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Knowledge of the Real Armageddon Weapon

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posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Areas are linked to other areas, that is all I can tell you. Once you have stayed in an area for so long you can see the pattern of where your area is located at. The potential energy is not at the other linked area thousands of miles away, it is at your area. When your linked area releases its energy, it goes to its other linked area and the earthquake occurs there, right on time for the distance.

There can of course be multiple linked areas releasing their latent energy adding up the potential energy to greater than the energy recorded at your site; that is a bonus for your facility if you need the extra energy.

Humans can increase the energy in the ground very easily, look at the Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin I referred to earlier for proof; the USGS states the same thing.

The energy is already in the ground.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 01:19 AM
There are constantly earthquakes in certain areas, and there are constantly drilling operations going on. I think it is going to take a lot more proof to show a correlation between the two.

I don’t see a link to a USGS study in this thread so far.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:34 AM
Or for any other of the numerous claims you've made:

i. Power expedenture.
ii. How you are able to target, pin-point, any location, and reliably trigger the thing as a weapon.
iii. How you, a scientist, know details only an engineer would know, and about top-secret programs which have only been referenced, vaguely.
iv. Why such a weapon has yet to ever have been used.

An earthquake, for instance, sure would've been a nice way to destroy the nuclear plants in Iran. And completely anonymous.
Or cause enormous damage to Opium fields.

And yet.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:36 AM
I remember seeing this idea in a BBC documentary at some point, it may have been one mainly about controlling the weather, but I forget now, I think it was about 1-2 years ago. They said something very similar about pumping water to the fault or some such thing, and that it was still a theory, but seemed to check out to some of the scientists who had studied it.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Iblis
Geological warfare, unless you talk to Stellar, is a myth.

There's typical 'conspiracy' evidence for it, but, I'd ask, if we have it, why not simply create an Earthquake in Iran?

Bam? Asleep at the wheel are we?

Call it an act of God on the current administration?

But the problem with geophysical weapons is that you can not take credit for it in the normal ways and you don't make your own corporate backers rich enough; it's just not a very useful tool for smashing third world nations with.

Originally posted by Iblis
Or for any other of the numerous claims you've made:

i. Power expedenture.

We don't really know what type of power requirements such weapons would have but since i am a advocate of vacuum energy extraction technologies and devices i have absolutely no problem believing that such have been implemented in the secret projects/weapons in both Russia and the US.

ii. How you are able to target, pin-point, any location, and reliably trigger the thing as a weapon.


I think i address all your points and claims from about post three onwards...

iii. How you, a scientist, know details only an engineer would know, and about top-secret programs which have only been referenced, vaguely.

Because as always there are leaks and we may probably presume that this is not the newest technlogies and secrets people are still getting killed over?

iv. Why such a weapon has yet to ever have been used.

Why do you think that?

An earthquake, for instance, sure would've been a nice way to destroy the nuclear plants in Iran.

But then they would not have a excuse to invade or bomb all of it's civilian infrastructure to dust while depleting tens of billions worth of weaponry that must be replaced at great profit to corporate America?

And completely anonymous.
Or cause enormous damage to Opium fields.

And yet.

But the CIA and many others makes far too much money in the international drug trade so we can be sure the war on drugs wont ever be 'won'.


posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, at can only change from one state to another.

I believe that but i also happen to believe that it's a belief and not something that has been substantiated in any way.

Considering the energy released by an earthquake, it would require a massive amount of energy input it to cause an equal amount of output.


Maybe they don’t teach basic physics to Russian Scientists though?

Oh they do and as i understand far more of it than where you come from.


posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Defcon5 if you could see it in front of you, you would be believing it. But since I have to describe something to you, that you are unfamiliar with I can understand your point of view.

Defcon5 you are going to have to tell this scientist how to put links on here for you, and then I will put up the links for you, since I'm not sure how to put links on here.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Iblis

Iblis, you will have to explain more of what you want to know about power expenditure, I'm not sure what you want to know about that.

