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Disturbing Pictures?

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posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 01:50 AM
here are 2 very Distrubing pictures



the 1st pic speaks for it self i think? (read what it says next to pic when you click link scroll down its last pic on page its a bit small sorry).....its the sign of a master mason its his way of showing the world look ...look what i did ...and i see what could be a view from denver airport looking out towards Mt Weather (tht underground base plus Denver Airport is strange its full of masonic symbolism and in one of the murals a child is holding a myan tablet plus its is called the great hall) maybe the 2 towers we see in the picture represent 9/11 ... i have read somewhere before 9/11 was really a way of the illuminati/fremasons/NWO whatever "they" are showing there members the time is almost here w/e ..........but notice in the picture above the mountain (you will have to save pic to PC to enlarge it) you will see what looks like maybe an astroide of some sorts heading towards earth maybe "they" have had knowledge of the myan calander or something similar for 100s if not 1000s years the myans where advanced stonemasons and astronomers

the 2nd pic could maybe be saying come in to the lodge all is ready ..the "lodge" being the undergroud city and as you can see in the picture there is what looks like a world underground plus again 2 towers
so tht got me thinking maybe all this is true you know all this "grand" conspiracy maybe "they" have had this knowledge all this time and now if you belive in 2012 being the end of the world they are going to let what ever is going to happen happen because they will be safe under the ground as the world is hit by a major disaster and "they" will just resurface after its all over and take the world for them selfs NWO

so tht got me thinking about who will be in these undergound citys if all this is true and ilike millions of other Humans i wouldnt be invited

and i got angry thinking how unfair tht was tht the world was going to end and not only havent we been invited to live we havent even been told about it

and then i thought about it some more and i realized would i realy want to live in this NWO where now "they" would have total control over me and the answer is NO i wouldnt so i thought screw it ill chuck my chips in with the universe/nature/god w/e you want to call it my reasoning was well the universe made me so i guess it can do what it likes with me i have fath in good over evil so ill be fine im sure and i felt a bit better

then i was reading some more about the myans and its not necessary the end of the world just tht maybe earth and its inhabitants are going to go threw some major changes and fast

so i concluded this what if what realy happens is this the world doesnt end there is no astoride no earthquakes no fire balls out the sky what if while all the corrupt politicians all the sciencetist you know the ones tht invented aids,nuclear bombs etc plus lawyers cos they get in on everything all of what is in the city undergound is evil and belive me there will be a lot of evil in tht city what if all tht happens is tht the universe reveals itsself and all the evil in the world IE all whats in tht undergound city disappears for good

wouldnt tht be a wonderfull prophecy

what ever is going on in and with the world know this good will and allways will and always has won threw over evil and it will do every time

have faith in humanity because we will only take so much let em keep pushing you'll see

anyway must dash i got some lizards need hunting

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

Why exactly are these supposed to be "very disturbing pictures"?

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 07:17 PM
I suggest that you do some research into the true meaning of the tracing boards. You will find that they are nothing like your suppositions, and in fact are quite benign. These specific designs have been in use for hundreds of years continuously and are a direct ink with the origins of the Craft. I'm not sure if they are still used in ceremonies in the US but they are an integral part of an English lodge.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

Why exactly are these supposed to be "very disturbing pictures"?

maybe they are not to you but my train of thought was going down the masonic secrets the mayn calander and end of days plus the fact tht ive read tht the illuimatti like to flunt what they are up to in front of us because they dont belive we have the interlect to see it ..............the whole point of the thread was to try and establish a connection between the "elite" freemasonry and the mayan calaander aka 2012 i belive its a real posiblity and the govenment knows about and has done for a very long time because a high % of presidents have been masons just look at DC its riddled with masonic symbolism and i read it has strong links to a mayan type calander maybe im way off track and i realy hope i am but arnt all conspiracys ment to lead the reader/the seeker of the truth a mery dance the reason the pictures disturbed me was because is called a makers mark its a masons mark to show the world look wat i built ....and in the pic i could draw similarities between it DIA and Mt weather because its my blife if 2012 is true then denver is where its gonna be at tht day the elite of the world will fly into denver and the aparant safety of undergrond bunkers in and around Mt Weather ...........tht is if it all comes true wich i hope it dosent who would want to live in this NWO after the "events" of 2012 just think of all the people selcted to surviive and there track record would you want to live in this NWO with even tighter controlls than we have now because if this is true then watever is left alive in them bukers reeks
..itsj ust an idea like i say im just looking for some feed back

