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Calling all UFO Experiencers...

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 09:42 AM
Ok, here’s the crux of a dilemma I find myself in:

From a lifetime of research (sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes mere curiosity) I have come to the conclusion that we are being visited by life-forms unconnected to Earth (that and some sightings are undoubtedly high tech craft belonging to the Western powers). That in itself is not a groundbreaking statement, and I am not the first to say it, but it is leading me to my questions.

I am a rational person.

I am not prone to believing anyone’s flight of fantasy, no matter how they may try to convince. Whilst I am not the best judge of character, I can detect BS very easily, and I’m usually, though admittedly not always, correct.

I have based my conclusion about UFOs on the plethora of reports filed by professional observers and sane, rational members of the public; the few (mainly older) photographs that still remain steadfastly undebunked; and videos from reliable, and again, professional sources.

In other words, I’ve only used the best material.

I find myself trusting those people mentioned above enough, believe some who say they have witnessed aliens walking on our soil, and even a few who have stepped up to the mark to admit they have been in real, physical contact with these visitors, to have drawn this conclusion.
But what is more, and more importantly, from my studies it seems those who have had first hand experience of the UFO phenomena come not from specific groups, but cross all boundaries and cultural backgrounds. Seeing a UFO is open to just about any reasonable person. Virtually anyone can do it.
I’ve met people from wildly differing backgrounds, from a poet to a taxi driver, who are convinced they saw, and who argued convincingly for, something otherworldly in the sky.

So, (told you there’d be questions) why haven’t I?

I’ve been looking up at the sky for nearly forty years, and apart from a few bruised knees, all I’ve gained in all that time is a stiff neck. No discs; no anomalous lights; no silent black triangles.
I’ve defended the study, against ridicule and open hostility, all of my life.
I’m ready to see; If the opportunity happens, I am not prone to panic (driving at high speed to hospital, with police escort, across Dublin in the rain early last year proved that) so I won’t fluff the moment, I can act calmly under extreme pressure (been on the wrong end of a shotgun and have successfully tackled robbers to retrieve stolen goods), and am always within a few feet of a camera (2 megapixel at the least, 5 at best).
I’ve seen all the bad UFO photos, and know how not to take them. I’m willing to publicise any photo I take, or experience I might have, to the best of my ability without fuss or exaggeration.

I want to see. But I don’t.

Can you imagine how insufferably annoying this is?

Here’s another question:

Could there be a correlating connection, some overlooked association between most, if not all, of you lucky blighters who’ve seen what I haven’t? And if there is, how do I go about finding it, even if to discover I simply don’t fit the criteria.

If you’ve seen a UFO, once or multiple times, or even stood face to face with a totally foreign, sentient being, was there anything, maybe even something deep in your “soul”, that told you you were being allowed to behold this miraculous events for a reason? Can you successfully elucidate what that was?
Is there really something to the alien’s supposed spiritual message, and if so, rationalize it to me.
Are certain people chosen, and if so, why?
Or, in your opinion, it all just down to plain, good ol’fashioned luck?

I’m hoping for loads of answers to these questions because they need answering.

What I’m not hoping for are the vague, “vibrational, dimensional, higher light” answers, unless you can back them up with solid theory, a seriously convincing argument and plain straight forward explanation.
I will be polite, as always and will exercise total compliance with ATS’s T&C, but, as you hopefully read above (unless you skimmed), I don’t suffer B-Sh****rs gladly.

So, what say you?

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 10:25 AM
Good thread subject. I've seen UFOs, though no aliens, unless dreams count. I have met sincere people from ambulance drivers to middle aged mums with their 10 yr old kids who have had close experiences with beings, "not of this world". I've seen these normal folk turn into traumatised wrecks because they took a wrong turn on the road one night and bumped into something that shouldn't be there. There's absolutely no denying that something's up.I'm not a scientist in any way but I have a good idea what's possible through science and the limits do seem endless. Therefore it wouldn't surprise me at all if even the most exotic performing UFO turned out to be a man made "thing", & that includes the entities, (who appear to be on board) even though they might look like they're from planet Zorg or wherever. And, some of them might actually be from planet Zorg for all we know .
.There are plenty of smoking guns that are being ignored with this subject IMO

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by wigit

Thanks for the reply wigit.


