posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 11:45 AM
Kinda looks like a face, Mike, I agree.
I guess the interpretation of this (and any other visage) is up to one's own imagination, I guess.
My only suggestion to all interpreters would be to read a bit about
Pareidolia here and
here and
simulacrum, here.
Both of these terms refer to the very natural human psychological process by which our brains are wired to seek out and "find" human-recognizable
features in inanimate objects (yes, such as in clouds, toast, and rocks).
This is not a dig on Mike, per se. I actually respect his thoroughness, research efforts (where does he find the time?!?), and his wonderful
attention to detail. But, like the rest of us, he's only human. And, as proven by many clinical tests, he will be drawn to see faces because, from
infancy, humans are attracted to anything that resembles a face (or other easily recognized feature) and the neurons in our brains can not help but
"find them".
So Mike may pooh-pooh the whole bunnies-in-clouds/jesus-in-toast/faces-in-rocks rejoinder, but there is no way to argue against it since it is as much
a part of his brain as it is the rest of ours.
Not to discourage you Mike - keep looking - and keep sharing these wonderful images with us! They are fascinating to look at and highly entertaining
to discuss in the forum - you're an asset to ATS!
By the way - I'm not sure you can claim a copyright on a photo already under copyright protection by another entity (Courtesy: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G.
Neukum) ) - you may want to check into that just to cover yourself.
Carry on!
[edit-fix link]
[edit on 12/21/2007 by Outrageo]