[edit on 24-9-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

[edit on 24-9-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:23 AM
I have no affiliation with anything Freemason what so ever and even threads like these are starting to wear on me. They're obviously trying to sell a product to make a profit. Advertising it with relation to something "mystic" and "unknown." Come on... Let's all grow up here.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
I have no affiliation with anything Freemason what so ever and even threads like these are starting to wear on me. They're obviously trying to sell a product to make a profit. Advertising it with relation to something "mystic" and "unknown." Come on... Let's all grow up here.

im not trying to sell anything i stumbled upon this site quite by accident and after reading lots of threads and posts i thought id share some ideas i had based on some things id seen and read i was only looking for some feed back and to maybe get a bit of a debate going so i could learn more and have a better understanding of what is going on

im neither a beliver nor am i in denail im just looking for some truth with an open mind

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

maybe they are not to you but my train of thought was going down the masonic secrets the mayn calander and end of days plus the fact tht ive read tht the illuimatti like to flunt what they are up to in front of us because they dont belive we have the interlect to see it

Those pictures are of what we call "Tracing Boards". Every initiation ceremony in Masonry closes with a lecture which explains the ceremony's meaning. The Tracing Boards depict the various symbols used i the ceremony, and the brother who is giving the lecture points to them on the tracing board while explaining them.

These aren't really being "flaunted publicly". They were posted on a Masonic website because they may be of interest to Masonic historians and researchers. The Tracing Boards have been in use for at least three centuries, and there are no Mayan calendars used in Freemasonry.

i belive its a real posiblity and the govenment knows about and has done for a very long time because a high % of presidents have been masons

15 Presidents of the United States have been Freemasons, which is, rounded, 35%. The last President who was a Mason was Brother Gerald R. Ford, a member of Malta Lodge No. 465 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

the reason the pictures disturbed me was because is called a makers mark its a masons mark to show the world look wat i built

In the stonemason guilds of the middle ages, each builder created his own "mark" or symbol, and inscribed it on every stone that he hewed. This was done in order that his work could be evaluated by the superintendent. In modern Masonry, this tradition continues in the degree of Mark Master Mason.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:37 AM
I see nothing "disturbing" about them. They are simply mystical symbols in regards to the attainment of enlightenment. To me, there is not anything "disturbing" about that.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

thank tou for clearing a few things up for me the whole point of the thread was to get this kind of feed back

can you tell me what they mean to a mason or is tht to secret?

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

It's not secret, but it require a small volume to explain every symbol. Several good books are already out there that tackle that very subject. I will, however, give a couple of examples:

The level is an important Masonic symbol, and is the jewel worn by the Senior Warden, the second highest official in the Lodge. The level is used by stonemasons to prove that the stones and bricks they lay are equally spread. Therefore, in Freemasonry, the level is a symbol of the equality of all men in the eyes of God and of the law.

The square and compass are two other important Masonic symbols. The square is used by stonemasons to prove right angles, and the compass is used by the architect to describe circles. In Masonry, the square therefore can be seen as representing man's earthly nature because the stones being laid are material objects. Since it proves 90° angles, it shows us that we should prove our actions to be noble and upright. The compass, on the other hand, draws circles, which is an abstraction. Therefore, it can be seen as representing man's spiritual nature.

"The Lodge and the Craft" is a book by Dr. Rollin Blackmer, and does a pretty decent job at explaining the various other symbols. It can be purchased many places online.

[edit on 24-9-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

thank you for that of the things i read about freemasonry is tht you cant be poor black of a women to join

now i know thay have black people nowdays and ladys ....but does it still apply to the poor? IE: can a homeless a "bum" join?

tht same "Bum" can join the house of god ...because god invites all into his house doesnt he? but will freemasonry invite you in if your poor and homeless?
i dont think it would becuase being a "bum" you would have nothing to offer freemasonry? and i think tht is where maybe all this hostilaty lies towards freemasons thts its a rich mans play thing with its own deep rooted hidden agenda!

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

but will freemasonry invite you in if your poor and homeless?
i dont think it would becuase being a "bum" you would have nothing to offer freemasonry? and i think tht is where maybe all this hostilaty lies towards freemasons thts its a rich mans play thing with its own deep rooted hidden agenda!