I've seen UFOs, though no aliens, unless dreams count.

made me laugh out loud. I haven't seen an alien in my dreams!

I think you hit the nail squarely on the head when you used the word sincere, in relation to witnesses. That, for me, is what gives this subject credence; normal, everyday folks who have extraordinary experiences.

However, we musn't forget here that the vast proportion of UFO sightings are misinterpretations of perfectly ordinary events. Usually, a logical explanation will alieviate fears of imminent invasion, but it is surprising how many are still adamant that they saw something odd. It's almost as if a mundane explantion takes away a little piece of magic from their lives.

But it's still the reason behind the real sightings that I'm interested in. Why them?

I also agree that some of the structured craft may well be of our manufacture. As to where the tech came from originally, well, that's anyones guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if we did, at some point, get hold of a piech of hardware not manufactured on this planet. How, whether through fair means or foul, again, is anyone's guess.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 12:15 PM
I should preface this by saying I've had this thing in my life, more then likely the entirety of it. During such time as I was having regular experiences (although nothing regular about them), I came to an end that essentially showed me a side to the nature of reality I had not previously considered.

I noted that many, many people who see UFOs often spend an inordinate amount of time looking for them. In fact some would call these people obsessed. The consuming nature of the subject and it's mechanics for manifestation, I lean towards seeing as a 2 way street. My experiences have shown me (time and again) and others that these "beings" and their "craft" depend on us to manifest. By that I mean that in order to perceive them, one has to spend an inordinate amount of time truly looking.

Now many will say "sure you'll see what you want to see" when you're looking for it.

Doesn't work that way...sure you're going to have false alarms, however when the enigma shows itself it's undeniable, and wont be put off by you or anyone else as "swamp gas" or sleep paralysis. You just had better be prepared when you open the door, that what you want so badly to see isn't what you expect.

If you say you've devoted a lot of time to it, and studied it...I would only say you haven't done enough. Be prepared to lose most if not all free time, and be prepared to lose things like your friends, and possibly your significant other. Most people simply wont put up with you doing this night after night.

I don't know why it started with me at 4-5 years old (maybe before, who knows), and I still have no answer for that. But I do know these "beings" need significant time devoted to see them.

Essentially if you're willing to chuck everything in life, and devote all that time and energy to see this, it's my personal opinion that you absolutely will.

In my opinion it's not worth what it does to you and your life.

And once you achieve your goal, it wont be a matter of "how do I get them to show?", but "what do I do to get them to leave me alone."

I'm not trying to be cryptic, and I'm not trying to deliberately scare you. This path you want to go down can be excruciating, and you need to know that.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 12:41 PM
JR I suppose I can see your point on the odd cat that goes overboard giving up everything in pursuit of ufos. I would think this is a very small small percentage. Still beats bird watching though LOL. I would suppose most ufo hunters have a variety of past times, astronomy, pursuit of the perfect lasagna etc. For anyone who obsesses to fault, perhaps an intervention should be called for. Betty and Barney Hill, two fine members of society didn't really want the publicity and attempted to resume their lives as best as possible. The scottish park ranger? service worker who's case is still open as a criminal assault from some water mine spikey looking things that attacked him from a shimmering in and out of vision interdimensional roundish ufo. The investigation found all the track marks. His dog left him in the dust. He too went about living his life. And a final note, for some reason I don't think you find them, I think they find you. Can't explain that, just a gut feeling.
Best Regards,

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Beamish
I think you need to realize that some of these people may have been abductees who recieved implants and false memories etc.
The HBO series Taken is an example of how we can easily be manipulated and fooled thru our senses, especially with brain implants and or hypnosis.

Supposedly even our governments might be using some of these similar techniques for mind control and allegedly of our own design.

it's been suggested that some governments have aquired alien or advanced technologies and are just waiting for the appropriate time to use them. Maybe that NWO is when these ships will rule the skies?

Can you really believe that scientists and scholars are the ones who know the real truth and or aren't susceptable to these manipulations? I suppose it will take a museum of "Advanced Science and Technologies" to appease the most skeptical. Maybe it already exists, but only for the current elite?

By the way, do you have a scoop mark on one of your shins and or do you set off metal detectors at government buildings and airports? There have been stories that some abductees do. There's always a chance that if you've seen a UFO, that you might also be an abductee.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann

I don't know why it started with me at 4-5 years old (maybe before, who knows), and I still have no answer for that. But I do know these "beings" need significant time devoted to see them.

