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Ron Paul and his Neo-Nazi Supporters

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posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Forgive me if this has been brought up before. Has anyone else read the piece on American Thinker that shows the support that Ron Paul is getting from the Neo-Nazi groups? website announced: "Ron Paul for President"

Will the Ron Paul campaign be rejecting the $500 contribution made by neo-Nazi Don Black?"

the white-supremacist Vanguard News Network, Williams links to Paul's "grassroots" fundraising site

"Former" KKK leader (and convicted fraudster) David Duke's website, calls Ron Paul "our king"

This is an extensive article that does raise some interesting questions. Specifically, why does the no-Nazi crowd love Ron Paul so much? If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, what does that make the friend of my enemy? It doesn't look good for Ron Paul. That's quite the shady group you have supporting you.

[edit on 20-12-2007 by dbates]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by dbates

Slick way to bring the attention of this issue up without seeming like you're criticizing his campaign.

Firstly, lame.

Secondly, these men and women are supporting him for no other reason than a political one. The libertarian ideals coincide with people from all walks of life, from the ignorant to the brilliant.

Thirdly, lame.

It sucks when you see a good man getting torn down by the ignorant, the attention seeking, and the passive aggressive.

Sweet job, man.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 10:42 PM
I read it.
And some of the other lame attempts at discrediting the Paul campaign.

Not gonna stick. Because it's misrepresented. OVER , and OVER and OVER again.
In a weird way, it makes me happy that the Paul campaign has moved from being almost completely ignored, to becoming this giant BULLSEYE.

It tells me that Status shakin' in the boots!

In the meantime. Those with interests in Paul's supposed ties with neo-nazi's.
Should go here, and pledge a hundred dollars..If only to dilute that so-called dirty money..

I like the theme of this new "money bomb".

Go for it!!!!! OUTDONATE those Nazis!!

[edit on 20-12-2007 by spacedoubt]

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 07:16 AM
I think it says a lot about people when they do something like pick apart a persons supporters in an attempt to demonize the person.

First of all, these neo-nazi people are protected by the same rights as any other citizens of this country. Any fool can run around saying any stupid thing they want to. Paul's back to the Constitution message is good news for anyone with a mouth and an idea regardless of how hateful or idiotic the message. You can object to these clowns all you want but you have no right to censor them.

It seems to be an ever growing theme in modern America that we should just silence all opinions we don't agree with. Thats WRONG.

Second, If a bunch of skinheads were somehow able to use Jesus, Ghandi, Muhammad, and Superman to justify their beliefs does that make Jesus, Ghandi, Muhammad or Superman skinheads? No.

Everyone should support Paul for this very reason from skinheads to Black Panthers to those seeking Aztlan to global warming "alarmists" to global warming "deniers" to Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Scientologists, even the followers of the P.Stone Nation.

America isn't about silencing opinions by any means.

Maybe if some big government Communist group started donating to Paul's campaign I'd raise an eyebrow because they'd be donating to essentially their enemy but otherwise any American who enjoys freedom and wishes to see liberty return (before we're forced to take it back Jeffersonian style) should be on board with Paul.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
any American who enjoys freedom and wishes to see liberty return (before we're forced to take it back Jeffersonian style)

What does that mean exactly? A revolt? That some states would secede from the Union? Sounds like 1850 all over again.

Face it, Ron Paul represents the fringe. The most recent Gallop Poll shows that despite raising money he slipped from 5% to 3%. Why? Because he refuses to come out and distance himself from these fringe extremist groups. Sure, it may be legal to be a member of Stormfront, but presidential elections are won by doing more than just obeying the law. It's about intregrity and character. Hanging out with riff-raff, does not display presidential character.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by dbates

Oh, yeah? What is?

And if you can clearly explain that, tell me who, if not Ron Paul, is.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Well I have just all respect for Ron Paul . Honestly this situation really does paint his supporters in a very poor light . Look forgot about censure ship because it is a lame attempted to divert peoples attention away from the topic . I am not calling for the likes of Neo Nazis websites to be shut down .
It is morally bankrupt not to stand up and speak out against Neo Nazi groups .

All Ron or his campaign had to do was to refund the money and say how morally wrong the donor is on all levels. You know if my grandfather didn't have dementia I would ask him what he makes of all of this. He was was in a "work" camp during the war.

Do we need a global every 25 years that includes a Holocaust to wake people up from there slumber ?

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by xpert11

I can't say I'm not disappointed about what has transpired, but everyone seems to be exaggerating what has happened here. He is a man of original value, also. Rights and freedoms for all. Even the morally insufficient. If we're in this, we're in this together.. We can work out the fine details later.

There's also speculation of the donation being a set up. I don't necessarily buy it, but it's easily believable considering the other lows that American politics has stooped to in the past 230 years, or so.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
He is a man of original value, also. Rights and freedoms for all. Even the morally insufficient.

Well since refunding the money and speaking out against Neo Nazis wouldn't violate the rights of those in question there can be no excuse for the silence . Ron has just as much much right to refuse/refund money as people have to donate it.

There's also speculation of the donation being a set up. I don't necessarily buy it, but it's easily believable considering the other lows that American politics has stooped to in the past 230 years, or so.

