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Journalist Leslie Kean wins lawsuit with NASA to disclose Kecksburg!

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:47 PM
The December 9, 1965 crash landing of an object in Kecksburg is one of the most prominent cases ever. Multitudes of witnesses described seeing the object, an acorn shaped craft with heiroglyphic-like symbology etched into it. Military and NASA employees quickly cordoned off the area and removed the object, then went through status quo coverup protocol.

Journalist Leslie Kean began a lawsuit with NASA officials 4 years ago to obtain disclosure, and now it seems that U.S. District judge Emmit Sullivan is siding with her, refusing to throw the case out as NASA had requested.

Congrats to Leslie, and a big thanks to the judge for standing his ground. Hopefully something good comes out of this!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:53 PM
That's great, but I fear it will be dragged out until the steam gets let out of it. Officials aren't going to readily give up such information if there is a sliver of a chance they can avoid it.

That case has always intrigued me. While I don't believe it was any kind of alien technology or anything, something came down that they were interested in. Part of a secret space program perhaps, maybe the forerunner to an SDI type system. Perhaps the USA began the weaponization of space much earlier than we thought....

One could surmise that the only reason they STILL wish to keep a lid on it is that it would, after all these years, play a role and impact current events? If it was something as simple a Soviet space junk or the like I can see no reason why they wouldn't disclose just to get people to stop bothering them.

Good article.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:20 PM
I just hope that this situation won't turn out the same as the situation with Judge Gesell.

I worry that NASA will meet with Judge Sullivan behind closed doors and tell the Judge why they can't release this information and then we'll just end up where we were before.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by Junkheap]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:25 PM
It seems this is an important victory although, I seriously doubt if NASA or other office will ever give up these secrets freely. I would guess all the have to do is claim national security as has been done before.
I do hope I am wrong. I will hope for the best....

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:02 PM
Great post, maybe this is the smoking gun we've all been hoping and waiting for.

if it was an ET craft or Probe, then i hope they reveal it publicly.

ill be watching the news tonight for more information.

keep your fingers crossed ay?


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:26 PM
check this -

was this on today!?

Did anyone catch this???

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:37 AM
Here is a small Modell & Story from the UFO standing in Kecksburg at the "Volunteer Fire Department"
Kecksburg UFO-Modell

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 12:07 PM
This is good considering that on the 10/30 supposedly Ken Johnson and Richard Hoagland are hosting the big press conference regarding NASA secrets. It doesnt necessarly mean that we the public will get the answers we deserve or expecting right away but the threads of secrecy over at NASA are starting to come undone it would seem. Maybe the snowball will start rolling?

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Well, at least it does appear to be picking up steam in terms of attention focused upon it. I'm seeing it being covered on msnbc and aol, so at least for now the media isn't blacking it out or hushing it. I highly doubt NASA will ever admit to anything extra-terrestrial, but nice to see some pressure being put on them.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 08:38 PM
i like what the courts have done, but im sure the docs will be changed to serve whoever is in charge.

id like to see pics of this acorn shaped object. it would be interesting to see is the hieroglyphs match roswell or anything else.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 12:48 AM
I still believe that what came down in Kecksburg is nothing more than Kosmos 96.

Almost all witness describe the object as an "acorn".


The behavior of NASA and the military is also very similar to Operation Moon Dust mission which indicates the possibility of Kosmos 96 as the culprit.

Leslie Kean was informed by NASA chief scientist for orbital debris, Nicholas L. Johnson, that this object did not match any known satellites. This is easy to explain. His data is for the booster (not shaped like an acorn) and not the capsule (again shaped like an acorn). This is logical assumption since it is booster that was expected to return earth while capsule was destined for Venus.

According to "Handbook of Soviet Lunar and Planetary Exploration", Kosmos 96 exploded during during orbital restart resulting in 8 different pieces. What might have come down in Kecksburg is piece of the spacecraft.

These are my finding and many may not agree with this. Anyone is welcome to counter my argument. As a member of APRO and UFO researcher for the last 16 years, I learned that you must first dismiss any possible earthly explanation before declaring it as UFO incident.


[edit on 28-10-2007 by rohnds]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by rohnds]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Been researching the case and there is cause for alarm personally. The Freedom/Info request took 4 years to be returned to the investigator. Also, there are numerous instances of requests being turned down. Here's the info from the gov site:

• it falls into one of the exemption categories
• the request is considered vexatious
• the required fee is not paid within three months

So, in researching those being turned down, I came across a lot of cases, some even pretty pointless, local corruption in a killing of a family's son is one for example. Personally, this might seem like a "leaked" case on purpose.

That's an image of the town's mock-up of the thing that crashed. Here's some info on the local's call, witnesses accounts, first and foremost:

The object changed direction along it's flight path, and made what appeared to be a slow descent as it fell into the woods and impacted. We now know that after the object fell that afternoon around 4:47 P.M., a number of individuals independently headed for the woods to look for whatever had fallen, and came across the strange device. Later a search team of volunteer

Several witnesses who were independently interviewed, described observing down in the wooded ravine, a large metallic acorn shaped object, with odd hieroglyphic symbols on the back end or raised ring section of the device. The entire object appeared to be one solid piece of metal, comprised of an off gold color. The device appeared seamless, and without rivets.

