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MSNBC: 'How Bush Became a Government Unto Himself'

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posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Man .. this 'source' is worse than World Net Daily. Seriously ... ya' might want to use something else next time.

Here is the link to a video that the article is actually about, it's a news story from MSNBC.

How Many Laws Has Bush Broken? - MSNBC Video

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Keyhole - thanks for the link. Seriously ... is an echo-chamber and a dump. You'll get teased if you link to them. Just FYI.

Originally posted by Alpha Grey

Originally posted by deltaboy
Are you expecting another election in which Bush is running again?

Ever hear of Jeb Bush ??

Ever hear of the NUMEROUS interviews and statements that Jeb Bush has given saying that he would definately NOT RUN for POTUS??

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
All the Bushes care about is money and oil and worse of all POWER.

Kerry was about all that ... and more. All politicians are.
(plus he was even dumber than Bush. Pretty bad

Originally posted by jtma508
those of us that did vote for Kerry did so because what we were in fact doing was voting against the Bush administration.

I did the same thing. I voted against Kerry and what would have been his pathetic administration. He would have been worse - IMHO.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
reply to post by NewWorldOver

Can't imagine a "Nazi" leader with a black woman aka Condi Rice would be sitting next to him. Not to mention kissing each other on the cheeks.

Oh boy...

I'm not even going to touch this.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo

Just so you know I voted for Bush the first time....and I feel dupt! He has lied and committed one violent act after the other since he has been in power. Not a very good track record for being a supposed man of God. I was taken in by what he was saying he was going to do when he was campaigning for President.I feel lied to....saying we deserve it is a little immature on your part.

Thank you for being honest. The majority of people are so ridiculously stubborn that they will not admit that Bush is a tyrant. It is sad.

I think the pride and stubborn attitude of people is what allows Bush to do things like this. Republicans have been holding their tongue because they don't want to smear 'one of their own' but Bush is NOT a republican, he is a neo-con and a NAZI.

Democrats have done enough damage as well, believing that John Kerry would save them etc. and now theyare looking at Hillary and Obama as saviors. It's a very very sad thing. We are politically blind to the reality of what's going on. We are being fed on by elitists and puppets who paint themselves as Democrats and Republicans to FOOL us.

Again, thank you for being honest. If any Democrat I had elected for President behaved the way Bush has, I would decry them as well.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey

are you kidding me ?? Kerry or Gore would have been FAR better than MR. Dictator himself.

All the Bushes care about is money and oil and worse of all POWER.

Kerry was a member of the same satanic secret society as Bush.
Al Gore ... I won't get into him.
If you think the Bush family is the only American aristocracy willing to feed on our government and the people - I don't know what to say!

Trusting people because of the political badge they wear is the main reason our country is being taken away from us. Democrats and Republicans are both incredibly guilty of championing charlottans as saviors.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Alpha Grey

I did not vote for that boob or his father and I will NEVER vote for a Bush.

Be careful, I believe that saying that publicly can get you barred from representing the US in some kinds of competitions, like what happened to the US Bridge team:

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:09 PM
This is quite shocking. I cant believe this can happen without a uproar!

Cheney and Co. must have something to do with this....

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Kerry would have been worse.

I love it when people do this, they stare in the face of the complete absurdity of our administration, and say 'Kerry would've been worse.'

So you can state that Kerry would've Lied about WMD's, profited from 9/11, ignored the people of New Orleans, continuously stumble over his words in public, allowed torturing, give all the tax breaks to the rich, make mockery of diplomacy, mislead the public, institute a coating of fear with his Iranian diatribe, claim God told him to invade Iraq, villify an entire religon (islam), waste money on a historic level, write-off international opinion as irrelevant, allow his cronies to act subversively, kill the dollar, and shall I say etc..?

Even if so, how would you ever know? If you can see the future and can't see that your endorsment of such an adminstration was wrong, that is your bad.


posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:12 PM
The power to change the legislation should not be allowed by the executive branch. This power should be taken away. The executive should only be allowed to pass or veto the bill, not rewrite it in a age of lawyers gone wild.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

I love it when people do this, they stare in the face of the complete absurdity of our administration, and say 'Kerry would've been worse.'

It really is a frightening thing isn't it? To observe fellow citizens bending their judgement so far and so often to excuse the actions of this administration.

I do believe that Kerry intentionally lost. He is after all, a blood-brother in Oath to G.W. Bush. The 2004 election debates were some of the greatest theatrics in political history : and despite the fact that Kerry handed G.W. his arse in the debates, you STILL had people claiming that Bush was smarter then Kerry etc.

Blinders ahoy! In either case... they were both in on the plan to botch the 2004 elections and ensure a Bush victory. That's the scary part.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:52 PM
Its call executive orders and he does what he wants.

If you don't like how he executes, what are you going to do.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:09 PM
Allright kids. Enough is enough, where do we go from here?

Let's not let another well intended post fall into the ATS memory hole somewhere between "Help! My hairdresser is a reptile" and "Are the Greys fans of Rachel Ray?"

Even checking in on DailyKos today I found a rather scathing review of Dr. Ron Paul, essentially, no ACTUALLY calling him and his followers CRAZY.

So the left is against doing anything RADICAL.

And the right? well it seems Paul will not get the nod so where do WE stand?

And by WE I mean US, you know who you are.

The Sons of Liberty did what they felt that had to, are we at that point now?
Will any of us actually take up arms to defend our constitution?
Will I be in a locked room tomorrow answering to Federal Agents about the words I've just posted?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I just wonder if words have lost their ability to make a significant change.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Comma8Comma1

The Sons of Liberty did what they felt that had to, are we at that point now?
Will any of us actually take up arms to defend our constitution?
Will I be in a locked room tomorrow answering to Federal Agents about the words I've just posted?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I just wonder if words have lost their ability to make a significant change.

