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Are you having more vivid nightmares than usual?

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:11 PM
Okay, I wasn't exactly sure where to post this thread as it doesn't really conform to any one topic, but here goes. My family (on my mothers side) has a long history of various psychic abilities. I don't want to get into too many specifics at this time, but I have mentioned them in a previous thread titled Haunted From Birth. For as long as I can remember, I've experienced some extremely vivid, and often disturbing, dreams. I know people who swear that you can't smell or taste in dreams, and I know this to be false. I have had numerous dreams in which I can both smell and taste. It seems the more unsettling the dream, the more likely it is to happen. I have had several instances lately (in the past 3 months) in which I find myself dreaming I am in a fight for my very life, and can taste the coppery blood in my mouth, and smell things which I can only describe as burnt flesh and hair. Anybody who has ever burnt themselves on a hot oven or accidentally singed their hair while trying to light a smoke will know exactly what I mean. Anyways, these nightmares have been getting more frequent lately (just about every night), and also more graphic and disturbing. I feel as though I, or we as a race, are inching steadily closer to some terrible event or revelation. Now before the negative nancy's jump all over me, I feel I should tell you that I don't worship Satan or any other occult deity, I don't spend hours on end watching videos about the end of the world, and I do believe in the existence of a higher power (by whatever name you choose...fill in the blank), and also other entities who may share our wonderful and infinitely perplexing Universe. I am fairly well educated, graduated high school a year early, and am extremely curious and open minded with relation to all things pertaining to Mankind's place in the Universe, and our reason for being here. I just feel an almost overwhelming sense of foreboding closing in around me and am wondering if I am alone in this, or there other tortured individuals out there sharing the same feelings/circumstances. I won't waste time and space here with all the details of my dreams, but will post them if others wish to share my experiences. However I am more interested in the similar experiences of others at this time. Any input would be appreciated.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Yes.....even saw stuff for a few secs with my eyes open.

oh and my mother is a psychic medium BTW,however i dont believe any of it

[edit on 2-11-2007 by wierdalienshiznit]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Have you fairly given your mother a chance to explain it to you, or did you just dismiss it out of hand? Also could you elaborate on just what you've seen, as the generic response you gave wasn't really what I was hoping for. More details, please?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:21 PM
I have lately been having heaps of urban combat scenarios in my dreams.

No, they are not from any actual experiences of urban combat so I do not know where they are coming from. Also, alot of being chased, and followed.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:29 PM
Yes absolutely, I keep having nightmares that my x-wife keeps trying to have sex with me. It's scary as all hell, I wake up sweating, and I don't dare go back to sleep, and now she is calling me everyday trying to make small talk.

On the other hand, I have had zombie end of the world dreams my whole life.

Besides dreams, as 2012 draws closer, I feel more and more on edge, like something is coming, but I don't know what.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:34 PM
I feel it too.. have been for a good while now. Not sure if it is hightend paranoia or some deeply suppressed survival instinct ready to kick into gear. I have this unshakeable urge to pick up and just get outta dodge. Like move out to the foothills and out of urban areas. In fact my wife and I have been looking for rental homes out in the forested foothills east of here (central Calif.)

Something is going on that much is certain. And something big I feel is comming...... not nessesarily good either. I must make mention that a part of me also feels a forboding hoplessness and wants whatever is going to happen to just hurry up and get it over with, and that nothing is going to stop it from happening.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:39 PM
First of all, thank you for the replies. It is good to know that I'm not alone in this, or necessarily losing what's left of my mind.

LDragonFire: I, too have many dreams involving the re-animated. These include people I know personally, and many faces that I do not recognize. The ones I recognize are by far the most distressing, as it makes me wonder if this is some kind of mental foreshadowing. As for the dreams about your ex-wife, maybe you should get call display

Creedo:I have to agree with your "get the hell out of Dodge" urge, but I'm not quite ready to load the wagons just yet. I also share your sentiment of wishing whatever it was would just happen. Lord knows, I could use a good nights sleep one way or the other.

