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"Bush's First Boogeyman" Osama Bin Laden -- Dead? Dying? Alive and Well? Cast Your Vote.

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:56 PM
With the previous Bin Laden tape apparently showing the curative and anti-aging effects dialysis can have on you, the Osama speculation caused a small bit of new discussion in regards to his current health and/or whereabouts.

So, I pose the question to you.

Is Osama dead? Is he on his deathbed? Or is he alive and well and still ruling Al-CIAda with an iron fist and venomous hate for the freedoms of the American people?

Personally, I feel OBL has been dead since around the 9/11 attacks. I'm not sure whether he died before or after, but I do feel that he died around that time period. I have a couple of reasons why I believe this.

1. 9/11 being an inside job like it was, it would be a bit inconvenient of OBL to pop up saying he had nothing to do with the attacks after the U.S. so carefully placed the blame on him. Though, there are those that have said that he did indeed come out stating he had nothing to do with the attacks.

2. The fake OBL in that pathetic attempt for a 9/11 confession tape that came out not too long after 9/11. Did anyone HONESTLY believe that was OBL?

3. The United States governments amnesia when it comes to OBL. They have suspiciously forgotten OBL since we went into Iraq.

4. As a famous comedian said, "You tell me that they can find Saddam Hussein in a (f-bomb) hole and they can't find a 6'2" arab pulling around a dialysis machine??"

I made up my mind, just prior to the '04 elections, that if OBL wasn't pulled out as an "october surprise" wild card that it would be a sure sign that he was dead and gone and I'm sticking by the belief.

What about you?



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