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Compilation: The Evidence For EBEs

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posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:10 PM
Evidence Description:
Alien Child...
This account is of a human child with a terrible birth defect.
It's listed here only for those who come across it thinking it's an Alien.
You probably don't want to read about this, it's very difficult and the child could not have lived for long after this filming. I only list it here because of the common misperception, and to inform those who don't already know, as this is a compilation...

Evidence Source:
Several internet sources, a google search is found here: T%3A303030%3BGIMP%3A000000%3BAWFID%3A896734dfb964eda9%3B&

Not posted, it's been declared unsuitable for ATS in several threads already...

ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Evidence Description:
Alien Photo of "Lord Enlil"...
From the thread, ATS members mostly feel this is a photoshopped fake.

Evidence Source:
Found through:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Evidence Description:
Roswell Hanger Footage of Alien Body...

Evidence Source:


Here is the embed code from the other site, Disclose.TV:
"" FlashVars="config=" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="450" height="370" name="flvplayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" allowFullScreen="true" />

ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

From the thread,
"Admin edit: This footage is part of the British comedy "Alien Autopsy" which is actually quite a good film. It was being shown here in the UK on Sky Movies only a couple weeks back."
[edit on 15-6-2007 by SimonGray]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Evidence Description:
Tiny Alien Skeleton...
Also known as, The Chilean Humanoid, The Alien Chestburster, and the Kitten Fetus

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:09 PM
Evidence Description:
Smuggled Russian Footage Shows Alien Experimentation on Humans...
Video shot from 'Alien Eye' Pespective???

Evidence Source:
Source for Story:


Google Video Link

ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:20 PM
Evidence Description:
Fallen Angel, Alien, Vampire...
This has been labeled in most threads as a part of a viral marketing campaign for the jeans company, Diesel...

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:31 PM
These are some great photos and links but the scariest thing by far is your avatar. The freakishly lifelike appearance of that creepy doll is what nightmares are made of.

I like what you are doing by creating a format.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:48 PM
Evidence Description:
Wierd Alien Worm Video...
Most posters think this is a terrestrial caterpillar, of a type closely resembling the puss caterpillar...
Puss Caterpillar pic can be found here:
and here:
Various other caterpillars are here:

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by merryxmas

Thanks!!! I think it's going to turn out to be a great utility, this thread. I've already got my research cells going in my brain for other compilation threads too. One with Circumstantial Evidence, like implants, etc. would be good. And someone simply MUST categorize all of the Government Reports into a single thread.

I may be wierd, but it's just easier for me to gather the bulk of the evidence into one place to decide. The beauty of the internet in general and ATS in particular is that we can link to the in depth stuff!

And best of all... Hopefully this thread will keep newbies like me from re-posting evidence that's already here. One quick check of this thread (once complete...) will tell an ATS user if the evidence they're discussing has already been posted. If it has, they can follow links directly to the appropriate threads (now long buried) and comment there. And this way all of the research that was done at the time of the original posting (original threads) won't be lost, and can be easily found when researching that particular item.

As for the Avatar, LOL, thanks I think?
I found it on a google image search. I just looked for eyes in the darkness. Until I finally decided to get pro-active and start looking for evidence directly, I felt that's all I was, eyes in the darkness. I personally have seen things in the sky on several occasions, and have ZERO explanation for them. This is part of my search for answers. So I suppose I'll remain just eyes in the darkness until I've got something concrete to go with.
Sorry to creep you out, I'm a normal looking person in real life! LOL

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Evidence Description:
Rods... (camera artifacts and bugs...)

Evidence Source:
Just do a google image search for 'Rods', this 'phenomenon' swept the nation after photographers figured out how to create the images. Coast2CoastAm has a lot on Rods too...


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

From the threads:
"To bring a conclusion to this rods bullcrap...
I was out in the woods nearby a few days ago, just testing out my new camera (EOS 300D). I was playing about with shutter speeds, and noticed a perfect tester: Midges flying around in a column of light.
I set the shutter speed to what I thought would work out, but in fact got it wrong and the midges went blurry.
I forgot all about it and went home.
Later that night I loaded the pictures up onto my PC, and lo and behold, I was stunned to see RODS! I knew that they were midges, but the resemblance between rods and these midges was so stunningly similar, that it brought a smile onto my face, extending from my left ear to my right.
Rods are fake. They are a shameful fake"

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Evidence Description:
Reptilian Head...

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

From the Thread, and the Source:
"After a brief investigation, it was learned that this picture was actually created by graphic artist Charlie White. It appears that some disinformation artists got a hold of Charlie's picture and began circulating it on the internet as a genuine alien photo! His work is featured on the Art in Context Center for Communications website and can be found here. This is an excellent example of how modern software programs can be used to create elaborate hoaxes."

