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NWO is a good thing.

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posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

All I was saying in this thread is that based upon Dr. Michio Kaku and the scale, the NWO is needed and should not be feared "yet".

and everything else I've said is my simple opinion and generalization of what I feel needs to happen.

Can anyone find me a nobel prize winning sociologist or some kind of real credible evidence of the illuminat? I love reading through this site and watching these docs about this stuff but everything ive seen on this subject has been from a non credible source.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

All I was saying in this thread is that based upon Dr. Michio Kaku and the scale, the NWO is needed and should not be feared "yet".

and everything else I've said is my simple opinion and generalization of what I feel needs to happen.

Can anyone find me a nobel prize winning sociologist or some kind of real credible evidence of the illuminat? I love reading through this site and watching these docs about this stuff but everything ive seen on this subject has been from a non credible source.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:16 PM
Actually the largest problem I see are all those nations that don’t want to give up their independence to the point that there would be a world war destroying most of the planets capabilities to support human life. Then there are those rebels that would upset attempts long before any world order could assimilate.

Now would the government that forms our New World Order be Bushes Nazi America or New Zealand?

In truth Kingship is the most effective form of government. Lets have a world vote for King but we will have to exclude Florida.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by DarkStar86

Can anyone find me a nobel prize winning sociologist or some kind of real credible evidence of the illuminat? I love reading through this site and watching these docs about this stuff but everything ive seen on this subject has been from a non credible source.

Does this count?

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am." - George Washington

It may not support all of the conspiracy points of view on the Illuminati out there, but does show that the Illuminati did exist and were considered to be dangerous.

Where does that leave us now? What is their role in society now? It's hard to say.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Here is another:

George Washington to G. Snyder. Sept.25, 1798:

“ And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati."

George thought they existed, and referred to their principles in a negative light...

Again, that was 200 years ago.

Here's a strange story for you. I was at my folks house around Christmas time, and my grandmother was there. We all were having a conversation and somehow the Illuminati came up. My grandmother had a shocked look on her face and almost fell out of her chair. She said, "The Illuminati? I haven't heard that word in about 50 years." Unfortunately, I don't remember the specifics of the conversation after that, but I was really surprised by my grandmother's reaction to that word, and won't forget it.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:51 PM
In case you havn't noticed, there is one group of people who will refuse to live with another group. Muslims cannot live alongside Khafirs AKA non-believers without "JIHAD" AKA struggle against them, AKA killing them or converting them.

SO NWO will be:
A. Religionless.
B. Muslim NWO
C. Christian NWO

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Besides the fact that the whole point of the "new world order" is that it's fascism, I don't understand why you would want to live in a world of a completely homogenized race with no difference in culture or language....think of all the beautiful culture, rich traditions, delicious food, wonderful languages, cultural heritage....why would you want to have a world where everything is the same? Most of the Earth's beauty and humanity's beauty comes from different cultures - how does doing away with all that appeal to you? Because maybe it will stop a few wars? Because we absolutely NEED to a "Type 1" civilization? Because some Japanese professor said so? Screw that. I know that I want to live in a world with different people, different cultures, and different languages. Why not just have a big genocide of everyone who's not Aryan? Or why not take African Americans as slaves? You do realize that you're trying to create a SECULAR SOCIETY, something that has been tried before and resulted in massive disaster (see HITLER). Your view of peace is extremely naive and unrealistic...maybe you should see some of the world's culture for yourself and you might have a different opinion.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by laeteralis462]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by laeteralis462

Sorry, "culture" have no value to science. In a New World, science rules.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:54 PM
I will let others speak for my opinion on this matter:

The value of government to the people it serves is in direct relationship to the interest citizens themselves display in the affairs of state.
William Scranton

and most importantly:

The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes strong than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

I do not believe mathimatic axims can be applied to human interactions (too many variables).

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

Can anyone find me a nobel prize winning sociologist or some kind of real credible evidence of the illuminat? I love reading through this site and watching these docs about this stuff but everything ive seen on this subject has been from a non credible source

I won't get into the illuminati stuff except to say . . . I think your fierce aversion to a TYPE II error sets you up wholesale for a TYPE I error. Both can be deadly. The worship at the altar of the scientific method typically sets certain sorts of folks--seemingly an abundance hereon--sets certain sorts of folks up to be sooooo demanding of supposedly all encompassingly truly truest truth a la the scientific method--that several super tankers of truth discernable by other means could sail right by 2 feet in front of their eyes and they'd miss it entirely.