How is someone able to target a region? Simple, there is basically no money expenditure at all in targeting, just a lot of time is needed to watch Mother Nature do her thing. All areas of the surface of the Earth are constantly changing, when pressure is exerted from another area, the pressure of course goes up, and can keep going up Naturally if more pressure is exerted from other earthquake cells and earthquakes. These areas are constantly recycling earthquake cells, and then back to normal Earth background pressure; then earthquake cell pressure, and then back to normal Earth background pressure. When the releases occur in the area you are studying , you mark the exact time of day it occurred. Then you wait for the strike to occur in the linked area; you may have to do this a few times before you discover the linked area, but once you finally discover the linked area to the area you are studying, then you will know precisely when the next one will occur, and everyone after that also. Its very simple.

How does a person trigger it as a weapon? You don't need to trigger it Iblis, Nature will take care of that for you. Nature will trigger it, all you have to do is get that earthquake cell up to the size you want it to be before Nature triggers itself naturally. In Nature, there are natural cycles, and usually at the end of a cycle, that is when Nature triggers the release. But, I've noticed that when man has a helping hand, there are lots of releases before the end of the cycle is completed.

Iblis, why do you keep insisting that an engineer would know this type of stuff, this stuff is known by Earth Scientists, Scientists who study the Earth. I don't know of any engineers studying the Earth. Maybe I'm living a sheltered life, but I still can't think of a single engineer who studies the Earth.

Most of the programs aren't top secret, only this program. I'll link you to some other sites, if you can explain to me how to put a link on this site for you to connect to; I'm not knowledgable about putting links up for other users to go to on Internet sites, if you know what I mean, so I will need someones help, so that I can put some links up for all of you to look at.

The reason that the weapon hasn't been used, is because it has been kept secret all of this time; I kind of like the world I'm living in right now. I don't like the idea of others rocking the boat, if you know what I mean.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by StellarX

Stellar, you sound like quite the scholar alright.

Why don't we create an earthquake in Iran? This technology only came about in order to let people know when earthquakes are getting ready to strike; for an extremely early accurate earthquake forecast that is universal in extent. Then came along man and his quest for more oil, and suddenly it looks like if anyone uses it in the future it will be to destroy. The technology was originally developed to save lives not to take lives; and then the monsters head rose from the technology.

Last year I studied Yellow Stone National Park, home of the worlds Super Volcano. Yellow Stone National Park is too full of trees in the lower two thirds to see anything, but the northern third is quite beautiful; as a matter of fact it was extremely beautiful.

While I was there enjoying the scenery and the buffalo and wolves, I also ran tests. I ran a day of testing on Old Faithful, and it was extremely interesting to be testing Old Faithful from about 400 yards distance. You could easily tell exactly when Old Faithful was getting ready to do her thing way in advance. Old Faithful is a geyser, just in case some of you didn't know.

Old Faithful made it clear exactly what is going on down in the Earth. Earthquake cells exist before and after earthquakes occur within them. Earthquake cells show the pressure building up within the cell, and then the earthquake occurs, and then there is a settling period as the Earth settles back into a neutral position again. This settling takes up to 36 hours after the earthquake before the earthquake cell is gone, and you can't study it any more after it the earthquake cell is gone. The earthquake cell is just as it was before the earthquake; after the earthquake.

What Old Faithful made clear though was this: always there is/are cycles within earthquake cells, during this easily predictable cycles that always occur exactly the same until a release occurs; there exists pulses. The pulses always occur exactly the same way also during these cycles. It is the same as the cycles of the Sun, Earth and Moon; their cycles are always exacly the same and are easily predicted.

Anyways, getting back to what Old Faithful showed: was that when the regular earthquake cells pulse to their highest pressure; Old Faithfuls pressure would not hold like regular earthquake cell pressures hold for minutes at at time, no.... Old Faithfuls pressure goes up to its maximum point, and then immediately starts dropping, without any holding of the pressure at the highest point of pressure. What was amazing was that approximately 3 minutes after reaching that maximum pressure and then instantly releasing; is when Old Faithful would blow high into the sky; absolutely beautiful!!!! It was absolutely beautiful watching Old Faithfuls pressure build for about 12 minutes or so, before reaching peak pressure, and instantly releasing.

I'm glad it is the weekend.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Defcon5 you are going to have to tell this scientist how to put links on here for you, and then I will put up the links for you, since I'm not sure how to put links on here.

Ok to place a URL you type in:

Now just replace the [‘s with [‘s, and your set.

