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Why "Disclosure" will never happen.

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posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Although its pretty evident through numerous recently declassified FIOA docs as well as photos,radar confirmation, soil samples, eyewitness reports involving individual, commercial and military pilots as well as eyewitness sighting by by astronauts e.g.-Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper just to name a few. Its a pretty fair assumption that The Military and most likely Dept. of Defense has much more info on the UFO phenomenon whether its real or not, than they care to talk about.

Will "they" ever come out with pertinent information confirming the validity of the UFO Phenomenon? My answer is defiantly NO. Here are just a few of the reasons I think it will never happen?

1.) I really dont think that most people really care. If it doesn't effect every day life why introduce the reality and confirmation into the mainstream public who has been conditioned to laugh it off and associate it with buffoonery. The Govt. likes it when we don't ask questions and enjoy watching garbage reality shows and Paris Hilton and OJ on CNN. Like in ancient Rome Caesars objective was to give the people a god to worship, keep their minds distracted and therefore they wont ask too many questions and just go with the flow.

2.) I think most of us agree here that the Govt. will most likely never be honest with us on this issue...never.

2.) It would seriously contest religious belief systems that have been hard at work for thousands of years, conditioning people to believe only what they are told and never question what is beyond. Those belief systems (for the most part) keep people behaving. The confirmation of the ET presence could contest most peoples image of "god" and would most likely set off a negative reaction to any religion that associated "aliens" as the work of the devil. e.g.-Christianity and Islam.

3.) It could open open the door to quite a bit of political unrest to the U.S. if they were the ones to "disclose the info" those countries bound in religious doctrine may turn to US and associate us as ambassadors of "the devil" e.g. predominantly Muslim countries.

Please add some reasons either why they would.. or why they wont...Thanks!

[edit on 15-12-2007 by luxor311]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by luxor311

I agree that the government wont give up any information willingly, no matter what evidence shows to be true. I think that before they admit to anything, something substancial and undeniable would have to take place. Even then, nobody would ever say they've had any prior evidence or knowledge on the subject. (That's our government for ya!)
It's going to be people like Jose Escamilla and fellow truth-seekers on ATS that help the public see what's going on!
In my opinion, it's definately worth trying, I totally support the Disclosure Project.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:28 PM
I think that the only way disclosure will happen is if E.T.s actually show themselves for the whole world to see.Which I do believe will happen one day.If it does,look for the gov't to be "surprised" by it as well.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:40 PM
I think the narrow-mindedness of the general public is the greatest stumbling block and always will be.
It would/will take something completely unfathomable such as the undeniable
appearance of a non man-made u.f.o over perhaps a major city with unprecedented mainstream media coverage to provoke a public outcry / demand for disclosure.
Otherwise the average person I would say,whilst perhaps being more openminded than those of a few generations ago, still thinks that extra terrestrial life is nothing more than science fiction and is not willing to think too long about or examine the truth about the size of the known and unknown universe and the potential for other forms of life that are out there.

In addition to the ever growing number of sightings and accounts of abductions and contact, personally I live in hope that there is disclosure in my lifetime as right now I just cannot imagine how there could not possibly be life on other planets.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 07:07 PM
The biggest single issue for me, as what was pointed out in the original post, is religion.

The power in many countries of the world lays with the church. Whatever faith you belong to.

Even in the USA, where the man at the top was hell bent (crickey, bad pun) on giving his version of creationism to school kids, why would you destroy the very institution that goes a long way to keeping you at the top?

What about countries in the Middle East, South East Asia, right the way down to small Pacific Island nations like Tonga, where the church plays a massive part in the day-to-day life of most people.

Disclosure won't happen until the day when most people on this planet are athiest, or willing to happen an open mind. But, ironically, most churches reward you for not opening your mind.

Or, something really really meaty gets posted on YouTube - which no-one can deny.

On a side note, I really dislike that term, 'open your mind', it's just so... Manchester 1989, stuck in a nightclub at 5am thinking 'how... am... I...gonna...get...home'.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Mr Gunter
The biggest single issue for me, as what was pointed out in the original post, is religion.

The power in many countries of the world lays with the church. Whatever faith you belong to.

Even in the USA, where the man at the top was hell bent (crickey, bad pun) on giving his version of creationism to school kids, why would you destroy the very institution that goes a long way to keeping you at the top?

What about countries in the Middle East, South East Asia, right the way down to small Pacific Island nations like Tonga, where the church plays a massive part in the day-to-day life of most people.

Disclosure won't happen until the day when most people on this planet are athiest, or willing to happen an open mind. But, ironically, most churches reward you for not opening your mind.

Or, something really really meaty gets posted on YouTube - which no-one can deny.

On a side note, I really dislike that term, 'open your mind', it's just so... Manchester 1989, stuck in a nightclub at 5am thinking 'how... am... I...gonna...get...home'.

Good Post...

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