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Nibiru's 'First Phase' Due Fall 2009!

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posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by xnibirux

Not be flippant, xnibirux, but if Planet X is coming, so what? You claim it will cause world-wide disaster, what can you do about it? Doesn't seem like you can hide, or get out of the way. So what's the point?

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
Not be flippant, xnibirux, but if Planet X is coming, so what? You claim it will cause world-wide disaster, what can you do about it? Doesn't seem like you can hide, or get out of the way. So what's the point?

I was wondering about that.. Why he wants it to be true. Why would anyone want our planet destroyed..

But it would seem, this particular belief system is actually about "hope" in a way - people ascending, becoming crystalline, mystical vibrations raising in freqency (nonhertzian of course) etc.

In this aspect it's a lot like Ashtar Gallactic Command, only with a planet. It gives hope to people, who don't like our world. Those symptoms mention depression, so anyone trully depressed can find himself there.

It really is like the OP says - more about beliefs then science.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:01 PM
Double post.. Sorry.

[edit on 2-1-2008 by deezee]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by swordsaint
if you need answers "that bad" might i suggest that you contact accredited people such as Zecharia Sitchin via his website...

I don't know if I would trot out Sitchen as "accredited." Check out this site...

Sitchen is Wrong

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 01:10 PM
While I don't "believe" in this planet X thing, I have to wonder what exactly the seed bank was REALLY started for. Is it fear from this sort of thing?
I just watched a new video on Project Camelot and it was briefly mentioned that the south pole telescope is being put there to also watch this P-X development but in the context used was deemed improbable and unvalidated by David Wilcox.

I am in no way sponsoring the idea or the others in what they say, just relating a few snippets..

We'll see won't we

I wouldn't be surprised that by 2015 there's no planet X and everyone says "OH, we meant 3012.. not 2012.. duh..."


posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
While I don't "believe" in this planet X thing, I have to wonder what exactly the seed bank was REALLY started for. Is it fear from this sort of thing?

No. Not because of Planet X, but over more prosaic fears of nuclear war and hysteria over global warming.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I am so glad to see Mike Heiser's work mentioned here! I saw something the other day on the History Channel about the Sumerians and the supposed planetary symbols. There is no fact supporting the theory of the 12 planets WHAT-SO-EVER. And this channel is apparently the source of education for many people... Once you have a scholarly study of the evidence, every one of Sitchin's arguments fall flat. Planet X is his sugar daddy. It's sad when people take entertainment so seriously. Maybe in a thousand years people will think Everybody Loves Raymond holds the key to immortality.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 05:17 PM

I don't know if I would trot out Sitchen as "accredited." Check out this site...

Sitchen is Wrong

I wouldn't exactly call Mike Heiser a credible man. He also has similar beliefs to Sitchin and he personally believes that UFO's are a plot by Satan to take over the Earth.

I've read most of Sitchin's Earth Chronicles books and some of what he says might possibly be true, but all of his work is based on the Sumerian texts which are open to interpretation and they could basically mean anything. As for planet X, according to sitchin, it won't be returning anytime soon. If it even exists.

[edit on 2-1-2008 by kindred]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Some one asked about the effects of planet x, here is a little bit:
*Also I'm not going to address those who are to lazy to click links and expect to have things specially summarized for themselves, if you truly don't care enough to discover the information yourself then it is obvious there is no helping you

ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes, written Dec 15, 2006
We have mentioned that the steady approach of Planet X, as it slings toward the hapless Earth trapped in front of it, will only increase the pace and severity of Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, tears in the stretch zones, and the pending diagonal rip of the N American continent. Where such activity was more lineal in years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning point has already arrived. Several factors add to the stress Planet X is experiencing. The closer Planet X comes, the more intense the Earth wobble becomes. The intensity of the magnetic field surrounding Planet X increasingly engages the magnetic field of Earth, and as these two magnetic planets are not aligned with each other at present, the stress is obviously going to be visited on the lesser planet, Earth.

