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F-117 Nighthawk technology is 35 years old?

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posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 04:19 PM

"The decision to produce the F-117A was made in 1973, and a contract awarded to Lockheed Advanced Development Projects, popularly known as the "Skunk Works," in Burbank, California. The program was led by Ben Rich. Rich called on Bill Schroeder, a Lockheed mathematician, and Denys Overholser, a computer scientist, to exploit Ufimtsev's work; they designed a computer program called Echo. Echo made it possible to design an airplane with flat panels, called facets, which were arranged so as to scatter over 99% of a radar's signal energy "painting" the airplane."

so my question is when was this technology really available? (publically they will say one thing)

and if this plane's technology is 35 years old why do people think that a triangle craft isn't a stealth plane?

look at the 2nd stealth bomber, looks a lot more like a triangle craft than the first one

"An estimated US$23 billion was secretly spent for research and development on the B-2 in the 1980s."

so basically in 2008 now the B-2 is also at least 20 years old

what is really current in technology right now? i mean what is behind closed doors

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 02:46 AM
.The "triangle UFO" has ben documented for more than 35 years in places all around the world. While the f-117 was being test flown and the b-2 wasnt even on the drawing board the "triangle" ufo was being seen already
It does things that no human technology can do. Like wink out, and accleerate so quickly it appears to stretch.
I have personaly seen one and I tell you that it didnt come from the skunk works, and that no counrty on this earth could produce flying vehicle that large.
If we are able to negate the effects of gravity, if we can negate the enertia, if we have some how been able to come up with a new self contained power system, capable of never before feats of energy production, then maybe it was built by us.
Why is it that some people SO have to believe that these machines are built by some secret arm of the government, and when you ask as to how we have been able to come up with such astounding displays of technology, invariabley the answer is "they are reverse engineered from UFO's"
So if its not possible that they are UFO's how is it possible that they are "reverse engineered" from UFO's.

Why is it more likely that they are somehow conglomerated together from what we might have learned from trying to figure out some incromprehensable technology than we are just seeing the original crafts themselves..
With out a doubt some UFO sightings are " secret aircraft", but you wont find anybody risking such senative technology to discovery by flaunting it in places thousands of miles from "home".
Strange lights dancing around the sky of the nevada test site or wright patterson, or any of a number of other test sites, yes then it is an experimental craft, sometimes.
Is it a stretch to think that if we are being observed then they would have an interest in what the militaries of the world are doing.
We undoubtedly have made some giant strides in aeronautics in the last 30 years, and some experimental aircraft can do some pretty amazing things, we are still bound by the only understanding of physics that we have.
I have seen 3 UFO's in the last 8 years, the first was a LARGE black triangle, with a small bright white light at each corner.
It moved silently through a the sierra nevada mtns one nite. I really only noticed it by the fact it was blacking out the stars as it passed. I was able to get a sense of the size of it because it passed behind a mtn as it passed. It was freaking huge, I'd say at least a 1/2 mile to a mile long.
I was camping at about 9000' on the east side of the sierra nevada mtns, sitting up late one night plowing down a couple of pints. I was facing a mtn that was about 1-1/2 away, I could make out its outline against the back drop of stars. I had been watching satelites go by, trying to figure out which ones were spy satelites, when I noticed a very bright point of light coming toward me( west to east), after a couple of seconds I noticed the second point of light, then the third. At this point it dawned on me that the stars were being blocked out in between the lights. It then passed behind the 10,500' peak I was facing. At one point the leading light was on tghe right side of the mountain, while the trailing lights were still on the left side of the mountain.
At the point at which it passed by the mountain it is 1-2 miles across?
It was absolutely silent and took about 35 seconds to pass out of sight.
At the same time an airliner was passing over head at cruising altitude, and you could hear it and clearly see the blinking marker lights. It took 3? minutes to traverse the same angular distance.
That was not a man made vehicle.

The other 2 were both brilliant "sparkling" points of light traverseing the sky, on separate occasions.
The both had the same quality to them that of almost twinkling, they were both about an hr after sunset and the both went from south east to north west, at a time when there were international situations going on in asia.
I think these were both man made vehilces.

[edit on 6-1-2008 by punkinworks]

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:02 PM
maybe some of the ones we do see now are recreations of the older crafts recovered then? i still don't understand why an alien craft would have lights, if any of the aviation giants here could tell me why you have lights on an aircraft, and why alien technology would need the same lights, it's so people can see the aircrafts right?

well the military can relay positions with gps, so these alien crafts could have something a lot more advanced, (lets' not forget the speculation about the mind powers they may have:up
so communication between them should be pretty awesome so maybe we can't get the communication the same and need lights on our triangle crafts?

because the night hawk was triangle shaped enough, and the b-2 was also triangle shaped and they had lights and are old now real old

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Actually the F-117 is so old now they are retiring them all for they have become very antiquated.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by OSSkyWatcher
what is really current in technology right now? i mean what is behind closed doors

F-22 and F-35 are very current, but we can not tell you what is behind door number 1.