This makes me disagree with the idea that you need to spend significant time devoted to see them. That young were you truly obsessed with aliens and UFOs? Also, I have a little girl who was 3 last year and was showing signs of having experiences with ETs at night. She had no reason to even know what an alien was, or abduction or anything like it. She had never seen a picture or a movie or anything related to aliens or UFOs and still seemed to be having some kind of interactions with them.

I have read about how many other people who get abducted were abducted at very early ages too. Most if not all of them were not devoting any time to seeing UFOs at those early ages, yet they had experiences.

Sometimes I wonder if many of the people who "never had an experience" are having them, but do not remember due to a weaker memory, stronger memory suppressors, or just straight fear and blocking them out.

For instance, my sister has been getting abducted since we were both very little. She remembers things, and has actually been talked to telepathically by one of them, though only one sentence. I, however, have not really had a physical encounter that I know of, yet my daughter told me that I was there on the ship too when she was telling me about her experiences. She was only 3, but was able to communicate enough for me to get some details. And by the way, I did not put any words or ideas into her head, she gave me all of the details on her own.

There was one thing that I can remember that did happen to me, almost.
I was laying down, not for long, and my whole body started to vibrate. I was pretty sure that I was about to have an OBE, though I have never had a conscious one, and then I begin to perceive the presence of at least one typical grey. An image came to me and it just felt like it, it's hard to explain. So right before I think I was about to go, I thought that it might be a bad idea, since I felt the grey presence there. I really wanted to have a conscious OBE too, so it was disappointing. Anyway, I think that it may have ended up being an experience with aliens, but would I have remembered it afterwards? That is the question.

As far as seeing something, I think that it can be like watching water boil. It will never happen if you are looking too hard, but step away and forget about it for a while and then it will happen. My experiences, alien or some other paranormal event, have all been like this. They just happened. And I have also been fascinated with aliens/UFOs for many years.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018

By the way, do you have a scoop mark on one of your shins

Hey that is weird, I have heard of scoop marks, but why the shin specifically? I have had one on my shin for as long as I can remember, but have no memory of an injury or cut or any way that I got it.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:07 PM
dont misunderstand me, my post was not hard and fast "rules" nor does it apply across the board. But the core mechanic I've seen far too many times across many just like that. I think perhaps as far as me when I was 4-5, and even children today having experiences...we might want to consider time not being linear, reality not being anything more then consciousness running down a thread already laid out (with many optional branches).

Maybe for me 4-5 yrs old wasn't the start, maybe it started at 20, but time being what it might be for these beings, they went back to childhood to get at me.

Again, who knows.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by jritzmann]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

You paint a chilling picture of an experiencer's life.

I mean that in order to perceive them, one has to spend an inordinate amount of time truly looking.

is that it? I'm not spending enough time looking? Well, if anything, that gives me hope, and a way to solve this problem. However, your response to your obviously ongoing experiences is equally as disturbing:

If you say you've devoted a lot of time to it, and studied it...I would only say you haven't done enough. Be prepared to lose most if not all free time, and be prepared to lose things like your friends, and possibly your significant other. Most people simply wont put up with you doing this night after night.

No' I'm not willing to lose friends over this, and especially my SO. Time, however, is something I have a lot of, and as such can be sacrificed. You make it sound like the toll paid for what is a very personal search for an answer to a nagging question is high.

Maybe even too high.

But as to be wary of what happens when I finally do, if ever, see a UFO or even more, then that is a risk I'm willing to take.

I need to know.

In my opinion it's not worth what it does to you and your life.

Thanks for the warning, and I'm genuinely sorry your experiences have become something that obviously troubles you.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I would suppose most ufo hunters have a variety of past times, astronomy, pursuit of the perfect lasagna etc. For anyone who obsesses to fault, perhaps an intervention should be called for.

Very true. However, it is easy to sympathize with those who have a driving need to understand one of the most basic questions; are we alone?
Would we call a priest obsessive in the pursuit of God? No (well, not in most cases), so surely anyone who dedicates themselves to such a pursuit as UFOs is simply excercising a different kind of need.
And I 100% agree if it becomes completely obsessive, then reality needs to rear its head.