As we have explained, the Earth wobble is caused primarily by the N Pole of Earth being pushed away when it presents during the daily rotation of Earth. The geographic and magnetic poles of Earth do not align, so this presentation occurs when the land above Alaska and eastern Siberia are facing the Sun, each day. This causes the Earth to wobble like a spinning top about to slow down and fall onto its side. Seen from above the N Pole, this would look like a figure 8, well documented by Nancy and friends from around the world as a sunrise or set with an azimuth too far North or South. The wobble pattern does not change as it intensifies, it increases in force and scope. The push is stronger and faster, and the swing back likewise stronger and faster. And the degree of wobble, how far the Earth swings, will steadily increase. The Earth wobble is palpable, measurable, and can be documented to show the figure 8, as Nancy has shown.

It also affects weather, making temperature swings increasingly more extreme. We have predicted that the seasons will almost seem to blend into each other before the pole shift arrives, and this trend will increase. The reason for the weather wobbles, as we have called them, is the Earth moving under its mantle of air. What is a storm, or high winds, if not air moving over the Earth rapidly? If the Earth moves under the air, the effect is the same. Sudden high winds, more intense winds, tornadoes outside of where normally expected, all of these will increasingly occur. Matters such as cold or warm air masses, arriving where not expected and lingering longer then expected, will occur. If the wobble pushes a spot on the Earth under a high pressure air mass, and then wobbles back, it will tend to drag that high pressure air along with it, especially if the return spot is dealing with low pressure. If both spots, the wobble and the return, are high pressure, this pressure builds, creating the potential for high winds releasing this pressure outside of what normal weather patterns would produce. The wobble likewise can and does interfere with flow patterns that deliver rain inland, as is occurring in Australia. This can cut both ways, with drought and deluge increasing, as we predicted in 1995.

Beyond the Earth wobble, stress on the Earth's crust is occurring because the Earth is being battered by other planets caught in what we call the cup, the eddy flow of particles coming round Planet X from the Sun, creating strong flow at the sides in a pincer-like manner and roiling back into this cup, such that planets such as Earth, Venus, and the dark twin are caught in this cup and cannot proceed in their orbits. They are trapped. If the Earth wobble is causing weather wobbles, it is not particularly stressful on the crust as the Earth as a whole is moving back and forth. The stress on the crust increases as the wobble increases in force, of course, as at the turnaround point the Earth is stopped and then pushed in the opposite direction, but as this moves like a figure 8, it is more like going around a curve than hitting a wall and bouncing off this wall.

But what occurs when several planets caught in the cup starts bouncing off each other, like balls trapped in a container being rattled? As Planet X approaches, the cup tightens, as at a distance the particle flows coming round its sides could disburse, but when near, these flows are intense and thus pinching the hapless planets in a tighter and tighter pinch. The sweeping arms of the Sun, occurring several times a year and the reason for all the planet in the solar system moving obediently in a counterclockwise orbit around the Sun, did not cause such a clash until the dark twin came up behind the Earth, as it has. Stalled in her orbit, Earth found her dark twin promptly coming up behind her in 2004, creating a ricochet effect during the sweeps. But the effect of having 3 planets crowded into the cup, in front of an increasingly looming and large Planet X, is more than a bump. It has a rattling effect, bumping back and forth. It is this effect that Nancy has noticed on the live seismographs. So the approach of Planet X is causing an Earth wobble, weather wobbles, and now an almost continuous rattling effect because the cup is tightening and the planets caught in the cup rattling about in the cup. But the stress on the Earth crust as the monster Planet X approaches is primarily due to the tugging on the Atlantic Rift, a phenomena which expressed itself in early 2003.

The Atlantic Rift is fresh magma, hardened mostly during prior pole shifts when the Atlantic was ripped apart, and thus is essentially a magnet on the surface of the Earth. As we have explained, magnets like to stay aligned with each other, sharing their magnetic fields in a larger field, or at least not in contention with each other. In these matters, the larger bully dominates, and between the Earth and Planet X, this is most certainly the monster Planet X. This demand, that the Earth align with Planet X, is certainly only going to increase as Planet X looms closer, ultimately resulting in a stopped rotation for almost a week prior to the pole shift. The tugging on the Atlantic Rift occurs essentially at the Face and Dark points, when the Atlantic Rift

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Some one asked about the effects of planet x, here is a little bit:
*Also I'm not going to address those who are to lazy to click links and expect to have things specially summarized for themselves, if you truly don't care enough to discover the information yourself then it is obvious there is no helping you

This is what is known as a cop out. Why bother posting anything for anybody then? Obviously you shouldn't have continued posting any additional information if you are adhering to your rule.

ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes, written Dec 15, 2006
We have mentioned that the steady approach of Planet X, as it slings toward the hapless Earth trapped in front of it, will only increase the pace and severity of Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, tears in the stretch zones, and the pending diagonal rip of the N American continent. Where such activity was more lineal in years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning point has already arrived. Several factors add to the stress Planet X is experiencing. The closer Planet X comes, the more intense the Earth wobble becomes. The intensity of the magnetic field surrounding Planet X increasingly engages the magnetic field of Earth, and as these two magnetic planets are not aligned with each other at present, the stress is obviously going to be visited on the lesser planet, Earth.

Now this is perfect. If all of these things are happening, they are measurable. Let's see the data proving these statements. Keep in mind that to be able to make these statements, there must be data unless of course somebody is just making this up.

It also affects weather, making temperature swings increasingly more extreme. We have predicted that the seasons will almost seem to blend into each other before the pole shift arrives, and this trend will increase.

Once again, I have posted scientific information debunking the pole shift idea. If you can't corroborate this, there is no point continuing to post it as it is obviously FALSE. Continuing to post false info. is silly at best.

Beyond the Earth wobble, stress on the Earth's crust is occurring because the Earth is being battered by other planets caught in what we call the cup, the eddy flow of particles coming round Planet X from the Sun, creating strong flow at the sides in a pincer-like manner and roiling back into this cup, such that planets such as Earth, Venus, and the dark twin are caught in this cup and cannot proceed in their orbits. They are trapped. If the Earth wobble is causing weather wobbles, it is not particularly stressful on the crust as the Earth as a whole is moving back and forth. The stress on the crust increases as the wobble increases in force, of course, as at the turnaround point the Earth is stopped and then pushed in the opposite direction, but as this moves like a figure 8, it is more like going around a curve than hitting a wall and bouncing off this wall.

Again, if this is really happening, then there is data to support it. If there's no data, it's FALSE.

Please don't use the excuse that if I really cared, I would go research this myself. I and several others have, and posted plenty of evidence to support the fact that planet x does NOT exist. On the other side, nobody has posted any evidence to support it does exist.
So in other words, the "skeptics" as you call them, are the only ones who have done research. Kinda ironic huh???

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
This is what is known as a cop out. Why bother posting anything for anybody then? Obviously you shouldn't have continued posting any additional information if you are adhering to your rule.

lol no it is known as ignoring. The additional information was directed at those who wonder what effect planet x is causing on our planet. Not at those who deny the existence of planet x.

Originally posted by jfj123
Once again, I have posted scientific information debunking the pole shift idea. If you can't corroborate this, there is no point continuing to post it as it is obviously FALSE. Continuing to post false info. is silly at best.

Perhaps you have posted wrong information, I'm not sure.
Once again its not debunked but you can keep telling yourself that.
Look around- you have to be blind to deny the changes on earth

Originally posted by jfj123
Again, if this is really happening, then there is data to support it. If there's no data, it's FALSE.

Once again I am not here to convert you, I am not here to summarize large amounts of information for you. If you can't or don't want to find the scientific data then there is no reason in talking with you, hence the reason I put you in my ignore pile. THE SCIENTIFIC DATA IS THERE BUT WON'T BE JAMMED DOWN YOUR MOUTH!

Repulsion Force

In September, 1995 ZetaTalk stated that gravity is balanced by a Repulsion Force; scientists learned in March, 1998 that the Universe is expanding due to what they call a repulsion force which Counteracts Gravity.

Tuesday, March 3, 1998
Copyright 1998 The New York Times
Astronomers See a Cosmic Antigravity Force at Work
James Glanz

An international team of astronomers who have used the brightness of distant exploding stars called supernovae to gauge how cosmic expansion has changed over time has reluctantly concluded that space itself appears to be permeated by a repulsive force. Gravity should have gradually slowed the outward rush of cosmic expansion, but as announced at a recent meeting, the dimness of the supernovae - pointing to unexpectedly great distances - implies that cosmic expansion has actually sped up in the billions of years since the stars exploded.

