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At The Brink of War

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:03 PM
At the brink of war...

We have seen in recent weeks a turn of events in the world away from the almost ordinary fear of war, the natural actions of international relations that keep us assured we have enemies everywhere, but are safe. Now, it would seem to have turned to a state where we sit at the brink of war..

I would say, in my personal opinion that the world has never set this close to oblivion since the weeks leading up to world war 2.. I say this because we have currently a set of alliances slowly being formed around the world, these alliances are paving the way to total war between both sides, and what sets this in stone is that there is only two sides facing off, with no middle parties.

We have reports of nuclear bombs being "accidentally" transfered, which of course is impossible..

Nukes heading to Iran
Stolen Nuclear Weapon during accidental transport of nukes.

Of course, this being out of the ordinary alone means absolutely nothing, correct?

Israel Spots Nuclear Institutions in SYRIA

In Syria Israel claims to have spotted a nuclear facility during fly overs ...

Israel May Have Bombed Syrian Targets

Which was hushed up by BOTH SIDES.. Syria said they shot AT a plane, but did not say WHY, and did not say what was bombed...... Israel said no comment.

But then..

SOURCE: Israel Bombed Unknown Syrian Targets

It was then confirmed Israel took military action, and admitted it had troops inside Syria at the time to direct the attack... Israel claims to have bombed supplies coming to Lebanon. Right. It was later revealed during the attack surveillance air craft spotted a NUCLEAR institution. Supplied by North Korea.. and a base, funded by IRAN.

Well, that, combined with our missing nuke, could be bad news.. but it goes much further back.

The west has almost suddenly about five years ago isolated its self from Russia, when Bush entered office we where at the very least, friends, or at least no longer enemies. Now we have..

Russia Detonates Largest Non Nuclear Weapon In History

Think thats nothing?

The United States detonated the then most powerful non nuclear weapon in history, the MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) RIGHT BEFORE the Iraq war, as a show of strength..

The new Russian bomb is FOUR TIMES more powerful.

Sept. 14th, Air Force to Stand Down

I tried to find another time this happened, and I cannot, so presumably the President for the first time in aviation history grounded all Air Force fighters and bombers.. for protocol reviews? ... More VERY unusual behavior by the United States, as if the world is opperating behind a curtain with the real plans, while trying to pretend every thing is ok before us..

Then there are is another story, which I cannot seem to find on CNN, was an argument that President Bush and the leader of South Korea had.... it was obscure ...

South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and President Bush had a small argument, and the official explanation was that there was a "mis interpretation" ... be it several times in a row? .. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun wanted Bush to "make official peace with North Korea. Does that make sense? The United States never went to war with North Korea, the United Nations did, and South Korea is the ONLY ONE who can officially END the war. Roh is a smart man. He knows this... so why does he DEMAND that bush ... make sure?. . that the North does not attack the south? .. what is Roh afraid of?

My thoughts are that at the APEC meeting, Bush told Roh about the plans ahead, and the inevitable war that could be coming... Roh obviously was very upset.... as he displayed....

If the North and South ever went to war the North has enough artillery built into the mountains aimed at Seoul South Korea that it is estimated within the first days fighting some TWO MILLION South Koreans would be killed.. aerial attacks would be limited to some of the major artillery areas, but because of the stealth and strength they are placed, it is impossible to take them all out with air power alone.... Seoul will be left defenseless... and I think Roh believes something will be happening shortly to make the North attack, and I believe he was demanding bush protect them... which Bush just gave the testy remark of "I don't know if I can be any more clear.."..

Many are guessing dates the war will begin, but I cannot predict the future.. maybe this Friday, I hope not this soon, maybe next year, maybe five years from now..

But what I am trying to say is that when we look at history, we see a mirror of WWI .. and WWII .. the sides are being picked, the major players announced and the battle lines are being drawn..

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Rockpuck, I would love to discuss this with you but I have to leave for a bit. Just know that your post struck a chord in me that I have never felt. The realization that the next World War is right before our eyes. Excellent post

[edit on 12-9-2007 by highfreq]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:49 PM
You rolled it nicely Rockpuck. I really don't want any part of WWIII. If we have to fight Russia China and the other SCO countries, God help us.

What the heck are we doing??? Why in the heck are we talking about attacking yet another country at a time like this???

The only conclusion I can come to is that our dumbarse leadership is attempting to de-populate the planet. Wonderful, I didn't want to exist in a peaceful fashion anyway.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:59 PM
the war is inevitable, I heard it on FOX today, so that's proof for me.

They said all the talk in Washington was about military action against Iran, since the administration feels sanctions are not working. They're developing or have developed the plan already. It's just a matter of time now.

remember we're only 5 minutes away from doomsday according to the doomsday clock which was updated the beginning of this year.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:17 PM
I wonder if our leaders in Washington know that China and Russia might have Iran 'protected'...

That this could escalate way too far, way too fast.

I am sure they do, I mean they sure 'knew' what they were doing going into Iraq, right?

We see how that is turning out. Bush is spending all the war budget on private contractor mercenaries, while putting a third of the 'troops' in the Middle East that his father sent to protect Kuwait.

