So Sunday an asteroid will come within 7.8 Lunar Distances of Earth. And to me that sounds pretty close. Since it will have a mag of 18, does that
mean it will be visible? NASA Orbit map
...nice find, so this will be about 1.5+ million miles from Earth, yet the NASA page shows the asteroid passing right through our orbit. I guess
we're in another part of that; anyone know could this affect weather/quakes somehow? Hmmm, tomorrow -- what time?
That means that there is a 6.8 times greater chance that the moon will hit us, or cause earthquakes and strange weather here on that day…
Magnitude of 18 is pretty dim. In magnitudes the lower the number the brighter the object is. Pluto has a magnitude of 13, the moon -12, and the sun
This is nothing. 7.8 LD's is still pretty far away. We see NEO's much closer than that all the time. In fact there is one going to be a closer one
on January 29, 2008. 2007 TU24 will come within 1.4 LD.