Volume 279, Number 5355, Issue of 27 February 1998, p. 1298
1998 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Cosmic Force May Be Acting Against Gravity
By Kathy Sawyer, Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 27, 1998

The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, according to startling new evidence suggesting that a mysterious antigravity force permeates "empty" space and is counteracting the pull of gravity on a cosmic scale. If the new results hold up, scientists said, they could have enormous ramifications for theories of cosmic evolution, resolving some conflicts and creating new ones as they reverberate through studies of the largest-scale structures in the cosmos and the smallest particles in nature, and the frustrating quest for a "theory of everything" that would unify those fields. Scientists have reacted to the findings with a mix of shock, amazement, horror, excitement and suspended disbelief. The question of the fate of the universe - whether it will expand to infinity, contract in a "cosmic crunch" or flatline somewhere in between - is one of the oldest and most controversial in cosmology.

February 27, 1998
Scientists stunned to learn universe may be accelerating

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Scientists are scratching their heads over a finding that indicates the universe, rather than slowing down, is being expanded by a mysterious force at an accelerating rate. And if the finding is correct, it also supports a concept first proposed by Albert Einstein, who later dismissed it as his biggest blunder. "It is such a strange result we are still wondering if there is some other sneaky little effect climbing in there," says Adam Riess, an astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley. Riess said he, Kirshner and others in the 15-member international team that made the discovery "have looked hard for errors" but found none.

Parallel study confirms finding.

Rocky Kolb, a University of Chicago astronomer, said in Science that the finding is so startling, "I think everyone should reserve judgment." Kirshner said the conclusion will go through an intensive review before the results are accepted, although he noted that preliminary results from a parallel study by another astronomy group are in agreement. "We are scratching our heads to think if there could be an alternative explanation for it," says Riess, "something more mundane than a repulsive force." It is being called a repulsive force because it seems to be working against gravity to speed up the expansion of the universe. "If it's confirmed by other results and other approaches, it's going to tell us there is something important, another constituent to the universe," says Kirshner.

A fifth force at work?

Unlike matter, which slows down as it moves through space, the new force - if the researchers are correct - moves faster. Four forces are accepted by modern physics: the strong force, which holds the nucleus of an atom together; the weak force, which causes atomic decay; electromagnetic force, which holds electrons in orbit in an atom; and gravity. Kirshner says a fifth force could be at work. The idea of a fifth force has been speculated about by physicists, he says. Over short distances, said Riess, this repulsive force can't be detected, but over distances of 7 billion to 10 billion light-years, "this force becomes something to reckon with, and is strong enough to overcome gravity and cause the universe to accelerate." Riess said he isn't surprised that the force hasn't been detected before. "The force is very weak on a small scale and it only becomes important when you are looking back," he said. "It's like a lot of little ants - one is weak but a lot of them can lift a big weight."

Correspondent Ann Kellan, The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

Slowing Rotation

In May, 2001 ZetaTalk stated during the sci.astro debates the Slowing Rotation was known to the Navy and NASA, who were inserting seconds into the master clocks. The Slowing TOPIC and TEAM pages have recorded this by early 2003 as an insertion rate of 1second/day.

Where the master clock is in the hands of the US Navy, which has been in the center of the secrecy over Planet X and related matters for almost half a century, this is not a difficult feat. All network computers in the world, ultimately, sync with the US Navy master clock, most by the networks dialing in during the night and adjusting. A second here, a second there, and it is always assumed to be the peripheral computers that are off, a bit, when an adjustment is made! Unless an individual is astute, and notices the increased adjustments required to their watches and clocks, they assume they are the problem, not the master clocks that run the world.
ZetaTalk: Slowing Rotation

On Mar 4, 2003 NASA Admitted to this slowing rotation, blaming it on Global Warming.