The only thing I can think is that Big Oil/the M.I.C. are trying a giant 'hostile takeover' of their corporate rivals...


posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:17 PM
LOL u guys are too funny. You ever hear of 1962? We were pretty close then too. We've been close to all out war a bunch of times but we never do and we wont now. Dont be such sheeple and buy into everything you see on TV and on this website. Scaremongerors are everywhere.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:14 PM
I wasn't around in 1962. Would you rather be ready for what is to come- or ignore it and be unprepared?

Its your choice.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:44 PM
I hate nukes because they are cheap weapons. You dont die initially then the whole atmosphere is ruined and radiation will kill or poison everything. Not to mention you will die slowly of cancer or malnutrition because you cant grow food anymore. What happened to the days of good old carpet bombing!

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:15 PM
If we do go to war with all of those other countries like russia/china and stuff

what happens to us? how does it affect us? would there be an immediate draft? or what..? i mean #..the amount of soldiers we got walking around for ied targets aren't really helping much and low itself..and then we got two or more other BIG countries coming into the scene..that sucks..

and then if we do go to war and we the people stand up against the war, would it immediately be some kind of call to become martial law since the bigger agenda for the country would be to fight the war outside of the country instead of inside?

I think..personally..if it was to end up as an all out world war 3 with the United States against china/russia and whatnot I think this country would probably go down the drain if the government/military doesn't receive the support of we the people. but if it succeeds in the war..the only way would most likely be martial law. which itself could cause a lot of problems still in the mainland..

then some people might say our air force and our uhh navy is far superior and can handle it all without much need for group troops..well i'm pretty sure we aren't going to fight a small country with sticks and stones again..even with that we still aren't having a successful "mission" there. Not only that..I believe Russia+China+Iran and maybe others AIRFORCE/NAVY could hold up pretty nifty along just the United States if we are alone if WW3 happens..

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Reading topics like this make me want to stop reading ATS all together. This is very interesting to me, yet at the same time it scares me to death. 9/11? World War? Our government deceiving us? ATS is addicting, and I cant help but come here to see what people think is going on in the world. But honestly, does anyone really believe anything will happen? Sure there are "signs" that events may happen, but it could just be nothing at all. I would hope if our government and the Bush Administration were acting against the American people and their will, that someone would figure it out. Whether it be Congress (not sure if they are "in" on whatever is happening) or just anyone for that matter that is high enough to say, "Hey! He (Bush) is acting with way too much power.. we need to regulate him (or something along those lines)" I just really hope that A. Our government and Bush are doing the right thing for the nation, not going behind our backs and being deceitefull (sp?!) B. Nothing at all happens... The World seems like a scary place...

Kind of a rambling post, and sorry if it maybe off topic, but it was just something I had to say.

[edit on 12-9-2007 by EZ14U2C]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:53 PM
Even if China and Russia decide not to get involved, the consequences of attacking Iran could be immense. The entire middle east could erupt into sectarian conflict. Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Iraq would almost certainly devolve into some state of chaos, as Iran uses all its assets across the region to counter the American aggression.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:22 AM
This is what i have been saying for some time now.It's on.No more hoping for a miracle none of that.The time is now.WE the poeple must not elt our president take us to war with Iran unless there is 100% proof of them making a nuke.

It is beyond the point of attacking now because they are killing troops.We should have done it years ago when we had proof,now instead irans ties with Russia and China are growing ever stronger.

The world has been arming to the teeth.At this point even a conventional weapon strike on iran could lead to WW3. I have been discussing this for a few days.WE NEED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Military experts as well as WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION EXPERTS and many others have gone to Condi Rice and told her Diplomacy in Iran has failed,and it is now time to start drawing up military plans.

We must make them prove the nukes.It is the absolute only way we should fight Iran.Why do you think Ahmadinejad is so foolish,challenging and taunting the U.S daily.Why do you think we have not attacked yet?

Because Ahmadinejad knows he has back up,and he knows we know he has back up.Simple as that folks.Get ready for a wild time sometime withen a few months I'd be willing to bet.

[edit on 13-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:46 AM
I doubt this has any relevance, but after reading many threads and numerous posts about Iran, War, etc, anything mentioning Iran as a passage for weapons catches my eye. I just skimmed this article originally, and thought I'd add it to the Pile

U.S. and British soldiers have recovered new armour-piercing roadside bombs, which they allege have been manufactured in China and sent into Afghanistan through Iran.

Source: AP

Is this just trying to implicate China, or unrelated and just caught the eye of a guy who's read a little too much rhetoric?

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:57 AM
Before it is all said and done this conflict could usher in the end of free society and life as we all know it. Why are our political leaders so hell bent on mass destruction? War, war war war..that is always the solution for these people...especially the wealthy ones who won't be fighting and dying and losing their sons. Haven't these idiots learned a damn thing from the past?

