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The New Warriors

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posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 08:10 PM
It's in its fourth volume, but I was wondering if anyone has been able to check out the new series?

It's written by the guy that wrote both Underworld movies.

I was reluctant to pick it up at first, but I got an impulse to buy it today at the comic shop, and I wasn't dissapointed!

I think it has an awesome storyline, and the artwork is really really good.

What do you all think?

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 08:22 PM
I think it's pretty cool that they are bringing old titles like this back. Old teammates like Speedball and Nova have been rocking the Marvel U lately. I haven't checked out the new book yet. Having Jubilee on the team seems like an interesting twist.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 08:34 PM
It really is!

See, I dropped out of comics for the longest time (almos right after the Clone Saga started in the Spider-Man titles) and stayed out until just after Civil War started. You could say I'm almost like a new collector!

I'm really digging alot of the stuff that they've done with comics today. The storylines (in most aspects) are so much better than what I was reading before. I guess that could be a maturity in the writting styles, as well as trying to keep the core audience from back in my day that helped flood the market with books in the 90's.

Getting to the New Warriors, I actually liked the original series that Mark Bagley drew in the 90's, and have a good portion of the issues. I missed the sencond and third runs of the title, and with this fourth one, like I said above, I was very reluctant to pick it up. I thought it was going to have that same type of campy feel that it had back in the 90's, even though I liked the title.

It was actually the cover on the first issue that made me pick it up. I was honestly hooked from the first panel!

I really like what they've done with it. I don't know if it's going to an ongoing series or not (I hope it is) but I do like the fact that they are bringing characters from other parts of the Marvel Universe to the Warriors.

Jubilee? Who'da thought? :O

I know Darkhawk is with The Loners, but it sure would be nice to see him in the title again!

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Valdimer

I'm really digging alot of the stuff that they've done with comics today. The storylines (in most aspects) are so much better than what I was reading before. I guess that could be a maturity in the writting styles, as well as trying to keep the core audience from back in my day that helped flood the market with books in the 90's.

I think comics today are better than ever. Over all the writing is better. A lot of people like Kevin Grevioux who write movies, TV, and novels are getting into comics. The art is definantly better thanks to the use of coloring with computers.
Thanks to all the superhero movie that are kicking butt at the box office, old collectors are coming back and people who weren't into comics are trying them out.

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 03:09 AM
Did they bring back "The New Warriors" comic series? If so, then I've been outta the loop for a long time. I collected the original NW series in the early nineties. I guess I'll have to go check out the new stuff.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:15 PM
They sure did!

I have a good portion of the original series, which was good in its own right, but this newest series is really really good. I'm gonna go pick up issue 4 this weekend!

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