Changes in the Earth’s Rotation are in the Wind
March 4, 2003

Because of Earth’s dynamic climate, winds and atmospheric pressure systems experience constant change. These fluctuations may affect how our planet rotates on its axis, according to NASA-funded research that used wind and satellite data. NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) mission is to understand the Earth system and its response to natural and human-induced changes for better prediction of climate, weather and natural hazards, such as atmospheric changes or El Niño events that may have contributed to the affect on Earth’s rotation. “Changes in the atmosphere, specifically atmospheric pressure around the world, and the motions of the winds that may be related to such climate signals as El Niño are strong enough that their effect is observed in the Earth’s rotation signal,” said David A. Salstein, an atmospheric scientist from Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., of Lexington, Mass., who led a recent study.

Solar Reversals
Prior to July, 1995 in explaining the process of the Pole Shift and man's theories about Polar Reversals, by Jan 9, 1997 on the sci.astro Usenets, ZetaTalk stated that the Sun's magnetic field Dominates the solar system. By early 2001, NASA et al had announced, based on the appearance of Sun spots, that the solar maximum had occurred and the Sun had reversed its magnetic field. On Sep 9, 2001, the Ulysses probe, carrying a Magnetometer, found otherwise, as reported in the New Scientist, proving the Zetas RIGHT Again!

JPL September 9, 2001

Space physicists predict gusty winds for the next
few months at the Sun's north pole, an area that
will be observed when the Ulysses spacecraft
passes over it starting on Aug. 31 [2001]. This
pass over the pole occurs at a time of solar
maximum ... This will be Ulysses' second pass
over the Sun's north pole. It completed a circuit
of the Sun in 1996 ... In 1995, Ulysses saw
strong and simple magnetic fields at both poles
of the Sun. ...

As Ulysses passed by the south pole of

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by swordsaint
if you need answers "that bad" might i suggest that you contact accredited people such as Zecharia Sitchin via his website...

I don't know if I would trot out Sitchen as "accredited." Check out this site...

Sitchen is Wrong

I was under the impression that Stitchen wrote his planet x stuff as fiction?

Isn't that true?

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Are you the owner/author of

Just curious because you link to that site in almost all your posts.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 11:05 PM
Having just finished reading all of this I would like to make some comments myself. Have only heard about "NIBIRU" recently I have looked everywhere I could to find info about it. Please be patient and forgive the length. Also know that I am more than ready to cop flack from both sides of this discussion.
All you naysayers appear very closed minded, as do some of the PX Deciples.
I too would like HARD evidence one way or another. There are many fascinating sites with info both for and against its existance. I even have some theories of my own relating to its existance and movements.
I am of the opinion (note OPINION) ,and have been for some time, that there is/may be another member of our solar system. whether it is this megaplanet or mini-sun with a 3600 year orbit I am not sure, but when you start talking Annunaki and cross breeding and DNA slicing I tend to think the story is a crock of Bovine Faeces even though there are countless sites with some "convincing" evedence of ancient artifacts with DNA looking artwork and 36' skeletons.
Even though I currently do not have "scientific backing" (JFJ,Harddrive) from my own personal observations over the past year or more I have noticed some global changes. The sun setting later in the evening major weather paterns have changed south pole breaking apart and the increase in natural type disasters. (Do not write these things off as global warming. The temps an Mars & Venus are also rising and I doubt that our cars and factories have caused their temps to rise.)
After reading what I have about this issue some things appear feasable although not difinative.
Do not for a moment think I have the answers or a hard and fast belief either way. I am still looking, but in reading the above I think more of you should also be willing to hear what others have to say. There is nothing wrong with a little blind faith but even that needs a little more than just " 'coz I said" or " 'coz I saw it on the net".
I am looking forward to see what happens in 2008, 2009 or 2012 whichever it is going to be......I just hope it is not world destruction.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

No I'm not the owner, the owner is Nancy Lieder

I recently found the site, feels like I found the holy grail though

So much information that all makes sense, finally no bs
I know it will be hard those to accept but it is the truth, it really makes this crazy universe we live in make sense. When I first heard the description on star kids it really scared me, the descriptions fit me and they just kept going on and on and on. Description after description fit me and it was very scary. Basically I knew instantly I was one of these star seeds. I'm just going to stop here.
Star Kids Signs

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

You do know the author of that star kids website, Richard Boylan, was stripped of his psychology license dont you?

