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Real life Ghost Stories...

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posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:30 PM
HI ATSers it's that time of year! Halloween is fast approaching and I feel the need for some bone chilling scary stories. If you have experienced something out of the ordinary I would love to hear your story. I will start with a little true life story about my cat Sam. I will ask you to keep it as short as possible and to make it your experience so that if there are any questions they can be answered. Also only TRUE stories please.

My pure black long haired cat Sammy was one of those pets that were just like a member of the family. We often joked that he was an alien kitty because he had unusually lively big green eyes that looked a lot like the typical Whitley Shreiber Gray type. He lived for 13 years and died on October the 31st 2002. My Mom was moving from here in the Midwest to her new location in Arizona that same day so we decided that Sam would be buried under the big mulberry tree in my back yard.

We also had a cat named Sylena that is pure black and one day a few weeks later she for the first time disappeared. I sent my husband up to the main hwy a mile away to look for her at local barns in the area as it had been raining and I figured she had sought shelter at one of the neighbors.

He returned with a look of dread and sadness and I knew our sweet girl was gone.

I jumped in the truck and we headed up to the place on the hwy. where he had seen her dead. When we got there I examined the black cat and sure enough it was Sylena.

We buried her next to Sammy under the big mulberry tree and promised to grow Cat nip on the spot the following spring. Everyone again cried and was saddened by losing them both in just a short while.

That evening we heard a cat crying and upon following the sound discovered Sylena out side the front door wanting in. But who was the cat we buried?

A few nights later standing out on the porch a black cat jumped up on the porch railing and then leap into the air and disappeared. I ran down the steps and looked at where it should have been but no cat?

Several more times this happened and I had decided not to say anything for fear my family would call me nuts. But then one of the kids saw the same thing and shouted out to me that they had just seen a black cat jump off the porch and disappear.

Eventually the entire family saw the shadow cat jump up and off the porch and so we just kind of ignored it when it happened. Although it never ceased to amaze us.

In time the experiences became less and less and now just on occasion, do we see the shadow of the black cat.

True, End.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:14 PM
I'm not sure whether or not this is a legit "ghost story", but it did scare me half to death. I'm still not sure if it was my imagination that did this, or prowlers, or something ghostly. And there are actually 2 stories. I'll post the one that scared me most first, and if I have enough space I'll post the other one.

When I was about 13-14, I got really sick and couldn't leave the house. It was a Wednesday, because I remember the rest of the family had left and gone to church. Our computer in that house was in the kitchen, which was on one end of the house. The kitchen connected to the living room, which branched off into a hallway with 3 bedrooms, my parents' room at the end.

Now, I was paranoid about being home alone at night. We lived in the country, so there were no neighbors next door if anything went wrong. I remember asking my parents if one would stay with me, but they just reminded me that all the doors were locked (this is important) and that I'd be fine.

To pass the time while my family was gone, I got online and was browsing around when all of a sudden I heard this really weird noise. It sounded like something scratching at the back door (which was about 10 feet down the hallway with the bedrooms). I didn't think anything of it, since we had a few barncats that liked to get on the roof and walk around, then when they jumped off the house they occasionally made a lot of noise.

I didn't start getting anxious until the noises continued for about 30 seconds. The only light on in the house was from the computer monitor, so I couldn't look down the hallway to see if it was our dog wanting outside.

Before I could think about it too much, though, I heard heavy footsteps start pounding down the hallway - right toward me in the kitchen.

Without a second thought, I jumped up, grabbed a knife from the knife stand by the sink, and practically flew out the front door (which connected to the kitchen). As soon as I got outside (I was in my pajamas and barefoot) I ran to my dad's work truck, got inside (it was unlocked), locked the doors, and started trying to call people on his cell phone (which he always left in the car). No one answered. In retrospect I should've called the police, but I wasn't thinking straight at the time.

I sat in the car for about 15 minutes, scared silly until my sister and her husband came home (they about 100 feet away). I jumped out of the car, ran into the road, flagged them down, and went to her house. I talked her husband into going and looking in the house, and when he came back he said that nothing was disturbed, except the back door was open and swinging in the wind.

Heheh. It gave me the chills to actually think the event through like that again. I was really glad when we moved to a different house a year or so later.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Zyanith

Wow thanks Zyanith for the first real ghost story! I could feel the fear in the air as you told your scary story. I cannot imagine the second part you have to tell, please go forward with it as you spin a good tale. This one will scare the kids come Halloween night when I read them these stories by the light of the monitor! perfect!

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:29 PM
I wrote about one particular real life incident here

Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Part 2

I'll share another experience here also.

