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Where is Alex Collier now?

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posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:22 PM

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by vladmir

hey i just found his website .... whoever he is the government hate him cause he knows whats up ....

i hope they never find him ..

All power 2 all people ... live 2 love love 2 live

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by vladmir

hey i just found his website .... whoever he is the government hate him cause he knows whats up ....

i hope they never find him ..

All power 2 all people ... live 2 love love 2 live

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:17 PM
Alex Collier just recently (in may) gave a speech at a exopolitics forum in hawaii. As always, very inspiring and influential. I am really starting to understand now.

There are 7 parts. He talks a bit about the andromedan mother ship. Amazing.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

He is putting the info out there. To inform people what is actually going on according to him. After listening to what he has to say I find it quite positive in respect to who and what we are.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:10 AM
i believe alex collier. the moon being a satelite was hard for me to believe but every person has a different point of view i know he was honest and genuine.
phil scnider and william cooper said the same things .i like william coopers
youtube videos alot and phil scniders as well.sadly theyre both dead.i wonder wheres alex collier.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

He is putting the info out there. To inform people what is actually going on according to him. After listening to what he has to say I find it quite positive in respect to who and what we are.

Agree with you there, sure does fill in alot of gaps in the version of the "history" of humanity that we are taught or shall I say spoon feed to take as being the only truth by the powers that be.


posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Alex Collier reportedly lives in Boulder, CO now, the city where Paola Harris also lives, as well as Marshall Vian Summers. So, Boulder is a cosmic city, plus it's where the most advanced research in "dark states" and Bose Einstein condensates is being conducted (at the National Institute of Standards, where Carl Wieman won the Nobel for first creating a Bose Einstein condensate). Here's my critique of Alex Collier:

Collier notes some interesting themes that various aliens have reportedly mentioned, but I find that some of his statments don't quite fit what we know about aliens.

For example: Collier says Spain and France's Basques are an e.t. race, the Lyrans. He says they're human-like, worshipped as gods on some planets. However, that isn't how aliens behave, according other sources.

And the Basques are very human. Just because current linguistics can't place the origin of their language doesn't mean it didn't develop discretely on Earth. In addition, Collier says Vegans/Lyrans had a colony in N. Africa 701,000 yrs. ago. Now, if that were true, we'd find artifacts. There are none. Collier says Niburu aliens also had a colony--in Ethiopia 585,000 yrs ago. No artifacts, no proof--only Collier's statements.

But there's more: Collier says Lemurians had a colony in the South Pacific, and Collier says "Atlantis" was founded by e.t.’s 57,000 yrs ago-- by Pleiadians. Do you see a pattern here? Collier may be trying to get us to think we're merely incidental ironies of an older alien-human version on this planet. Do you see how that could make some uninformed or unscientific humans think that the gray-related incursion is just the same old, same old---both of, and native to, this planet... hence no need to worry?

The most unlikely detail from Collier is the 2500 pound, warlike "Reptilians" story he tells--18-25 feet tall reptile aliens ruled by a monarch queen, one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. Here's a reality check: aliens with superluminal physics and advanced technology wouldn't have anything to do with monarchy or outwardly classist social structuring. It's too backward and destructive. Aliens evolve; they don't regress with time.

Finally, Collier says grays are a militant race, hostile to humans. “The Greys have participated in all Wars of Enforcement declared by the reptilian alliances and have been attributed with three accidental extinctions in the last ten thousand years.” Ever seen war-like grays, militants? They're reportedly non-sexuals, maybe too obedient, but not militant. Instead, they appear to be too easily led by other aliens in their alignment. And what is their alignment? Phillip Krapf's report on their alignment is the most plausible, and it isn't led by "reptilians."

Here's another Collier quote that makes me skeptical:

"According to the Andromedans, the Alpha Draconians have had space travel for 4 billion years. They are an incredible race and have achieved great things, but they are bullies. They are jerks, and that's a judgment - I'm taking that judgment myself. That's my judgment based on what I know about them. The Draconians do not like human beings. The Andromedans say that Draconians believe that this universe was here for them - that their history teaches them that they were left here to rule it. But, when they started traveling, they ran across other races. They were able to conquer many of those races through genetic manipulation.... The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of age. The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians.

