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Bush is staying in office...dictator and we are attacking iran

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posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:10 AM
This is the guy that is basically telling Bush what to do Norman Podhoretz, is one of the men that driving the human race towards extinction because of their greedy power hungry attitudes. While he is safe in his big condo upstate, people will be dieing and WW3 will rage on...

Norman is basically the Godfather of the neocons

(and why doesn't my vid ever work on here)

Norman- "i believe that President bush will not leave office with Iran in possession of a nuclear weapon"

i feel like spitting on him, this is the kind of person that you would want to have tied to a pole and have people lining up to punch the living crap out of him over and over again!!!

Mod Edit: BB Code.

[edit on 29/10/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:45 AM

I made a bet with mommy dearest quite a long time ago that George Walker Bush would be the last President of the United States of America.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:52 AM
I have heard a lot of people who think Bush wont leave office, I wonder myself, Time will tell. I only wonder how the country will react, Im guessing somthing big will be staged to fool us into bealiveing its for the better.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:06 AM
He didn't say Bush would be dictator
He did say he hopes Bush doesn't leave until he bombs Iran though... either way, thats pretty fudged.

Why does this guy want Bush to attack Iran so bad anyway?

It's like once the country and media get it in their mind and find ONE reason to attack another country, the people against it have to find 100 reasons why we shouldn't and try to convince these psychopaths why it wouldn't be a good idea.

Seriously, since when was it ok for the U.S. to openly debate preemptive attack against another country? Is this a new thing? The way so many openly and casually talk about, its as if we have been doing preemptive attacks for ever.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by tac109

There won't be a "country" to react... America is dying.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:27 AM
Juluis Caesar has just crossed the Rubicon River and the Republic is about to fall. History always repeats itself and is a sure bet everytime when the same situations confront Humans of anytime, place or era...Dictatorship.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:55 AM
i've said this in other threads but i'll post it here as well.
this guy, Podhoretz is also the foreign policy advisor for Guiliani. And members of Podhoretz's groups(AIPAC,JINSA,AEI,PNAC etc) have been infilitrated into foreign policy/defense since Reagan. and are clamoring for posititions in presidential candidates currently running, like hillary and mccain. Fred Thompson is a member of AEI. Nobody who has a chance of winning the presidency is not in bed with these neocon thinktank/lobby groups advocating a foreign policy that doent have americas interests in mind.

see my post here for a long winded version..

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:38 AM
i honestly dont see anyone that can be president.. all of the current runner-up's are all screwy imo... and i do see bush trying anything he can to stay right where he's at.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:46 AM
The whole office of the president is now a joke. Politic get in the way of doing what is obviously the right thing to do. Common sense, reason and logic have been thrown out in favor of getting votes, staying in power, and giving my hard earned tax money to degenerates who don't deserve it.

But to think that Bush wont leave the presidency is insane. Next election, whomever wins will take office....and business as usual will continue.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:55 AM
Even if I disliked him, Bill Clinton was the last elected president. IMHO, the rest will be "selected".
He gutted the military/industrial complex and tried to eliminate our job as the planet police.
Politicians who have tried to be good stewards have had "accidents", come down with incurable diseases, or been accused of inpropriety.
I am afraid that the people in charge of the war economy are concerned that Hillary will do the same as her husband, and try to take us out of the police business, but are seriously concerned about her current power and connections so are hogtied on ways to get her out of the running.
I remember that recently, some nukes magically got transported, evading numerous checks and balances, procedures and protocols, and some of the most secure policies ever enacted.
Was it 5 or 6 nukes? We still can't get a straight answer. We know we got 5 back, but originally, the story was 6 went out.
Was this a fubar of un precedented proportion, a demonstration of power, or something much, much more sinister.

I am afraid that if a nuke goes off anywhere near something American, all rights will be suspended, as well as all travel, executive orders will be implimented removing the house and senate from the decision making process, the draft will be re-instated, as we are constantly hearing just how depopulated our forces are, and elections will be "suspended" for the duration.

Thus passes the republic. R.I.P.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:59 AM
The moment he suspends elections I attack. I am proud of my country. I will fight for it.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:37 AM
If you people REALLY believe that who is "in charge" makes a difference, they have an even greater hold on you than you know.

Remember, there are none so thoroughly enslaved as those that think they are free.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
i feel like spitting on him, this is the kind of person that you would want to have tied to a pole and have people lining up to punch the living crap out of him over and over again!!!

Umm....why are you so angry? He has a right to his opinion. Please be tolerant of the opinions of others.