Hint...Expect to see big jumps in UAVs.

[edit on 6-1-2008 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 08:22 AM
My uncle is a retired full bird colonel in the air force, he was in intelligence but that is all I know other then he flew on a modified C-130. When that tv show was on in the 80's about the SR-71 pilot he informed us that even after the plane became declassified it was routine for them to get UFO reports whenever they flew. Someone somewhere would see these things zipping across the sky and call it in.

The point being, many UFO sightings in the west are military aircraft, some that are so highly classified we would never know about it. The idea that the US military has aircraft that can do what no aircraft can do is not far-fetched either. We are allowed to see tehcnology that can be assumed to be 20 or so years old. So think about how advanced you think our UAV's are and now add twenty years of exponentialy increased technological know-how on top of what you think is high tech.

pulse engines, scram jets, surface to surface missiles that will do mach7+. Truly, with all that we know about how can we have doubts?

think about this, the first A-12 (precursor to SR-71) flew in 1962!

[edit on 12-1-2008 by Tinhatman]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:55 AM
Technically speaking, RCS calculation being the very foundation of radar “stealth” dates back to 1966 and is the work of Soviet mathematician Pyotr Ufimtsev.

Other then that, radar “stealth” was understood and used back in WWII by radar equpeed night fighters.

Largely constructed out of wood, British De Havilland Mosquito had very low RCS and was very difficult to track, also German Ho-229 was design as the first jet powered flying wing, and would have been practically invisible to British radars and night fighters.

Soviets worked with pure Delta rocket powered X planes, which were also difficult to track, so “stealth” as we know it today evolved from the necessity to develop better radar tracking technology, rather then airframes which would be difficult o track.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:05 AM
Thirty five years ago. . . . How about one hundred years ago? -- let's not forget the genius of Nikola Tesla, his protege Otis Carr and the German build field propulsion flying disks based on Tesla's work in the realm of free energy, electricity, electro magnetic proven principles which by in large remain secret today. America, England and Russia among others are all capable of producing anti gravity craft based on these principles and probably have done so for over sixty years. Read all about. The principles (of Physics) are simple enough.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by OSSkyWatcher
what is really current in technology right now? i mean what is behind closed doors

Well as much as the F-22 and the F-35 are the most resent western aircraft to be designed with stealth in mind they aren't pure stealth aircraft or on the same scale as the f-117 and B-2.

A semi resent declassification of the Bird of Prey demonstrator and the Polecat are good examples of where we see stealth going. The below quote was taken from an article (see link below) writtin by our own Shadowhawk for the Dreamland resort website.

On Oct. 18, 2002, Boeing uncloaked its secret Bird of Prey during a rollout ceremony at the company's facility in St. Louis. Named for a spaceship in the science fiction television series Star Trek, this technology demonstrator pioneered revolutionary advances in low-observable (stealth) features, tailless aircraft design, and rapid prototyping techniques.

Polecat info

The most current program I'm sure though like the Bird of Prey and Polecat programs is classified. Those 2 programs and the reason they have been declassified so early is their low buget amazing results and less complicated airframes. I'm sure their are more complicated and even more amazing result black projects that will take longer to make it to the light.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by templar8
Thirty five years ago. . . . How about one hundred years ago? -- let's not forget the genius of Nikola Tesla, his protege Otis Carr and the German build field propulsion flying disks based on Tesla's work in the realm of free energy, electricity, electro magnetic proven principles which by in large remain secret today. America, England and Russia among others are all capable of producing anti gravity craft based on these principles and probably have done so for over sixty years. Read all about. The principles (of Physics) are simple enough.

you are right about tesla for sure i was looking at some of his patents not really knowing much besides he did something with tesla coils (dunno what they are really) i just knew he was a genius, and the stuff he was coming up with in the early 1900's was amazing

and Canada_EH the bird of prey is something else lol not much to it at all, but doesn't look much more advanced than the 2 stealth fighters lockheed would be awesome to work at
or work for

Tinhatman that's a good point about the crafts being seen as ufos, and i think the craft with lights on them are exclusively human made, and probably american, the Bird of prey is just as ufo shaped as the B-2 could be seen as, especially if the pilot inside was letting loose a bit people just see them do things they have simply never seen, because they see planes with technology from what? 10 years after the brothers first flight lol


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