Actually, Freemasonry doesn't invite anyone to join...there is no recruitment. You have to specifically ask to join.

My thinking is that some of the perceived hostility toward Freemasons is simply a misunderstanding of what the Craft actually does.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 06:25 AM
Ahh, yes it all makes much more sense now.

Thanks for your post, N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

now i know thay have black people nowdays and ladys ....but does it still apply to the poor? IE: can a homeless a "bum" join?

Men who believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and are of good moral character may be admitted regardless of race or creed. However, Freemasonry is a fraternity, so it is male-only.

As for a "homeless bum", no, he could not be initiated as a Mason. One of the qualifications of those who would become Masons is that they are "men" in the true sense, which includes being able to exercise personal responsibility, and providing for himself or family. If a man cannot do this, he is not yet Masonic material. He should be spending his time trying to find a job and a home instead of which lodges and clubs to join.

tht same "Bum" can join the house of god

Depends. Many churches require its members to tithe. But this has nothing to do with fraternal orders and civic clubs, where members are expected to be responsible citizens.

i dont think it would becuase being a "bum" you would have nothing to offer freemasonry? and i think tht is where maybe all this hostilaty lies towards freemasons thts its a rich mans play thing with its own deep rooted hidden agenda!

Freemasonry is not a play thing. It puts working tools, not toys, in the hands of its initiates. Nor is it expected that candidates for Masonry be wealthy. The vast majority of Masons have average middle class incomes. It *is* expected, however, that Masons financially support their fraternity through the payment of membership dues, and contribute to Masonic charities to the best of their ability.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 12:29 PM
i belive freemasonry is a religion and i belive it has its own agenda and its own calander and i belive tht low level masons have no idea of whats going on with freemasonry or what its agenda is all them

lets put it this way if a judge is a freemason and the man in the stand accused of murder is a freemason you can bet your life on it that the judge will find him not guilty if he can or if not he will give as low a sentence as he can

its a nod nod wink wink cuilt and it owns and runs the USA and UK

just look at Washington DC the whole layout is masonic and tht scares the # out of me look at this video
and i wont even bother to show a picture of a Dollar Bill freemasonry money or the fact the the statue of George Washington is in the same satanic pose as the masonic god

you would have to have your head so far up your ass not to see what is right in front of us

how can you trust a "Cult" tht worships the devil and dont even say freemason dont because the F-ing do 90+% of police in the UK are freemsons along with judges etc etc

i dont trust tham at all how can you trust a cult whan this is there policy

and before you say i know nothing i know enough that i went to a masonic website and to read certain articals you had to know a certain password and to know this password you had to be a master mason and the only whay to know said password was to have done a certain ritual well guess what i have never even been inside a masonic lodge and i worked out the password

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

i belive freemasonry is a religion and i belive it has its own agenda and its own calander and i belive tht low level masons have no idea of whats going on with freemasonry or what its agenda is all them

Freemasonry IS NOT a religion. It is a philosophy my friend, which I can only assume you know the difference, but then again if you did you would not think Masonry a religion in the first place would you?

A religion is basically a set belief, almost always carrying with it a Dogma of some kind, they tell you what to believe, why you should believe it and almost always the consequence if you do not believe, or deviate from the teachings.

Masonry, being a Philosophy DOES NOT tell you WHAT God to believe in, so long as you believe in one true God (Monotheistic) .. you can be Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Agnostic (not Atheist) .. Monotheistic forms of other religions as well. Each individual of each different religion will hold different practises and beliefs, and everyone has their own ideologies when it comes to what and who or even where God is.

Masonry is a set of teachings to attach to your every day life, and even to your own religion (help you practice better) .. it holds the very foundations of what religion is, but in pure form so as not to be corrupted, no one can tell you what to believe.

As for a calender.. well.. thats true actually. We have all kinds of calenders. In fact, I just bought one from the Grand Lodge not two weeks ago.

An Agenda? .. What do you call an Agenda, and what Agenda is considered evil in its roots? .. Personally I find Christianity to have an Agenda of evil conversion, seen through history, as does Islam, Judaism, and almost every single major (and small) religions. But, thats my view. But do tell exactly WHY you think we have an agenda, and what exactly that agenda is.