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 06:04 PM
dang... your adamant about your world view, out of 30 posts
only 3 were made by others...

i admire your tenacity & dedication to the thread...

and i for one, do not see your avatar as a (vacant) doll's head

i enjoy your work

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 06:20 PM
Evidence Description:
Fake Videos of Chupacabra & Alien...
These are fakes...
From the Threads:
"Directly from Colombia two videos.
The first video shows an entity that may be the Chupacabra.
The second video shows an alien being appearing inside the house.
Both videos were recreated with special effects by this company as part of a promotion for a contest to caught on tape a real Chupacabra.
Great videos for the CGI fans."

Evidence Source:

These videos are no longer available at their original links...
I'm under the impression that this site:
also has one of the videos posted, of the Chupacabra...

Also, a cross-referenced search at YouTube for '' brings this result for the Chupacabra flick:

ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by St Udio

Thanks St. Udio!!! When I dedicate myself to a project, I have to see it through

Also, I'm fairly certain that most if not all of us have our own private collection of this sort of evidence. The internet is all about sharing info, so having a 'shared folder' thread of all of it can only help everyone

p.s. I'm not sure because it looks different on different monitors, but I think my avatar is a real kid? On my work monitor it looks like a doll, but at home it shoes through better and looks like a child.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Evidence Description:
Alien Sex Assault???
It is not clear what this image is supposed to represent. There is a story attached to the original thread, see ATS Thread(s) Pertaining... below.

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:35 PM
Keep up the good work.

Try to find supposedly alien pics, maybe, on the web, an do the same clasiffication?

Great thread.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:43 PM
Great job! But the one where the alien chases the guy out of the bathroom. You were kidding right? I mean it is OBVIOUS that it is a puppet on a string, that the camerman is holding up. OBVIOUS. If you can't see that, then I am afraid you have gone completely nuts and paranoid.

Besides that, there are a couple that have been debunked, but many other that are very intriguing, no matter how much times I see them.

Again, good job!


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Orion437

Orion, thanks very much!

That's totally the plan, to archive all the data I can find here, formatted for research. I just want to get everything that's already at ATS on here 1st, to prevent reposting...

If you have something that isn't on ATS though, please add it here!

Probably (I'm just thinking out loud here...) the best way would be to continue posting everything new in it's own thread, where people can go in depth on the debate about that particular piece of posted evidence, and then to add a synopsis entry to this thread with the link to the ATS thread...

Hope this is making sense to everyone, thanks all for the great feedback and encouragement!

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Jimmy910130

Jimmy, that does appear to be the case, or at least that's now my private theory, thanks for your insight! I'm only trying to collect evidence here, and certainly don't endorse any piece as authentic personally. I'm not willing to discredit any of it personally yet either, even the most obvious of fakes.

What this thread is about to me is assembling data, so that everyone can access it easily and do compare contrast. To be perfectly honest with you, I didn't think about the string thing, but that's mostly because I wasn't trying to prove or disprove the clip. I was more interested in posting it here so that experienced ATS posters could examine it.

I find that a group of people usually does a better job than just one person, and I wanted the clip on record here at ATS. Also, there are a lot of newbies like me, or just generally uneducated people who come here really excited about something that has already been proven fake. There seem to be wars here when that happens, and this thread might be a good resource to prevent those battles between otherwise similarly interested minds who could be working together.

For example, a newbie comes here, sees the clip he/she is excited about, and learns about it before starting a new thread...

In researching these pieces of evidence, I've found several topics with multiple threads, and hopefully this thread will serve to link all of the existing information together...

I agree that this particular piece of evidence is in no way the smoking gun, but it was one I hadn't seen on ATS yet, and so I added it so that the readers of this thread could have at least one new clip to ponder, while I assemble data here that most have already seen and debated.

Thank you, sincerely, for your compliment, and don't worry, I'm not nuts, just an organizational freak LOL, and someone looking for the truth. I think that looking will become much easier when I've got all of the data in front of me.

By the way, Jimmy, Orion, and others who have commented, NICE TO MEET YOU!
I love ATS and Coast2Coast and have been a quiet member of these communities, just listening and reading for a while. It's really cool to finally be participating in trying to solve these mysteries. I'm glad I got the balls to do it. Thanks for taking me in so nicely all of you. It's good to find a place where I don't feel crazy just for having questions and looking for the answers.

[edit on 12-12-2007 by WitnessFromAfar]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 08:29 PM
Evidence Description:
Filiberto Caponi: Alien Humanoid Pictures...
Have been compared to a Gecko, and DU Babies, deformed by radiation poisoning. To my eye neither determination is a match, read the thread for more...

Evidence Source:


ATS Thread(s) Pertaining to Evidence:

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