Your point has merit here and if Ron was polling higher figures I wouldn't be surprised by some kind of set up. But I don't this would be a set up because it would be all to ease and morally right for Ron to get out of this hole.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by xpert11

Even those people have a right to give their money to whomever they want. You're making a big deal over nothing. How many times do you want the old guy to say how ridiculous the guy is and how he wouldn't want the money going back in the hands of somebody like that? His card was well played, and definitely different than what you'd get from ass kissing fairweather candidate apologizing up and down. At least Ron Paul's sentiments are real.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by xpert11

Oh, if he was pulling higher? Or this coming as he broke the online record of 6 million dollars in one day?

If you don't think he's trying to be smeared from every corner of the political realm, you're kidding yourself. He's a threat to the established order, and they're not taking it lightly.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Oh how quickly history fades this isnt something that should be glazed over. Of course its not a big deal you didn't spend any time under Nazi occupation.
If Ron Paul doesn't stand up for what is morally right now why would he do it if he is elected to the oval office ?
Look I never said that the establishment isnt again its just that I don't view Ron as the USA saviour.

But go on worshipping Ron Paul Mania will end soon enough and life can go hopefully with some leaders who look to the future for solutions rather then 200 years ago. I use to respect Ron Paul and lean towards some of his political positions so its not like I have been wanting to see Ron go down .

Ron Paul supporters seem to cling to him with some kind of blind hope . I wonder if there is a connection between supporting a withdrawl from Iraq which would doom that country to rule by Islamic extremists and not taking a stand Neo Nazis ........

: Waits to get flamed by Ron Paul worshippers :

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by xpert11

Oh, dear.

As you've seen in my previous posts, I'm obviously not some sort of Ron Paul zealot. You can polarize the discussion all you want with talks of "what Hitler did" and all the other cheap tactics used in a simple discussion, but that's not going to deter me from my perspective. It was one man's money. This man is nothing, no one, but because he donated 500 dollars to a campaign we've seem to have entangled ourselves in this melodramatic sentiments all shipped his way. Ron Paul has said over and over again how foolish the man is, and makes a pretty good point about as to "why" he's not giving the money back.

I'm not embroiled in any sort of Ron Paul "mania," as you call it. Rather, I can see through the bull#. Ron Paul is the only one who has been voting for a difference, ignoring lobbyists, and trying to do the people he rules over right. He follows the laws he's supposed to and rarely steps out of his realm on rulings. Even has sincerely apologized for ghost written articles and distanced himself from those who were responsible for it. Everyone making a big deal out of this does so with an Agenda. If you're intelligent enough to see through the smokescreen, you'll see a man, who wants change. A man who listens to the people in this time of desperation. He's our last chance for absolute change, and if we don't get it, you can get your "change" when those men running Washington, the men who have ALWAYS been running Washington decide you can have the "change" you're entitled to. Count on it not being the "change" you feed your family with.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
You can polarize the discussion all you want with talks of "what Hitler did" and all the other cheap tactics used in a simple discussion, but that's not going to deter me from my perspective.

Well if you want devalue history that is your choice .

It was one man's money. This man is nothing, no one, but because he donated 500 dollars to a campaign we've seem to have entangled ourselves in this melodramatic sentiments all shipped his way.

The man is spouse to bring great change sold out for $500 from a bunch of Neo Nazis enough said.

If you're intelligent enough to see through the smokescreen, you'll see a man, who wants change.

I am intelligent enough to know that even when one dislikes the status qua one must weigh up what is on offer with measured decision making that doesn't devalue history . Change also has to be for the better .

Anyway that's me done on this thread clearly peoples desire for change overrides everything else.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by xpert11

Change for my country is all I'm concerned about, no geeks standing on some soap box playing their politically correct card will change that. We all know Neo-Nazi's are bad. The racialist himself said it was about the politics and nothing else. Ron Paul scoffed at the notion he supported "groups" like this whatsoever and like the rest of us, don't see what the huge deal is. Ron Paul has continually handled himself like a gentlemen, even though people refuse to understand things from his perspective. So dramatic.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:12 AM
Political correctness has nothing to do with the topic at hand. People can decided what they make all of this along with Ron Paul Mania . If people want to devalue history under the guise of accusing others being dramatic I cant stop them . I have said my piece that is all I can do with a topic like this one.

Cheers xpert11.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

the people he rules over right

Your very words express the reason the Ron Paul supporters have made me turn from him...

Just who does Ron Paul "RULE"?

Definitely not me... EVER


posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

Change just for the sake of change? Nope, no if your talkin' about change for the better, now your talkin'.

One can be all for freedom of expression, without condoneing the expression, or excepting money brought to you by that expression. As I said in another thread, there's no way I'd vote for the man now, even unopposed. His ethics are a little skewed.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by dbates

Well I see more dangerous to any American freedom the way corporate America is ruling our nation and having wars created for profits at the expenses of American blood.

What people fail to see is that 500 dollars is nothing than change when it comes to what corporate America is paying many of this politicians.

So what is worst a Neo-Nazi supporters or a war profiteer supporter, which group has done more harm to the American nation.

Dirty politics at its finest, If I can see the game played here and I am not even a Ron Paul supporter I guess people are just been blinded by dirty party lines.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Oh, let's not muck up the thread over semantics. I was talking about his district, and I think you knew exactly what I mean't.

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