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Why Father Comes First in My Life

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posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 08:09 PM
When he was alive, my Grandpa said two things that have always stuck with me. He said, “Honey, you have the tendency to wear rose colored glasses” and “hindsight is 20/20”. He was right about both. Hindsight being 20/20, I think that perhaps I wore rose colored glasses because what the world was really like scared me. Maybe it was a defense mechanism. If I pretended that the world was all good and pleasant, it wouldn’t have been so disappointing. Maybe that is what has prevented me from ever having to see a therapist or psychologist for depression like so many people in the world these days. Never before in history have more kids and teenagers been on mood-altering drugs that enable them just to make it through the day. For many adults, a Prozac and two martinis is what helps them cope and keep their chins just above water. How sad that this is what the world has come to.

The fact of the matter is this: Life is a box of chocolates and it is full of the one’s you stick your finger in the bottom of and put back. In fact maybe one of those in the box ends up being a good one worthy of eating slowly and savoring. For some people there is literally not a day that goes by in which they aren’t disappointed in themselves, something or someone. For me, my life has been filled with someone’s who disappointed me. Without naming names (to protect the not-so-innocent) I’ll say that they ranged from family members to trusted girl friends to boyfriends, bosses and coworkers and even strangers on the internet. I guess that’s pretty much every living person on the planet that I’ve ever had contact with. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?

I think that the most painful disappointment there is, is being hurt by someone who claims to love you. When that happens, you can’t help but wonder what love is or if that person was ever trustworthy or if they ever truly loved you at all. And then you have those who profess to be Christians with their mouths, but then turn around and leave church and leave hypocritical lives. I encountered a quote recently that really summed this up for me. It said, “The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve also known some very good, faithful, trustworthy and loving people in my life but if I were to list them in two categories, I know that one’s who disappointed me would far outweigh the good, faithful, trustworthy and loving. And I have to ask myself, why is that? Is it because of me? Or them? Or is it just a sign of the times that we find ourselves living in? If you take a look around (sans rose colored glasses) and really get a good look at the world around you I believe you will find the answer. Sit in a public place and watch people interact. Turn the news to CNN or MSNBC and watch for a while. Surf the web and see what the most popular websites like MySpace and YouTube are all about and take a look at what they are advertising and promoting. Read a few blogs. Check out the comments people make to one another. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine and read the headlines. Do they seem to jive with what God asks of us? Or, are they reminiscent of the following scripture:

But know this: difficult times will come in the last days. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to the form of religion but denying its power. Avoid these people! 2 Timothy 3:1-5

People, we are living in a world of “Me, Me, Me!” We have more love for ourselves than we do the One who created us. We worship the almighty dollar rather than the Almighty Father. We are boastful, proud and blasphemers. Our children are disobedient towards their parents. We are all ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable slanderers without self control. We are brutal and without love for what is GOOD. We are traitors, reckless, conceited and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. And most of us hold to some form of religion but absolutely and completely deny its power.

This is why Father comes first in my life; because there is not a single person on this planet who can hold a candle to Him. God is perfect in every way, every shape and every form and He has never stopped loving me or providing for me. He has never gone back on a promise He made to me. He has never turned His back on me. He has never gossiped behind my back OR stabbed me in the back. He has never called me names. He has never asked me to do anything He himself wouldn’t do. He has never said one thing and done another. He is never too busy to talk to. As His creation I am beautiful and unique in His eyes. He has given me gifts of talent and taught me how to be a better person. He has shown me how to obtain Eternal Life and then given me life-saving rebukes when I stumbled and picked me up and dusted me off and sent me back along my way while He patiently, compassionately and graciously watched and waited. Never once has God disappointed me.

While I love everyone just as we are taught to in the Scriptures to do and I have friends and family members that are very dear to me, not a single person in my life so far has ever managed to come close to the glory of our Heavenly Father. When I searched for truth, the truth was revealed. If ever I was in need of help, direction or advice, He listened and provided an answer. When I went to Him in prayer my prayers were answered. If ever I was in need of a way, it was made one appear right before my very eyes. He is the only one who has never disappointed me and He has been completely faithful and trustworthy. He is the only One that I can fully depend on to handle any challenge that life throws my way. He is the only One who truly loves me for who I am as well as what I’m not. And because of all this and much more, He is who I can place all my faith and trust in and He will always come first in my life. I am safe with Him, because He is more than just my Creator; He's my Father.