There's an abundance of reasonably quality info on the illuminati. If you fail to discern what's reasonably valid from what isn't and therefore conclude there's nothing to it . . . I can only shake my head and hope for you that you learn some better tools of discrimmination in sorting the wheat from the chaff.

In temrs of quality sources . . . the international/global organizations back in 1965 even . . . were fairly brazen about their glogalist goals--they just burried key sentences amidst tons of exceedingly boring stuff in theor house organ publications. These were international trade, aid, political, union, corporation, UN, etc. sorts of organizations.

I assure you most emphatically . . . if you get SLAGGED, ID CHIPPED, you will forever most horribly regret that decision. Ditto if you support the NWO to any significant degree in the coming months and years. There will be no making up for such horrible decisions. They take no prisoners. And choosing them is taken by God Almighty as extreme hostility to Him. Choose this day whom you will serve. You WILL bow to AND WORSHIP one or the other. That's the whole objective of the NWO though the leading puppet masters may not be aware of it--I suspect they are--satan is determined to be worshiped by God's prized creation.

Failing to worship satan will result in execution in the NWO. I just don't know how soon after their overt and public consilidation of their power.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by chickeneater
SO NWO will be:
A. Religionless.
B. Muslim NWO
C. Christian NWO

No. Scripture is quite clear. There will be one world religion--satanic to the core . . . until such time as satan demands to be worshipped and sets up his image in the rebuilt Jewish Temple's Holy of Holies in Jerusalem.

THEN the Jews will realize that the Anti-Christ is NOT their Messiah and flee for their lives as he sllaughters them by the thousands from the Temple courtyard outwards.

God has said He will protect at least a remnant.

It appears that then the last 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation will play out ended by Amageddon when/where Christ defeats satan and binds him up for a thousand years . . . after which he's released for a short time to tempt those born during that time . . . then he's locked up forever.

The authentic born again Spirit-filled Christian types will most likely be taken out prior to the Great Tribulation and certainly before the last horror of the Wrath of the last 3.5 years of it.

Apostate Christianity will be morphed into the one world religion as we are already observing occur in incremental steps.

Islam will also be morphed into the satanic religion or destroyed outright.

I have long wondered if satan will use Islam to destroy all other religions--then he'll destroy Islam--making it somewhat easier on his troops at that point to deal with one such organization/philosophy.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:56 AM
ED, ID CHIPPED, you will forever most horribly regret that decision.

yes, an absolute ´scientific´,´unpersonal´( better unhuman) kind of work is in fact the best METHOD of getting into NWO thinking.
the main reason is about the people doing it with their free will. its a ´game´about our consciousness.the powers behind want us to get us BY CHOICE.

its all based on LIES.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by anti72]

[edit on 21-9-2007 by anti72]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Satan shall take the flesh of a pope after the rapture of Our Lord at Meggido. Love the Lord above all else.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Comforter


I don't think anyone has it 100% figured out, yet.

Even an RC seer or two have seemed to predict such a thing as you outline.

Certainly loving God wholly, first and foremost . . . walking close to Him; listening attentively to His still small voice; obeying Him above all else . . . upper most priorities.

And . . . somehow . . . in Him avoiding being anxious about anything . . .

God's best to you and yours.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

Based on my understanding of reality - you are totally correct!

The only difference is:
The NWO represents a united earth by FORCE (fearful).
The Reunion (Peace on Earth, The Coming of Age for Humanity, etc) represents a united earth by CHOICE (joyful).

If we are to survive as an interplanetary species (the next step in our evolution), we must surrender to and acknowledge our place in the universe. How can we expect to interact with other species if we are anything but united as a species ourselves?

If we are divided, we are at war.
If we are at war, we are insane.
If we are insane, we create hostility, fear, and prejudice.

I enjoy your post because it helps me look at the bigger picture!

We are going to be united, and it is going to be BY CHOICE!
The NWO will fall away, as the leaders and ones who have attempted to unite by force will see the error of their ways. Their happiness lies with the happiness of everyone else - as all of our own does.

That is why it is so imperative that we welcome and exonerate the 'leaders' who helped create the mess that is in the world today! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER - as ironic as it sounds, the masses INCLUDE those who have thought themselves above it!

When they (TPTB, the illuminati, the globalist bankers, etc) feel like they will be accepted and loved by the masses for who they are, they will WILLINGLY and EASILY make the changes we all wish to see!

It is very lonely at the top... and I believe now more than ever they recognize their true dreams cannot be realized by way of force - just as our own true dreams cannot be realized by thoughts of petty revenge ("hang our leaders from the highest trees!").