If you want to be even fancier, then you do it like this:

Whatever you want to type here

The first one will give you a link like this:

The second like this:
Whatever you want to type here

If you want to link an image, first join an image hosting service such as, upload the image, and link it here like this:

Again you have to replace all the [‘s with [‘s. I have to use the [‘s here to show the syntax or they would be shown incorrectly.

Hope that helps some:

[edit on 9/7/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Thanks Defcon 5 for your help, I really do appreciate it.

Hopefully I can get a couple of the ones linked that I've told you about before. k&cd=1&gl=us

The above is how they looked originally on my computer.


[ nk&cd=1&gl=us]

I think I'm mentally challenged when it comes to computer stuff Defcon 5. I hope this works when I hit the post reply button. It doesn't look like something is right when I preview it, I must be doing something wrong still. But, I'm going to post it any ways.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:21 PM
I'll try that second link a second time coming in from google using its name.


posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:32 AM
The concept for this weapon, if it really exists, is brilliant.

As I understand the physics and geological aspects Mr Russian, am I correct in thinking that if you pumped billions of gallons of fluid into one fissure, in one country, you are able to cause an earthquake in another by causing the water level to rise in another country - albeit underground?

Let's remember people, that earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates rising over or moving under, other plates.

On the surface where the cities and humans live, this motion is felt and the rising and falling of the ground.

I only have one problem with this whole scenario.

If you take billions of gallons of fluid - presumably water, from below the ground to pump it into a fissure somewhere else, then you create an underground cavern which could, in all probability, cause some destabilisation in the earth's crust above and produce the very earthquake you hope to use as a weapon somewhere else.

Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Can anybody else see any flaw in this weapon?

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 06:24 AM
In retrospect ( i should have read more carefully) it does not look like Russianscientist is referring to the same technologies i am so i hope people will check out the link i provided earlier where i believe i have provided the data and science that at least proves that geological and weather changing weapons are quite real.


posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by fritz

Fritz, you wouldn't have to pump billions of gallons; millions of gallons yes, but billions of gallons no.

No you wouldn't be causing the water level to rise in another country by injecting water into an abandoned oil well that was capped that you suddenly and deliberately put back into service; that no one know about.

Fritz, I see you live in Glouchestershire, England; it must be very beautiful there. You live to the east of the Mid Atlantic Ridge the birth spot of almost all earthquake activity. Its spreading in both directions to the east and west creates the first pressures to the east and west. In your cast to the east; so all activity in your region is basically moving towards the east. So.... any country to the east of your area is fair game; all countries clear over to the Pacific Ocean far to the East of you.

First you would set up your seismic system, and start watching Mother Natures pure cycles. Her pure 5 daily cycles would be 15,30,45,30,15 and then the next 5 days of cycles would be 15,30,45,30,15 until Mother Nature stopped at the end of one of her perfect cycles and made a release. You would make note of the amount of pressure at your site, and what ever it was at your site, the following earthquake hours or days later would have to be equal to or greater than the amount of pressure at your site. You would mark down all earthquakes that occured in all other regions that were equal to or greater than the pressure in your earthquake cell.

Then you would wait a day or so after the release; Mother Nature would start all over in your area. You would have to watch her releases possibly many times for you to know for sure where Mother Natures linked area is to your area; but then you would know for sure where it was, and exactly how long it takes for the earthquake to strike there.

Then, if the linked area was in Iran, and you didn't like Iran, and you wanted to do some damage in Iran, you would go out and get an abandoned oil well that is capped or some other oil well that is in production and start fluid injection of a liquid (water or CO2) into the well. Don't get a well in a highly fractured area if possible, because you might be waisting your time there, go out in your linked area if possible and stay in the flat lands or hills; but perferably not in a mountainous region, there are to many fractures there, and lots of little earthquakes and earthquake cells would be the result.

You are looking to create monstrous earthquake cells, so get in an area that is not known for earthquakes; meaning there is little chance for an earthquake at your site. Once you have your well, wait until a completely new earthquake cell starts up, and by watching seismically you will know exactly when that is, the moment it starts up, then start gravity flow into your well or start injection of liquid up to 550 psi and keep an eye on the seismic; if the earthquake cell starts growing rapidly in size you are on the right track at the right time. Keep pumping and keep letting it grow, when you see it is becoming unstable or is starting to leak, that means within 24 hours or much less in most cases it is getting ready to release. When it releases, all it means is that the pressure is back to normal background pressure, and you know from before when Iran will be hit. You will probably know within a few hours of when it will be struck.