And a final note, for some reason I don't think you find them, I think they find you. Can't explain that, just a gut feeling.

This is what I'm getting at; an opinion as to why some see and some wait. At the moment, this opinion seems the most likely, as I do spend time sky watching. I live in an area that has, in the past, been the subject of several sightings, yet nothing. Am I completely unlucky, and "they" wait until I go in?
Unlikely (at least I hope so!)

On what do you base this gut feeling? Something you read, a conversation?

Thanks for the input.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:09 PM
Sorry JR, after rereading your post a couple more times it appears I once again may have misunderstood someones point or intent. I totally understand your message and understand it. Having had two major ufo experiences I can personally attest it is not for the weak of mind or heart.
It does change you. And having my dog chase a shadow critter down the steps a week after Noory reported them everywhere in Cali, that disappeared thru a door really did not help my sanity. I try to put in the perspective that yes Horatio, there is much in our realms of understanding that is unknown. Why have I been privvy to this? Who the heck knows. I only spent twenty plus years helping to extend lives working in various aspects of dialysis. Don't rob, steal, and otherwise try to live a good life.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Hi Beamish,
I cannot really extrapolate on the 'gut feeling' thing. I can't quantify it, reproduce, or put in any scientific jargon in any way. I just know on the one occasion when I saw a yellow morphing amorphous cloud like sighting almost directly overhead that came from the north over lake erie at around 600 mph that made a 25 degree bank southeast towards I480 (baby was huge, size of a couple football fields) I had the intense feeling I was being observed, like an ant in a molehill. It was lit internally by what I can only describe as like a 100 watt bulb. Altitude probably about 1 to 2 thousand feet.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Originally posted by aleon1018
reply to post by Beamish

I think you need to realize that some of these people may have been abductees who recieved implants and false memories etc.

Thanks for the reply, aleon1018.

The above quote will explain some witnesses, but, and I'm assume you'll agree, not all. But if it does explain even a large amount, then the aliens have been seriously busy!

If we consider the possibility of say, 1,00,000 people seeing UFOs on one given day (not in the same place, though that would be fantastic), and discount those who are actually seeing something far more mundane (say 95%), then the figures of implanted humans would be incredible.

And I don't think it's stretching the possibility of that amount of sightings happening, even if the smallest proportion are reported. Assumption I know, but feasible.

By the way, do you have a scoop mark on one of your shins and or do you set off metal detectors at government buildings and airports? There have been stories that some abductees do. There's always a chance that if you've seen a UFO, that you might also be an abductee.

Yes, funnily enough I do have such a mark on my shin. Unfortunately, I know where it came from. And please remember...I've never seen a UFO!!

Edit: sausage fingers doing the typing.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by Beamish]

[edit on 8-1-2008 by Beamish]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by evo80

evo80, thanks for yourmost interesting reply. It adds a whole new facet to this discussion; sightings by the very young. It also throws up a whole lot more questions. Why does someone who is actively seeking contact not see, when an innocent does? This reminds me of something in my past that has stuck with me to the present day (along with two, what I assume were halucinations, and a very lucid dream).

Consider how many dreams one has during one year, then multiply that by the amount of years one has been alive. That's a lot of dreams, isn't it?
They'd all be different.

One dream I had, when I must have been somewhere around 8-10 years old, sticks with me.
Or rather, to be precise, the end of the dream (I can't recall the rest of it):
I can still see myself, clearly and distinctly, floating outside my bedroom window, replete with pyjamas, enclosed in a bubble. It was night-time, I wasn't scared, and I had, and still have no recollection of how this scenario related to the rest of the dream. I awoke feeling perturbed. That's it. No elaboration, no wild claims.
But I do wonder why that few seconds has stayed with me.

As far as seeing something, I think that it can be like watching water boil. It will never happen if you are looking too hard, but step away and forget about it for a while and then it will happen. My experiences, alien or some other paranormal event, have all been like this. They just happened. And I have also been fascinated with aliens/UFOs for many years.

Thank you for this advice. It's logical and helpful.
Perhaps trying too hard really isn't the way forward, but allowing what maybe a natural process to evolve, is.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I understand the complexities of explaining gut feeling, and maybe my question was ill thought out and I apologize.