Melbourne Militia: Do you ever get to see who it is that is pursuing / watching you? Just curious.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:40 PM
P.S. Creedo: Love the avatar. Tool, yes?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:47 PM
You sound a lot like me....scary. Yes I agree with what you are saying. I posted a thread over in ATS in the Paranormal section that you may be interested in reading. That one is just the tip of the iceburg. I was unable to post it here in the dreams section for some reason. My cousin had some interesting views on it. She is not the same as me, but i have talked about it with her since day one. She thinks something else is going on. I have to say, Im starting to agree with her. Would be more than happy to compare notes if that is what you are wanting.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:50 PM
While i can't necessarily say i've been having more vivid nightmares than usual i have been having more vivid dreams than usual

and weird dreams at that.. dreams that are so close to reality with just minor changes.. its very eery actually

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Mrsdudara: Wow! I just read your other thread on ATS and was amazed at some of the similarities between your experience and some of mine. It actually gave me a cold shiver as I was reading it. I would certainly look forward to comparing notes with you, as you seem to have had similar experiences to mine. Please feel free to U2U me if you wish, or just add to this post as you see fit. Either is acceptable to me, however I also respect the fact that perhaps you, like I, may not wish everyone to know the details of your experiences. Please be assured that any communication between us would remain confidential. I look forward to hearing more on this subject, and thank-you for the reply.

The Phantom: Could you perhaps expand on some of your experiences? More vivid dreams can also be a sign of heightened awareness / consciousness, especially if they reflect actual events in your life.

On another note, has anyone else experienced smells / tastes in their dreams / nightmares? Please continue to post as this is becoming quite enlightening to me.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:15 AM
Been having more vivid dreams for the past week or so, not only in sight but a more clear story line, a better understanding of what is going on. Mostly peaceful places, peaceful people. Anything evil in them seems to have no identity and no strength, so not nightmares.

The only thing that has changed in the past few weeks is that I may have learned some lessons that are going to allow me to understand my life better and have more peace with myself and others, instead of just sweeping these problems under the rug, or trying to ignore them.

Either that, or something else is at work here. They have definetly become more vivid, and they have made sense for the past week.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:59 PM
I've been browsing through some of the other topics on ATS and came across a thread about HAARP and emotional manipulation. Now the jury's still out on this one, but it makes me wonder IF they could affect the brainwaves of someone who is awake, couldn't they also perhaps do it to someone who is asleep? Would it be easier to access someone's subconscious while they were in REM sleep, thus making them more receptive to whatever? I know that we have limited ability to defend our subconscious (numerous subliminal messaging tests have proven that), and sleepytime would make us pretty easy pickings. Anyway, sorry to get kind of off topic, but thought it may have some relevance in this case. Again, not sure if I'm buying into this whole emotional manipulation thing, but who knows for sure...right?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:13 AM
If they did they would not be able to do so for long. Even messing with someones emotions while they are awake, the person would eventually realize that the emotions they were feeling were not their own true feelings. We are far more intellegent and aware than we give ourselves credit for.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:00 PM
True enough. But as current world events have proven, we are also a lot more gullible and easily misled than we'd like to believe. I think over time we would realize that we were being manipulated, but the damage may already be done by then. Our subconscious is capable of controlling our actions and demeanor whether we realize it or not. This is partly what makes dreams such powerful motivators. If you have ever dreamed you were flying like a bird, you probably woke up in a good mood, empowered, and able to deal with whatever the day threw at you. On the other hand, Have you ever had a dream that someone you know has wronged you in some way? You probably, consciously or not, spent your day harboring some ill feeling towards this person although they never actually did anything to you at all. The subconscious is a powerful motivator. We should never discount what our dreams are trying to communicate to us, no matter how absurd or frightening it may seem. To do so is to turn our backs on our very selves.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by subliminaut

Hi subliminaut,

I am responding to your thread because I too can smell and taste in my dreams. I also feel in my dreams. By feeling I mean texture, say if I was to feel a piece of clothing or furniture, and also surrounding temperatures. I thought I was the only one, because nobody I have ever discussed this with has had any of those senses. My dreams are also very vibrant, color wise.

Funny thing is, that although I remember most of my dreams, I have not had a nightmare in years. I used to have night terrors where I would wake up in rooms of the house having had no idea how I got there, and not remembering those dreams.

I hope other people respond to your thread, as I find it fascinating.


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Enthralled Fan: Thanks for posting. I too have experienced more vibrant colors in my dreams / nightmares. It is usually just one or two items, though, rather than everything that seems enhanced. I have also had instances where I seemed to be dreaming in black and white. These dreams usually leave me with more of a bleak, despondent feeling when I wake, although it usually fades an hour or two afterwards. Sometimes I'll get up not remembering anything of my dreams, but certain events throughout the day will bring small pieces to my recollection. This can be quite unsettling at times, if the discovered event is not a happy one. I have had times where I'm out walking my dog, seen something that has sparked a memory and left me so unsettled that I have to head for home. Memories of dreams can be so vivid that it is hard for the waking mind to differentiate between dream and reality for a few seconds. And believe me, that is an uncomfortable few seconds.

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