They have pulled the wool over our eyes and covered it with sweet lies while they have sent our sons, daughters, and ourselves to fight in needless wars. And... WE AGREED TO IT. We are just as responsible for our losses as they are.

It is time to forgive the past and move forward to a true united earth BY CHOICE!

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 10:54 PM
"The facts are that for humans to continue to survive we will become under one government, one language and one general culture."
We've survived this long without it. NWO isn't the answer it's a burden, control, etc.

How boring a one would culture would be! We have the net that brings our digital spacetime into one world already, but it's not destroying cultures(yet?!). And the world is America enough already!

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:18 PM
I would be very averse to placing trust in individuals or small groups for the purpose of making decisions for the masses. It is logical, predictable, and historically inevitable for these small groups to make decisions in their own interests, letting the rest of the world be damned.

The only safe government I can imagine for the future is one where everyone has an input, and decisions are debated openly, and publicly for all to see. There would be no secrets, the laws would be flexible and react quickly to change with the times, and no small group would be allowed to have undue influence or control of the political process.

The people need a government which LISTENS to them, in other words. Perhaps the only reason we haven't had a government like this in history, is because historically there has never been an internet.

I use linux and open source software, because I have found that it creates a better, safer product, with no lies, deceit, secrets, back-doors, or vulnerabilities than the products of corporations who try to maintain information monopolies. When everyone who has an idea can contribute and refine a complex thing, and everyone who subscribes can enjoy the benefit of that contribution, then the market of ideas will bloom, politics will reinvent itself, and the worlds problems will begin to be solved by all of us rather than a few liars trying to convince us they're working on it.

Trusting a few is not the answer. We are all in this ship together, the only way we can keep it from sinking is to pool together our ideas.

This is why I'm an advocate of Open Source Governance (or a similar-style system)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:35 PM
I do NOT believe that population control is necessary. I read a fascinating document written by a college professor detailing, in numbers, amounts of funding and resources spent by organizations in attempts to maintain control of what they have. The numbers were astounding... astronomical even.

Counting all the energy the human race spends trying to hold onto what it thinks it has, you get an amount so vast it would be enough to feed, clothe, shelter, provide healthcare, water, and education to the world several times over. If just a part of this energy was directed to finding solutions to our mutual problems, I'm sure we could come up with some answers that everybody would be happy with. The elites are not considering this option, because they seem to have some kind of sick fetish with murder.

I think the human animal is acting so primitively in its instincts, that those of us fortunate to have wealth hoard it for fear of being one of those from whom the bounty of the earth is kept from.

In short, our greed is killing us. The answer isn't to try harder to protect things, to spend more on wars and defense, and patenting, and safeguarding materials, copyrights, hoarding minerals, enslaving people, locking up wealth, quartering off land, killing every potential thief anyywhere we can imagine.... this is in the long run more parasitic than it would be to JUST LET GO.

The world does need an awakening. It needs for things to be shaken up... and I think its this shaking that we're all afraid of.

We have spent so much time and effort trying to secure our livelihood that we're exhausting ourselves.

It reminds me of the psychology experiment where an acorn is shown to a hungry chimpanzee, then place in a hole at the bottom of a shallow pool. The chimp reaches in, and finds he can't pull his hand out while holding onto the nut. In this situation the poor, stupid animal desperately refuses to let go, even though it would mean to save its own life, and drowns.

We can't afford to be so stupid.

Now, I'm not talking to the general, average person out there, I'm talking to society at large, and especially those who are hoarding the riches of the earth for fear of losing them. They are the stupid monkeys who will either have let go, or learn the lesson in a very painful way. I hope they are listening so it can be easier on all of us.

When humanity finally gets its act together, we will all openly discuss our problems, and come up with mutual solutions. No small group has a right to decide for everyone.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by blahdiblah

Agrees on basics for human existence i.e. FREE clean water, food, health care, infrastructure and education.

This body must provide and implement these basics. This body must identify area's in need of help and then help out.

The potentials of the elite are not ones of creation, but of destruction. If it weren't for their actions, there would be far fewer people who need to be "helped".

Yes, they have resources. But the resources they have were TAKEN from others. The best they can do is bribe people with THEIR OWN MONEY.

The elite are not the tools for the salvation of mankind. WE ARE. If trusted with helping us, they will only abuse it and cut our throats in the end.

Don't think that rich people have the means to help anyone. Even if they had all the money in the world, they would be less capable of helping you or I than a bum on the street, because they are missing the one critical element to render aid: COMPASSION.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:01 AM
Maybe the NWO is a good thing!
Pity I won't be able to participate because I won't have an RFID in me...

[edit on 6/11/07 by NuclearPaul]

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