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The Kabbalah of Star Wars

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:34 AM
i think good and evil are very relative , humans created that way of tougth about evil and good

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:34 AM
It's Leia Organa.. not Morgana...

But.. enough with the nitpicking...

To allude that Star Wars has a hidden agenda is the hight of paranoia.

It is a movie. A FANTASY movie. It's as simple as that. If you look for things to associate with your agenda, you will most likely find them, no matter what agenda you have.

Star Wars is actually an amazing teaching tool, and also something that can spark ones journey to true knowledge. The same can be said for all great movies.

As some have said. Lucas borrowed names from all over.

Endor - place in the Bible

That's just ONE that has not been mentioned.

Does it mean Lucas wanted to go to Endor and speak with the witch as Saul did?

No, he simply thought it would be a cool place to have a bunch of little cute bears running around.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Azazelus

To allude that Star Wars has a hidden agenda is the hight of paranoia.

Nobody here is alluding that star wars has a hidden agenda.

Star Wars is actually an amazing teaching tool, and also something that can spark ones journey to true knowledge.


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 10:18 AM
Just to add to the "light that walks across the sky" info. Lucifer is another name for the planet Venus, which too walks across the sky before the sun rises and defeats night/evil.

And just to comment on the people doubting the OP. Please don't. Lucas has gone on record on many occasions stating that he was heavily influenced by the occult, Kabbalah, Christian mythology, Taoism, Theosophy, etc.

There's a fantastic Youtube video of Jordan Maxwell giving a lecture on hidden symbols in religion, and on the deceit of religion in general. In one part he goes into great detail about Star Wars and its various connections to Abrahamic religions, among others. It's quite fascinating, actually. George Lucas is an incredibly gifted and smart writer. That is, until he sold out in the mid-90's. But I digress.

It should also be noted that Lucas was influenced by and used various aspects of the holocaust in his films. The obvious connections are the stormtroopers (actual name of German troops back in WW2) and the Imperial army as a whole as a "Nazi-like" regime.

Great post, OP.

Second edit: For those interested in this topic, check out this site:
Has a great series of essays on the original 3 films and also Episode 1. While it doesn't go into direct detail of the Kabbalah connection, it does outline the religious aspects of the films.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by ModernDystopia]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by ModernDystopia]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by ModernDystopia

Thanks for the back-up Modern Dystopia. You provide further information I wasnt aware of and contribute to the thread. That cornerstonemag is an excellent read.

As for comments of other posters here: Nowhere did I say I think Lucas has a hidden agenda. I think he is a creative teacher of sorts.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:22 AM
As a huge Star Wars fan, i find this thread a good read, looking forward to more, im now going to read the cornerstonemag articles..

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

cabala/cabbala/cabalism/cabalist/cabalistic/cabalistical=heb. gabbalah-mystical interpretation/a secret scheming faction in a state.websters dictionary.------------in other words a secret underground government.i'am finding it hard to get going today----it was a mistake to look at that movie yesterday about the "bildenbergers" the 120 elite of the new world order-------it all is tied in together------there is a spiritual war going on 2 cor. 10:4 and the nwo are on the dark side of the force. 2 cor.11:14-15 satan's servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness----whose end shall be according to their the end good triumps over evil.-----------anakin=anakim-a giant/giants------they were a terror to the children of israel----numbers 13:22-28 but were driven out of the land by caleb who fought against the "dark side of the force".padme ?possibly padan as found in padan-aram=the plains of mesopotamia. the ancients that rebelled against G-Ds government and followed their satan inspired leader nimrod established babylon in mesopotamia as the capital of their nwo.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by yahn goodey

cabala/cabbala/cabalism/cabalist/cabalistic/cabalistical=heb. gabbalah-mystical interpretation/a secret scheming faction in a state.websters dictionary.------------in other words a secret underground government.

relax bud. we are not referring to "cabal" but kabbalah, a form of jewish philosophy/mysticism.

anakin=anakim-a giant/giants------they were a terror to the children of israel----numbers 13:22-28 but were driven out of the land by caleb who fought against the "dark side of the force".padme ?possibly padan as found in padan-aram=the plains of mesopotamia. the ancients that rebelled against G-Ds government and followed their satan inspired leader nimrod established babylon in mesopotamia as the capital of their nwo.