As for "low level" Masons, the "higher" Masons are ELECTED by the .. ahem .. "low level" .. which we would never consider, as the WM may run the lodge, but he is no "higher" then even the newly raised Brother. He may have more influence, and he may understand more from studying ect, but he is no better then anyone else. So many believe that the highest ranking officers are some kind of Elite social aristocrats. I know that Ohio's Grand Lodge is headed by a Master Electrician.
Nice guy, but I don't think he runs the world.

lets put it this way if a judge is a freemason and the man in the stand accused of murder is a freemason you can bet your life on it that the judge will find him not guilty if he can or if not he will give as low a sentence as he can

WEll..... actually.... a JURY would have to decide if hes guilty of murder. And no, we would not hide a Mason convicted of such a heinous crime.

its a nod nod wink wink cuilt and it owns and runs the USA and UK

Understand this my friend, there is a reason why no secret society will ever run the world. Power is not to be shared, even our elected leaders seek to consolidate it within themselves, our presidents have had a steady course of this since our founding. Instead of fearing who runs or own America, you should spend more time understanding our political system, which very many know nothing about. The idea is preposterous to say the least.

just look at Washington DC the whole layout is masonic and tht scares the # out of me look at this video
and i wont even bother to show a picture of a Dollar Bill freemasonry money or the fact the the statue of George Washington is in the same satanic pose as the masonic god

DC is a planned city, as much should be known. Is there "Masonic" influences within the layout.. Well that would be quite possible, though I am not sure why that would be a big deal.. there would be an influence from one source or another.. as Humans rarely do anything on impulse alone, something planned will be effected by the social forces that act upon themselves.

For instance. A Christian designing .. anything actually .. will have some kind of Christian influence, be it great or small .. A Mason would have the same effect.. its not through sinister or malicious reasoning that such influences are brought out in the planning of the Capital, but that Masonry simply acted like any social force would upon the designer... again, for instance, the planning is done in European style as well, and it was architecturally designed to be greatly imposing and dwarfing to those around the buildings... again, on purpose, but there are reasons for such things.. I think it takes but a small amount of understanding and actual research instead of seeing "Mason" and freaking out with no actually understanding what so ever.

The same thing would go for the dollar as well, however the whole bit about George Washington being a Masonic evil God is a bit absurd.. I'll give you some advice .. don't believe everything (or anything) you see on Youtube lol.

you would have to have your head so far up your ass not to see what is right in front of us

I understand your new here, so please, here at ATS we do not cuss, of any kind (including circumnavigating the sensors) Aside from that, the whole line is rather rude and childish.

how can you trust a "Cult" tht worships the devil

Not a cult, a Society, as Cults are often of the same breed as Religions, but again I don't think you understand the differences... And we do not Worship anything. We believe in God, and thats as far as it goes, the rest is personal self development of sorts, again, no Dogma, no God worship, and if you actually understood ANYTHING you would know that just because something does not conform to YOUR ideologies DOES NOT make it EVIL.

and dont even say freemason dont because the F-ing do

Again. No cussing please.

90+% of police in the UK are freemsons along with judges etc etc

Wrong. Just because you THINK or FEEL something or BELIEVE something does NOT make it fact my friend. Fact is, the UK has some of the worst anti-Masonic policies, including any public official must publicly acknowledge that they are Masons.

i dont trust tham at all how can you trust a cult whan this is there policy

I don't trust blind hatred from people like you.

and before you say i know nothing i know enough that i went to a masonic website and to read certain articals you had to know a certain password and to know this password you had to be a master mason and the only whay to know said password was to have done a certain ritual well guess what i have never even been inside a masonic lodge and i worked out the password

Oh boy. Your a real master at the topic now aint ya? lol. Link the site, just for curiosity, as it sound like a bunch of bunk to me.

I would, if I where you in your situation, try to open your mind and accept new things, as your ideas of hate and fear mongering will do little to advance your self.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:35 PM
first off i appoligise for cussing

im trying to find the site i "cracked" ill tell you the user name was master and the password was Tubal-Cain and the documents was only about trace boards it was pretty boreing to be honest maybe you know the site im sure it was a populer and well known masonic site and i rember the author was from isreal .im just looking now for the site about masonic god

does a philosophy have a god i dont think so maybe you havent even leaned of this god because im sure masons dont get told of it until 30th degree or there abouts

as for DC look at this

and watch this

i do not even use the word "hate" in my vocabulary is to strong a word and just proves ignorance

soon as i find the site about the god ill post as will the password site the bare with me

i just dont trust secrets and please never feel im attacking you or any mason personaly

ok try this

the stature of George Washington is in EXACTLY the same pose

ive tried to trace back and find that site with the password but so far i cant but please dont think im lying because im not

[edit on 25-9-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
i belive freemasonry is a religion and i belive it has its own agenda and its own calander and i belive tht low level masons have no idea of whats going on with freemasonry or what its agenda is all them

You have every right to believe whatever you want, but just because you believe something, that doesn't make it true. Do whatever you wish, but I would recommend that you actually seek out the facts instead of just relying on what you'd like to believe.

