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High Technology In The Bible

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:30 PM

There are readers out there who would be surprised or offended with the notion that high-technology was described in the Bible. There are other readers who have realized that the only explanations to Biblical mysteries are ancient Close Encounters. A good question is: Why are certain, Old Testament events written about in the Bible?

The answer could be that these were special events between basically two groups of people:

One group was the primitives or the general state of humanity in Biblical times

The other group was the relatively few HUMANS that still retained and utilized technology originating from the days of Atlantis

When angels made an appearance, they were always human. Those who caused the Great Flood; gave Moses the instructions on building the Ark of the Covenant; and warned Lot then destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah... were human beings. But, these people had advanced knowledge and flew ’chariots’ in the sky. They resided on the tops of mountains; well away from the simple world of Bible prophets in the lowlands.

The most amazing example of an Old Testament Close Encounter is the Book of Ezekiel. Read the beginning of Chapter 1 in the King James Bible... only imagine that it is a UFO landing. With this idea in mind, Ezekiel’s experience is almost understandable. Ezekiel’s Book was so controversial that it nearly did not survive the religious editors who did throw out the Book of Enoch.

’The Spaceships of Ezekiel’ by Blumrich is an award-winning book that should be read by anyone investigating Biblical mysteries. Blumrich is a scientist and NASA designer of the Saturn V rocket. He wrote that his son informed him, after reading an Erich Von Daniken book, that the prophet Ezekiel described a spaceship landing. Blumrich was positive that he could disprove that concept because of his technical skills in this field. The ancient text could not possibly portray a feasible craft; he assumed. The NASA designer wrote that he was never so surprised when he actually read the Book of Ezekiel. The ancient words did indeed conform to a realistic vehicle.

I have came across a very good article on the bible, especially the book of enoch and how amazing things are described but can be mis-interpreted by a primitive person.

The site tells the chapter and even down to the verse where to find this information

Unfotunatly the book of enoch was removed so you would have to look on internet resources.

The famous quote from Ezekiel is ’a wheel within a wheel.’ Once the lander touched down, Ezekiel saw wheels. This is the exact chronology of what would occur with a modern vehicle. The UFO landed, transformed into a wheeled rover then rolled along the ground. Ezekiel was only familiar with wheels from simple carts that moved in one direction. But, the prophet described wheels that moved in all directions which was completely alien to Ezekiel.

Enoch was Methuselah’s father and Noah’s grandfather. His Book should be in the Old Testament. It has surfaced from independent sources which validate the ancient text. The Book of Enoch was edited out of the Bible by the Ecumenical Council for its controversies. Enoch, like Ezekiel, was taken on many flights by the gods (angels) and witnessed great horrors and beauty.

39/3: ’...a whirlwind carried me off from the earth...’

There are numerous references to whirlwinds which ’spirited’ Enoch away into the sky. The angels ’showed me all the hidden things’ and ’mine eyes saw all the secret things of heaven.’ Enoch saw views that ’no man shall see.’

In 33/4, Enoch states: ’I saw a great and glorious device.’

32/2: ’And thence I went over the summits of the earth, and passed above the Erythraean Sea, and went far from it, and passed over the angel Zotiel (another ship?).

14/18-19: ’I looked and saw a lofty throne: its appearance was as crystal and the wheels thereof as the shining sun... from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire so great that I could not look thereon.’

Enoch mentions crystals and wheels. The throne could be a vehicle where the angels sat and underneath were fires from the rocket thrusters. The ’vision caused me to fly and lifted me upward and bore me into heaven.’

There are numerous references to PORTALS or windows where Earthly and celestial views appeared.

high techonoolgy in the bible

It even goes on to show evidence on how atlantis maybe The "Garden of eden"

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:35 PM
In my opnion, people in the old times had a tendency to ascribe the less understood phenomena to acts of divine entities, magic and such.

Invariably, in most religious traditions, lightning bolts, fires and other events of significant energy release are associated with gods. It is not surprising, therefore, that the book of Enoch follows such tradition and tells up about streams of fire surrounding the crystal throne. The notion of crystal is also symptomatic -- crystals can produce wierd optical phenomena and again its not supsrising that these were assosicated with the occult.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:37 PM
yes anything of the sort they blame on supernatural or gods. Also i forget who it was, maybe you know ? but there was someone in the bible that was blinded when he saw god because of the power of the light. this could have been a technology they werent sure of.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by zakd619]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:53 PM
Also i forgot to mention alot of times the people referred to the beings as gods as in more than one. Aliens or other beings could esily travel in more than packs or groups.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:33 PM
everything you need to know.....

