Alex Collier reportedly lives in Boulder, CO now, the city where Paola Harris also lives, as well as Marshall Vian Summers. So, Boulder is a cosmic
city, plus it's where the most advanced research in "dark states" and Bose Einstein condensates is being conducted (at the National Institute of
Standards, where Carl Wieman won the Nobel for first creating a Bose Einstein condensate). Here's my critique of Alex Collier:
Collier notes some interesting themes that various aliens have reportedly mentioned, but I find that some of his statments don't quite fit what we
know about aliens.
For example: Collier says Spain and France's Basques are an e.t. race, the Lyrans. He says they're human-like, worshipped as gods on some planets.
However, that isn't how aliens behave, according other sources.
And the Basques are very human. Just because current linguistics can't place the origin of their language doesn't mean it didn't develop discretely
on Earth. In addition, Collier says Vegans/Lyrans had a colony in N. Africa 701,000 yrs. ago. Now, if that were true, we'd find artifacts. There are
none. Collier says Niburu aliens also had a colony--in Ethiopia 585,000 yrs ago. No artifacts, no proof--only Collier's statements.
But there's more: Collier says Lemurians had a colony in the South Pacific, and Collier says "Atlantis" was founded by e.t.’s 57,000 yrs ago-- by
Pleiadians. Do you see a pattern here? Collier may be trying to get us to think we're merely incidental ironies of an older alien-human version on
this planet. Do you see how that could make some uninformed or unscientific humans think that the gray-related incursion is just the same old, same
old---both of, and native to, this planet... hence no need to worry?
The most unlikely detail from Collier is the 2500 pound, warlike "Reptilians" story he tells--18-25 feet tall reptile aliens ruled by a monarch
queen, one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. Here's a reality check: aliens with superluminal physics and advanced technology wouldn't have
anything to do with monarchy or outwardly classist social structuring. It's too backward and destructive. Aliens evolve; they don't regress with
Finally, Collier says grays are a militant race, hostile to humans. “The Greys have participated in all Wars of Enforcement declared by the
reptilian alliances and have been attributed with three accidental extinctions in the last ten thousand years.” Ever seen war-like grays, militants?
They're reportedly non-sexuals, maybe too obedient, but not militant. Instead, they appear to be too easily led by other aliens in their alignment.
And what is their alignment? Phillip Krapf's report on their alignment is the most plausible, and it isn't led by "reptilians."
Here's another Collier quote that makes me skeptical:
"According to the Andromedans, the Alpha Draconians have had space travel for 4 billion years. They are an incredible race and have achieved great
things, but they are bullies. They are jerks, and that's a judgment - I'm taking that judgment myself. That's my judgment based on what I know
about them. The Draconians do not like human beings. The Andromedans say that Draconians believe that this universe was here for them - that their
history teaches them that they were left here to rule it. But, when they started traveling, they ran across other races. They were able to conquer
many of those races through genetic manipulation.... The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of age. The ones that
live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians.
So, Collier says a race called Alpha Draconians have had high tech for 4 billion years, but, at the same time, he says they only live to be 1,800 to
4,100 years old (the "royal line" lives the longer). That starkly contradicts other, more reliable sources. Phillip Krapf, a Pulitzer winning editor
for what was one of the two best papers in the US, the LA Times, reports that aliens called Verdants, who've only had space-faring tech for 229
million years, live to be 20,000 years old. In addition, aliens I tentatively call "hyperversal aliens" who pre-date us by billions of years have
hinted that hyperversal aliens live as much as 11 million years. Jim Marrs book Alien Agenda discusses hyper-advanced aliens, also. See my (free to
read) book at
Alien Mind
In other words, the Alpha Draconian story throws Collier's whole schema about alien age and levels of advancement into doubt. It's nearly impossible
that aliens around for 4 billion years--think about that number--would be a "royal line." They would have extinguished all notions of classist
antescedents billions of years ago. And they would live much, much longer than Verdants reportedly do, for example. Science proceeds in every case.
Collier's ideas about Alpha Draconians are so far from what we should expect, especially in a basic scenario of scientific evolution, that it throws
his other claims into sharp question.
If there actually were a group called Draconians, they'd live at least tens of thousands of years, probably nearly a million. Alien genetics and
their micro applications of negative/alternative cycling technology (scalar energy tech) allow for conditioning and selection of long-life genetics.
Worse yet, Collier says that "The Nordics are clones and run by computers. They are not actually living souls. Here is the thing. The Clones are
enough aware that they exist. but they know that when they die it is over. It is like the movie 'Blade runner'."
Now that's a dangerous thought. To deny that they have souls isn't consistent with what all aliens suggest. All life is sentient. None should be
regarded as soul-less, in the human notion of such.
In short, there are stark inconsistencies in Collier's story. He may have personally interacted with aliens that he believes are as stated, but...
A larger scheme of off-world science suggests that, in the actual contact scenario, Collier would either be misinformed or incautious in sorting out
his info.
--George LoBuono, writer and investigative researcher in Davis, CA
[edit on 5-1-2009 by gl2]
[edit on 5-1-2009 by gl2]