Why does Father come first in YOUR life? Or does He?

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonnaAaron
For me, my life has been filled with someone’s who disappointed me. Without naming names (to protect the not-so-innocent) I’ll say that they ranged from family members to trusted girl friends to boyfriends, bosses and coworkers and even strangers on the internet. I guess that’s pretty much every living person on the planet that I’ve ever had contact with. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?

I think that the most painful disappointment there is, is being hurt by someone who claims to love you. When that happens, you can’t help but wonder what love is or if that person was ever trustworthy or if they ever truly loved you at all.

I hear ya Regina and I assume many when being honest with them selves have felt/feel the same way often as well,many times I have been disappointed disheartened etc by other Christians in life and on the net to the point that I lost faith,though thats my fault of coarse.

And then you have those who profess to be Christians with their mouths, but then turn around and leave church and leave hypocritical lives. I encountered a quote recently that really summed this up for me. It said, “The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

As far as the unbelieving I strongly doubt whether a back sliding believer would make any difference to their personal beliefs,if they witness a believer being true or bad it will still be a witness,though they will try and use it as an excuse to strengthen their disbelief,which is equally folly.Let him with ears and eye`s hear and see God and when or how they do isn`t our worry.

But as for the Christians/believers in the quote...

This is why Father comes first in my life; because there is not a single person on this planet who can hold a candle to Him. God is perfect in every way, every shape and every form and He has never stopped loving me or providing for me. He has never gone back on a promise He made to me. He has never turned His back on me. He has never gossiped behind my back OR stabbed me in the back. He has never called me names. He has never asked me to do anything He himself wouldn’t do. He has never said one thing and done another. He is never too busy to talk to. As His creation I am beautiful and unique in His eyes. He has given me gifts of talent and taught me how to be a better person. He has shown me how to obtain Eternal Life and then given me life-saving rebukes when I stumbled and picked me up and dusted me off and sent me back along my way while He patiently, compassionately and graciously watched and waited. Never once has God disappointed me.

Emphasis mine

Amen to that Regina.
I think this is the very reason to either forgive,instruct or encourage fellow Christians.

Personally I dont like being a disappointment to anyone,but especially God though I`m bound to bang into walls as I go and likewise others will to some degree as well.

How did Christ cope then? surrounded constantly by us of little faith,when Gods the focus all else is bearable.Especially the closer one is to God the more patients he/she has with others.

You have my respect already Regina as well as for your patients because I have seen you also bear ridicule with patients for your faith and belief in God,one day you will not have to suffer or be disappointed.

Why does Father come first in YOUR life? Or does He?

Because of the many reasons you have also listed,though to add my life was very screwed up before asking God into my life and as soon as He did, so many things were straightened and was given so much success which was non existent beforehand (personal proof),though when He`s not put first things get screwed up again and sometimes things are screwed up in life by this world for putting Him first which we are suppossed to endure (where I have also failed).Its disbelief in myself than disbelief in God when I personally bang into walls and sometimes its because I have trusted others when they are only human as well.

Anyway my friend I`m glad your here, God has made Himself known to me as well and I`ll surely bounce back if and when I bang into a personal wall.God said that when we confess a sin/s he remembers them no more,pity its harder for other people or ones self to do the same,which we are cause for a lot of grief to self and one another because we fall way short of Him.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:22 AM
Great thoughts Regina,

The Father comes first for me because he saved me and loves me, not like man's love (which can be fickle)
He's omnipotent and Omniscient and STILL loves me!!!!

He helps me OVER and OVER again!
Sometimes it takes me awhile to learn a lesson.

He's preparing a place for me and my christian loved ones.
When we didn't have food or money, he's provided.

Meaning: Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide

Meaning: Jehovah my banner

Meaning: Jehovah send peace

Meaning: Jehovah is there

Meaning: Jehovah our rightousness, translated in the King James Version, "The LORD our righteousness"

Thank you Father!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by ReginaAdonnaAaron


My goodness, it is quite early this morning! i am highly surprised to be awake. i should be sleeping as tomorrow i have a 12 hour journey ahead of me. But i came on here, seeing that Shawn B. was happily engaging in a pie fight we are having on another thread!
Thank you Shawn! hehehe... and i was reading through other threads and saw yours...