Here's another unfortunate delusional exhibition by Richard Boylan, the "therapist" who was caught holding naked hot tub sessions with his female patients and as a result had his license to practice revoked. (Of course he was quick to attribute the loss of his license to The Conspiracy. Aliens in government have effectively silenced you, huh, Richard? Sure they have. They're all out to get you, after all. You couldn't have done anything wrong. After all, naked hot tub sessions help people remember they were abducted by aliens, right? Sure it does. Therapists routinely get naked with their patients all the time, right, Richard? Sure they do.)

Richard is one of the many flying saucer nuts of late who has been reported as implanting false memories (a phenomena called FMS and discussed in debth here at The Skeptic Tank) into his victims; false memories of alien abductions. In all probability, to attempt to allieviate the undeniable fact that the beliefs he inflicted upon his victims were groundless, Richard then started demanding that he, too, was abducted and medically experimented upon by aliens.

Nobody was fooled, Richard.

This particular series of delusions follows the traditional lies flying saucer nuts have been trying to sell each other over the past two decades. I need not enumerate them: If you're reviewing this unfortunate exposure by Richard then you're probably already quite familiar with the way these things go.

Wow what a credible proffesor eh?

[edit on 3/1/2008 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:11 AM
That just further proves that he is a threat to the establishment. I'm not surprised they would create a way to remove his license, they want to discredit him in every way possible. The concept is more important than the person.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:17 AM
Actually, that only prooves, he is a threat to his patients. Mentally and otherwise.

A psychiatrist shouldn't abuse his power over mentally unstable people.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 04:14 AM
Wow, this whole discussion is starting to unravel, thread by thread, if I were
the minister of disinformation I'd be patting myself on the back right now.
My thoughts are this, there is something coming our way, many feel this
and have had dreams about it, whatever it is, its going to change things drastically, we have numerous options to choose from, but we might never
know what it is until it is upon us, so why not take it for granted that something is going to ''overcome us'' be it of spiritual origin or solid rock really should not
make any difference, prepare yourself inwardly and outwardly, we are
good at surviving, we just have to stop drinking coffee...! Oh yea and start
building submarine survival stations, hydrogen technology, etc..they are available. We need to redirect our global efforts at exterminating one another into a global effort at survival, we could be heading for a major ice age or whatever, it is time to stop talking and start moving folks, we can concentrate our energy on that rather then debating belief systems, what do you say ?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by starstuck
My thoughts are this, there is something coming our way, many feel this
and have had dreams about it, whatever it is, its going to change things drastically

It's called "feeling of impending doom". It's always been around, but it never came true. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I've been waiting for the world to end so many times, that i eventually got sick of it. The arguments were allways the same, with minor differences in how it's gonna happen. In all cases, some people believed we were all gonna die, while other believed we would be "ascended".

I've mentioned this before, but many people cling to the ascension type of the end so hard, that they get depressed or even kill themselves, when the belief expires.

I understand that some people need beliefs to feel good, but i would at least recommend them, to choose ones without an expiration date. Otherwise they will feel even worse afterwards.

Originally posted by starstuck
prepare yourself inwardly and outwardly, we are
good at surviving, we just have to stop drinking coffee...! Oh yea and start
building submarine survival stations, hydrogen technology, etc..they are available. We need to redirect our global efforts at exterminating one another into a global effort at survival, we could be heading for a major ice age or whatever, it is time to stop talking and start moving folks, we can concentrate our energy on that rather then debating belief systems, what do you say ?

Most of these things make sense and it is allways good to be prepared and strive towards a better life.

However, to start a panic over something, for which there is no evidence, doesn't really help anyone. Again, feeling of impending doom has been around forever and it has much more to do with a particular persons emotionall state, then any real events.

To mobilize the entire world over some fears, spread by people, who make money off of these fears, would only do damage.

Besides, none of the above can be done in 4 years, even if it was necessary.

This thread is about the existance or non-existance of Planet X and the threat it would present.

Many people come here, to read it, fearing it is true. Here they can find, that there is no supporting evidence for it and this can help them stop fearing, while those who want to believe, still can do so, completelly unhindered.

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