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Ron Paul: Assassination Target!?

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Since Ron Paul wants to disband the CIA as well as Homeland security, and unlike 75% of politicians not a corporate shill posing, I think that he would be a prime target for assassination should he win the Republican ticket. Many view his policies as a serious threat to their control over the government. The Neocons would lose their fearmongering strangle hold over the masses - which would make people realize how duped they were. The fallout from this awakening would be too much for Ron Paul to be allowed President.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Well sure but now that information moves so fast they are trying to assassinate his character before the other alternatives. He is a good man who has served our country, and served in the military. He should be respected on that alone, but there are many who want to show him as much disrespect, and slander him.

Things seem to be going pretty well for him... I don't think the people at the top would lose everything if he won the presidency. They would have to scam the world in other ways yes, but they'd still be on top. If they want to be crooks, let them be crooks, but don't allow them to have us killing each other for no reason, or passing our debt to generations that haven't even been born yet.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:36 AM
xEphon, I have thought about that as well. History has shown that people in a position to be heard by the masses, who speak the truth about those in power and have fingers on the puppet strings, wind up with an unpleasant fate. JFK and MLK come to mind. But, considering that the whole election process in the USA is manipulated by the same people who would threaten Dr. Paul's life, I don't see him winning.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:53 AM
Well by your standards, anyone running against a "neocon" would be a candidate for assasination, as they are obviously capable of any manner of treachery to stay in power. Of course Bill Clinton made it 8yrs without being killed, but I guess the neoneocons are a stronger more ruthless variety than the oldneocons.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by BlueRaja

The only reason I brought up the Neocons, as you mentioned, was because I see them as exceptionally determined at expanding governmental control - not limiting it like Paul would like. Although others have ran against Neocons without harm, the stakes weren't nearly as high. Besides, in regards to the majority of Reupubs and Dems - your talking about 2 sides of the same coin. Take a look at the Dem controlled senate for proof.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by xEphon]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:41 PM
I agree with the OP but what about Ron Paul's position with regard to the Federal Reserve?

JFK was the last president who threatened the fed's control and we all know what happened to him. In my opinion, Ron Paul's opposition to the Federal Reserve is the most obvious issue over which he would get assassinated.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:59 PM
They can go ahead and kill Dr. Paul, but it will ruin everything for them if they do. If they resort to assasination, to solve the Paul problem, they wil be exposing thier strings to an out of control internet media. If they kill him, it will show citizens that he was indeed a threat, and that his views are what could bring them down.

If paul does pass the gauntlet of controled politics and media, he will be quickly played as a traitor, or a tyrant. The banks still control our economy and have the control to make US suffer for OUR choices, Paul will not suffer, we will suffer, and we will blame it on Paul and his political views.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:06 PM
As powerful as those men and women are.. Tthey want to piss off militant Libertarians that are hell bent on getting him in office. If that were to happen, I'm almost sure there would be a conflict with certain militias, and if not that, a retaliatory "attack," on related parties involved or suspected of so.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:43 PM
let's not forget about RFK who was killed when he clinched the primary in the democrat camp.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Ron Paul is just a man a symbol, his message his ideas live inside all of us and those my chaps are BULLET PROOF!!!!!

VOTE RONNNY P in 2008 The Revolution is NOW!!!

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by nobodyv2
In my opinion, Ron Paul's opposition to the Federal Reserve is the most obvious issue over which he would get assassinated.

That is my thought exactly, while trying to find a conspiracy angle which sticks involving the JFK assasination, that is the one that nails it for me.

If something terrible should happen to Rep Paul, it would be quickly accredited to some wacko and the MSM would expound this angle and the story would go away for most people who choose not to question what is said on TV or printed on paper.

They can't be bothered when Dancing with the Stars is having their finale or American Idol or the latest hollywood starlets' DUI.

The one thing that could help in this matter is candidate Paul finding like minded people across the US willing to represent the citizens, forming an alliance, a movement, a new party perhaps should Paul not get the Republican nomination, one that could be called a revolution. If his camp could formulate this movement, maybe something could change.