Well, I am certainly not convinced from the gov't old story of "meteor" or any of these satellite theories. Someone in another post brings up weapons testing, which for me, is out-there but the most legit of any, the thing moved in the sky, people saw that, maybe something else.

Does anyone have any info on this researcher? Writing a book, have a website? Glyphics are my case for alarm and the amount of local/national news coverage this is getting.

WHJB office manager Mabel Mazza described one of the pictures: "It was very dark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And I don't know how far away from the site he was. But I did see a picture of a sort of a cone-like thing. It's the only time I ever saw it."

In the following weeks, Murphy became enveloped with the incident and wrote a radio documentary called Object in the Woods, featuring his experiences and interviews he had conducted that night. Shortly before the documentary would've aired, he received an unexpected visit at the station from two men in black suits identifying themselves as government officials.

They requested to speak with him in a back room behind closed doors. The meeting lasted about 30 minutes. A WHJB employee, Linda Foschia, recalled the men had confiscated some of Murphy's audio tapes from that night, and that no one knows what happened to the remaining photographs.

A week after the visit, an agitated Murphy aired a censored version of the documentary, which he claimed in its introduction had to be edited due to some interviewees requesting their statements be removed from the broadcast in fear of getting in trouble with the police and Army.

Here's the 40 pages / PDF that was released in 1996.

Then, there's a 2005 instance of NASA saying it's the Russian's satellite. This FoIR was brought up by a Sci-Fi channel personnel -- COULD ATS get an interview w/ them to not have to wait for tv shows or books, magazine articles?

This is not a "closed case" IMO.

edit: Here's some info on the researcher:

Leslie Kean, Research Director of the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI), a new, high profile organization based in Washington, DC that hopes to reveal the truth about what our government knows about UFOs. Leslie is a free-lance reporter and talk show host of the Pacifica Foundation public radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by anhinga]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:23 AM
Also, just found this interview from a couple years ago:

I was sitting on the side of the bank on the Griffy Hill in Kecksburg on that afternoon in 1965 and the object passed about 150 yard in front of me and just above the tree line. It was not a falling rock or a fireball when I saw, but a clear view of the object and it was a constructed object and it was definitely a controlled object. Thanks you, thank you for trying to help solve the mystery!

StanLeslie: there are a few official Roswell documents, but generally the government hasn't released anything honest on either. But Kecksburg is "clean" in terms of fewer dishonest witnesses. Few of the Kecksburg witnesses have ever talked with anyone. That's why I've been so lucky to interview them. Credible witnesses. School teachers, cops, firemen. The credibility gap in Kecksburg is narrow. The majority of witnesses don't even know each other.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Oh, there's no question this was a massive cover-up. It's one of the few times I recall hearing about NASA being on site along with the military though, so I wonder if FOIA will be any more effective with the space agency than the military. Both are gov-sponsored entities, so who knows.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 01:15 PM
I hope This Court order forces at least SOMETHING worth Looking at to come out from behind closed doors.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by rohnds
I still believe that what came down in Kecksburg is nothing more than Kosmos 96.

Almost all witness describe the object as an "acorn".

The behavior of NASA and the military is also very similar to Operation Moon Dust mission which indicates the possibility of Kosmos 96 as the culprit.

Yep, the Government starts acting a little funny when the enemy’s hardware crashes in their back yard.
Thanks for posting that picture. That makes the connection between the “acorn” shape and the probe pretty obvious.

Funny how ten people can see the same thing and describe it ten totally different ways isn’t it? The interesting thing about this case is the skeptics have always been divided down the middle, some think it was a meteor and some think it was Kosmos 96. The meteor camp believes nothing was recovered but that was before NASA admitted in 2005 that they were given a sample by the military to analyze (and for obvious political reasons not allowed to talk about it). I’ve always wondered if what really happened was a meteor crashed into the booster (what are the odds? lol) and some people saw the meteor and others saw the probe and both camps were right.

Originally posted by rohnds
As a member of APRO and UFO researcher for the last 16 years, I learned that you must first dismiss any possible earthly explanation before declaring it as UFO incident.

Sage advice.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Thanks for posting that picture. That makes the connection between the “acorn” shape and the probe pretty obvious.

You're looking at an October 2005 picture of the Soyuz space craft delivering two members of the Expedition 12 crew to the ISS.

Here is a photo of Kosmos 96.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
You're looking at an October 2005 picture of the Soyuz space craft delivering two members of the Expedition 12 crew to the ISS.

Minor detail.

(the same modular approach to building spacecraft is being used)

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:07 PM
Yes I realized my mistake last night but I didn't get a chance to edit it. Kosmos 96 was Venus bound and used a Venera 3MV-4. The photo I inserted was Soyuz TMA-7.
Matter of fact capsule of 3MV-4 look more like an acorn than the TMA-7.


[edit on 28-10-2007 by rohnds]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by rohnds
Kosmos 96 was Venus bound and used a Venera 3MV-4. The photo I inserted was Soyuz TMA-7.
Matter of fact capsule of 3MV-4 look more like an acorn than the TMA-7.


That is a photo of Venera 8/Kosmos 482 that sucessfully landed on the suface of Venus in 1972. That's much closer to Venera 4/Kosmos 96 but it's still not Venera 4/Kosmos 96.

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