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RadarMatrix Slammed

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posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:59 PM
It is amazing how a little research goes a long way toward debunking one of the sillier HAARP/radar/chemtrail sites.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 10:29 AM
an update:

From the above thread on the other site:

[QUOTE]Originally posted by electricmojoman (RadarMatrix):

Do you actually think I want this stuff to be true? Your out of your mind? I would LOVE for you to prove me wrong. So that the next day I wake up I don't have to worry about an electrical grid right on top on my head. HAARP, my friend, is basically the outlet in your house. The magnetic energy around the earth is the outlet of untold energy and HAARP is the plug in. HAARP's rows of antenna's pulsing energy upwards will add electricity to the lowest levels of atmosphere. It may very well be that the dome of energy that radars send out touches that layer. Chemtrails May actually be conductive material. Please oh mighty do not take this time to go back to make a point that your talking strictly about radar anomalies

HAARP and the Electrojet oh my! We are plugged into a HUGE amount of electricity now. You have no concept of magnetics, EM energy, scalar electromagnetics or energy itself. I suggest you read over the document you just posted and many more on the above topics!

Your concept of energy has a long way to go. I may not be a scientist but I do have a very nonlinear thought pattern. Which mean I have the ability to analyze a lot of data and come up with reasons for things that I see.

I understand the power! I wish it not true! I truly fear for people and the effects the EM energy.

. . .

However, the power is self-evident on radars and the other many aspects out there helping this EM field. It is not a linear thing by any means! Electromagnetic is the zeros and ones of the matrix! 010101010101010 [/B][/QUOTE]

�You have no concept of magnetics, EM energy, scalar electromagnetics or energy itself.� LOL.

If there is a point at which a conspiracy theory breaks down into outright paranoid delusions of grandeur, then I think Electromojoman may have crossed that line.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 11:23 AM

If there is a point at which a conspiracy theory breaks down into outright paranoid delusions of grandeur, then I think Electromojoman may have crossed that line.

We have all crossed that line but are hiding our insanity inside, hoping it to be untrue.
the weapon thats been designed to do unbelievable things is real.

Disrupt electronic communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military's own communication systems working
to act as an electromagnetic pulse weapon capable of overloading and disabling electric circuits
to provide radar that can scan beyond the horizon
to act as an earth probing tool to locate oil and mineral reserves
to conduct electricity through the atmosphere without wires
to create nuclear-sized explosions without residual radiation
to disrupt human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas
to modify and control weather patterns.

i find the part in bold to be the most interesting to me...
i believe there to be a frequency fence stopping the evolvement of our minds in the years coming to 2012, and the end of the earths cycle etc..the hidden hand knows the earth is changing and they will do all that is possible to suppress that change in us as people and as a consciousness.
have i crossed that line?
i flew over that line bro.

[Edited on 10-2-2004 by NaturalDisaster]

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 11:34 AM
To be, for a conspiracy theory to be valid, it must be grounded in reality. Unfortunately, like a lot of other theories, this one suffers from a total lack of connection to the physical sciences.

posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 11:58 AM
I looked at the odd radar returns and with my 20 something years of radar experience I don't see anything that odd. Most of the pic's are radars that show strobing. This is a common thing with radars. Things get out of phase and you get strobing. Thats the spike lines. Its all very normal except for anyone who does not understand radar.

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