You said you can't extrapolate on this emotion, then go on to describe what must have been an intense experience. In a way, I believe you have successfully quantified it; your sighting, with accompanying feeling of being watched, which indicates "they" were aware of you, makes your sighting a very personal happening.

Perhaps that is the key; a feeling of personal attachment to the alien.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Beamish-I'd say if you're still game, don't focus your thought on "why don't I see them", but rather tell yourself you know they're out there, and you will see them. Eliminate the aspect of not seeing a UFO...don't think *anything* about not seeing them. Don't hope. Know that you will.

You have to know before you *know* if you get the idea.

Just again, be prepared for the slap of reality. It's one thing to talk about it on a message board or watch a video...its another when it's in front of you. Know that as you are watching it, it is watching you.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

Thanks for this post.

Yes, I am still game!

Perhaps I have come across as stamping my feet because I can't get my own way. If I have, then I have to set the record straight.

I know I will see a UFO.

I have no doubt about it.

The problem is I haven't seen one yet.

Simply put, I'm impatient when it comes to this situation, eager to have all my beliefs proven true. I don't need the proof of the existence of UFOs, who does when they blatantly exist, but I want to see one.

I respect you very much, jritzman, for the warning that the "slap of reality" is coming. I appreciate this advice, coming from someone such as yourself, and gladly take it on board, but please understand that I am ready.
I know I will probably be terrified when I have my sighting, but I will hold myself together. After waiting so long, there's no way I am going to blow it.


posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Beamish

Hi Beamish,

Hell, this is like a meeting of everyone on my 'friends' list ... hi wigit & Jpm1602 ... how you all doing ???

Firstly, I don't go with the, 'the more time you spend looking to see a UFO, the more likely you are to see one', theory. (But maybe that's just me).

I can only go on my own experience. At that time, a UFO was the last thing I wanted or expected to see trust me ... I had enough to deal with at that particular time in my life. In fact I'd never really given much thought either way, to UFO's or intelligent life elsewhere, before my own sightng or abduction (but it's true ... once it happens to you, there is no doubt whatsoever that they exist). And this makes me wonder if that is the secret ?

I'm not saying this is true in all cases ... but I'm beginning to think it might be quite common to experience sightings/encounters/abductions after some kind of 'life-trauma' (this was true for me - as explained in 2 threads I wrote at ATS a few months ago).

Now, from what you said in your OP, I think you might be a prime candidate for some form of UFO/ET contact (you just need to be patient my friend) e.g;

You mention being calm in a crisis ... (high-seed dash to hospital) + (wrong end of a shotgun).

Well, in the few weeks leading up to my experiences, my youngest son had finally been diagnosed with diabetes after being rushed to hospital, seriously ill. And a couple of weeks later I too found myself looking down the 'holey end' of a double-barrelled shotgun, when my 'EX'husband went berserk. It was after I'd gathered my children and a few belongings and moved to North Yorkshire for a fresh start, that I saw my one and only UFO ... and was abducted a few weeks after that.

I have a theory that when we undergo some form of trauma (psychological or physical), that really tests us ... and I mean REALLY tests us ... that our personal vibration changes frequency ... and this altered frequency not only makes us more perceptive to things that normally go unnoticed ... but also make it easier for 'beings' from elsewhere to communicate with us.

Just to add to this point, I also think that depending on the way we deal with crisis and trauma determines whether we find the ensuing experience utterly terrifying or truly amazing .

(just thinking out loud now); 2007, seems to have been a really bad year for more people than usual (in some pretty extreme ways), maybe this is a prelude to more people gaining personal proof this year ???
Beamish my friend you may not have too long to wait after all.


posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 03:23 PM
How are ya sweety! Haven't heard from you for ages. I was getting concerned. I must agree that personal life traumas may indeed somehow set one up to be more aware, or more approciable by et/ufo phenomenon. I also believe it might be the seven year picks. Remember the social scientist that followed twelve or so students in England from the years of around 6yrs old to 20 something and interviewed them every seven yrs? I think it may kind of be like that too. Nice to hear from you Woody. Keep well, hoping 08 is better for all of us.

I remember like yesterday being about 4 in my crib, and seeing two top hatted men in the corner of my room having a heated yet hushed conversation as they looked over at me occasionally. When I told my Mom, she freaked a bit. Could be a false memory, but I can remember it very clearly.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by jpm1602]

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