So, Collier says a race called Alpha Draconians have had high tech for 4 billion years, but, at the same time, he says they only live to be 1,800 to 4,100 years old (the "royal line" lives the longer). That starkly contradicts other, more reliable sources. Phillip Krapf, a Pulitzer winning editor for what was one of the two best papers in the US, the LA Times, reports that aliens called Verdants, who've only had space-faring tech for 229 million years, live to be 20,000 years old. In addition, aliens I tentatively call "hyperversal aliens" who pre-date us by billions of years have hinted that hyperversal aliens live as much as 11 million years. Jim Marrs book Alien Agenda discusses hyper-advanced aliens, also. See my (free to read) book at Alien Mind

In other words, the Alpha Draconian story throws Collier's whole schema about alien age and levels of advancement into doubt. It's nearly impossible that aliens around for 4 billion years--think about that number--would be a "royal line." They would have extinguished all notions of classist antescedents billions of years ago. And they would live much, much longer than Verdants reportedly do, for example. Science proceeds in every case. Collier's ideas about Alpha Draconians are so far from what we should expect, especially in a basic scenario of scientific evolution, that it throws his other claims into sharp question.

If there actually were a group called Draconians, they'd live at least tens of thousands of years, probably nearly a million. Alien genetics and their micro applications of negative/alternative cycling technology (scalar energy tech) allow for conditioning and selection of long-life genetics.

Worse yet, Collier says that "The Nordics are clones and run by computers. They are not actually living souls. Here is the thing. The Clones are enough aware that they exist. but they know that when they die it is over. It is like the movie 'Blade runner'."

Now that's a dangerous thought. To deny that they have souls isn't consistent with what all aliens suggest. All life is sentient. None should be regarded as soul-less, in the human notion of such.

In short, there are stark inconsistencies in Collier's story. He may have personally interacted with aliens that he believes are as stated, but...

A larger scheme of off-world science suggests that, in the actual contact scenario, Collier would either be misinformed or incautious in sorting out his info.

--George LoBuono, writer and investigative researcher in Davis, CA

[edit on 5-1-2009 by gl2]

[edit on 5-1-2009 by gl2]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:45 PM
I noticed b4 a link to an article via in one of the replies..... Does this mean this guy is linked @ all to the Disclosure Project and Dr Greer ????

If so what does this mean for his credibility ??? Im not here to flame Dr Greer and his work as I saw the original press conference and became very engaged again with UFO's , EBE's and possible life on other planets....

but if this is the case what can we really take from what he is saying ???

Also has anyone heard any recent news from the Disclosure Project and Dr Greer..... their site never seems to be updated so can we assume that it's starting to fall on the side....

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Take a look up at the stars....there are lots visable to the naked eye ..yes?

Suns and gallaxys..yes? How many ? Hundereds of thousands? Millions? .

Now take a look at that dark area between the stars....the hubble has reportly found the same amount of suns , gallaxys in these dark areas .

Think about that for a too say that one persons contact with ETs cant be right because another person had a different experence really cant hold up, I suspect that there are many different types of ETs visiting ... Think about how many sightings , contacts , abductions what have you that do not get reported for one reason or another.

I remember when star trek was using the comuicators with no wires back in the eary 70s, hmmm how crazy was that idea, no wires indeed ..impossible...can you say cell phones....

Its here , its now , times are a changing , we are NOT the only planet with life on it as we have been told, spoon feed through religion or what have you.

Are they hostile ? Some could be but I dont belive they all are or we would be gone already , could they be useing us for their own personal ( fill in the blank ) ...could be I dont know.

I do know that its time to wake up humanity from the deep sleep most of us appear to be in , let the chips fall where they may.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by gl2

You're saying he can't be trusted because all he has is his word. Seeing how that's all you have also (along with anyone else that's ever mentioned being contacted by aliens) you can't be trusted anymore than anyone else. Yet you state everything you say as pure fact with nothing at all to back it up with other than what others have said.

Now how is your post any different from anything he or others have said? Because you're a researcher, that makes you more credible or what? You can't sit there and pretty much call the guy a liar because he has no proof then turn around and say similar thing yet imply it's all fact when you have no proof yourself. Doesn't work that way. Like someone else pointed out, if life exists elsewhere, there's a good chance there's thousands to millions of different species. Not everyone is going to have the same exact story.


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Do you mean Alfred Lambremont Webre's Webre takes a positive attitude toward aliens and recently sent out a message about 2012 and e.t. energies he'd experienced up at James Gilliand's Washington state ranch. Some thought that to even mention 2012 was a dip into a manufactured hype about the 2012 scheme, which detracts from Webre's other, more educated discussions.

