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Is a Military Dictatorship possible in the USA?

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posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:24 AM
I could see the Military taking power in this Country if their was a very disasterous terrorist action(like a Nuclear detonation). What are Your opinions out there?

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:26 AM
umm... type "police state" into the little Google Search bar right underneath the "Log IN/OUT" buttons... you'll find hundreds of threads on the subject.

Happy Hunting!

EDIT: Almost forgot - Welcome to!!

[edit on 9/13/2007 by damajikninja]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 06:26 PM
I think you would see a Dictatorship instead of a military coup.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 06:26 PM
I think you would see a Dictatorship instead of a military coup.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by BigDaveJr

With all the new "big" laws being written in the past 6 years, I could easily see Martial Law being thrown down in the US. Everything is in place for a dictator here in the US. Remember, whatever laws, executive orders, or presidential directives are written up and signed into action... they all carry forward to the next president. That is if there's a next president.

Declaring Martial Law, yes I could see it happening... Now, do I think it would be successfully carried out? That's a different question all together.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Limited regional martial law is very possible...
Nationwide martial law would be nearly impossible, unless they let the populace keep their weapons. Which would be very unlikely to happen.

so IMHO it is very unlikely that martial law would be declared on a nationwide basis in our lifetimes....

if there ever starts to be a "disarming" movement by any political group, then be very very careful...

an armed public can easily discourage a dictator... especially an unlikeable one...

[edit on 15-9-2007 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by BigDaveJr

If by military dictatorship you mean marital law with the Bush Crime Family still in charge, I think that this is exactly what is scheduled to occur just after the next false flag terror attack here in the USA. If what you mean is a military coup in which several big wigs in the military get together to take power temporarily and stop the BCF from carrying out their plans, then I’m less optimistic it could happen. I would certainly be in support of such a military coup at this point, as any military leaders with the brains and gumption to carry it out would no doubt be defenders of the constitution who recognize the danger our country is in, and aim to return us to being a representative republic.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 08:01 PM
I agree with the limited area to regional martial law due to a terrorist attack or even a natural disaster. Curfews are in place after just about any tornado or hurricane that hits a populated place. Stops the looting in theory. Your could claim martial law is in place with National Guard troops in place.

Something extraordinary would have to happen to shut down the entire country. 9/11 like events just shut down airlines. Martial Law has everything clamped down. Think 9/11 but larger.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Great question. I do believe its possible, and so does retired Gen. Tommy Franks

Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack (11.21.2003)

Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

Franks, who successfully led the U.S. military operation to liberate Iraq, expressed his worries in an extensive interview he gave to the men’s lifestyle magazine Cigar Aficionado.

In the magazine’s December edition, the former commander of the military’s Central Command warned that if terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of government.

It's defintely possible, but is it inevitable?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:00 PM
This country is way too large to sustain a military dictatorship. Congress will not allow it, the Supreme Court will not allow it, and local governments will not allow it. Localized Martial Law can be imposed, but a sustained military dictatorship is almost impossible in the United States.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by MasterRegal]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by MasterRegal

I'm glad you are all so optimistic. I am not optimistic at all that we arent going to have to keep Jorje for ever. He and Cheney are very determined and they will mastermind whatever it takes to subdue this ENTIRE population- yes, everyone. Is that possible? I think so. I dont know how yet exactly, but i think it can be done. If there are orders to shoot to kill after 6pm, you betcha most people will stay indoors. Whatever it may be, its already planned. It will make 9/11 look like child's play.
IF 'THEY HAVE TO NUKE THEIR OWN PEOPLE' they will. This is how i see the whole situation developing.

This deadly duo arent going down after the so called elections. I hope i am totally wrong.
I sure do.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Well I do believe that a dictatorship can find roots in our democracy is done gradually, but it depends how many states will back the powers of the dictator after all we are a Republic and states can act individually.

