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posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 06:16 AM
as time-flies-by the 'babylonian-harlot' becomes easier to see...her/works
being programed into her from her mothers-womb.....sooo-many 'girlz' n 'boyz'
think that they are 'good' christians/jews/etc but in reality they are the 'rabble'
who soooo-enjoy killing-sweet-Jesus in themselves and others.....they love2 quote from the 'masonic-book-of-riddles' that Francis Bacon n gang gave em a while ago or bow-down 2the ones that are more 'hypnotized' then themselves by the 'religious-zombies'....................

yes 'mummy' just loves when her teenage/daughter has one of her g/f's over 4the night and 'sonny-boy' stayed at the 'Y' 4the night with the 'boyz' !

ok, in the next part, maybe 'we' shall go into the 'douche' being given 2the 'babylonian-harlot'/vera/lola/etc...and how she is into S+M and hides her


posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 08:53 AM
I am confused. Who is the Babylonian Harlot here?

The only Babylonian Harlot is our Government, and we live in the United States of Babylon. The elites worship Canaanite Gods that involve blatant homosexuality and human sacrifice at a place in California called 'Bohemian Grove'.

You will not find a more elaborate temple to Moloch than this Bohemian Grove's massive Owl statue. And all our rad presidents go there and have been members for ages. So do certain musicians and politicians, as well as business big shots and military generals. They literally mention the good ole days of Babylon and Tyre in their ritual of mock human sacrifice -- I seen it on video.

America is the only Babylon. America embodies everything that Babylon ever was. Babylon meets Rome meets the Catholic Papacy meets the British Empire onto the USA! This is how the flag staff has been handed down through the ages.

But the Harlot being symbolically the "Good Christian Mother" who gets her children into "Christian activities" and makes sure they only invite "Christian friends" doesn't make sense, if that was your aim. No, the fundamentalist Christian Conservative Right (wingers) are very much people I find to be as backwards and shameful as the Muslim fundamentalists.

[edit on 9/24/2007 by runetang]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:48 PM
will not waste time trying to answer the above post's question as i see the poster doesn't have a 'clue' as to what i'm saying or is on a 'mission' of 'sorts'...............

well, i see the 'religious' sluts are at their favorite-game of showing-off their 'programing' from the Masonic/Illuminati book-of-tricks/treats, yes, it's sure a 'horror-show' with some 'humor' tucked into it, yes, the 'official-version' from Sir Francis Bacon and company/gang.................

and the 'babylonian-harlot' continues to be the 'unfit-mother' that she is/was...............................................................

now look at the 13yo men/women being called by that 'filty-4-letter-word', kids, can you honestly think that they aren't ready for procreation...............2be continued, maybe

Hail Penelopee/Maria !

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:51 AM
The USA is Babylon.

The Whore that rides it is the female who will be its' President when Moshiach comes.

The Abomination that causes Desolation is the Al-Aqsa Mosque / Dome of the Rock. Alternatively, it is the Temple that is erected if/when the Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed. Alternatively also, it is the remains of the destroyed Al-Aqsa mosque.

Magog is Iran, with Russian Logistics and Equipment.

Gog is Israel, those who represent the ancient idolatrous northern tribes, those who's ethnicity lies in Eastern Europe, with American Logistics and Equipment.

The Princes of Tubal and Meshech are Hassan Nasrallah and Khaleed Meshaal.

The False Prophet is Muhammed (PBUH and violence be upon everyone else)

The Messenger from the Bottomless Pit is Ayman Al-Zawahiiri.

The First Horseman (White) is George W. Bush.
The Second Horseman (Red) is Osama Bin Laden.
The Third Horseman (Black) is Vladimir Putin.
The Fourth Horseman (Pale) is Ahmadinejad.

The Beast, an infant, is NATO, which will grow from its current form to the Beast depicted, with a "New World Order" (U.S.A and E.U.) merger.

The Locusts that harm men but do not kill them are Helicopters equipped with a form of crowd control that is not fatal but very painful.

Charioteers are Tank & Helicopter crewmen.

Arrows are bullets and rockets.

And one for the Nostradamus fans: Mahmoud Abbas (M.Abbas) is Mabus.

When Mabus dies there will be a terrible undoing of people and animals. When Mahmoud Abbas dies, the Palestinaisn will be in chaos. West Bank will be in Chaos. Israel will occupy it doubled over. Syria will be provoked to war.