As an author of a book called Alien Mind, which is an in-depth discussion about the thought and behavior of e.t.'s, I include some critiques of the abducting alignment (gray-related) of aliens, reportedly from a galaxy other than our own. When Webre writes me he emphasizes a "positive" viewpoint in his format, which seems to suggest that my critiques may cause difficulties in human-alien interactions. However, at the same time, Webre wrote me earlier saying that he was indebted to me for my exposition, in a larger sense.

Being of a more positive attitude, Webre may be construed as being closer to Greer and Mack (positives) than he is to David Jacobs or Budd Hopkins, who warn us to look for a possibly unseen agenda in alien abductions (a breeding and infiltration scheme that we need to study more closely). As for direct Webre-Greer relation, I can't say. When I've written him Greer has been offish and unresponsive. I've sent numerous messages his way and only once got the written equivalent of a waxy handshake. I admire his early disclosure work, but I'm disappointed in the narrowness of his perception of aliens.

Greer cannot conceive of the fact that aliens are abducting humans. Instead, Greer tries to assert that only human mil-intel goons do that, that those same humans even manufactured aliens to do some of the abducting in reverse-engineered human vehicles. I don't know how Greer can be so neatly dismissive of the thousands of reports of abductions, most of which could never be done by humans, but Greer takes an entirely positive viewpoint. He has people pay to join in his invited contact/buzzing by alien vehicles. So, read his latest book Hidden Truth along with his more famous book Disclosure. Hidden Truth shows his attitude toward aliens.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by gl2]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by gl2

As your quoting Dr Greer I would like to add that he is now the thorn in the side of Ufology these days.

On one of his field trips or should I say vectoring in, a ET craft slowly flew over thier heads low enough to stand up and touch the bottom of it he quoted.

What I think is strange is that not one photo or video is available to up hold his claims ?

Also does Collier have any photographic evidence.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:55 AM
This probably won't be of any proof to you, but..

Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.

And just read this whole ting:

Still, you might not see it as proof, but you could at least consider it. Remember they have been threatened.. That was part of the reason Alex quit in the first place. And the main reason he doesn't provide physical evidence.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by vasaga]


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Astronomers estimate that we see 50-100 billion galaxies in the universe. Most are relatively small, irregular shaped or small ellipticals, but there are billions of galaxies as big as ours, or much larger. For example, the large elliptical galaxy in the center of our next-door neighbor (modest sized) supercluster of galaxies, the Virgo supercluster, is called M-87. It contains 1.3 trillion solar masses, the equivalent of 1.3 trillion suns. The Milky Way is only about a fifth that massive, or less. But if you like big galaxies, the Milky Way and Andromeda will merge in about 2.5-3 billion years. Scientists used to say it would be 3.5 billion years before the merger, but last week a new estimate by researchers shows the Milky Way to be almost a massive as the Andromeda galaxy, meaning the two will be drawn to each other more rapidly.

But in 3 billion years, we'll be about 10-20 times more advanced than the most advanced aliens most humans have ever even heard of. We'll have big heads, mixed genes w. other aliens, and our planet may be dead. So, we'll be more mobile, much more deeply integrated into other alien societies. ***I didn't say Alex Collier's claims are all wrong, although some certainly are. The Nordic type aliens are all part of the gray alignment, by the way. They do joint abductions. I wish Collier wouldn't speak in terms of Constellations, but specific stars, instead. Most astronomers think of Andromeda as that big spiral sister galaxy, 2.3 million light years from us.

(from my book Alien Mind, free to read on the web) "The so-called Nordics and Semitics are human-looking aliens discussed by government whistleblower Dr. Michael Wolf and others (see Richard Boylan’s website). Wolf said that Nordics (tall, often blonde aliens who look like humans) and Semitics (long-nosed aliens who look semitic-human) come from the fourth and fifth planets of a star called Altair, which is easily visible from our northern hemisphere. However, Wolf said both groups were bred by another human-looking group from the Pleiades star cluster. In other words, they would all be related. *Swiss contactee Billy Meier’s much-disputed contacts feature “Pleiadians,” although he now calls them Plejarans.