I was twelve years old, living in Brooklyn. My father was in Guyana. He and my mom had separated when I was younger but we were still in touch occassionally, birthdays, holidays, that sort of thing. That particular evening I took a nap after doing my homework, something I use to do alot back then. I remember waking up very suddenly feeling that I wasn't alone, looking up I saw my father standing in the doorway of my room just looking at me. By the time I cleared the sleep out of my eyes and looked again, he was no longer there. I got and ran to the livingroom where the rest of the family was watching tv and asked where my dad was. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but I was convinced that he was in the house and they were playing a joke on me. I literally looked in every room and finally told everyone what I had saw. A few hours later, we got the phone call. My father had been killed in a motorcycle accident around the time I saw him in my doorway.

Two years later, in the middle of the night I awoke to the presence of my favorite cousin stroking my hair. He was my oldest cousin and used to babysit me, I was told that as a child he would put me to sleep by playing with my hair. When I tried to move, he disappeared. I didn't run out of the room looking for him this time, I knew he was dead and it was confirmed by a phone call later that night.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:34 PM
i have a really short story of my own and then some from my brother in laws mom's place, she owns a haunted insane assylum.

One day my next door neighbor and i decided to try and contact ghost because i had just gome to the insane assylum i mentioned above. we were in his garage on the second floor and started to try and get some evp's. we only got one and it sounded like some one whispered " i will beat you ". then we were asking for a sign that it was there. there was a big door that was opened and it just slammed shut. so we ran to his house and got his sister's boyfriend to go up there with us. i remember every thing was very still up there and when we went up the big door was opened again. we asked for a sign again and the door slammed again! this time my friend and i stayed there but his sister's boyfriend sprinted to the house.

While i was on a ghost hunt and the insane assylum we were on the third floor with a few of my friends and some random people that were there for a hunt. all of the lights are off when you go in and you gt flashlights, one of my friends pointed his down a long hallway and at the end there was a figure. my brother in laws mom gave me this laser thing that was a thermometer and i pointed it at the figure and it was around 15 degrees in the summer time and every thing else was about 70.

One of the people that works at the assylum, it has been closed since the 1800's he is a ghost hunter, always used to drive by the place when he went to work and would always see and old lady in a wicker wheel chair in the closed off porch thing. the thing was the place was abandoned until about three years after he saw the old lady.

well those are my stories i hope you liked them

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

My nose feels tingly and heart chakra was open from the first word to the last in your beautiful paranormal story of your beloved Father. I sensed that you were special from the first time I saw your Avatars. I will read your stories of best friends in a few minutes, thank you dearly for sharing such a touching story of love and connection.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by coryblood

You sound like a very brave and mentally secrue person to do what you did!

What more can you share about the experiences at the haunted assylum?

From what you wrote I take it your friends Mom is into investigating the paranormal, can you get her write something for us or tell you some of her findings to share ?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by antar

Heh, alright, I'll post the other one. Just keep in mind that, like the last story, I'm not 100% sure it was anything ghostly. And this one's a little longer.

Like I said in the last post, my sister lived about 100 feet away from my old house (before we moved). When we moved, she came with us and set up a mobile home on our land, about the same distance away (100 feet).

It was around August or September, and on a Friday night because I'd been at my boyfriend's house watching movies. As we pulled up in the driveway, he let me out, then sped away (and I still give him grief about doing that to me - he did it on a few other occasions) without waiting to see if I'd gotten inside okay.

I didn't get too upset, because my parents always left the back door unlocked for me when I was out late. They left the porch light off, too, to keep me from being swarmed by about 10,000 bugs (Oklahoma summer evenings + light source = lots and lots of June bugs in your hair). As I went up the porch steps, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye dart around behind my dad's shop, but since we had a dog that stayed outside, I didn't think much of it.

I grabbed the door handle and it was locked. And, because I hadn't had time to think before my boyfriend drove away, I'd accidentally left my cellphone in his car. I would've been stupid to think that my parents were maybe awake - it was 2 in the morning. Needless to say, I wasn't pleased.

My only option was to go around the house and knock on their bedroom window. So I jumped off the porch and walked around the side of the house.

As soon as I got around the corner, I stopped dead.

I could've sworn that I heard footsteps running up to me. Then I felt hot breath on the back of my neck. I spun around, and no one was there.

Now that I was officially hysterical, I ran around the house and pounded against the window. They let me in and I stayed up as long as I could before exhaustion finally got the best of me and I went to sleep.

The next morning, my parents were acting mad at me and I couldn't figure out why. When I said that I was sorry for hitting the window as hard as I did, they said "That's not why we're upset. I can't believe you scared your nieces like that."

