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Are You Successful?

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:25 PM
If you are, let's hear about it...


I was born in Virginia and abandoned there by my "parents" on a street corner where I was found wandering around by a police officer. I was 3 years old.

After a stint in an orphanage and several foster homes, my Granny tracked me down and took me home to the farm in West Virginia. There we lived together in bliss and harmony until I went off to college.

Granny taught me everything I know; independence, self-reliance and a desire to succeed. Grandpa passed away while I was still very young and Granny and I subsisted on just her Social Security. Something like 123.00 a month. We were poor. At the age of 8 I would hunt so that we had extra meet on the table in years when the cattle did not produce well or we could not afford a Hog. Granny tended chickens and we both worked hard in the garden. There was always plenty to eat, no candy or treats very often, but that made them more special.

Granny insisted I work hard and not miss school, knowing my education would most likely get me out of the dirt farm business. She supported me in football, knowing a strong background in competition would help me too succeed. She truly was the first Conservative I ever knew and the finest yet.

After 3 years in college, I dropped out and joined the Marines. I finished college while in the Corps and also learned many many more life's lessons about; again, independence and self reliance. In the Marines I also learned self discipline, self control and pride in my accomplishments. I learned it is ok to want to succeed and be better than you are.

After 4 in the Corp, I extended for a year in order to go to another school overseas. I spent a huge majority of time overseas and loved every minute of it. When it was time to "re up" I was offered a position in a police force and having a "little" one, opted out and began my career in Police work.

It was a struggle, Police Officers don't make much money, and after my wife left us, me and the girls had to pull our belts tight, but we made it and they got their education and are now in college doing well.

I hung in there, relying on the teachings of my Granny, that I was doing the right thing, and after a while things got a lot better. I saw what happened to people that switched career after career and figured I was better off staying where I was, I was correct.

I started saving money and began investing and soon at the age of 41 after "buying" 5 years Military time, I was able to retire and move south, taking another Law Enforcement job that pays very well in an area that is a true joy to live in. Still in college working on my PHD, which will be YEARS in coming (Not enough time in the day) but I do it for the knowledge, not just to get through it. (That and to be called Doctor.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Married again to the most wonderful wife in the world that supports me in everything I do, even the silly things. I was also correct to wait for the right woman...

Long story short? I am successful. I do not have to work if I choose not too. Did anyone help me? NO. Did the Government ever help or support me? NO... My Granny's Social Security check came from my grandpa and his years working. I have made it because my Granny taught me too, because she would never accept a penny in welfare or food stamps, knowing that together we would make it through..

I am a Conservative.... I am self reliant, independent and sick and tired of some namby pamby telling me I need to support someone else because "they" choose to not work and live on checks from the government. I struggled and fought for everything I have. I have charities that I CHOOSE to donate too and I tithe 10% to my church, because I CHOOSE too. Not because some liberal tells me it is my social responsibility. I fill my social responsibility by helping people everyday. I'll show them the want ads and job openings they can do no matter what they may perceive is wrong with them.

A Hand UP, not a Hand OUT

It's not been easy for me, not by a long shot. PTSD from the Marines, Clinical Depression from a combination of abandonment issues and the PTSD. Broke my back in a skydiving accident in 1995 and more concussions and wounds then you can count. Support my Sister financially and emotionally. (I was abandoned because my father did not like little boys, my sister was not so lucky) Could I get government checks, you bet ya; will I? Not as long as I can breathe or do ANYTHING that is helpful. My back finally gives up and I can't stand anymore, I'll find a job that lets me sit. My eyes get worse? Blind people work every day, I will too.

Point is this... If you want to, you can be successful, as successful as you choose to be. Or you can give in to life's set backs and demand that people that have struggled all their lives and worked hard to get something, give you a check each month...

It is really your choice...


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:15 PM
By many measures, semper, you can be considered successful.

Let's play minimalist, though.

Choose just one or two things that define you as "successful" in your eyes.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:23 PM
WOW, just one or two???

Well I suppose it would be..

1. Self-reliance/Independence

2. Being able to work a career that helps people that "Really" need help and that I love to boot...

I suppose if I had to choose it would be those two...

How about you..??


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:31 PM
I would not be considered successful by any outward measure.

I am pleased though that, after all these years of trials and tribulations, I still have a sense of humor and an appreciation for truth, beauty, and goodness.

So, from my perspective, my success is that I am envious of no man, for no man can view the world as I do.

No man has experienced the world as I have.

I know who I am, what I am, and what I stand for and I am comfortable in that knowledge.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:36 PM
Then you my friend, are truly successful.....

Success can not always be measured in dollars and cents...

I am not quite so content and I envy you that...

Semper Fi....


posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 07:53 AM
I am successful, yes. And at one point I did rely on a government organization to help me get through a rough stage. And it would seem that you did, too...

Originally posted by semperfortis
After a stint in an orphanage and several foster homes...

So, Semper, while I agree with you in what I think is the message of your post, I feel compelled to point out that there is a need for state and federal agencies that help people who really need it.

I know far too many people take gross advantage of the system and I think it needs a major overhaul, but I think it's also important not to judge every single person on welfare or supplemental income or living on the street as some kind of leach on society's teat.

I just needed to say that. Because I was that person living on the street and I saw the disgust in people's eyes as they judged me. Even though I was struggling to get a job (which I finally did). Nevertheless, their judgments are with me to this day.

Your story is amazing and I commend you for your strength and conviction to get through a difficult life. You are very fortunate to have had a grandmother who really cared. Many are not so fortunate.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:50 PM

So, Semper, while I agree with you in what I think is the message of your post, I feel compelled to point out that there is a need for state and federal agencies that help people who really need it.