Previously Regina i have seen your posts and have had the feeling that it was solely time to hold back the threshold, and in silence be of observation, almost as waiting, and feeling God holding His arm back as one holds His army - arm straight at chest level, until a sign is given.

i dare say you wear rose colored glasses to see the world in such dark and grey? Put the glasses back on to see what is truly happening, and ask a larger question "What is the highest thought of love of why this happening?"...

While He loves us even in imperfection, He encourages our growth to rise to His level of understanding through our viewing and our experience of His world. While You seek that which is harmful, there is that which is a portion of Heaven Here on earth. While your focus on the negative creating more negative in your experience, there is beauty all around you...

This is for your experience and your value, as when you can trust in yourself you can trust the world. He wants you to learn to trust in yourself, as how can you be of light when your understanding resides in darkness? How can you be an element of His work, His hands and His feet, when you are afraid to walk in His way? The passage that fully described loves states that love bares all things and trusts in all things. And, those are His words...

Through the experience of recognizing pain we begin to create our understanding (which is perfect) as to that which we recognize and deserve as Love. There is a season for all things. And once we are capable of recognizing in others their ill intention, if it is not ceasing we learn to walk away to protect our value and those we Love, as to accept such negative nature in our lives is to disrespect those who Love us in the form of disrespecting ourselves. It is the peoples choice to watch the negative aspects residing in the world, however if to make a choice otherwise collectively would it any longer exist?

So make your choice! Choose the negative or the positive in which He created so that you may choose, and may decide who you are and who you will become.

Your post stated something that the world is about "me,me,me"... Your post in all actuality was about You and what You are experiencing; in other words it was correct as it was about Me (You or the authors perspective), and it perfectly described your fearful world. i am very sorry you are struggling, but i know that it is perfect as He wants you to become, and in becoming He wants you to know not only can you trust Him, but because the source of knowledge you are becoming in order to aid Him, you need to learn to trust yourself for His betterment.

Please look in the mirror for your own reflection, as it is the reflection in the world that you are seeing. Once your perspective changes, the world changes...

Know this is not meant as harsh or cruel, but again there is a time and a season for all things, in which He does practice Tough Love and chastising at times for our redirecting out of love for us, and for our betterment and growth. And i might say, this will continue to be your experience, in which a painful life you will lead until you learn the lesson.

Love Always!

No one can disappoint you when you understand your value, as in it you recognize those who try just aren't there yet, and we must have compassion for them and their becoming...

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by ReginaAdonnaAaron

I am so glad you posted this Regina. It really shows your love for Father. I personally understand about the things you wrote about. I just thank Father each and every day for bringing you into my life. I love you lots dear sister.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:18 AM
How about the song of the day posted here:

See, there are good things on Youtube!

Someday you are going to find a very special person other than yourself to trust in, and when it happens you'll know that you chose it, and God loves you so much that He gives you the experiences you want for yourself, and need in order to experience who you are...

Love is on it's way! Just trust yourself to recognize it and let it In.

Love Always

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by michaelsannie
Your post stated something that the world is about "me,me,me"... Your post in all actuality was about You and what You are experiencing; in other words it was correct as it was about Me (You or the authors perspective), and it perfectly described your fearful world. i am very sorry you are struggling,

I think you may have misunderstood. I'm not struggling. That's the beauty of it all. He cares for me tenderly, compassionately and lovingly and takes care of all my needs. I've shared these thoughts to show how Father has changed my life as well as my outlook on life. I no longer wear rose colored glasses because my eyes are wide open. The world isn't only rose...but black, white and shades of gray. I see it all now. And even though we currently live in a dying world, because of Him and His glory, my life is GREAT. I have no fear because I know He protects me in all my ways. And while I may endure in some aspects for the sake of Him and my faith in my service to Him, I have no complaints and am quite happy. I owe it all to Him, as without Him nothing is possible and with Him all things are possible.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by ReginaAdonnaAaron]

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