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Public Preasure > Free Speach

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posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:34 AM

I just had to post this article, here is an average faimaly that had an Halloween scnece on thier house, and a group of people whined and presured them to take it sown, in the end they took it down because they 'felt presured' and 'feared for thier safty'.

What a load of (blank)!

Im sad that hese people sucumbed to this 'presure', what a low place we have sunk to. Where people are being presuered to censor what they feel like doing.

The law of the land doesn't aply anymore.


Peronaly, where i used to live in Florida, we had 2 nuses in the front yard, each with a scare crow on them, hanging, and in the 5 years that we lived there we didn't get one complaint, i wish i had those now, i owuld hang them in my aprtempt window.

All this because of an overreaction on the Jena 6 case, how soon before they start restricting what free speach is? This may seem like nothing to some people, but to me, this means something bigger, that public presure can make people give up thier first amendment rights...

*edit, link won't work... but its on the drudge, its the storey in the top left, if someone can link it sucsessfuly...

[edit on 10/17/2007 by TKainZero]


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