I feel like this train is tearing down the tracks, out of control, with nobody at the wheel. Our military is already spread thin, these people have already spent years in the dirt fighting this stupid, pointless, insufferable war. They need to come home to their families, we as a country do NOT belong in the middle east. This is not just sabre rattling folks, do you realize that we are honest to God about to start a major international conflict that we have no way to win? World War III...are you kidding me?

The sad part is that judging by the people I know who I have discussed this with, most have no idea of what is even going on. I swear, they have no idea that we are teetering on the brink of collapse. They are entirely oblivious to what will potentially happen in the next days and weeks to come.

Personally, I cringe when I think of the possibilities of what we will face. Millions dead world wide, martial law, reinstatement of the draft, Vietnam x 10...only this time it's going to be nuclear /biological warfare. One billion angry, screaming Muslims waging their own personal jihad against the U.S. ...and that doesn't even account for the Russian, Iranian, Syrian and Chinese troops.

But look on the bright side, at least we will have Israel to back us up right?

I feel much like Wile E. Coyote..sitting patiently & holding a thin umbrella...waiting for the sky to fall.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Great post, and i have to agree with you i have been seeing the tension rising more and more than ever. The media is also playing the public...i think bill orielly said this on a debate with ron paul and that we will go to war with Iran.

And the sad part is if that happens, the draft will probably be instated, and the use of possible nuclear weapons or weapons like the mother of all bombs on Iranian targets.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

I feel like this train is tearing down the tracks, out of control, with nobody at the wheel. Our military is already spread thin, these people have already spent years in the dirt fighting this stupid, pointless, insufferable war. They need to come home to their families, we as a country do NOT belong in the middle east. This is not just sabre rattling folks, do you realize that we are honest to God about to start a major international conflict that we have no way to win? World War III...are you kidding me?

The sad part is that judging by the people I know who I have discussed this with, most have no idea of what is even going on. I swear, they have no idea that we are teetering on the brink of collapse. They are entirely oblivious to what will potentially happen in the next days and weeks to come.

Personally, I cringe when I think of the possibilities of what we will face. Millions dead world wide, martial law, reinstatement of the draft, Vietnam x 10...only this time it's going to be nuclear /biological warfare. One billion angry, screaming Muslims waging their own personal jihad against the U.S. ...and that doesn't even account for the Russian, Iranian, Syrian and Chinese troops.

I feel much like Wile E. Coyote..sitting patiently & holding a thin umbrella...waiting for the sky to fall.

Wow,nicely said man.Lately many poeple have been posting the exact same way I feel.I think its getting out to more and more,but some will just call it more propaganda.I just can't believe those who don't understand this.

This is a serious issue.We absolutely cannot attack Iran unless we have NO DOUBT they are making nukes.We could have attacked them long ago over the IEDS,but it is to late for that now.The allience of Iran,China,Russia should not be doubted.Even if they hated eachtoehr Russia and China both have many reasons to take advantage of such a sittuation.

Even with proof of iranian nukes it would still be a horrible sittuation.What can we do to make sure they don't keep this up?Protest we want proof before war?Heh we will be arrested silly,you can't protest in America.

[edit on 13-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:18 AM
This stuff is crazy! I've been following all this Iran/China/ww3 talk for the past week or so. At first it seemed like people were stretching it a little bit, but more and more things just keep coming up. Here's a quote that I thought was kinda relevant, and has always been one of my favorite quotes from Einstein "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Kinda scary what could happen here in the next few weeks/months. I am a little worried, being an 18 year old male, that if war with Iran does happen, there's gonna be a draft. I believe this whole-heartedly. Although I don't think any ground war would be fought if we did go to war with China/Russia/Iran.

Also... you guys China's army is the most massive army in the world... we'll have to funnel them into hell's gate where their numbers count for nothing.

But on a serious note... I think people are giving Russia/China/Iran waaaaay too much credit. To the person who said their Navy/Airforce could put up a fight... no way! Our Navy is crazy!! If this war is fought I think the Geneva convention is going to be thrown right out the window and the war will be fought right. Our Navy is probably dying to stretch it's legs with all the battleships and cruisers and what not. The United States could turn Beijing into dust in a day (not using nuclear weapons) If Russia/China/Iran were smart they'd back off the United States.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Ketzer22

Chinese navy is not to bad.I'm not to keen on Russias though.But does anyoen remember like maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago about the naval wargames we had.Were ALL ten of our vessels were sunk and we did not even detect them,much less shoot at them.

Also the Chinese happend to have stole a lot of technology from our navy.They stole our state of the art submarine engine information,nuclear information,and the very very important outter shell of our submarines.Wich keeps the sub running silent along with the engine.And all this withen the last 6 years,I also forgot some most likely.

[edit on 13-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Ketzer22

Trust me. If WW3 happens and there's a draft, we are all going to war. Every man up to the age 45. So it's not just you that's worried.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by chinabean

Theoretically, to stop a long and drawn out world war, both sides would have to have an incredible, unbearable amount of casualties very quickly to create a shock effect that will snap both sides out of the violent tendency.

I believe that genes to protect the species kick in once a major catastrophe involving the loss of hundreds of thousands or millions at one time happens.

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