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Why do people conspire that global warming is fake?

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:10 PM
Global warming has been proven to be man made. We have enough conclusive evidence to prove that it exists. Even if the term global warming is a little out dated we could still create a new theory that would describe what is going on. The fact is that the land in the Antarctic and the Arctic is getting warmer and soon will melt if we don't take decisive action. The land will melt and will create a domestic disaster in the continent of North America and in other various locations in Russia, Europe, and Asia. People that don't believe in it would rather keep the view that global warming doesn't exist so they can keep their job working on a factory or in other industries which effect the global climate. I've seen factories and I think it's sad that they allow the factories to release such great amounts of emissions to the earth's atmosphere. The emissions from factories are so large in some of them that they are in fact visible in huge clouds of smoke. Efforts should be made to reduce the amount of emissions because clearly there is a correlation by the amount of emissions released and its harmful impact on the atmosphere. The Bush administration has been careless about approaching the problems dealing with climate change until the last state of the union address. It remains to be seen if they will work on the problem. Global warming isn't a scam. It's a scam to people that don't believe that something can change our climate so drastically and that they believe that it's some sort of conspiracy against the population of the world. When, they don't realize, that it isn't a Democratic conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 08:36 AM
People conspire that global warming is fake for several reasons. People believe something is happening to our planet, and that would be climate change. Its been happening on Earth for the last 4 and a half billion years, and it will keep happening looong after the human race is gone. The sun is also supposedly hotter than its been in the last 1000 years, and that in turn is causing every other planet in the solar system to go through climate change, not unlike whats happening on the planet we call home. While I dont think emissions from man are the sole cause of climate change, I do think we are helping it speed along.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Maverickhunter

No sir, there is no proff, none at all that global warming is man made! This is a hoax and completly political. Just as the man made ozone hole has been prooven wrong. Just as the global cooling was disprooved. The global warming hoax is a business that puts billions of dollors into the pockets of the frauds. Have you read the book "State of fear" you should if you make up your mind. there are many many publications on this issue that completly discredit this hoax!

[edit on 12/1/2007 by rockets red glare]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
Global warming has been proven to be man made.

How so? I have yet to see any proof that "global warming" is man made, opposed to a natural cycle. there is man-made pollution, but that is something else entirely.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 10:52 AM
I don't understand the way the question was posed- "why do people conspire that global warming is fake?" doesn't make sense, worded that way. You might ask, "why do people say/believe/assert that global warming is fake?"
Of course the response would be that there is no scientific consensus that shows mans involvement in the Earth's temperature fluctuations.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 10:53 AM

this thread specifically lists reasons why and how it may benefit some to falsify MM GW.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Okay. I'm not sure if "global warming" is real or not. But, the fact is, something IS happening to our planet. Sea levels ARE rising and it IS getting warmer. I can attest that it is getting warmer because for the past 10 years where I live, (in the South in the United States) the winters are getting shorter and colder, and the summers are getting hotter and longer every year. This is proven by the fact that the average tempretures during winters and summers are steadily becoming colder and hotter respectively. I mean, its friggin HOT down here in the summer. Each year, theres a new record setting high temp during the summer. Are "greenhouse gases" responsible for this? Who knows, but I'm sure our emissions are not helping the planet. Its only logical that if smoking can kill a person, then it could definitly damage the environment. And being in the Hurrican Katrina affected areas, (Mobile, AL) I can also attest that hurricanes are getting worse and worse each time they hit us. However, we have not had a hurricane here since 2005 and Katrina. It makes me afraid that we are overdue and the next one will be alot worse. But I could be wrong.

I read an interesting article in Rolling Stone Magazine by Dr. Lovelock (someone with no personal gain from his research) proposing that global warming is indeed real and that its effects are now irreversable and it is too late for mankind. Even if you don't believe in global warming, its an interesting read none the less. I would like to see it debunked here if possible. Here is the article:

Have fun debating.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by scientist

Even if it's not man made then we are certainly helping it move really quickly. Man made emissions are a contributor to the problem of the growing environment.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by GT100FV

Perhaps I worded the question wrong, but I feel, that people conspire against the theory of global warming. People that don't believe in it simply because they don't want to lose jobs would be ones that would conspire against the theory using any means necessary to justify their ideas of why they think what they are doing is necessary. Do you see what I am saying?

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:02 PM
I would hope global warming is real.
Im quite tired of all this cold weather. Not only that, why not look at the benefits for once.
Antarctica will melt and create a new place to explore and to cultivate as our new 'Mediterranean' home.

I say it in jest, only halfway.
We do need to learn to be better 'stewards' of our earths resources.
At the current rate we are acting quite 'uncivilized' and on a level of intelligence lower than a monkey.

We dont have to push our resources until they run out before changing to something else.
Only if we want to milk people by making them pay for the air they breathe.

But, on the other hand, if global warming happened naturally, which Im sure is quite possible...then its just change, and we can adapt with it. It is harder if you are pushing your will upon the planet. Like the old stories of Gaia...she will end up spitting us out if we dont change.



posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:07 PM
The oceans of Earth are like soda pop. Carbon dioxide bubbles out of them whenever they get warmer.

First, the sun's energy output increases. Then the air warms. Then the oceans warm, and burp up CO2. Then CO2 levels increase.

What the global warming crowd is saying is that temperatures follow CO2 levels. It's actually the reverse, and the CO2 levels lag behind a temperature increase by a few hundred years.

