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earth shakes as Bush touches Israel soil

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posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 03:22 AM
This was a prediction made by Brian on, so far he has been alright. His predictions come from his dreams and from what i have seen allot have come through, there is a span of 1-3 months before a prediction comes through.

here is the one he made in December:

earth shakes as Bush touches Israel soil

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 07:27 AM
With Bush making a scheduled visit to Israel it may come true.
Bush going to Israel is not very smart as maybe 20-60% of the population of Israel would like to see his head on a stick.

Will George be Killed by an extremist group ? If someone wants him dead bad enough it will happen. His security force for the visit is supposed to be made up of 10,000 police /body guards.

If Bush gets killed in Israel it will be blamed on Iran so Cheney will go to War with Iran .

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 07:35 AM
You gotta hand it to Bush.
Guy has to have a huge pair to put himself in the middle of the hornet's nest.
With this being his last year in office he didn't have to go through with this.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Ben Miller

historically, a lame duck President travels the globe and makes
diplomatic nice-nice in the last year of office... mending fences as it were.
So the prediction (in the OP) that Bush might go to Baghdad or Israel isn't out of realm of possibilities for an astute mind.

Next off, Bush & his handlers feel pretty certain that any attempt
on him, whether successful or not, would more or less seal the fates of
all the families and relatives of the militant groups ethnicity...a certain bloodbath in the larger EurAsian theater.

Also, the Bush handlers reason correctly, if Bush meets a fate like Bhutto did, then VP Cheney would automatically assume the mantle of 'Commander-in-Chief'... and being the hawkish mentality that he is...
i imagine the consequences as approaching regional armageddon
for any of the principal militants in that region...(hizbollah, palestinian, israeli zealots, or jihadists, even revolutionary guards from lebanon or syria)

[edit on 7-1-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Maybe Bush is being manipulated into going and his assassination is part of the plan by the ones in control. Most people think Bush is just a puppet by the ones in control and perhaps this is their way for getting us into a bloodbath of a war with Iran, bringing back the draft and dominating the middle east and getting control of the oil.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Wow St U, those are some pretty interesting observations.

I'd never even considered the notion of a staged (or not) assassination of Bush to spark a global war. I think you are correct though, that if anything like you claim does take place it would be a green light for destruction.

- Lee

[edit on 7-1-2008 by lee anoma]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Maybe it is planned this way to get Bush out of the way and pave the way for Cheney. I remember a conspiracy going around a couple of years ago where Bush would be set up for his demise, and giving way to the hgher
elites, those who have been running George.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:10 AM
Bush Sr. is too connected to let something happen to his boy.

Though I could see them faking Bush Jr.'s death. Then Cheney would be prez, implement marshal law, invade Iran, etc.

Ehhh just a thought. We'll see.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:13 AM
I don't want to go to war just because someone assasinated Bush. I think maybe we can just send them a thankyou card and a nice fruit basket instead...

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Now there's a thoughtful gesture.

I like it. But its not reality. I do have a sinking feeling that Bush will be wisked away, and that will make for another hundred years of conspiracies!!!!!

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:22 PM
Is he in Israel? I Didn't know that. I knew he was going, but I didn't know he was there. And there was an earthquake when he touched down?????? Someone want to confirm for me? Links?

Side note - he's still the president who entered office in a ZERO YEAR and his term isn't up. He could still fall victim to the Zero Year Curse.

TO THE OP - read your site. Interesting. 'June 11th Jesus will show something to the world' .. wonder what it will be.

[edit on 1/7/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Then there is that whole theory about the Bush clones. Maybe they are sending in a clone and that is why Bush Sr is letting it happen. Maybe Bush was selected to be the ZERO year president because they had a clone of him that was deemed "losable" or something.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Is he in Israel? I Didn't know that. I knew he was going, but I didn't know he was there. And there was an earthquake when he touched down?????? Someone want to confirm for me? Links?

I think I remember hearing on the news earlier that he would be touching down in Israel on Wednesday so he's not already there. As for Brians prediction, well, if you take a look at the RSOE EDIS website you'll see that there's been a mass flurry of small quakes around the ME/Western Europe region of late so it wouldnt surprise me if it did happen (although Im not sure how often these smaller quakes happen in Iran/Israel/Afghanistan so it could just be a bit of a coincidence....)

[edit on 7-1-2008 by drunknmunky]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 03:52 PM

Guy has to have a huge pair to put himself in the middle of the hornet's nest.

A hornets nest? Are you serious? I hope you are referring to the Arab descent. King George is owned and operated by the Jewish lobby, lock stock and barrel. He'll get a good pat on the head from the locals for spilling American blood to lessen the blow for Israel. No doubt he will receive new marching orders before his departure to make sure Iran will not spill any Israeli blood.

God I hope Ron Paul starts a third party.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Bush's visit is set from Jan 9 to 11. (Remember 9/11?)

I think something'll probably happen on Jan 10 during his visit for sure.

Why? Check this.

2008 (year), 09 (month), 10 (day)

2008 + 1 = 09 + 1 = 10 + 1 or 2008 + 1 = 09 + 1 = 10

Either on Jan 10 or 11. Meh. We'll see.

[edit on 7-1-2008 by TheoOne]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Remember, it wouldn't matter if they killed Bush, just an attempt on his life would be good enough to justify war on Iran.

Guess will find out tomorrow or the day after.

[edit on 7-1-2008 by ChrisJr03]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Whichever way you see it, I say strap yourselves in, it's going to be a heck of a ride

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by TheoOne

Hey TheoOne, that was a nice observation. I didn't pick up on that.

That is really kind of scary when you think about it. They always hide right in plain sight on this stuff.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by shai hulud

Guy has to have a huge pair to put himself in the middle of the hornet's nest.

A hornets nest? Are you serious? I hope you are referring to the Arab descent. King George is owned and operated by the Jewish lobby, lock stock and barrel. He'll get a good pat on the head from the locals for spilling American blood to lessen the blow for Israel. No doubt he will receive new marching orders before his departure to make sure Iran will not spill any Israeli blood.

God I hope Ron Paul starts a third party.

Good God! Some of you people are way out there arent you? This and the Bush clons scenario are the funniest things I have read here on ATS, and believe me, I have read some doozies!

King George owned by the Jews, is hilarious, to say the least. No sir, you are just an anti semite bigot spreading your propaganda of hate! I hope you don't really believe the crap your spewing!
If you do, then you need psychological help and some sort of prescription to cure you delirium! I suggest Lithium!

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:27 AM
"earth shakes as Bush touches Israel soil"

I don't see why the ground wouldn't shake.. Bush is such a shifty character, the ground probably shakes where ever he goes as he clearly has demonstrated that he walks in a path of destruction leaving bodies, rubble, and chaos in his wake.

I remember in his first campaign for the presidency when he was up against Gore when I had this strange very lucid dream of a GWB with demon BLACK eye's walking up to me and saying "Follow me" -- and just as he reached out to take my hand, like a bat outta hell, I took off running in sheer terror and kept on running till I finally woke up.

Like the MAJORITY of people in the US at that time, my candidate was Gore but even so, my only opinion of Bush was that he was an inarticulate, benign, C student kinda guy where to me his intellect couldn't hold a candle up against Gore's shining brilliance.

Yet, here I had this dream of Bush of all people looking very demonic. Especially his eyes. But once he invaded the White House, it didn't take me too long to figure out why he was looking like that in that strange nightmare I had of him.

Turns out that dream was prophetic and to this day, I keep a dream journal because one never knows how pre-cognitive ones dreams sometimes turn out to be.

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