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posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:32 PM
We can learn from Bush. We now know how important it is to handle wars properly and we should be able to get a better idea about how to go into world affairs in a more diplomatic manner. Bush rushed into conflict without any idea about what to do with it. In the future US Presidents should learn to respect that there may be unforseen problems with invading another nation such as Iraq that they might have to compensate for losses with. The general populace of the US should become more aware during the next political elections that just because a President looks like he's the man doesn't mean that he's going to be a good President. I am sure that people will be thinking who would be a better candidate, Obama or Clinton, or Guliani or Ron Paul. I hope that the rest of America can learn from the Bush administration's political disaster.

Tick Tock Bush.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:24 PM
I beleive the last two elections were stolen. Not much the public can do. What we need is a fair and good candidate without the NWO agenda.
I have no idea who that might be.
I also beleive that both parties have the exact same agenda, just different players.
the Democrats will win, but the masses will be wrong. All it is is a continuation of the erosion of our rights and the same agenda Bush has.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 07:58 PM
The damage that Bush has done is irreparable. Bush has dashed the hopes of everyone that hopes against the New World Order. The current President of the country is a war ravaging monster that wants to take other foreign nations for fun and games. In the future as a direct result of Bush more foreign policy decisions that are handled incorrectly will become a war. It's a shame seeing what Bush did to our Country. I am looking forward to one day when the masses of other Americans realize how Bush has swindled the country to carry out his Fathers will.

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