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Cheney Hunting Weekend Logistics & Intinerary Leaked

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posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 05:37 AM
This is a rare event. Usually Cheney Travels in tight security and lips are tight. This fore-knowledge of his whereabouts offer rare opportunities for protests, etc. Block his motocade route so he cant go hunting.

Troops out of Iraq! Then we will let you go hunting!

Source: According to two sources familiar with his plans. He is planning...


Cheney is expected to arrive Sunday night at Stewart International Airport and travel to a hotel in Poughkeepsie, according to two sources familiar with his plans. He is planning to leave Poughkeepsie on Monday morning and head to the Clove Valley Rod & Gun Club in the Town of Union Vale before leaving the area later Monday on a flight out of Stewart.

[edit on (10/27/07) by AllSeeingI]

Added 'ex' tags for external material

[edit on 27/10/07 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Poughkeepsie is a small town of about 29,871 people. Wiki-Poughkeepsie
Wiki-Stewart International Airport

The article says that he will be staying at a hotel in Poughkeepsie. There cant be too many "NICE" hotels in Poughkeepsie. Without a doubt the hotel will have been handed a copy of Dick Cheney's Suite Demands.

I bet it would be easy to find which hotel he is at by calling all the hotels in the Poughkeepsie phonebook which are nice hotels. Which ever one is booked, or has some strange excuse for no vacancy is your spot.

New Yorkers of ATS... go protest Cheney! He is an evil man and he must be stopped! Surround the hotel! VIVA REVOLUCION!

[edit on (10/27/07) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:26 AM
Wiki: Union Vale
Clove Valley Rod And Gun Club
9 Club House Lane
La Grangeville, NY 12540

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:29 AM

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