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Real life Ghost Stories...

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

Wow I couldn't read your story fast enough! I could truly feel your panic and desperation. No kidding that was one scary experience you had there girl. You wouldn't be one of those stupid high heeled women that get killed in the movie, you would be the survivor!

[edit on 30-10-2007 by antar]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:01 PM
I like how a lot of peoples sightings of ghosts here are quite similar to mine, as it helps me validate my experience.

It was a blackish, chalkey, fuzzy type figure that did not 'walk' but 'glided'.

I still have a fairly clear memory of it, and I never confuse dreams with reality. Dreams have always been dreams, and are easily recognizable to me.

I awoke in the night, to find this figure near my window. I was on the top bunk, my sister on the bottom.
I called out 'mum'? a few times, but received no response. I didn't really think anything of it and went to sleep again instantly.

The following morning I asked mum what she was doing in my room. She says she wasn't in my room. It turns out an old lady who loved children died before we moved in there. The house was fairly old too.
It still used the huge old style type keys.

This occurrence wasn't too soon after we moved in, so she must have just been checking out the new people. Or something.

I remember no fear, in fact I felt no fear in the morning when mum told me it was probably a ghost. I was probably too young to know what a ghost was.

My mum has some really REALLY good ghost stories, experiences she's had. I should try to get her on here.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:27 AM
Ive been annoyed by spirits most my childhood, but ill tell you one that sticks out in my head..

After the death of my father we lost our family house, few weeks later me n my mother ended up moving into some masinets called windmill close.. complete and utter sh*thole plagued by drugs and crime.

Now whilst in this house strange things started to happen, such as my mum would be playing the keyboard, and hearing someone hum along to it, people claiming they felt cold spots and felt uneasy... little things like this at first.

I would spend most my time in my room, drawing, painting and the likes. After a couple of weeks at this home i started to get the feeling i was being watched, not in a paranoid sense, but a "i can feel someone looking at me" sense, at night i would lie in bed n i could FEEL a man stood next to me, and it would really creep me out. The final night in my bedroom arrived when one night, i was lying in bed, and i was admiring the moon shining through the curtains, being distorted by the shadows from the tree outside my bedroom. Then came the feeling again, but this time i just tried to ignore it and carried on staring at the curtains. Now i do not know what to put this down to, be it some amazing feat of telekinesis, or someone playing mind games with me, but my curtains suddenly drew apart, as if they had been ripped open. Now as you can imagine, by now i was absolutely crapping my pants, i shouted as loud as i could for my mum and ran into her room. A grim night indeed, but far from the worst to come....

Anyway after this occurance, i did not want to be in a room alone in that house, so i moved my bed into my mums room, sounds kinda pathetic as i was in high school, but i was really scared.

The next day i went downstairs to find my mum taken with fear, and i dont usually see that, as this was by no means our first paranormal experience, and you do grow quite accustomed to it. so i asked her what was wrong, and she told me that she had woken up in the night feeling strange, looked up to see a womans face staring at her, about no less than an inch from her face... angry woman she recalls, but the strange thing was, the face was coming from the opposing side to the bed, so technically this woman would have to be coming out of the wall! so as you would my mum shat herself and fiddled for the lamp, turned it on and calmed herself. Then she said she went to the toilet, and as she came bk, i was being dragged out of my bed by 'something', and she freaked and started shouting "your not taking my son" (Dramatic i know) and grabbed me n put me back in my bed... i didnt recall any of this, as far as i was concerned i slept the whole night through...

So after this night, we decided it was time to seek out some help from other sources, so first of all my mum visited a psychic. The psychic told her that she had done something to change the layout of the place and 'they' did not like that. So lo and behold, my bed was put back into my room, and again i had to suffer being 'watched' everynight. It got to the point where i had to fashion a little hiding area to sleep in, complete with its own little roof... made me feel a little safer. Things began to get a lot worse as time went on, and we decided we should see what paranormal investigators could find out about this. So my mum tells me one day that im going to stay at a friends as these paranormal investigators from the tv are coming to check out the house, and what they found out, at first was hidden from me by my mum as to not freak me out even more as i had to live there, but once we moved out she said they had found out that 'windmill close' used to actually be a windmill, and this old man who occupied it (his name escapes me, but we was told) lost his grandaughter when she fell down the steps in the windmill. God knows who the other spirits were... This is just one kinda occurance in this property, there were many more, some very scary.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:30 AM
Sorry for the mega post length just wanted to set the scene as best i could. Not to mention the bad grammar/punctuality, but nonetheless thank you for your time =]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 07:34 PM
I've encountered many experiences.. I'm still not sure if my mind was playing tricks on me or if it was truly paranormal.

I don't remember much of what happened but this event is something that has continued to haunt me since. I was very young, probably 3 or 4, and I am currently 14. I do remember my mom putting me in my crib, turning on a vaporizer that shoots out mist and then kissing my forehead and saying goodnight. As she was walking out she turned the light off. I am not sure if I fell asleep or not, but I know I was fully awake when this happened. I was laying in my bed and I was just staring at the ceiling, or at least I think I was, I couldn't tell because it was pitch black. Anyways, I heard this super low male voice say "Hello Allison". Allison happens to be my name. Then I remember screaming for my mom and dad. Of course when I told them what happened they said it was just my imagination, that I was dreaming or something and that nothing was under my crib. I know for a fact that I was not sleeping when I heard that voice. It was too real.

