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911 Truther Wanted for Trespassing and Flag Burning

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posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:22 PM
Although burning the American flag is not against the law, and a right of all Americans, it is not legal to do it trespassing on private property:

Douglas E. Wight, 65, told the Daily Hampshire Gazette that he and an accomplice burned a large flag on the property of a Florence resident. He has been connected to other flag burnings in Palmer and Greenfield.

Wight identifies himself as an independent journalist and activist, a member of small groups called the Northwoods Five and the American Patriotic Liberation Front and the larger '9/11 Truth' movement, whose adherents suspect the government was involved in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

[edit on 31-12-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

"The Northwoods Five"????? That's original.

I can't think of a better way to recruit people for your movement than trespassing and destroying private property.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Im curious as to why this this "news" This seems to more of a crime or is he trying to make a 911 Truther statement? In fact does this qualify as a hate crime?

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by FredT

The guy is a space shot.... lives in the back of his pick up truck. I would assume he is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

You mean theres no toy in his happy meal box?

This just goes to show that extremism in ANY form is clearly undesierable IMHO.

[edit on 12/31/07 by FredT]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 09:04 PM
So what is the point of this thread?

Another CO thread trying to stereotype 'truthers' as loonies...

This is so childish. I think most of the adults here are not stupid enough to buy into your attempt to paint all 'truthers' as loonies who live in their pick up trucks.

You would make a great study my friend. What makes some people so desperate to affect other peoples opinions that they will reduce to childish tactics like this over and over again?

Who is the real loony in this thread?

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by ANOK

Calling me a loony shows your mentality level. Happy New Year.


posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:35 PM
I think it illustrates that playing "fast and loose " with the truth on such an emotional issue can drive some of the fringe into doing quite disturbing stuff. And let's face it 9/11 truth plays right into the wheelhouse of the disgruntled, paranoid, and downright moonbat crazy folks web-wide.

As time goes on I feel these stunts will worsen-- first it was a few books, then bullhorns and youtube "shockdoc's", lately it has progressed to stalking the Rockefellers, Silverstein, and ambushing Bill Mahr, and Bill Clinton... now Flag Burning and ????

Oh BTW Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

I thought it was a 'false flag' burning?


posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

We do have some funny guys around here ! Gave you a star for that one.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:33 AM
Well at first we thought it was a false flag burning, but now I hear that John Lear says there actually was no flag to begin with…

I suspect that the property owner may have been behind the whole incident, I read that he bought stock in the flag manufacturing company prior to the event. Besides this we all know that normal flames do not burn hot enough to actually ignite a flag, and controlled thermite flag ignition would be the only way that this could have occurred. But then where is the Titanium flag pole?

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Besides this we all know that normal flames do not burn hot enough to actually ignite a flag, and controlled thermite flag ignition would be the only way that this could have occurred. But then where is the Titanium flag pole?

So true Defcon, it is true that no flag has ever collapsed by fire alone. I'm not sure how they could plant thermite near this flag, I would assume it was either a space beam weapon or a ultra mini nuke.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 08:14 AM
Amen anok, well put.

And well how surprising, all the usual suspects have already chimed in and slapped backs already, how heart-warming.

But seriously, CO you do a great disservice to yourself and ATS by clogging this board with such twaddle as this and your many other truthers-are-money-grubbing-tinfoil-hatters posts.

Sincerely, give it a rest and post something valid, worthy of serious discussion and examination, or don't post at all.

Really, a thread on a guy who lives in a pick-up--are you that desperate?

It is unseemly and you are only grandstanding to the trollish elements while alienating everyone else.

In short, to put it in a way you'll understand, stop peeing in the pool.


[edit on 9-1-2008 by gottago]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 08:29 AM
Humor aside, something like this should be setting off a few alarm bells with evidence of individuals so swept up in the whole thing they're beyond rational reasoning and debating the issues and prepared to take overt action on it. It might start with minor offensive demonstrations in public - let's hope things don't escalate from here.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by gottago

Gottago ~

thank for your input. You see that I started the thread. You don't like what I have to say? Don't read my threads. Better yet, put me on ignore.