Should Paul be elected, he will need some help from Congress to change things, if Congress is not changed, he will be a one-term (or less) lame duck.

Paul by himself, will be ridiculed and silenced by the MSM, the more noise his campaign makes, the harder it will be to see his message through the normal channels of media.

This is in itself an assasination of Paul

The killing of his message.

He will live but his message will perish.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Oh please. Ron Paul is so pathetic. Why would anyone waste their time on him? Americans won't want him since they want everything opposite of what he wants. His supporters crack me up too.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:19 PM
Yeah because that's why they're trying to get Dennis Kucinich. Oh wait...
And some "dr" he is.

Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
xEphon, I have thought about that as well. History has shown that people in a position to be heard by the masses, who speak the truth about those in power and have fingers on the puppet strings, wind up with an unpleasant fate. JFK and MLK come to mind. But, considering that the whole election process in the USA is manipulated by the same people who would threaten Dr. Paul's life, I don't see him winning.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:21 PM
That isn't the only reason why JFK was shot and killed. There were PLENTY of other reason's besides the federal reserve. Lots of people I know just think of Ron Paul as a joke which I think he is. (Oh and for the record he isn't antiwar either)

Originally posted by nobodyv2
I agree with the OP but what about Ron Paul's position with regard to the Federal Reserve?

JFK was the last president who threatened the fed's control and we all know what happened to him. In my opinion, Ron Paul's opposition to the Federal Reserve is the most obvious issue over which he would get assassinated.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:23 PM
Are you kidding? Paul is [...] insane. I hope his ideas don't live in you because from talking with other Paul supporters they don't have any idea of the things he's for. They just tout the "Constitution" (which he's a hypocrite on) and being antiwar (which he isn't).

Originally posted by Chicagofreedomfighter
Ron Paul is just a man a symbol, his message his ideas live inside all of us and those my chaps are BULLET PROOF!!!!!

VOTE RONNNY P in 2008 The Revolution is NOW!!!

Removed vulgar expression

Please read ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 9/11/07 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:44 PM
What do you believe in then if he is so insane? You think federal government should run our lives, and police the world? You think we should solve our debt problems with more debt?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Why don’t you sight the reasons for your claims instead of just sounding like a fool. He’s insane, he’s a joke, he’s pro war? What are you rambling about?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Yeah because that's why they're trying to get Dennis Kucinich. Oh wait...
And some "dr" he is.

Nobody is backing Kucinich. Why would they give him attention, good or bad, when no one is asking for it? And what do you think that UFO question at the debate was? Relevant?

Ron Paul is a Doctor. What are you even talking about?

[edit on 9-11-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Are you kidding? Paul is [...] insane. I hope his ideas don't live in you because from talking with other Paul supporters they don't have any idea of the things he's for. They just tout the "Constitution" (which he's a hypocrite on) and being antiwar (which he isn't).

Maybe that’s your problem. Stop listening to people who you even acknowledge as being ignorant, and do some research. You might find you actually agree with him on a lot of things. Stop listening to Fox or back your claims up.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by BlueRaja
Well by your standards, anyone running against a "neocon" would be a candidate for assasination, as they are obviously capable of any manner of treachery to stay in power. Of course Bill Clinton made it 8yrs without being killed, but I guess the neoneocons are a stronger more ruthless variety than the oldneocons.

You are stuck in the left right thing. Bill Clinton is in the same corporate Party as Bush/Chenney They are on the same side.

Here is a good clip on JFK Jr assassination, I believe they have done it before, and are evil enough to consider it. However, I think they really are not worried about him. I don't think they think Ron Paul will win so are not taking extreme measures on him. Just a guess.

I think the loss of three Kennedys, there assasination was the evilest and most grievous issue in American history. I believe we would have been a far better nation with them still around. I always liked the Kennedys. It was a terrible thing, as is all violence.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Redge777]

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