I asked them how I scared my nieces. They said that about 20 minutes before I woke them up the night before, my sister had called saying that something was outside. Apparently, about 30 minutes before I got home, my oldest niece was in bed asleep when something started hitting her bedroom window like they were trying to break it. She freaked out and ran and got her parents, and when they looked outside nothing was there.

They told her that she must have just had a bad dream, and to go back to sleep. But then my other two nieces (who share a bedroom) came screaming down the hall just a few minutes later saying that someone was hitting their window too.

I just about fell over at that point. Of course, I instantly thought back to me being outside, in the dark, alone while all of this was going on. Then I thought about the footsteps, and the breath I'd felt, and I started freaking out.

To this day, I don't know what it was out there. My sister wouldn't let me ask my nieces about what happened, because they were, in her words "terrified enough as it was."

To think that I was alone outside while someone was prowling around, and that whoever (whatever?) it was could have been literally right behind me, though, still makes my hair stand on end.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:06 PM
I live in an old house in NC, it's over a 100 years old and built on top of an old gold mine. A few odd things have happened here, but I do not feel threatened, although sometimes I am a little startled by events.

The first night we spent here I got up to go the bathroom which is at the end of a long hall, don't really care for the hall so I walked through the dining room and kitchen and as I passed the doorway into the hall I saw a shimmery silouette moving down the hall, it felt kind of feminine and non threatening, but freaked me out a bit.

Later, trying to make the energy in the hall feel less ominous, I pulled up the carpet, painted it sunflower yellow and hung some windchimes. One evening I stepped into the hall and a belt with a large metal buckle was laying across the hall, I asked my husband if he had left it there and he said no and also said it wasn't there a couple minutes ago when he'd gone to the bathroom. Seems like we would have heard the buckle hit the floor, but we didn't and I couldn't figure out how the belt got out of the box onto the floor.

We'd been watching Ghost Hunters and had gotten a digital recorder so we went into the hall and asked if anyone was there, we heard nothing, but when we played it back, we heard a voice say Michael, I still get shivers when I think about it.

We started putting the recorder in our bedroom at night and one morning right before the alarm went off it sounded like someone walked into the room and clapped their hands three times. Heard a lot of noises on the recorder, some so loud that we woke up and once heard a voice say Moma.

The windchime in the hall often moves when there is no breeze, especially late at night, odd noises come from the kitchen, like someone dropped something heavy in a paper bag. I've seen orbs with my eyes in the dining room and the hall.

And just last week I was freaked out when I went outside to put water in the birdbaths, I turned on the water, two good cranks and preceeded to clean out the baths when the pressure stopped, I figured the hose was kinked and followed it back to the faucet, finding no kinks, but found the faucet had turned itself off. That startled me pretty good.

And a couple times while cutting grass I've seen, out of my peripheral vision, a man in overalls standing in the middle of the road and of course, when I look again, there is nothing there.

As I said, it doesn't feel threatening and I don't walk around afraid, I think houses just hold memories and sometimes realities overlap. It was a rental house for about 30 years before we bought it, so I'm sure it's seen a lot of families and energy.

Anyway that's one of my odd house stories and BTW we are looking to move.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Ok after having read the first part I actually took a break and began to think about your family in general.
Sounds as if you came from 2 different family traditions and that you all seem to have the gift of sight. It usually does run in families. You have it even stronger because of both sides passing it to you. It is something that was An intricate part of your developmental path and ultimately made you more open and aware.
I would love to hear more of your experiences some day as I am sure that there have been more.
I will say this, it was a horrible time for you and I agree that you should have never been thrust into that position at the funeral parlor. As you say what is done is done though and you are a stronger person because you had the light on your side during that time.
You were very fortunate to have had your Gran and her connection to the mystic.
Part two was confirmation as to how I saw the experience in my minds eye.
Interesting thought, are you certain it was your friend and not some other entity just playing the role to take your body or your Grans?
When did your family move after this experience?
And finally do you still experience the rotten cherry blossom scent?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:35 PM
I've mentioned these before but I'll retell them. =)

When I was younger, I lived in a house that was built in the 1880's. it was a 2-story house - originally with one big room on each floor. when my parents moved into it, they had to add-on a bathroom because there was only an out-house. My bedroom was on the first floor in an addition that was made previous to us moving in. My parents had the whole upstairs as their bedroom. The bathroom was also up there. They used to keep a crib mattress up there for me in case I wanted to sleep up there with them. One night I fell asleep on their bed while watching TV so they put me on the floor on the mattress. I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go to the bathroom and I saw my mom sitting on the floor next to me with her legs crossed. I said "oh, hi mom." and reached out. My hand didn't collide with anything. It was about that time i realized that this was not my mom sitting next to me. I rolled over to face away from this apparition and did my best to go back to sleep.