As far as peeing in the pool. The truth movement, so far shows they consistanly drop Baby Ruths in the pool.

As far as the leaders of the truth movement being money hungry scum bags? I stand by that. I am not referring to anyone on ATS. I am talking about the:



Loose Change

Alex Jones

Dr. Griffin

Steven Jones

Willie Rodrequez

You know the "usual suspects." Go to each one of their sites. They are either selling something (typically lies) or asking for donations.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by gottago

Gottago ~

thank for your input. You see that I started the thread. You don't like what I have to say? Don't read my threads. Better yet, put me on ignore.

Oh dear Cap'n, you make it far too easy, bless your truther-obsessed heart.
I already have followed your excellent advice since shortly after you first started posting here, but you know sometimes you out-do yourself and jump even your own shark, and well, I'm only human.

As far as the leaders of the truth movement being money hungry scum bags? I stand by that... They are either selling something (typically lies) or asking for donations.

Last I checked this was still a capitalist society--are you a practicing communist? And as for asking for donations, if you are a indeed a communist, and therefore an atheist, you might not know that if you attend a church service, donations will be requested after the service.

Have a good day.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:56 AM
This is about the most idiotic thread on this board.

How many "official story believers" are there in jail? Have murdered? Have smoked pot? Have etc., etc.

This thread was started (like others are saying) soley as a "look...see how crazy the "truthers" are" thread.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by gottago and post by Griff

You notice something about this video beside the obvious?
How about the reaction of the rest of the audience?
Hm… I wonder why they are cheering and applauding Bill?
Maybe its because most of the people out there don’t like to have others opinions forced on them, they consider themselves educated enough to make a conscience decision, whether it be about religion, politics, or 911...

The majority of that audience is a cross section of reality that maybe truthers need to pay attention too, they are not disinformation agents, they are not sheeple, they are normal people who don’t buy the 911-truth movement nonsense. Oh, and I guarantee you that around 70% of that audience is at least aware of some 911 conspiracy theory. You have to live under a rock to not be exposed to it in some fashion by truthers today. Truthers have acted like children so now no one respects, nor takes them seriously, and they have done it to themselves. This flag incident is not an isolated event, there are many other videos and news stories of truthers acting like misbehaved juveniles, it is just another example of why most people would never consider joining the 911-truthers…

[edit on 1/9/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Reply to Defcom.

I can agree with most of what you say.

Can we think outside the box though and not equate ALL people who are looking for the truth of 9/11 to "truthers", "twoofers", etc.? That, IMO, is just as childish as what you guys rant and rave about people in the truth movement.

Also, have you maybe considered that these stooges are set up to look like "crazies"? What I mean is, plants within the "movement" to make the others look crazy? The people we are talking about (government et al) are a lot smarter than I am, so, I figure, if I've thought of it, then they have too.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by gottago

Oh dear Cap'n, you make it far too easy, bless your truther-obsessed heart.
I already have followed your excellent advice since shortly after you first started posting here, but you know sometimes you out-do yourself and jump even your own shark, and well, I'm only human.

I feel all kind of warm and fuzzy inside now.

Last I checked this was still a capitalist society--are you a practicing communist? And as for asking for donations, if you are a indeed a communist, and therefore an atheist, you might not know that if you attend a church service, donations will be requested after the service.

Ah, now Im a communist.

Are you ok with paying taxes to fund this war in Iraq? ... I'm not either. But we still have to. So, I will not support any candidate that is willing to continue to allow for more funding to contiune this LIE. My voice is heard through my vote.

Now, all the persons I mentioned in the above post are LIARS. They are feeding off the simple minded. You want to pay these guys your hard earned money to support the pure trash they sell? Go for it! They are snake oil salesman.

Have a good day.

Hey, you too man!

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