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Analog TV bands and HAARP?

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posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:14 PM
It seems to me the big push to shove the American public off analog bands and onto digital with the redated deadline of February 17, 2009 came at or about the same time HAARP technology was getting off the ground. I read somewhere it is the military who wants these bands. Do you believe there is any correlation?
Thanks for replies in advance.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:57 PM
No thoughts at all? I could even go for a tongue lashing by a debunker.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:18 AM
I have never really thought about it that way before. But I must say that does make sense. I've spent the last few years wondering why there has been such a big push toward making everything digital.

It could be that the usage of HAARP technology could interfere with analog signals on a global scale...which might arouse suspicion in the sleeping populace of the world.

Or maybe they do just want to free up all the analog bands for military purposes.

Or maybe there is a more nefarious reason that I just haven't thought of yet.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

I think Haarp type systems began to be developed not long after Tesla's death in the US, when they got some missing pieces from his notes.
It's a strong possibility that could be one of the reasons. Perhaps that spectrum is needed for the 'alleged' mind control thing they are already said to be running.
I believe the move off analog can also be strongly attributed to the need to control such outlets. Analog signals are not secure. Once the analog sets are made obsolete, so will be the freedom of the airwaves. No more static.

That Haarp and Chernobyl 2 are some serious serious serious things.

Do you know what Russia is using the spectrum for?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:03 AM
Agreed Mantic, if anyone doesn't know Chernobyl was hooked up to Russia's own Haarp device well before its meltdown, prior to America's first known array. Things were 'discovered'. Things that have not been made public for national security so 'they' say. I believe you may have some insight on the matter I do not. Just seems strange to me it is now being so heavily enforced to get off analog "NOW"!

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Agreed Mantic, if anyone doesn't know Chernobyl was hooked up to Russia's own Haarp device well before its meltdown, prior to America's first known array. Things were 'discovered'. Things that have not been made public for national security so 'they' say. I believe you may have some insight on the matter I do not. Just seems strange to me it is now being so heavily enforced to get off analog "NOW"!

According to legend, Chenobyl was a power source for Chernobyl 2 and both are in the same area
Chernobyl 2 IS Russia's "Haarp", based on Tesla's designs. Russia was the only one who paid for the tech. When Russia announced they had the end all weapon in the late 70s (timeframe?), thats what it is suspected it was/is. It is alleged that 2 can pinpoint any point on earth and send a directed beam of energy at frequencies that can effect anything from the human mental state, atmosphere, weather, to destructive force. The Chernobyl accident is said to be either from an 'drain' from 2, feedback from 2, or the 'ray' reaching back and hitting the core.

Let's go to the movies for a minute. In the movie 'V', the one with the mask guy. What he did with his radio and television broadcasts would theoretically be impossible with the alleged capabilities of the new digital system.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:02 AM
hi guys,

the first of our areas in the UK to be switched off took place this week.
here in the UK the latest thing is going to be mobile tv, ie. tv through your mobile phone,

they are not enough freq left here in the UK for them to use so they have announced that they will be using some of the older freq`s used by analog tv.

The UHF band, which is identified by the EC as the most suitable spectrum for multimedia mobile services, is unlikely to be freed up in the UK until digital switch-over is complete in 2012.

"Most European countries are moving towards allocating spectrum but one anomaly is the UK," said Mr McQueen. principal analyst with research firm Informa.



[edit on 18-10-2007 by snoopyuk]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:07 AM
oh and i forgot here is a page of photos of chernobyl 2:



posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:11 AM
This is in relation to the NWO plans on LYING takeover.

Anything w/ 1s and 0s can be manipulated to whatever you want, vs. analog where you have the truth ingrained into the tape(s).

This has a lot to do w/ their VoIP (Voiceover InternetProtocol)....
....there should be more info out there (someone start a thread?) about "net neutrality" and the implications of it, I saw a PBS special on this last year and it seems like a scam, that people are already bowing down to.... it's not "neutral" since a select handful of corporate giants are the only ones who will benefit.