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:55 PM
There is also the possibility that these 'visions' were caused by hallucinations as there is some evidence that certain chemicals can produce visions of similar context. '___' (a naturally occuring neurochemical) has the 'ability' to produce vivid and seemingly real visions that combine technology and godlike experiences. These are very similar to alien abductees experiences of being taken into spaceships etc.


posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:45 AM
Even before man has conceived an idea, the Bible already knew, read these High Technology verse:

Jeremiah 51

51:53 (The Good News Translation)

Even if Babylon could climb to the sky and build a strong fortress there, I would still send people to destroy it. I, the Lord, have spoken.


How did the Bible know that man is capable of building a military station in space? Woah... Prophecy right before your eyes!!


* "Control of space means control of the world." —Vice President Lyndon Johnson, 1961

* "It's politically sensitive, but it's going to happen. Some people don't want to hear this, and it sure isn't in vogue, but — absolutely — we’re going to fight in space. We're going to fight from space and we're going to fight into space. That’s why the US has development programs in directed energy and hit-to-kill mechanisms. We will engage terrestrial targets someday — ships, airplanes, land targets — from space." - Commander-in-Chief of US Space Command, Joseph W. Ashy


Report: China's Military Space Power Growing

Posted on: Jun. 5th, 2006 || Source:

China's escalating expertise in space is also enhancing its competence as a global military force. Along with lofting future radar, ocean surveillance, and high-resolution photoreconnaissance satellites, China's rise as a space power also includes pursuit of an offensive anti-satellite system.

Those observations are included in a new report—Military Power of the People’s Republic of China: A Report to Congress—issued by the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense.


Russia, U.S. Pursue Military Space Collaboration

A senior U.S. defense official visited Russia earlier this month in hopes of fostering military space collaboration between the two countries.

The trip by Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, was aimed at establishing cooperation in areas such as tracking objects in space, according to a written response to questions provided by Air Force Maj. Jeff Jones, a spokesman for Strategic Command, Omaha, Neb.


U.S. Air Force Plans for Future War in Space

The U.S. Air Force has filed a futuristic flight plan, one that spells out need for an armada of space weaponry and technology for the near-term and in years to come.

Called the Transformation Flight Plan, the 176-page document offers a sweeping look at how best to expand Americas military space tool kit.

The use of space is highlighted throughout the report, with the document stating that space superiority combines the following three capabilities: protect space assets, deny adversaries access to space, and quickly launch vehicles and operate payloads into space to quickly replace space assets that fail or are damaged/destroyed.


Imagine, if you put an armada orbiting the Earth, all it takes is point and click, zoom in, boom, your city is gone. Total control. No need to deploy aircraft carriers or bombers. The target is gone is just a few clicks.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by amitheone]

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 04:59 PM
I believe that Noah was told to build a wooden ship and only take his family and animals and food on the Ark, because as is happening today, hi-tech turned mankind's eyes from God towards science for all answers.

Now, I am not into science-bashing; science means knowledge, and as it is stated in Hosea, God's people perish because of lack of knowledge. But I am against the idea that we are The Guys. Sure, according to Biblical chronology, the pre-Flood civilization lasted approximately 1600 years or so. But if one takes how old those guys became... it is easier to advance and enhance on one's own ideas and fine-tune them, rather than having a new person to learn the basics and theory and then go on where on was after fifty years. After seven hundred years, how much could be devised, revised, defined and refined?

Just my ranting.

Love ya'll!

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by shihulud

We are not all God's children - only those who accept Jesus.

posted on Dec, 8 2007 @ 05:33 PM

We are not all God's children - only those who accept Jesus.

Incorrect. We are all children of God, even those that do not accept Jesus. The simple fact is there are many paths to God, just as everyone on this planet is different. Just because one path works for you does not mean it resonates true for someone else.

To try to say that someone cannot be the child of God because they reject the bible is ignorant and biased.

BTW.. it was Saul that blinded by the light from God and he went on to become Paul if I remember the story correctly. I would have to look it up and see.


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