Whether Freemasonry is, or is not, a religion is a question of great controversy. But really it all boils down this: it simply depends on what you mean by "religion".

As for "low level Masons", there are no such thing. All Masons are equal, and all Masons may participate in Masonic government.

lets put it this way if a judge is a freemason and the man in the stand accused of murder is a freemason you can bet your life on it that the judge will find him not guilty if he can or if not he will give as low a sentence as he can

This is simply not true. If a Freemason is guilty of murder, then he has commited a crime not only against his victim and society, but also against Masonry. He is therefore to be expelled from the Order. Masons only enjoy the protection of the Order if they abide by its laws and precepts. If someone who is a Mason commits a crime, he forfeits that.

its a nod nod wink wink cuilt and it owns and runs the USA and UK

the statue of George Washington is in the same satanic pose as the masonic god

How exactly can a pose be "satanic"? What's that supposed to mean?
And there is no "masonic god".

you would have to have your head so far up your ass not to see what is right in front of us


how can you trust a "Cult" tht worships the devil and dont even say freemason dont because the F-ing do 90+% of police in the UK are freemsons along with judges etc etc

To begin with, I do not "worship the devil", nor do I even believe in the devil, at least not in the way that you apparently do. Secondly, I've been a Mason for a long time, and have researched membership statistics thoroughly. If you really believe that over 90% of police and judges in the UK, then you are *way* off track.

and before you say i know nothing i know enough that i went to a masonic website and to read certain articals you had to know a certain password and to know this password you had to be a master mason and the only whay to know said password was to have done a certain ritual well guess what i have never even been inside a masonic lodge and i worked out the password

Then, quite obviously, it was a joke.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
i belive freemasonry is a religion and i belive it has its own agenda and its own calander and i belive tht low level masons have no idea of whats going on with freemasonry or what its agenda is all them

You have every right to believe whatever you want, but just because you believe something, that doesn't make it true. Do whatever you wish, but I would recommend that you actually seek out the facts instead of just relying on what you'd like to believe.

Whether Freemasonry is, or is not, a religion is a question of great controversy. But really it all boils down this: it simply depends on what you mean by "religion".

As for "low level Masons", there are no such thing. All Masons are equal, and all Masons may participate in Masonic government.

lets put it this way if a judge is a freemason and the man in the stand accused of murder is a freemason you can bet your life on it that the judge will find him not guilty if he can or if not he will give as low a sentence as he can

This is simply not true. If a Freemason is guilty of murder, then he has commited a crime not only against his victim and society, but also against Masonry. He is therefore to be expelled from the Order. Masons only enjoy the protection of the Order if they abide by its laws and precepts. If someone who is a Mason commits a crime, he forfeits that.

its a nod nod wink wink cuilt and it owns and runs the USA and UK

the statue of George Washington is in the same satanic pose as the masonic god

How exactly can a pose be "satanic"? What's that supposed to mean?
And there is no "masonic god".

you would have to have your head so far up your ass not to see what is right in front of us


how can you trust a "Cult" tht worships the devil and dont even say freemason dont because the F-ing do 90+% of police in the UK are freemsons along with judges etc etc

To begin with, I do not "worship the devil", nor do I even believe in the devil, at least not in the way that you apparently do. Secondly, I've been a Mason for a long time, and have researched membership statistics thoroughly. If you really believe that over 90% of police and judges in the UK, then you are *way* off track.

and before you say i know nothing i know enough that i went to a masonic website and to read certain articals you had to know a certain password and to know this password you had to be a master mason and the only whay to know said password was to have done a certain ritual well guess what i have never even been inside a masonic lodge and i worked out the password

Then, quite obviously, it was a joke.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:46 PM
I've seen these tracing boards before. Nothing really imposing or disturbing about them. From an artistic standpoint they are fairly interesting.

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