...and we all know about another theory w/ the word "protocol" in it:

[edit on 18-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Very interesting thread. Thanks submitter. You've given me something else to research.


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:11 PM
my guess for the switch is this. Ok they are saying its just like when color tv's came out and everyone made the switch over 10 years. Now they assume everyone drives a lexus and can afford to buy 5 flatscrens which is completely pompous. But then think of it this way also, old ladies who live in the boondocks wont get weather warnings anymore, but then if your a corporate whore, "who cares about old ladies, muwahaha".

I think its mind control and spying. Making americans annoying selfish braiwashed bastards ten times worse than they are today. Its sad that those before us were so apathetic during the 70s-today letting socialist corporate whorebags get control of things. I despise power in all its forms. it does no good. Television is just its way of keeping you in apathy towards its crimes.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:17 PM
Couldn't agree w/ you more Mastermind.... this is a centraling of power in
a way *they* want -- and probably wanted for a long time in relation to getting
the tek in a place where they're monitoring every sound.

When are the analog TVs ceasing production? Will telephone lines still exist in the future? They could make VoIP mandatory. I did see some bills/amendments floating around about these questions. Strange thought of their nightmare world order.

....just how quickly *they* got rid of analog consumer tape in incredible, it's tough to get cassettes, vhs and the likes today. Let alone a player in a mega-store.

Great thread btw -- we need to get more links to HAARP, VoIP and things-related on this, keep up the posts!

[edit on 18-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Thanks anhinga. The gov believe, it or not, is sending out 2 , 40 dollar certificates to purchase 2 digital to analog converter boxes to every American household that requests them. You will be able to use your existing aerial antennas for this purpose. Strange, but true.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:29 PM
I know you're right. The military wants them.

The big picture, they want the un-initiated dead, more for them.

Their care for the world, their fellow human beings has self-immolated.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:51 PM
I agree about Chernobyl, it was a power house for some sort of HAARP like weapon. STALKER is a good game, it is somewhat similar in the form of mind control and 'C' consciousness.

God needs to hurry and end this place. Its becoming unbearable for many people. This is just a tell tale sign of people trying to control us and what we do. I have speculated for a long time it was all about money, but it seems they have all the money they want now its just for control.

Interesting. Thank you topic starter.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by anhinga

I wonder if in 1874, people were thinking their civil liberties were being eroded, when Bell started working on new tech. that has since revolutionized how we communicate...

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Thanks anhinga. The gov believe, it or not, is sending out 2 , 40 dollar certificates to purchase 2 digital to analog converter boxes to every American household that requests them. You will be able to use your existing aerial antennas for this purpose. Strange, but true.

We had to buy our own, in Australia... But then we're not being forced just yet. And I refuse to use it anyway since the digital signal is pathetic...

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:04 PM
For those of us who don't know what this is all about, which is probably just me, can someone explain?

Here's a few questions to make your job easier:

Digital and analog - what is it's relation with TV? Such as, the difference in both, and what TV's are and aren't digital or analog.

How exactly, in layman's terms, does an HAARP type weapon/system interfere with analog to arise suspicion?

What does going digital mean to all of us small people?

That's all I got for now. I may ask more later. If you got any extra information, feel free to add it.

Thanks for the help!

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:23 PM
While I could tediouosly type out long explanations to your questions Novus, I respectfully suggest you google it. You will find volumes of info to them.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Analog signals are best described as a wave. Think of a wave of light, you have a crest, through, and a mid point. In analog, you can send a signal with any frequency along the wavelength. In digital, the signal is either on or off, with no mid point, signals are sent as 1 or 0. A good example is a key stroke, this is digital, but a game joystick for a TV console works on analog. You can move the stick slightly and vary a movement, where as a key stoke is pressed or not. On or off, or, varied. I encourage you to look up wiki definitions for both as I don't have all day to chat about this.

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