I agree 100% with your entire post...

There is certainly a need for Government, Social and Community help to individuals that REALLY need it....

The real problem is that TOO TOO many do not. Way too many lay on their butts each and every day, waiting for their check to arrive because they think the Government is there to support them...

Yours was apparently a temporary fix as was mine and maybe I was not clear in my comments... (I do that a lot.. LOL)

Again, it is the Hand UP, not a Hand OUT...

We have known each other long enough now that you know something of my character, and that I would never cast dispersions on the TRULY needy...

The abuses of Welfare, SSI, Food Stamps etc, is astronomical and sickening...

I met a Homeless guy today, a Veteran. (No not on good circumstances) He screwed up and went to prison some time ago and now finds it nearly impossible to get/hold a job. Especially living in a tent in the woods. I am going to help him... A hand UP... he has made some mistakes, and is still making some, but I spoke with him for hours and his heart is good... Hence the help from Semper...
Me and the Wife do this often, we are blessed and I know that. I have even posted threads about it from time to time, but it is something that I do because I too have needed a "friend" and at times in my life there was none. I also know that not everyone is as strong as me, and I do not require that they be. I only ask that they be willing to be willing, if that makes any sense...


posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 02:12 PM
Dr. Semper? The mind boggles...j/k, my friend...

By almost any definition of the term you are a success, Doc. Sorry, couldn't help myself...

My life hasn't been anywhere near that rugged. I'm healthy, got a roof over my head, a job, going back to school sooner or later, more sooner rather than later, if I have my way.

Phd. in what? Or did I miss that in your post? That's just too cool...

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 02:18 PM

I'm healthy, got a roof over my head, a job, going back to school sooner or later, more sooner rather than later, if I have my way.

Phd. in what? Or did I miss that in your post? That's just too cool...


YOU are successful!!!!

I happen to know that you have a wonderful sister and that means more than anything in the world.... (Apparently your a pretty good brother too)

I am going for Criminal Psychology


posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I know who I am, what I am, and what I stand for and I am comfortable in that knowledge.

That's success to me! When I read the title of this thread I thought it would be about having a six-figure income, a big house, a country club membership, maybe a private plane, etc. All the things I've been told success is (by almost everyone except my parents).

When I graduated from college I went to New York to be a struggling artist. I knew it was not going to be easy but I chose it anyway. I often had to wait tables or work as a temp in order to pay the rent . No, I'm not a household name now, but I've done some work I'm proud of and I know I gave it my best. I would not trade those ten years for anything.

As I got older I decided I needed work with a more dependable income. I also began to think about the legacy I wanted to leave for the next generation. I went back to school, got a Ph.D. and became a professor. When I began to earn more money I thought I had to catch up materially and get all those middle class things that signal success--a house instead of an apartment, a newer car instead of my ten-year-old Ford, etc. etc.

Since then I have had an extended illness that makes it impossible for me to work except for short periods of time. I do not have the high-powered career anymore, though I still do some teaching. I have been through a serious depression and have had to rethink what my life is really about.

Thanks, semper, for your story and for this thread. It has inspired me.

[edit on 20-11-2007 by Sestias]

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 09:11 PM

rethink what my life is really about.

Thanks, semper, for your story and for this thread. It has inspired me.

The ability to "Rethink" your life is something to be admired my Friend..

As is your life..


posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
If you want to, you can be successful, as successful as you choose to be. Or you can give in to life's set backs and demand that people that have struggled all their lives and worked hard to get something, give you a check each month...

Semper, this is a bit of a straw man, don't you think? It's not an either/ or decision. It's not a matter of success vs sitting on your butt. Many, many, many Americans work every single day, pay into the system, and yet still need some kind of governmental assistance, whether its health-care or WIC/ food stamps.

It's wrong to oversimplify other people's plights and experiences. You had it rough- no one would deny that- but many, many, many Americans, and their very American children, are living in exponentially worse situations.

Would you deny them help?

edit to fix quote

[edit on 21-11-2007 by HarlemHottie]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:38 AM

and their very American children, are living in exponentially worse situations.

Would you deny them help?


No I would not deny them...

But that was addressed earlier..


posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by HarlemHottie

I know you addressed your comments to Semper, so I hope you'll forgive me for chiming in.

Food Stamps, medical vouchers, and other gov't. aid are meant to help those who need it, whether temporary, or because of a disability. Things of that nature. There is nothing at all wrong with that. The problem as I see it is those people who really don't need it, they are perfectly capable of working and paying their own way, yet they choose not to.

Working as I do in a grocery store, or supermarket if you prefer, I see this all too often. Washington and Oregon both provide cash as well as food stamp on the debit card they issue to those who qualify. The cash is supposed to be used for rent, utilities, things of that nature...noticed the key word in that sentence "supposed", all too often its used to buy beer, tabacco, lottery tickets, anything and everything save what its supposed to be for. A kid came through the checkstand I was working not too long ago, he's in his early 20's, to all appearances healthy, and capable of working. The whole time, he was bragging about how he didn't have to work because the state was giving him all this free money. I wanted to reach out and strangle him. He gets 50 dollars cash off his card, and promptly stuffs every cent into the lottery ticket machine.

I have no problem with a helping hand to someone who needs it. Single parent...someone with a disability that prevents them from working...that's what it's there for. It's that kid, and many, many, others just like him.

There should be a time limit for certain people to be on public assistance. Six months to a year, subject to review after that time...a single mom/dad raising a kid obviously may need more time. But a male/female who's too lazy? Naah. Sorry.

From my point of view, the system needs a drastic overhaul. Severe limitations on what can be purchased, no cash period. WIC checks are get what you need to help your kids, nothing more nothing less.

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