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IRAQ: $1 Billion US Dollars Cash Found In Gardener's Shed

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:11 AM

IRAQ: $1 Billion US Dollars Cash Found In Gardener's Shed

"I was part of a Fox News Channel embedded crew covering the Iraq war. While living at a palace in Baghdad we found $300 Million in US cash initially and a total of US $1 Billion after further exploration behind a false wall of a gardeners shed."
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Guards steal $282 million from a bank in Baghdad

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:11 AM
Then there was this suspicious massive robbery of cold hard US Cash.

Why do these large US currency stashes exist in Iraq?

Other than this video I am unable to find any other news information on this incident. I hope the video remains available for all to see.

It must be the most cash I have ever seen. Bricks of US hundreds. In the video they said a single cash brick was worth $100,000 and there were 40 bricks in each container.

That is 40,000 US hundreds or $4 million US in each container.
At first they only found 320 million.
That is 80 containers.
But eventually they found more behind a false wall.
Totaling over $1 billion up to $1.2 billion.

[edit on (10/12/07) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:26 AM
And check out this relevant fantastic article I just found when I Googled US cash found in Iraq!

How The US Sent $12 Billion In Cash To Iraq And Watched It Vanish

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"

Click Here For The Full Story

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:50 AM
And some people cant why respect for the US government is sinking to new lows.

Well if there was any integrity to the US political system there would be a whole lot of people on trial or in a jail cell by now. As for the money that has been found it could have belonged to a corrupt Iraqi politician , an insurgent group or private military contractor. Bremer over saw the payment of billions of US dollars to non existent people on pay rolls.

See this thread for more.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:23 AM
I have read over and over about all the missing millions and billions of US hard earned tax money, but nobody seems to care, but our government blame everybody else specially Iran when it comes to point fingers to how and where money is financing the insurgency in Iraq.

I think we are paying for that insurgency too.

Funny that when we are facing financial problems in our nation with a deficit limit too high to see it any more and our president Vito of insurance for poor children and money been micromanaged when it comes to the needs of the hard working tax payer citizens of this nation we see the give away and blatant corruption behind this war for profits in Iraq.

Where is the outrage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Why do these large US currency stashes exist in Iraq?

In all probability, to expand the circulation of US Dollars as an anti-inflationary measure, as the more people use Dollars than Iraqi Dinars, the more stable the Dollar-economy becomes.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:03 AM
O yeah I remember this long time ago when the troops found large stacks of cash during the early days of the war. Some trooops did try to take them home, but those belong to the Iraqi people because of the oil for food program that Saddam stashed secretly.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:14 AM
There is NO mystery as to why cash was sent; it was so the Bush cabal could steal it back. Just like in the Phillipines, massive cash stahses have been found, and most are traced back to Poppa Bush and his cronies. In Iraq, there was a massive money grab, and all for the benefit of the people who did it, obviously.

But why sweat a few billion? Rumsfeld announced on 9-10-01, the day beofre the Towers turned to dust, that there was over 2.3 TRILLION dollars missing from the Pentagon!! Trillions!! When the crooks that we have in office now get a taste of the REAL money, the billions and trillions , the scams of the past pale in comparison. Millions mean it takes BILLIOPNS to get any attention, and trillions can disappear with no outcry. The American people are asleep at the wheel, dumbed down and dull of wit.

Does anyone really believe that we just dumped massive stacks of hundreds all over Iraq with no one knowing where it went? Nonsense!! They knew damn well where it sent, right into the coffers of the players, thats where. The scum in Washington that has us hostage and is killing us as a nation are getting filthy rich from the scams of war while the kids here get no school lunches and no new books...sickening reality we live in.

I wish that either a group of military men would take the White House by force and place Bush and Cheney on trial for treason and murder; they KNOW all we know..they have the info, they knopw the truth about 9-11..but unless they do something about it, we are doomed as a nation. The enemies of us all are in power and in control, and the politicians are useless, totally and completely so. No guts, no glory, and there are no leaders in this nation with any guts.

I am seriously trying to get funds together to make a move to Europe, maybe Spain or Holland..before it gets too bad here. I am sure that in 10 years, we will be virtual slaves and anyone speaking out will be in a camp somewhere while the evil ones continue to rule us. We are a sick nation, with the people unaware, and the leaders all too afraid to speak and act.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:21 AM
I found the following article a while back which was a good read.

The whole idea of shipping in containers of cash to a warzone was absolutely beyond belief. Did the CPA think people would keep their sticky fingers off it?

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Hi marg, I think your getting two things mixed up here. If I recall the money that was taken over to Iraq was not tax payers money. It was Iraqi frozen assets that where released when the new government took over, but it was flagrantly mishandled and undoubtedly lost.

However we are funding the insurgency with tax payers money but in the form of protection money.

The “Insurgent Tax”: How we are funding the Iraqi insurgents


posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:27 AM
Man of man, I'm taking up gardening and building a shed.
Then, I'll say that I'm stockpiling WMDs.
Then the US can invade my garden and stock my shed with bricks of $100 bills.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:37 AM
Well, I for one am outraged!