[edit on 10/7/2007 by runetang]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by georgejohn

Excuse me, you didn't have to act like I'm retarded because you can't write out sentences in an easily understandable, normal way.

All I was saying was, who are you calling the harlot? The people who are into the Da Vinci Code books and the Illuminati conspiracies? I'm lost.

But what I just wrote above this post is my take on things.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:57 PM
geeeee, u don't have 2take it soooo serious...............many pardons

Excuse me, you didn't have to act like I'm retarded because you can't write out sentences in an easily understandable, normal way.

you sure got a-lot-of views on the 'book-of-tricks/treats' but thats what it there for, to drive u mad/crazy/up-the-wall................and the 'babylonian-harlot, just loves it, as she laughs her-self 2death as the 'silly-boys' play the 'god-game'.......................................

2be continued, maybe

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 08:14 PM
:w: ahhhhhh, yes, little Ms Muffit aka 'the-babylonian-harlot' continues to 'rant' on but she 'fails' to see 'her-role' and fails to free her brothers and sisters...or to apologize for her-crimes.............. as she gives birth-daily to 'death' !


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:38 PM
the harlot is columbia, lady liberty.
God told me that. then I saw it in a video.

[edit on 10/8/2007 by runetang]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:24 AM
:w: omg !

MotherEarth !

Star~of~the~Sea !

Stella~Maris !


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:33 AM
Sorry for being rude georgejohn but I don't think anyone knows what your trying to say, any chance you could elaborate on what your talking about? Because right now your poorly constructed smiley filled posts are more suited on a personal blog, they don't give you much credit.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:06 AM
I think shes trying to say Mother Earth is the Babylonian Harlot and by bowing to it (Wicca/Paganism) you are .. doing something bad? I dunno.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:35 PM
as the 'seed' grows, maybe, the 'topic' will open more into the 'program' that has been placed into 'minds' as to what we Human-Beings are and are doing......................................

and a whole lot was said in the original-post !

ave maria !

]]]georgejohn is-a-male, 'dizzy', lol [[[[

I think shes trying to say Mother Earth is the Babylonian Harlot and by bowing to it (Wicca/Paganism) you are .. doing something bad? I dunno.
you are wrong in your 'view' of what i'm saying....

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:34 PM
'VATIS' means 'DIVINER' in Latin

'CAN' means 'SERPENT' in Latin

European Parliament in Strasbourg France...Holy cow.. There's your Tower of Babel. 2nd photo.

I meant to put more but got sidetracked by this.

I saw old papacy coins with a woman- a strange head like a dragons- a serpent of some type this was on several of them and a coat of arms (with a dragon on it) from a former Pope. I'm sorry at the moment I am still searching to prove this. Once I find it, I will post it here.

I do believe the RCC is the Beast mentioned in Revelation.

(Tonight will go to another Bible seminar. I believe it will be on the US.)

[edit on 10/22/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:00 AM
Leyla must have gone back to 'outer-space'................... bit of a surprise that the 'babylonian-harlot' queen hasn't come in the thread to brag/show of her 'masonic-book-of-tricks-n-treats' programing and her new/old 'twists' to the myths of the 'owners-of-the-money-system' and of-course her bible idiots/sluts/whores/chumps/etc..................................

ohhhh-well, 'we' shall wait and seeeeeeeee

hail~penelopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with a 'ten'

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by georgejohn
Leyla must have gone back to 'outer-space'................... bit of a surprise that the 'babylonian-harlot' queen hasn't come in the thread to brag/show of her 'masonic-book-of-tricks-n-treats' programing and her new/old 'twists' to the myths of the 'owners-of-the-money-system' and of-course her bible idiots/sluts/whores/chumps/etc..................................

hmm that is harsh. Are you suggesting Leyla is the babylon harlot?
Masonic book of tricks?

When you state the harlot hasn't popped in to respond to your thread, are you actually stating an ATS member is the mother of all harlots?

From what you have written above, you have insulted another member... you have implied that this member is a whore!

shame on you!