Evidence to show that the increase in temperature that we are seeing on the earth is due to the sun is found in the fact that very precise measurements of solar radiation have increased by a fraction of a percent (just enough to account for the observed difference in temperature) and that the other planets in our solar system are warming also. Mars has ice caps at its poles, and they are melting too. SUVs are not responsible for that.

Yes, there is man-made pollution which we do need to be concerned about, but rising CO2 levels are not the result of man's activity on earth. This gas is also consumed by plants to build their structures, by the billions of tons. The higher the CO2 concentration, the faster plants grow.

Anything can appear to be "proven" as long as you have a shiny, polished "documentary" style video starring an ex-vice-president of the United States (always trustworthy) saying that it's so, without seeing any other documentary video stating the contrary.

Always be sure you hear both sides of the story before you make up your mind. If you believe after hearing just the arguments from one side, you're not exercising free will... you're being brainwashed.

Sometimes there's even a 3rd side to the story that NO ONE is talking about. Or 4th, 5th...

[edit on 1-12-2007 by dionysius9]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:08 PM
Why do people conspire that global warming is real? People seem to forget that the earth goes threw regular temp changes every few thousand years of so. There have been periods in the earths history when the climet was drastically cooler (the Ice Age - not the movie, haha) and when those dinosours were here it was drastiaclly warmer. Correct me if i'm wrong but Al Gore and the rest of us werent arount to affect those to events. There were more peorids then the climet changed to many to list. You get my point. Just the naturl cycle of the earth...nothing else.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
reply to post by GT100FV

Perhaps I worded the question wrong, but I feel, that people conspire against the theory of global warming. People that don't believe in it simply because they don't want to lose jobs would be ones that would conspire against the theory using any means necessary to justify their ideas of why they think what they are doing is necessary. Do you see what I am saying?

Do you not also see how those that say unequivocally that man is the cause could also be securing jobs and on a scarier note-control of governments, populations, through "environmental" treaties. And we'd all feel good about it because we were saving mother earth. The facts are though that there is no scientific consensus that the temperature changes are caused directly or indirectly by man. I'm not arguing that temperature changes don't occur, but I'm firmly against using environmental alarmism as a means to control populations and economies.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:22 PM

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

[edit on 12/1/2007 by mike_b]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:24 PM
Why? Because the Pope now supports a global carbon tax as a result of Gore's propaganda.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Why do people conspire that global warming is fake?

Because the media that brainwashes them is owned by the same people that own the companies doing the polluting.

That is all ye know, and all ye need know.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by ModernDystopia
Why? Because the Pope now supports a global carbon tax as a result of Gore's propaganda.

And how, exactly, does the pope intend to enforce collection of this tax?

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Proven? Proven?

Here's some proof:

The movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' contains multiple scientific inaccuracies and many more unproven (or counterproven) leaps of 'logic'. Far too many to list in only 4000 characters.

One proposed 'solution' has been the Kioto treaty, a treaty which targets the US, which is filled to bursting already with EPA regulations, and specifically excludes China, deemed by quite a few to be the largest future source of pollution based on their present industrialization and lack of enviromental policy.

Another proposed fix is to issue 'carbon credits'... this is nothing more than a license to pollute, as well as a way to prevent smaller factories from competing with larger, more financially omnipotent companies.

CO2 is being addressed in the context of a regulatable hazardus substance, despite the fact that there is no scientific proof that it is a major culprit in climate change, or the fact that it is a naturally-occurring carbon compound that is released from natural sources (including the evil act of breathing).

Despite the cries of 'scientific consensus', there is a large number of climatologists, meteorologists, and other scientists who have come down squarely on the side of climate change being a natural cycle.

I have heard several scientists who claim their grant money or their job was threatened if they did not change their official position to support present global warming theory.

There have been no, and I mean NO, attempts to remove the offending CO2 from the atmoshere.

The temperatures on all the planets in the solar system are increasing, not just Earth.

The solar radiation has just recently been shown to have increased to coincide with observed climactic change.

At least 10 to 30 percent of global warming measured during the past two decades may be due to increased solar output rather than factors such as increased heat-absorbing carbon dioxide gas released by various human activities, two Duke University physicists report.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The same people who cannot tell me for sure if it will rain Saturday are telling me what the temperature will be in 1000 years.

And, as you pointed out MH, the factories that provide literal clouds of pollution are going unfettered, while my personal use of a vehicle is questioned.

I think that's evidence enough for me that we don't have the whole story...


posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck

Despite the cries of 'scientific consensus', there is a large number of climatologists, meteorologists, and other scientists who have come down squarely on the side of climate change being a natural cycle.

At least 10 to 30 percent of global warming measured during the past two decades may be due to increased solar output rather than factors such as increased heat-absorbing carbon dioxide gas released by various human activities, two Duke University physicists report.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Two is a large number?

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:55 PM
It's not that they are saying it is fake, I think what they are saying is that it is not man made.
It is good that there public awarness of ths situation but you have to admit some people go overboard.
The truth is:
Plato experienced Global Warming like conditions during his time, 400 BC.
The Polar Ice Caps in Mars are also melting, Martian made perhaps?
When I was in High School in the '70's, a similar group of scientists were concerned about Glbal Cooling.

Now people show up to hear Al Gore speak in gas guzzling SUVs

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