It seems like it was probably only a year or two at most since my experience above. This time I was downstairs in my own bed sleeping. Again, I had to go to the bathroom. I got up, crossed through the living room to the stairway, made my way up the stairs and saw something that haunts me to this day. In the opposite corner of the room - standing in the very spot where I had seen the ghost in my first story, I saw a figure. I can best describe it as being very faintly luminescent. I'm not sure if it was actually glowing, or if there was just enough ambient light to reflect off of it to make it visible. We didn't use night lights and there were no lamps outside that shine through the windows. I had been into UFO's and aliens for as long as i can remember so my initial thought was that this is a gray that is doing something to my mom - he was standing in front of the night stand on her side of the bed. Looking back I wonder if it was a ghost, but in any case it scared the ever-loving bejeezus out of me. I tried to act like i didn't notice it and walked at an abnormally fast pace to the bathroom, shut the door, and immediately flicked on the light. Normally I would leave the door open so the creaking of the hinges and the clanking of the latch wouldn't wake them (remember this house is Ooooold. we had to really force the door shut to get it to latch.) Anyway, I just sort of stood in the bathroom for a moment gathering my thoughts. I did my business and composed myself enough to look out. I slowly creaked the door to let some light out. When I got it open far enough to illuminate the area where I saw this thing, it was gone. I opened the door all the way and scanned the room before I flicked the light off, flew across the room, down the stairs, through the living room, and DOVE into my bed.

When I was 13 we moved across town to a bigger newer house. My brother was just 1 or 2 and he was going to need his own room. This was just after 8th grade. In 8th grade we had a new kid that moved cross country and we hit it off immediately. To this day he's like a brother to me and even moved shortly after I did so he could live in the same area. We're now in our mid-20's, married with kids. I digress. While I was still living with my folks he pretty much lived with us. I lived about 500ft from the high school and it was easier for him to stay at our place and walk than take a 45 minute bus ride in the morning. Plus that meant we could hang out after school. Our basement was finished and it was pretty much the place to hang out on weekends. 6-man LAN parties were not uncommon. I had 2 bedrooms and a nice living room area to myself. One night - one of the few nights he wasn't around, I was sleeping in my bed and I dreamt that someone was whispering my name as if they were trying to wake me up. It happened a few times until I started to wake up. Even as I was regaining consciousness I could hear this voice whispering my name. When I finally opened my eyes I called out a groggy "WHAT?!". No one replied. I felt extreme fear. I had a feeling that someone was in my room. I did my best to just stay calm and pretend I was still sleeping. I brushed it off as a dream and never bothered to tell anyone about it.

I don't recall how much time passed, but it wasn't much. A month or two seems about right. My friend was watching TV in my bedroom and passed out on my bed. I went up stairs to sleep on the living room couch (at this point i didn't yet have a couch for my own domain.) The next morning he started talking about a voice that was whispering MY name! I got a lump in my throat and i felt faint. He knew right then that there was something up. I told him about my experience and we both agreed that the voice sounded like mine and to this day if I imitate it it gives us chills. I don't know if this had a spiritual or ET connection, but whatever it was it was real. I have a hard time pinpointing the time frame but my grandfather did pass while I lived in that house. I just don't remember if it was before or after this incident. It makes me wonder if it was him.

*edit for spelling*

[edit on 3-10-2007 by an0maly33]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:42 PM
Zyanith, sometimes the human type entities can be the scariest! Think of the likes of Jason or Freddy Krueger. It's hard to tell if what you and your family experienced was one or the other, thanks again for youyr scary contribution.

Vikturtle, I am glad that you had the bravery and insight to get the footage, it validated your story for sure. Scary thought though just the same...Be careful. And the best of luck finding a new home.

anOmaly33, Thats one creepy story! I bet it was a spirit.

[edit on 3-10-2007 by antar]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by antar

You're right I do have alot more experiences, but those mentioned were the most significant ones in my eyes. You're also right in that in does run in my family, but my family tends not ever want to discuss this kind of stuff.

I don't know why, but I'm pretty certain and "feel" it was my best friend and not just a passing entity finding an advantageous situation.

We left Guyana two years after the death of my friend.