"The problem with “Pleidians” is two-fold. One, contactees say the Pleiadians are enemies of the grays, yet that appears to be contradicted by reports that Pleiadians say they’re part of a “galactic federation,” which sounds exactly like the larger gray alignment (not led by grays, by the way). Secondly, the Pleiades star group (purported home of “the Pleiadians”) is only 100 million years old, so life couldn’t have evolved there yet (Earth is 4.5 billion years old). Instead, the name of those human-looking aliens should reflect their origin, which certainly isn't the Pleiades. *If US soldiers were to ride into Africa and say “we're from Africa because we have a base here,” no one would call them Africans.

"Some abductees interviewed by David Jacobs say Nordics were involved in their abductions. As Jacobs writes,” the evidence clearly suggests that the Nordics are most probably adult hybrids of human/alien mating.” (The Threat p. 93) Abductees told Jacobs that Nordics have been seen wearing tight-fitting, one piece uniforms sometimes of a silvery color. Brenda, who was interviewed by Budd Hopkins, said she was abducted and taken to a base where grays and Nordics worked side by side. At an MIT conference on abductions, researcher Jenny Randles said her research showed that in Britain 35% of abductions are by Nordics, 6% of abductions in the United States are by Nordics, and in Europe 25% are by Nordics. (C.D.B. Bryan p. 68) In other words, evidence suggests that “Pleiadians” and Nordics are gray alignment aliens, not native neighbors of ours."

Collier is just another person duped into thinking that a predatory, colonizing creation of the gray alignment is an important part of our galaxy. They aren't. They're probably not wanted here--for one big reason. They are the shills, the footsoldiers of colonizing aliens from a distant galaxy. Meanwhile, our galaxy and Andromeda will merge, meaning there will be LESS habitable zones in the merged elliptical-to-be. So, rather than invite reckless, conflict propagating colonizers (who are an overpopulation problem) in here, our neighbors appear to want them to go. Meanwhile, the gray alignment's strategy is to foul and confuse, to thwart and reduce your ability to distinguish between alien groups.

Don't fall for their routine. Alex Collier, whether knowingly or not, is part of it. His analysis isn't scientific. It isn't consistent, although some obvious universal truths are written into it.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by gl2]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by gl2

So who are you to believe over Alex Collier? I think a bit of 'alien-envy' is apparent here. I'm not saying you are not educated in alienology, but I think you may be a little jealous you have not had the same experiences as Alex.

I'll stick with Alex's version, and his approach is a little less complex than the one you put forward. No offense intended.


posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Fool, thats exactly what those assholes want you to do, grow some balls and get to work and bring this info to the world starting with yourself...fool...

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Sorry, I know this was said a while ago, but I have to say something in response. Claiming he's another guy just trying to make a buck doesn't make sense at all. Where is his website promoting all the material he is to use to make all this money you assume he's making. He has no home page, and it's very difficult to find information about him on the internet.

I believe Alex is genuine.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:33 AM
I just watched the 1994 interview and was into some of it but he ruins his credibility with his inconsistent stories.

Theres a part of the 1994 video he says that "the andromidons consider us royalty". When right before he's saying all aliens are equal, and if anyone would think that they would.

He also says some draconians are actually good beings and posses 4th dimensional abilities, and being meat eaters as well. But yet he says that all the rest are bad. the same could be said of humans who are horrible and consuming other beings but there are still many are capable of changing and who do live differently.
And I mean honestly "Draconians" who came up with that name? It just seems so made up to embody the fear of some reptile alien race. VERY generic im afraid.

It's not enough either, the fact that they fancy the flesh of young boys and girls everywhere just seems conjured up. I mean with your abilities why not just clone those kids and be somewhere else, oh but yes I guess they feed off of negative energy as well and for some reason like earth....soooo why isn't that enough, now more then ever there are more people on the earth and a lot of negativity on a global scale and they have to live underground hiding from us being how huge and powerful. Why not just come on up stop hiding and make us suffer. I'm sure you can get more fear with giant lizard aliens lumbering around eating our children in front of our eyes.

He talks about raising our vibration to another dimension and that we are all capable. So what of the animal's that exist on our planet? I find that many animals posses great intelligence and I'm sure they are fine with just being, not trying to ascend like so many people think is nessisary to have a fulfulling existence or make change. It's like people need this as an excuse. "Oh someday we will rise above" If anything we already posses the abilities to do all good and reach many spiritual states, why the need to ascend to some fictitious level. It seems like a bunch of talkers who don't know how to walk the walk and need an event like this to change everybody instantly. It takes more than just a belief to change things for the better.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:34 PM
I've connected some of the dots and It all ties in with what he was saying... And unlike others I feel a strong sense of truth in him.

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