But with the state of the situation in this nation and the very unfavored war in Iraq, a martial law will probably make the American people to stand up and fight back so a self proclaim dictator without the help of the states will not last more than a few days.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:28 PM
If they try and turn the US into a dictatorship, they're trying it on the wrong people. This country was founded on such principles as Liberty, Freedom, and Independence. They'll have their hands full if they try anything stupid like that.

In fact I fully expect a few strong-willed generals to say no when the time comes and to stand behind the constitution.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by MasterRegal
This country is way too large to sustain a military dictatorship. Congress will not allow it, the Supreme Court will not allow it, and local governments will not allow it. Localized Martial Law can be imposed, but a sustained military dictatorship is almost impossible in the United States.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by MasterRegal]
What Congress? What Supreme Court? they will no longer exist!

Marg, i hope you are correct but we are being played at the present time and all that is needed right now is an attack and Bush deciding to stay in power longer in order to "Protect the American People".....which some will beleive, but in fact when his time is up, IT WILL BE A DICTATORSHIP i dont care if some other president attempted it earlier, i dont care if he has a right to do it by some law.

What have the people done so far? Nothing and when they attempt to Demonstrate, they get picked up and locked up. I STILL cannot get anyone to comment on mr. Bush....(If we dont mention him he'll go away)
now why is that??? Is it fear??? Is it lack of caring? Is it that they dont want to upset themselves by mentioning the Potus?
IMAGINE...If this is the case now, what do you think will happen when he, (the Decider) decides to become the "Dictator"?
NOTHING!!!!! PEOPLE WILL MAKE EXCUSES! They will say he's within his rights bla bla bla bla bla....and he will stay.

I'm sorry but i can see him leading us into damnation here in a very short time.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Well Bush can try but he will need the help of the head of states, that is not going to be easy when not all states are in favor of the president turning dictator, the citizens will not go for it, like no all states will go for it.

We all know that the regular American is armed to their teeth.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Marg, maybe i'm paranoid because i dont own a gun? I dont think most people in the USA do.

Anyway, i hope you're right that nothing will happen here. I highly doubt it but when it does, i will come after you and
Of course, the Internet will not exist, but picture me in your mind sticking out my tongue at you.

You people need to realize they will do whatever "they" want. And have been doing it successfully.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Marg, maybe i'm paranoid because i dont own a gun? I dont think most people in the USA do.

Pardon me....The USA is the most heavily armed country in the world with over 200,000,000 private arms being held by citizens and guests. Add the millions more the military has at it's disposal.

I'd estimate 80% of the people I know own a gun or several. I live in a large city in the Midwest USA. Guns are just natural to have around here. Can't say the same for either coast and larger cities. Gun ownership may be a somewhat regional thing.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:23 PM
DG I get paranoid and angry all the time since we have this corrupted corporate chosen one in the white house, but my husband and I own guns and even when I do not like guns I will have no trouble fighting for my country against a dictator.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:24 PM
I do not understand why the alleged 200 000 000 arms should even matter? Is that a proof that the martial law - or dictatorship, whatever - cannot succeed?
I don't think so. Arms do not shoot by themselves, and the big majority of people will believe anything - anything - the guys in charge dish out. Or at least they will not voice their dissent. So, the above scenario provided, I am sure there will be an apt enemy to be hated and villified, the infinitely corrupt enemy and its supporters at home directly responsible for the situation, and that's exactly where at least 180 000 000 of those guns will aim and shoot.
Who will object to this? Congress? Senate? Army? States? I mean, come on, let's face it, there is no force in the USA that would be willing and capable of stopping it. And will it happen?
Well, I think it is bound to happen. And maybe it should happen as well. Every country deserves their leadership, right? I think it is time to pay the price for our blissful ignorance.
No dream lasts forever.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:36 PM
Martial law could be easily inforced with control of the power grid and food distribution.

Cold and hungry people are easily influenced. Even to the point of turning in thier friends that might have the foolish idea of resistance. Oh sure there will be isolated instances of survivalists but they will be just a welcome challange for the true belivers.

It's a brave new world; welcome to the monkey house!!!

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