ok. thanks for the NWO-interpretation of star wars...which is much more far out there than I went

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

cabal/kabbalah/etc.-------all these words have the same root-----i didnt invent our present language or websters dictionary-----and before being woken up about the nwo thanks to what i have seen here at ats ----i couldnt have cared less about it-----hard to ignore now------i believe there is a connection to what star wars portrays and what is going on right now and in our immediate future.we are going to see an invasion from outer space and this nwo is going to rally earths citizens to fight those that are coming to help us and get rid of the nwo in the wars and other such films are conditioning us to resist being helped.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 01:31 PM
Interesting post Isreal Regardi and Crowley would often refer to the kabbalah as an all inclusive filing cabnet where anything and everything in existance could be filed away, or attributed too. I think that definition would also include star wars.


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Star Wars = Modern Mythology.

It takes influence from:

Qigong, Greek Philosophy, Greek Mythology, Roman History, Roman Mythology, Abrahamic religions, Confucianism, Islam, Shintoism, & Taoism.

Lucas himself said that the work of Joseph Campbell directly influenced his work. Especially his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces".

The Force is nothing but the concept of "Prana" or "Ki/Qi/Chi" in a Sci-Fi setting.

Not to mention there are elements of recent history taking place in the original trilogy. The Empire is nothing more than Nazi Germany in a galactic setting. He even named the soldiers "Stormtroopers". The Imperial uniforms also resemble the Waffen-SS uniforms utilized by the Germans.

One can say that the whole debacle of R2-D2 and C-3PO = Akira Kurosawa's film "The Hidden Fortress".

I've been a huge fan of the Star Wars universe since I can remember. I've read every single book (canon) up to the most recent one in the Legacy Era of the series.

Some of the "parallels" you guys are drawing are simply ludicrous. The names are far simpler.

For example:

Anakin. Resembles a hebrew word that means "Eclipse" which depicts what Anakin's life throughout the series is like. Light, dark, light, dark.

Padme. It means "Lotto Flower". That's what her character is like.

Darth Vader. It sounds like words in German and Dutch that mean "Dark Father".

Luke. Lucas.

The list can go on forever. Within the Star Wars series there are tens of thousands of names for characters and hundreds of thousands of names for items within the universe. There's no doubt that some of them will be SIMILAR to other things - but - to extrapolate that they're being done as a second "hidden" meaning is ludicrous.

George Lucas isn't that good. In fact, he's a terrible director and a pretty bad writer. What he brought to us has been (through 30 years) polished and refined into an expanded universe that trumps what he had to offer. Maybe there, you'll be able to find some true hidden meanings.

(Star Wars Episodes V - VI are my favorite movies of all time, he only directed IV, I, II, & III in the series. I hated the new trilogy and only found IV to be amazing for being groundbreaking.)

Edit: You folks should watch the history channel special: Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

the speculating has been going on for 30 years now... and honestly, it was the ignorant parts that just drove me nuts

like the "lucifarian" part
or the meaning you attached to an autobiographical name

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Thats alright. If it werent for you, much nonsense on ATS would go un-INSPECTED. You might be right, but I will continue to speculate.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Donoso

Good post Donoso. I agree that "The Force" is a reference to "Prana" and much of the rest of what you say. Also that, while Lucas does like spiritual teaching, he is not the best dialogue-writer.

I disagree that the connection to Kaballah is ludicrous. You guys just keep downplaying it and I will keep pointing it out.

Thanks for the insights on Padme.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:35 PM
something tells me that Battlefield Earth is somehow connected to Scientology

oh wait yes it is.

star wars has nothing to do with kabbalah exclusively, its a mix of human culture and beliefs which is why its good. good vs evil is a common theme in storytelling and religion/folklore. i dont see how u can connect the two. alot of stories today have similar themes that have a basis in religions or whatever. thats just storytelling. a writer might give a character a name that resonates in his head from anything he thinks is cool whether it bears meaning or not. movies/ books are not meant to be deciphered in that sense its just easier for the writer to borrow a name from a significant thing than to come up with something made up that might seem at the time to be superficial to him. names have to bear meaning only for the writer or creators. if u watch tv shows like Lost u will know what i'm talking about.
plus star wars is the best modern story ever told, and lucas is a great writer/director, he just needs to be challenged.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by DuneKnight]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by DuneKnight
star wars has nothing to do with kabbalah exclusively, its a mix of human culture and beliefs which is why its good. good vs evil is a common theme in storytelling and religion/folklore. i dont see how u can connect the two.
[edit on 28-10-2007 by DuneKnight] dont see how I can connect the two. Neither do most other posters here. I would bet good money that most of them have never picked up as much as a book on ancient kabbala.