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:02 AM
GeorgeJohn, I love your posts because I think I'm the only one that half ass understands them.
Yes, there are many pretenders out there,John... However, Runetang is not one of them... If you think he is, you're wrong. Anyway, it's good to see you post again,my friend.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

Originally posted by georgejohn
Leyla must have gone back to 'outer-space'................... bit of a surprise that the 'babylonian-harlot' queen hasn't come in the thread to brag/show of her 'masonic-book-of-tricks-n-treats' programing and her new/old 'twists' to the myths of the 'owners-of-the-money-system' and of-course her bible idiots/sluts/whores/chumps/etc..................................

hmm that is harsh. Are you suggesting Leyla is the babylon harlot?
Masonic book of tricks?

When you state the harlot hasn't popped in to respond to your thread, are you actually stating an ATS member is the mother of all harlots?

From what you have written above, you have insulted another member... you have implied that this member is a whore!

shame on you!

hmm that is harsh. Are you suggesting Leyla is the babylon harlot?
possibility/maybe in thought/word /deed since you have brought this possibility onto the 'scene'...ty madame so-hard-to-see-ur-name at avatar, could u get a little 'darker'

When you state the harlot hasn't popped in to respond to your thread, are you actually stating an ATS member is the mother of all harlots?

maybe just another silly member-of-the-mystical-body-of-the-harlot... btw the term 'harlot' is unisex......

From what you have written above, you have insulted another member... you have implied that this member is a whore!

I love whores [ also a unisex-term ] so did His-Highness JC/Jesus/Etc... it's the'babylonian-harlot' types that are rat-her disgusting... that is what we are trying to focus on young/lady.......

shame on you!

omg ! mistress, such-language ! with shame one is blind and in darkness ! what is needed is mercy and light, madame ! NOW, behave yourself, girl !

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
GeorgeJohn, I love your posts because I think I'm the only one that half ass understands them.
Yes, there are many pretenders out there,John... However, Runetang is not one of them... If you think he is, you're wrong. Anyway, it's good to see you post again,my friend.

well get your other half of your-ass into-in them, half-ass understander of-the-truth.................. thanks for your input as we get into the 'babylonian-harlot' myth or tittle given to us by the masonic/book/word-of-tricks n treats......................tks again 4cheerleading

Runetang is not one of them... If you think he is, you're wrong.

look at yourself...thought/word/deed n compassion-is-the-key

not here 2beat anyone-up, just 2share views on the 'babylonian-harlot', the mother of all the filthy abominations, drunk on the blood-of-the-saints/etc

and yes Ms Hellary is a good example of a member of the body-of-the-mother-of-all-evil......................

share your

n pardons 2those who don't understand their 'programming' but the programming should be looked at...........................................

223/53 geee only 53days 2christmas

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:56 PM
back to the battle-cry of little-ms-muffit aka 'babylonian-harlot'/verra-vampire as she goes forth with her chumps [ another unisex word ] to wage-war with the phantoms in her mind... she must murder/lie/curse/etc and pretend that she is a good-little-girl............ after-all, she knows the 'the-masonic/word-book/bible-of-tricks-n-treats'... the guide to hell/cursing/lies/etc... omg, some will see/hear and break out of the mode/program, but most are just to-in-love with the 'fire-n-brimstone' of shame/hell/fighting/murder/control/etc to ever get free of their 'madness' and slavery/etc of the 'program'...
2be continued maybe...

Hail~Penelopee ! as she takes apart the 'harlot' and her works...........
as the floodlights are focused onto the 'hellish-dimensions' of verra/vampire and her and her chumps are hung from the 'judas-rope' all-over-the-planet'...ohhhh-happy-day as the Empress~of~Light/Mercy/Compassion/etc, Maria aka MotherEarth, does-Her/her-thing...................oyessssweet JC/Jesus/Etc

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:56 AM
yessss and in the eternities [ did need 2create a new/word ] that so-many will be trapped in, they shall not be able to scream/yell/say to Her-Highness/Maria/MotherEarth were where you, why didn't you warn/tell us the Truth/truth from the all-powerful position/throne that you have as the Mother~of~GOD...... and she will simply-say, i-did, but you would-not-listen...

So the 'choice' is yours...............Freedom in Maria/Penelopee, Liberty in Jesus/Dora or eternity of the false-matrix-prison of the wanna-be gods/goddesses and their lies/murders/sorcery/etc................................

The Real/Matrix of Freedom/Liberty is Stella~Maris, the Star/star-of-the~Sea !



[edit on 3-11-2007 by georgejohn]

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