Excellent point. Yes, people are overwhelmed with the amount of information pulling them from one side to the other and words HAVE lost their ability to make a difference.

I also believe that yes, if we declare at any point that we will raise arms against the government that we are liable to dissappear. It's not a joke anymore, laws have been passed by executive order that make any threat or misdemeanor a felony. I wish I were joking ... I wish that were an overstatement

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Kerry would have been worse.

I love it when people do this, they stare in the face of the complete absurdity of our administration, and say 'Kerry would've been worse.'

So you can state that Kerry would've Lied about WMD's, profited from 9/11, ignored the people of New Orleans, continuously stumble over his words in public, allowed torturing, give all the tax breaks to the rich, make mockery of diplomacy, mislead the public, institute a coating of fear with his Iranian diatribe, claim God told him to invade Iraq, villify an entire religon (islam), waste money on a historic level, write-off international opinion as irrelevant, allow his cronies to act subversively, kill the dollar, and shall I say etc..?

Even if so, how would you ever know? If you can see the future and can't see that your endorsment of such an adminstration was wrong, that is your bad.


So, are you saying Kerry wouldn't have done these things?

Politicians in general are bad. They are slaves to lobbyists and business interests (yes, even the Dems)

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by skoalman88

So, are you saying Kerry wouldn't have done these things?

Politicians in general are bad. They are slaves to lobbyists and business interests (yes, even the Dems)

I absolutely believe that Kerry would do the same things as Bush. He may have seemed vastly more intelligent but they were two operatives in the same scheme. The wool that was pulled over Democrats eyes was a masterful work of mainstream propaganda, but I will never understand what caused people to vote twice for Bush, the reasons they gave were the fruits of a huge deception effort and I couldn't take it seriously.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 12:47 AM
i'd rather see Kerry;
try to pull off a war with Iran rather than the current bush.
at least if that happened, i wouldn't have to see the same face for another 4 years.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:45 AM
First off, great post Keyhole.
I'm actually blown away that any MSM would run a story like this.

On to some sad reality;
Those of you who are arguing Bush vs Kerry vs whoever need to understand that this problem runs much deeper than any one political party. This is about a system that has been corrupted to the point where the only viable solution is massive, and I mean MASSIVE, overhaul. I've been saying it for years. A two party system is a joke. It's the single best way to give the population apparent choice while in fact they have no choice at all.

Dems and Reps are the same damned thing.
Figureheads for Corporate Private Interest and Big Money to hide behind while they run the show.

This is the sad, but inevitable conclusion to Capitalism run rampant.

This is a danger the the founding fathers of the US knew was a threat and they worked very hard to implement measures to hinder the takeover of the government by greedy fat cats. Unfortunately, the people have not been vigilant. They have become fat themselves and have failed the noble vision.

It's time for a wakeup call.

Now before anyone says "What's this snotty Canuck doing bashing America and why is it his business?", let me say that things are not a whole lot better up here these days. We've got ourselves a Bush analog in office. Fortunately, our political system is not two party based, so it's much harder for the money men to infiltrate. There's always another party that's willing to make a stink and there's independents that actually win seats. Still... Harper duped my nation just as Bush duped the US and I'm quite sure they serve the same masters.

America was a noble vision at her conception. It's time for her to leave the corruption behind and return to the vision.

[edit on 14-12-2007 by BitRaiser]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Comma8Comma1

2 things

first, you should post later today to let us know if you got arrested or not

second, is your SN a nod to the old commodore computers operating system? IE: load "file name",8,1 (specifying disk device)

to the OP, great thread. i really hope congress passes something to limit these signing statements. and ideally that the scotus goes and removes them from all the laws he's screwed with in the last 8 years. wouldnt that be a kick in the nethers for him?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 07:39 AM
BitRaiser gets a star and a cookie. Why won't people wake up to this? I think Stan Marsh is right --- "25% of Americans are retards" (no offense intended to the mentally challenged).

'They' (whoever that cabal turns out to be) have been working on this for generations. They gave it a shot bank in the 30's but Gen Butler threw a wrench in that plan. What 'they' have been doing is figuring out exactly how much of the government and exactly which key positions they need to control in order to forward their agenda unmolested. The major players in both parties have been bought. And bought by the very same people. Any wonder why Bill Clinton's BFF is Bush Sr.? Or why Pelosi took impeachment off the table before she even took per position? Or why Congress has done absolutely nothing to de-fund and end the wars when the voters gave them that mandate back at the mid-terms?

They keep us frightened, divided (Dem v. Rep; Left v. Right; Red v. Blue; North v. South; Liberal v. Conservative; Coke v. Pepsi), economically oppressed, mis-informed and distracted while they slowly align the pieces of their plans.

We (The People) actually could change things. Even if you don't believe that, we can. If we could organize ourselves (we have the tools) and de-rail this election we could completely screw-up 'their' game plan.

How? Do NOT vote for any Republican or Democratic nominee (and all you people getting all pissed-off now KNOW you've uttered the phrase, 'They're all the same' at one point or another.). Vote OUT any incumbent Congressman from either party. Target the most senior Congressmen. End their political careers. Send a message LOUD AND CLEAR that we will continue this until we re-establish the legislature as a body representative of The People.

That is our only hope.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Damocles

1.) It's 9:26AM on the east coast and so far, no black helicopters. ('

2.) Ah yes, the C64.....('

[edit on 14-12-2007 by Comma8Comma1]

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