYS seem to have "sufficient" in the way of food, warmth etc.I am now disabled and cannot work, (last 6 years), but what little work I am able to do always seems to be enough. As I say, I don't use money - I trade what I can do directly for food, firewood etc, and live aboard my own small boat. The only thing I can think is that I worked hard enough to accomadate me now getting "more" in return for the work I was not adequately compensated for in the past. I am grateful for what I get, and only ever ask/visualise balance - I genuinely do not want more than what I have sown throughout my life, and am happy to take the losses where I have caused unbalance.

I accept that it may be possible for some to manifest far more by using the "Law of Attraction" - but in my mind it WILL be rebalanced somewhere along the line, if not in this life on this planet, then elsewhere - but it will re-balance none the less. I therefore am content with sufficient, no huge high's and then having to suffer the depth's later? Hope I am making sense here, dunno.
edit on 5/12/2014 by odaeio because: Spelling

edit on 5/12/2014 by odaeio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

I have been studying these methods again after many years...wonderful thread.

Glad I stumbled upon it, but then again there are no coincidences...


posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

I tried the visualization techniques for the Law of Attraction four years ago. That started me down the long and winding road of opening my chakras and all that goes with it. It wasn't my intention,at least not directly. I mainly wanted to heal myself of cataracts. In the end, things worked out that I DID get my cataracts fixed, through charity. So can I say it worked? Maybe.

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 10:24 PM
Anita Moorjani had cancer died, and came back to life and billions of cancer cells just vanished. Doctors could not explain it.

She says she saw the "other side" and learned how reality works, and she learned that Law of Attraction is true.

This is what she learned:

We are energy first and the physical is only an expression of our energy.

The external world is only a reflection of our inner world.

It is not selfish to love yourself.

Your thoughts radiate energy, if you love yourself, it will overflow and spread loving energy through the world.

Once you believe something, you allow it in your Consciousness and begin to see it more and more.

Nothing is impossible. This physical world only exists as a culmination of everyone's beliefs.

When more people believe in miracles and positive things, they will happen more and more often in this physical world.

We are all connected, having Love within yourself affects others around you in a positive way, even if you don't open your mouth and speak.

There is an energy of all-encompassing, unconditional love on the other side and it is important to remember that we are always loved.

Many people have theories about Law of Attraction, but she died, saw the other side, and had her cancer at the last stage with billions of cancer cells disappear as even the doctors thought it was impossible; because of this, her view of Law of Attraction seems trustworthy.

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