Another story for the readers:
This was about a year or 2 ago. My old room, which actually happened to be the room the first event happened in, was turned into a computer/study room about 7 years later. Anywho, I had to go on the computer to check up on a couple of things, and my father was in the living room. A couple minutes after being on the computer I saw a slight movement out of the corner of my near the door, so I looked up and I clearly saw a man with a long black coat and a black top hat. I wasn't able to see his face because it was too dark, but after just standing there for about 5 seconds he dashed off. Being my curious self, I quickly went to the door and looked towards the way he went off to and I saw my new room's door, the room right next to my old one, was moving slowly and eventually stopped. When I told my dad he told me it was him, and most likely so I wouldn't be scared.

I have a feeling that something is following me. A couple times before I could hear footsteps in the kitchen and I some times have dreams about this man, but I am never able to fully see his face. I know no one has died in my house because the people who sold it to us built the house, lived in it for year, and moved.

The dream:
There is a large white house in the middle of a clearing in the woods. The clearing is a half circle and on one half there is woods and the other half is a huge lake or pond. My view goes to the back of the house were I see an old woman on the balcony near the railing with white hair and a white dress on, and she was kind of glowing. She then fell, or was pushed into a huge bush of pricker bushes, and when I say huge.. I mean huge. I didn't see her again. I am then in the front of the house and both women and men are coming out of the house. Their skin is very pale, some of their hair is white and some have black hair. But they are all dressed in black. My family members are now with me, but standing behind me. My brother, my sister, my mom and dad, and a couple of close friends. The people who came out of the house then circle us, but the man with the top hat and long black coat comes towards me and puts his hand out. Just about as I am about to touch him I wake up.. Every single time.

I have had this dream bout 4 times now in my life in various times in my life and different ages. My first time was was when I was 7, and the 4th time was about a year ago.

This man is everywhere, but I don't know where he comes from.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:56 AM
Here's one from a Dr. Murrow. Retired now, but had a distinguished career as a child physciatrist, she was an old neighbour and I'd regard her as a 'credible witness'. The story begins with her taking up lodgings in Edinburgh. This must have happened shortly after the War [II].

...she was greeted at the door by a rather stiff house servant and instructed to take her things to such-and-such a room on the 3rd floor, sort her belongings and meet in the refectory for supper at 6pm. Grasping her cases she made her way up the stairs. On reaching the 2nd flight of stairs she saw an old lady in a tweed outfit, grey hair neatly brushed & arranged in a bun, shuffle up the last remaining stairs, across the landing and enter her room.

Tentatively, she followed... and on opening the door found no one there. Surprised if nothing else she, she duly unpacked her things before meeting the rest of the house for supper.

While at the table she mentioned what had just occurred.

There was a sudden silence at the table. The woman she'd described and seen just died but two weeks earlier.
No further sightings were ever mentioned.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:00 AM
I've had a number of experiences, but for now I'll recount one of the most unsettling.
Desperate to go camping, I contacted all my usual mates to entice them on a camping / fishing trip to the Murray River on the border of Victoria and New South Wales. Unfortunately, not one was available to go at the time.
Deciding I was made of strong Aussie stuff, I went alone. Having driven quite some distance through the bushland along the Murray in my 4wd, I decided on a very isolated camp spot with good access to the river. Having set up camp, after a good campfire cooked meal, I turned in for the night.
I was entertained for a while listening to the native animals going about their nightly tasks. Bats flew overhead with their familiar Ping Ping noise of their radars, a kangaroo bounded through the trees thumping its feet heavily as it went. Some where nearby a possum growled at its rival. The river continued its ceasless gurgle as it flowed only a short distance from my tent.
I had just begun to think that camping alone wasn't so bad after all. Then I heard a noise that made my blood chill in my veins... It was the unmistakable tap tap of rythym sticks that the Aboriginals use in their ceremonies.
Melodic, rythmic, loud and just on the other side of the flimsy fabric of my tent... tap, tap, tap...
The noise seemed to circle my tent many times. Passing in front of my tent on each circuit where I could plainly see the dying glow of my fire, yet nothing could be seen moving between my tent and the fire. Sometimes leaves rustled and twigs snapped as if being walked on, sometimes nothing but the rythym sticks.
I decided to investigate ( believing this may be the last thing I ever did as a sane person as I would surely go insane when I saw who or what was making this noise.)
I slipped my shoes on and crept towards the entrance of the tent. I waited until the tap, tap, tap had just passed by the front, within inches of my tent and I flung myself out the door.
There was only silence. The animals were silent. It seemed that the river itself has become silent. Just complete silence. Nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard. Although it was mid summer, my breath came out as fog. It was stunningly cold.
I stayed there the next couple of days, but never heard the noise again.

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