Life and the Presidency will continue just as it has for over 200 years. Nothing is going to happen. Bush will leave office when the next President is elected. Calm down, Calm down.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Text Black
SO, what I want to know, is who is this guy? What are his credentials? And does he actually make policy for the Late Great US? This kind of rhetoric is thrown all about the neocon world. Maybe Im being optimistic, but I think all the sabre rattling is just a last gasp of the ultra right wing nutjobbers. I do think that W will TRY to stay in office after his ter, though.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:54 PM
About 2 months after 9/11, I took out an envelope and put in it the name of the next president of the United States. I dated it and sealed it. In November 2008, I will open it and see the name Hillary Clinton. This will conclude the debt to the Clintons for using Arkansas as the landing point in Mena for all the drugs. Two families will have ruled this country for a quarter of a century.

Of course, the concept of King Bush (or Cheney) isn't far fetched. The Pennsylvania plane was headed to the Capitol, not the White House...with sufficient legislators dead, Bush would declare a state of emergency that couldn't be revoked by checks and balances. A new cataclysmic event could happen again...made to happen that is. However, fringe liberals and conservatives are wary of something happening. Make no mistake. Hillary is just as steeped in all of the World Conspiracy issues. Her modus will just be more politically correct than conservatives.

Iran is important strategically. Controlling it helps buffer the US position in Irag from the other super powers. When Peak Oil becomes a reality to the common man, thats when the poop hits the fan. We're talking social armageddon. That's when other conspiracy theories, like Operation Garden Plot, and the underground complexes across the Denver...will get their usage. Oil will be the music and no wants to not have a chair when the music stops.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Bush won't stay in office, he's done. The Republicans had an eight year stretch, they're done.

Clinton has this in the bag.

I'm actually sitting this election out because all of them have too many flaws.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Its been a while since I have posted but there are a few people in this thread that need to "see the light" so to speak.

Bush 4yrs. - Clinton 8 yrs. - Bush Jr. 8 yrs - Clinton - ?? yrs. ---- See a trend???

Clinton gutting of the "Military Complex" was a ruse to allow the DOUBLING of our Defense Budget when we got attacked. You also need to remember that during Bill Clintons time we actually used our Stealth technology for the first time against Yugloslovia. Don't be fooled by Bill Clinton, he is "ONE IN THE SAME".

Also, don't get complacent NOW when it is the most important time in our history to actually make one of the biggest changes in OUR HISTORY!!!!!! Vote Ron Paul and you will actually vote for someone who believes in America and what we USED to be about.

How can you be so scared of "Terrorists" that are Thousands of miles away??? The FEAR that is being PUSHED on every one of us on the Alphabet Channels is un-real!!!!! Don't believe the hype and use your voice...........

Final point, if you actually look at the time line and the crazy stuff that has happened in the last 20 yrs. it starts to merge and starts to morph into Control...

1. Control of peoples property - Home Loans and the current situation with Foreclosures
2. Military Industrial Complex - The increase in the Military Budget
3. The Patriot Act - The diminishing rights Americans have which is degrading our Constitution
4. Congressional Oversight - For the first time in history Congress didn't give the green light for the attack on Terrorism/Iraq

The main thing that everyone is overlooking is the BIG IDEA that the Powers that Be are working towards a NEW WORLD ORDER. With the Euro/EUROPEAN UNION, the AFRICAN UNION, the current talk and implemintation of the NORTH AMERICAN UNION and the next big step, THE ASIAN UNION, this is the current trend that is going on that we are being side tracked by this so called WAR ON TERRORISM.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Why does he hate Iran so much? That's easy-he's a Zionist Jew. Israel's doom is inevitable and Iran will be the agent of its destruction, although Iran will probably use proxy armies like Hezbollah and those of the Syrians to do the job. Israel is not worried about the nukes in an offensive context per se, they're just worried that the nukes will be Iran's ace-in-the-hole and will totally prevent any meaningful Israeli counterattack.

Nothing can save Israel now and, at least at this point, American military leaders realize that military action against Iran is futile. The Zionist rhetoric and venom is at such a fever pitch right now because they're so desperate. But a military strike against Iran would only hasten Israel's doom.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:30 PM
IF THIS HAPPENS, and before i cut a vital vein, i want all of you to tell me I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG.....

Please! Make my demise happier and humor me.

I have been screaming it from the rooftops for years, that we will NOT get rid of Bush- and all the presidential hopefulls are FRAUDS.

Time will tell
Time will tell.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

On the other hand, Clinton could just be a Bush proxy and some kind of deal's been worked out, he has been saying she's a very strong candidate for a while, furthermore it seems like the other candidates just aren't attacking her with anything even approximating vigor. I think a HRC victory is preplanned.

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