Here they are telling us that they're trying to fight terror and that they can't afford universal health care or better funding for schools. We have children going to bed hungry and people dieing of illnesses because they can't afford the treatment. We have the government telling us that smoking pot funds terrorism. Now we see that paying taxes funds terrorism!!!

We send our sons and daughters off to fight and die in Iraq and we have the government paying for the bullets used to kill our friends!!

12 BILLION DOLLARS!!! Just gone poof! "Ooops, oh well, lets print out some more"

God, I'm so mad right now I can't formulate a coherent post

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Rumsfeld annouce about the 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for since early 2000. And has repeatedly told the media.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Yes Hal I remember also that it was money that use to belong to the Iraqis, but that money nobody knows what happen to it, with the mismanagement of the funds for reconstruction that were used for projects that never got anywhere.

Worth an estimated US$8.8bn Iraqi money missing since 2004 that were held in a NY bank.

In late October 2003, international donors pledged more than US$33bn to fund Iraq's reconstruction. Of this US$18.4bn was US money, approved by Congress to be spent on Iraq's redevelopment.

The money was squandered in security used by Haliburton to pay for the emerging security contractors.

So between the Iraqi government corruption with the corruption of the US contractors for reconstruction most of our hard earned tax payer money and Iraqi money has gone bye, bye to never been found again.

Perhaps we should check Haliburton coffers.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 06:07 PM
I would of minded being the guy who found it haha

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
I was stationed at Camp Cropper in Baghdad's VIP detention facilities and I saw trucks rolled in at night with heavy military escorts. I was stationed in an area where most of the office trailers that houses the FBI, the military, State Department and other agency's offices of interrogations, administrations, and other offices. I saw at least two full 20 ft. containers of 100-dollar bills that were brought in and were never reported. Camp Cropper is the most secret and highly safe guarded detention center where the entire cabinet of Mr. Sadam Hussein is detained without any charges yet without any hope of letting them go. They are slowly dying with all sorts of mysterious illnesses. These two container loads of money were never accounted for neither were the entry made of any official documents or manifests. I am (rather I was) the security in-charge of all classified documents and I know the proper procedure of military documentation including the procedure that eliminates the possibilities of FOIA's inquiries. Col. Steel, the former Commander of Camp Cropper was not jailed for what the army and the State department claims for but for these types of issues that he questioned. There are more than 800 million dollars cash that is not yet logged in or recorded by the US Army from Camp Cropper alone. There are hundreds of millions of dollars missing between the private security departments operated by KBR, Halliburton, Bachtel, and others. A great many private employees of the above contracting companies have stumbled upon large caches of these types of finds and never reported to any one. There are dozens of front men of so called the American contractors and the officials from all branches of American government including the State Department, the FBI, the DoD etc., who are fail-safe conduits for such caches of hundreds of millions of dollars. These front men are primarily from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia with legitimate fronts as sub-contractors and security companies etc.

Transportations of hundreds of millions of dollars takes place in a very ingenious methods. One among them is: Decommissioned and damaged army vehicles that are sent back to Kuwait at Doha and other military’s so called "bone yards" are filled with cash and are marked with certain markers to identify as the money carrying vehicles. The crooks then access these vehicles through their military passes and safely transport these funds after safely transferring them into their personal vehicles to their apartments and eventually through their front set-ups straight into the Kuwaiti banks and the rest is a normal everyday wire transfers and money channeling between equally cooperating banks of Kuwait, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudia and Egypt. A great many Kuwaiti bank employees are on payroll to do the dirty tricks for the Americans.

It is also one of the least reported facts that almost every military searches of Iraqi homes and businesses, almost all the time; the search teams look for cash, jewelry and anything of value. They collect such valuables from the victims and never return to them without exception and every commander is aware of these facts but due to lack of manpower in the military and for morale sake, they look the other ways.

In the property rooms of Camp Cropper this type of stealing from the detainees is very common. Almost without exception, each and every detainee will attest to the fact that from the property room in building "B" a group of three uniformed criminals always steal from the property of the detainees from this property room. Their first choice is cash and jewelry. Case in point. An American lawyer who fell victim to his own doing by pointing fingers at the American Ambassador in Kuwait Mr. Richard Jones as the kingpin of corruption that landed this American lawyer in Camp Cropper. He was carrying over 300 very expensive wristwatches as a collector. These crooks at the property room in Camp Cropper stole 8 watches valued over $500,000 according to the records that I've seen. Despite the fact that the inventory of these watches and other property of this American were taken at three different camps before his arrival at the Cropper, but these crooks didn’t care and stole some of his very valuable watches. Every detainees’ watches and jewelry is stolen without exception. I know this for fact because one of the trio of these crooks is from my town and we openly talk about it.

I've got stories that are never told before but I'll wait till the criminal cabals of Bush are gone! Look for more eyes opening factual info that I will be posting.


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