posted on May, 27 2010 @ 11:36 PM
I think we may see a repeat of this during the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
There's already hype for 2012, but nobody seems to know what will happen. I think Earth changes or pole shifts etc. are unlikely. There's a chance
of a fake alien invasion to bring about the new world order though. That could be something similar if not the very same Project Bluebeam.
Regan made I think 9 speeches about how an alien threat would make his job easier.
There might be an artificial alien threat, and world government would be the proposed solution. This could even be a 9/11-type of event. What the
television would depict would be carefully planned, and scripted. By all means the news lost all credibility long ago.
I doubt that this flying saucer was fake. They couldn't just make helicopters go into "silent mode," and the liability of suspending a 2-tonne
machine over a crowd would be too great. This saucer could have been a "gift of the Gods" if you will, and the character who emerges could be a
biometric robot used for the show.
Maybe they wanted to make a test, to see how the public would react?
I'll be watching the 2012 Olympics; it's coming up soon.