As for the scent of rotten cherry blossoms, I've occassionally caught of whiff of it in the air. Once in particular when I was extremely depressed and in a funk, I think it scared me out of my funk. I'm not scared of it or her anymore though, because I've feel that now she's not after me, I think and feel that her spirit has found solace somewhere and now it's just like an old friend stopping in to see how things are going.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:01 PM
oh she has here own website. you can go on ghost hunts for like 20 bucks and she was on the show Ghost Hunters here's a link to the site

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by coryblood

Thanks Coryblood and still I say if she wants to share a bit with us here at ATS it would be a great time with Halloween just around the corner.

Sounds as if she is busy but if she would prefer we could do a live Podcast and just take it to the ATS member Podcast area. I would love to interview her! Let me know.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by antar

i almost never see her onjly at like my nephew's birthday party and that kind of stuff. i might be going on another ghost hunt there and will make a thread with the pictures and hopefuly evp's i get

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Cool, no prob. coryblood just be sure and plug ats she may fit right in here...
Now time for another from my experiences.

A couple of years ago my best friend fell back in love with her childhood sweet heart. They had been separated by the Vietnam war and she had gone on to marry someone else and he upon returning was heart broken but moved on. They never forgot the special love that they shared so many years before.

My friend had been busy working and raising her two great daughters until she finally realized that she had been neglecting herself along the way as she had divorced 8 years before and just never made it a point to date with her busy schedule.

So one lonely night she decided to call information for the little town in Colorado where they both lived and she found his number! Shaking and very nervous she dialed the number and he answered.

It was a whirl wind romance to say the least and they talked every night and she even stole away moments at work to call and talk with him. In no time they were traveling across country to see one another and within a couple of months they were engaged.

It was during one of his visits that he became very ill and she took him to the hospital where she worked and had him checked out only to find that he was very ill and not expected to live much longer. Within 2 months their long lost love came to an end and he died in October.

His family in Colorado consisted of a brother that did not care to get involved in a big funeral and was planning to just have him cremated unceremoniously. My friend was deeply saddened and felt he deserved so much more.

It was then that I offered to help pull together services fitting a Vet and it came together with ease. It was the least I could do help her through such a traumatic ending to the new beginning they had shared.

During the ceremony with full military honors and 21 gun salute, there was a small gathering of the people that he had met here and of course my family and my friends daughters and their friends.

I was sitting in the second pew at the little old church that my family had started back in the late 1800's behind my friend next to her oldest daughter who was video taping the entire funeral for her mom.

At one point she made the inward shocking sound and with huge eyes had me look into the camera lens. The old time preacher was giving the eulogy and right beside him you could see the dearly departed dancing a jig!

I looked out from the lens and saw nothing, I looked back and there he was waving and dancing. He went from the seat up at the head of the church to the pulpit and at one point even waving hands behind the preacher.

I asked the daughter the other day casually if they still had "the video", and she knew immediately what I meant, and said "I think so." I asked her if I could have a copy to share to the site to show others. She has not gotten back to me, and if she does I promise to post here first.

One more thing, my friend sat for hours and hours just watching the video but never said a single word as to what she thought of the footage.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 07:06 PM
that is pretty crazy about you friends husband dancing at his funeral, i've never heard anything like that. by the way did you check out the evidence/experience section on that site?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

hi worldwatcher
sorry about your father and friend
but as i was reading your story, it reminded me of my experience.
does this sound familiar

i was in bed, sleeping heavy and it was saturday morning
i was woken by this overwelming feeling someone was looking at me
i sat up and looked around the room, nobody there
so i laid back down but this really, really strong feeling was still with me.
i sat back up, knowing that noone was in the room but i had too look again.
still nobody in the room so i laid back down and i was on the left hand side looking out of the bed (if you know what i mean) when i felt some one sitting on the bed on the other side.
i was terrified and could not move and my eyes were bigger then my head
the person then laid down and i could feel her sliding across the bed towards me, she ended up spooning with me, she didnt put her arm around me, she just laid there.
this lasted for about 4 or 5 seconds, then i jumped out of bed screaming like a little school girl (i was in my 30s at the time), i was shocked, i had no idea what to do and the feeling of someone being in the room with me disappeared just like that.
i laid back down in the bed and the alarm clock was reading 10.33am and i actually started feeling guilty that I HAD SCARED HER AWAY and that feeling of guilt grew for a long time.
i have laid in bed hoping that she would come back, but she never did, i still hope she does to this day.....
(if anybody can help with that, please let me know)

why do i say it was a she
because i have had 2 women in my life that really meant anything to me and i believe that my ghost was one of them. one of these women was and is my soul mate and i have good reasons why i think it was her.
there was something different between us.

my ghost had just died and she came too say goodbye too me
and i ran off squealing..

i had posted this in GHOSTS ARE SPIRITS SERVING SATAN at the start of the week.


posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by antar

amazing story antar

i hope you get the video

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