Most people see the obvious threads of a movie but fail to look one or two levels deeper into the abyss. I could do a research paper showing more than a hundred allusions to Kabbala within the 6 movies but I dont have the time. So I wrote up a few hints for kabbalists students themselves.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Alot of you guys could really benefit from auditing a Literature course or two at your local college. Alice in Wonderland is a great story, but I'd be willing to bet some of you think for example that Lewis Carrol is actually talking about Rabbits, Talking Playing Cards, and Walrus though...
Or that Dr. Suess was really talking about little creatures called sneetches... Inferences, Satire, Allusion, Personification, things you miss if you just read a book without questioning what it is really about. They don't call them classics for nothing.
I think I remember Lucas himself talking about the connections to jewish mythology, I can't find a link at the moment because a search for Star Wars on google is an information overload, but this isn't some lunatic fringe conspiracy theory here, it's pretty well known.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Dude. I think you need to lay off the limited edition starwars DVD bookset a wee little bit.

And who takes starwars saga seriously anyway? The kind of people that dress up in vader costume when watching thses movies or the kind of people who camped out for a week outside cinemas, those who take these things seriously.

Seriously, it's a work of fiction. And it's a really really bad one. The storyline is ridiculosly flawed, the actors are walking card board cutouts and fight sequence illogically ridiculous.

Even a person with half a brain can see the star wars movies are purely brainless entertainment...

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Great thread!! That's what I like about a good movie or collection of movies. If it is done well or based on primal beliefs, it can and will be interpreted in a myriad of ways!! On the surface, it's a fun and enjoyable movie(s) to watch. Then people will read into whatever they truly believe in or want to believe in. I don't believe anyone is wrong or right.

You can gather 10 theologians in a room and they will all have very different interpretations of the same verse. That's what makes literature and life enjoyable for everyone.

Since everyone has a different educational background as well as life experiences, everything will mean different things to everyone. I believe it's the broadness of one's mind to hear and accept multiple versions of something and the willingness to try to understand their perspective.

Really enjoyable thread, looking to read more.. Oh and I think that far away system and planet were named "Mustafar System," please excuse the spelling for you star wars experts.

My .0000003 cents.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:14 PM

A long, long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away!

I would just like to point out that Star Wars came first and if any credit is going to someone for originality it should be George Lucas for making the trek out here to earth.
I also would like to point out Mimas the moon that orbits Saturn.
Goes to show how even the creator gave Lucas the original credit.

Mimas VS The Death Star

I would bet good money that most of them have never picked up as much as a book on ancient kabbala.

Most people see the obvious threads of a movie but fail to look one or two levels deeper into the abyss. I could do a research paper showing more than a hundred allusions to Kabbala within the 6 movies but I dont have the time. So I wrote up a few hints for kabbalists students themselves.

On a serious note:
#1 Do not start a kabbala related thread with the intention of bashing those who do not study it (As someone who studys the kabbala and its teaching you should understand that, does everyone need to know the secrets of the kabbala?)

#2"Most of them have never picked up as much as a book on ancient kabbala." Can you please site this fact?

#3"one or two levels deeper into the abyss." and abyss is bottomless why would you need to look into it? Besides if it truely is an abyss no one can come out on top. Kabbalaist fact i can't sight #1

#4"I could do a research paper showing more than a hundred allusions to Kabbala within the 6 movies" Reseach papers require citations do you have any for any fact you haved used? any? any at all?

I quote you

The problem is probably that this information cannot be found on google or some news outlet or in some book. Its information derived from study and then recognized while watching the movie.

Again: The names of the movie have MEANINGS that have been chosen DELIBERATELY.

#5Nothing you have said in this thread holds any merit, you yourself proved that.

But if nobody ever dares to speculate, how are we to find out anything new?

#6Can we find out anything new if the kabbalist took care of understand all that is? Kabbalist fact i can't sight #2

I have given the time to read my kabbala and the rules here at ATS, will you not give me the same courtesy?

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