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More details on iraqi abuse by US Army....

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posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 07:17 PM
More details of Army's abuse probe surface
From Barbara Starr
CNN Washington Bureau
Monday, January 26, 2004 Posted: 6:49 PM EST (2349 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. military's criminal investigation into potential abuse of Iraqi detainees by U.S. soldiers at Abu Gharib prison in Iraq now includes reports from soldiers that military police took photographs showing soldiers hitting detainees, CNN has learned.

Earlier, several Pentagon officials who declined to be identified by name confirmed to CNN that investigators were looking into the reports -- all coming from fellow soldiers -- of photographs showing male and female detainees with some of their clothing removed.

It is not clear whether any photographs were taken, but several military police at the prison have been removed from duty until the matter is resolved, a military source said. The Army's Criminal Investigation Division seized computer drives searching for the photographs and more evidence of abuse.

Full Story

Aren't we great?? GOOOO AMERICA!!! Way to make us look good in the eyes of the world!

[Edited on 1-26-2004 by Garon]

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 07:44 PM
I'm not a soldier in Iraq. I never abused an Iraqi prisoner. So why not see the fact that the Army is investigating this and is taking the pertinent judicial measures.

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 07:50 PM
It just makes us all look bad...similar to the way many Americans tend to think that all Arabic people are terrorists now.

posted on Jan, 26 2004 @ 08:05 PM
Camp Pendleton Marines Face Charges in Death of Iraqi Prisoner

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) - Three Marine reservists appeared in military court Monday to face charges stemming from the death of an Iraqi prisoner who prosecutors said was punched, karate-kicked and dragged by the throat while in their custody.

The military prosecutor, Capt. Leon Francis, said Nagen Sadoon Hatab, a high-ranking member of the Baath Party, was among three prisoners "of notoriety" brought to a detention facility in southern Iraq last June. Hatab, 52, had been left lying naked, covered in his own feces, for hours when he was found dead.

These actions are slowly trickling in to the mainstream media, as well as the military justice system.


posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:46 AM
here we go with the whole american soldiers are muders anti-war sentiment. Hmm.....lets think for a minute...when the iraqis did have pows earlier this war and in the first gulf war how did they treat them? Cause i tell ya, we don't rape our pows. don't get me wrong, this is bad for them to do this, but i can tell you from experience out here that those guys don't volunteer to go to prison camps. they did something to get there

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:51 AM
Oh sorry...American troops are whiter than white....

"Female troops serving in Iraq are reporting an insidious enemy in their own camps: fellow American soldiers who sexually assault them."

Full Story

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:51 AM
Which POW was was raped?

You don't mean Lynch do you?

Get up to speed on events that was propaganda.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:55 AM
lol, yeah, here we go with the media agian..haha, like i said beive what you want. i'm over here. your not. And, jeeze, i thought the thread was about iraqi prisoner abuse? oh, and i have to tell ya, the UK's soldiers arn't the most agreeable people i've met. you should tell em to lighten up. They fight like men though....gotta give em that.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:57 AM
jessica lynch among others, but in the first gulf war a female officer was shot down while flying a chinnook and she was rapped. she is now a major.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:02 AM
All medical evidence says Lynch was not raped.She says she was not raped.Though,the Pentagon were happy to keep that rumour going.Surprised the truth hasn't permeated down to the fighting men in Iraq yet.Still,you've got to believe your fighting for something so it's best just to keep on believing.

As for the other case.Link?
Either or will be fine.

And yes you are correct this topic is about US abuse on Iraqis.

So why did YOU change the subject?

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:07 AM
Hey i was just following your lead bud. And how about given me a break. I'm in baghdad? you wanna send me a tv? Sorry i'm not in my comfy home, with my tea and crumpets, watching the news on my telly, ok? gimmie alittle while and i'll give ya a name too, since i must be lying right?

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
Which POW was was raped?

You don't mean Lynch do you?

Get up to speed on events that was propaganda.

"At least 37 female service members have sought sexual-trauma counseling and other assistance from civilian rape-crisis organizations after returning from war duty in Iraq, Kuwait and other overseas stations, women's assistance and advocacy organizations say."

At least have the decency to read the link. Nowhere does it mention Pvt Lynch.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:17 AM
see, we have already established that i was wrong about that. Like i said gimmie a break. we don't have cable, or cnn here ok? weve got this great system of news called " word of mouth" and "letters". and before you point out that I could get news off of the internet, let me clear that up by saying that we have to most wonderful fire wall that keeps us from going to just about any site you can fathom.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:23 AM
And just out of all curiosity, why is it that the general public is so quick to jump on soldiers, particularly american, instead of iraqis? A nice decent reason for that would be nice. Key word being "decent" of course. And " you don't belong there" won't cut it.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:27 AM
link bad!

Just wanted to illustrate that there are bad people in ANY walk of life.

No offence meant to you.

[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Shaitan]

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:30 AM
yeah sorry, none of it was personally meant for you. don't take it that way. it's just easy for us to get fired up about this kind stuff. sorry.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:30 AM
See, we have this thing in the US, many countries don't, which says you're innocent until proven guilty. As this is an investigation, the soldiers, and the army, are still innocent. Even if it's suspected, it still needs to go before a military tribunal to decide guilt.

Y'all are jumping the gun based on the spin of an article. So, it would appear that author of that article has convinced you to "accept ignorance".

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:32 AM
ignorance is bliss.........oh

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by medic
And just out of all curiosity, why is it that the general public is so quick to jump on soldiers, particularly american, instead of iraqis? A nice decent reason for that would be nice. Key word being "decent" of course. And " you don't belong there" won't cut it.

Just as I noticed that all the links in the first post as well as mine are referncing to big news agencies reporting the actions against these US soldiers, and the issues being considered by the military justice system.

The actions would not be there by the military justice system if the things alleged could not possibly have happenned.

And yes, it's kind of angering that a few soldiers etc, go beyond the Geneva Convention and the treatment of prisoners.

I respect all soldiers in Iraq fighting the old regime, but some bad apple actions can stand out louder than valor.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 09:56 AM
The way I look at it is that MAYBE half of ANY Army (not just the U.S.) is filled with good, honest people who just want to help protect their country.

The other half is filled with gun nuts. Men and women who want to shoot 30mm cannons and sniper rifles and heavy machine guns. People who, if they weren't in the military, would be in jail for some type of violent crime. People who, once they are left to their own devices in the military, peer into that heart of darkness and revel in the pain and torture and death that they inflict.

These are the people who are the subject of the article.

And unfortunately for the honest half, if you keep them in a pressure cooker of war long enough, they will move to the other side and become just as violent and immoral as the rest of them.

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