If you had a buddy of yours in Iran, he could be moving his mobile seismic system around and have found the exact epicenter, and if it was at the spot that the two of you wanted to strike hard, that of course is when you started applying the pressure and move lots of liquid. If you measure your earthquake cell before the release and it was approximately 7.0 in magnitude, then Iran would have a 7.0+ earthquake when it struck, at the spot your buddy had located.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by fritz

Fritz, in your injection or gravity feed of millions of gallons of liquid into the ground you probably won't create a cave, unless you are there for a very long time. You might be cleaning out some of the creavaces down below though, since water does not compress.

Fritz you have a very good point about destablization at the site you are located at; and you will have to be very careful about what you are doing at all times. In order to do everthing right, you should find the area that is "linked to your area" if possible. The area that feeds your area pressure, would most likely exist to the west of you. In your case, it might be out in the ocean, and someone would have to be watching out there, which might be harder to do out on the ocean. But.... if you were lucky, you might be able to see your linked area that feeds to your area.

Fritz almost all earthquakes are the result of other earthquakes and earthquake cells; there is a chain reaction of them that can be seismically followed during the chain reaction. An earthquake will strike, and at that very moment an earthquake cell will start up somewhere, or.. that bump from the earthquake in the distance will make another already existing earthquake cell larger. But you will still be able to follow the completed directional movement of the Earths crust.

By the time they leave their birth place (the Mid Atlantic Ridge) and go as far as they can (the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean) then they are at their greatest magnitudes (unless they have struck someplace in between already and already released their energy); that is Mother Natures own way of doing things. It is a complete revolving process.

If you could find the area that feeds your area, then you could watch for a build up of a trigger earthquake nearby, that would be there to cause your earthquake to strike where you are growing it at. It is next to impossible to seismically detect a smaller earthquake cell in the shadow of a larger destructive earthquake cell. They are cloaked seismically by the over powering P-Waves from the larger earthquake. So....

The best thing to do, is to visually observe in all directions around the epicenter of your monster earthquake cell that you are propagating. Visual inspection for a trigger earthquake works great, whereas seismic inspection doesn't work because the trigger earthquake cell is much weaker and is cloaked by your monster cell.

You will need to get out at least a hundred yards or more from your monster earthquake cell epicenter and slowly but surely scan the horizon visually. The pressure at your monster epicenter is 32+ and just outside of the epicenter you will be in the 20+ range. From anywhere below 21 you should be able to visually detect the trigger earthquake if one is there. If it is there visually detectable on the horizon, it is time to shut down your operation, and start the reversal process and start taking liquid out of the ground as fast as you can. By decreasing the pressure, you might be able to dramatically decrease the pressure at your site once more (this same process can be used in the future at epicenters to reduce earthquake magnitudes that will destroy cities). It would be easier for your facility to withstand a 3.0+ earthquake nearby, than a 6+ magnitude earthquake.

Guarding your site with visual detection of smaller trigger earthquakes is a must once you have your earthquake cell in the 4-5+ magnitude range. The smaller earthquakes have epicenter pressures in the 22-32+ range; so the epicenters are easy to visually see; but are limited in range; 20 miles visibility max for a 1.5 magnitude trigger earthquake. Two hundred miles max for a 3.0 magnitude trigger earthquake. Once you find a trigger epicenter close by you can seismically watch it at the epicenter only because the pressure is high there

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Before any buyer of such technology goes out into the field and deliberately decides to mow down your enemies without them being able to retaliate, or know who did it, or detect your whereabouts; the buyer should watch or do testing in areas that are linked to areas that cannot hurt anyone. Such areas are already known, and practice or watching there, is wonderful.

To see earthquakes striking constantly in the 5.0+ magnitude range, consistently 7-8 days after the release, and 4,000 to 6,000 miles away, exactly on time, is a fantastic thing to see.

Another fantastic thing to do, is to leave your linked area after the release has occurred, and fly to the linked area, and participate in the earthquake. You will be the only one there that knows exactly where the epicenter of the earthquake is at. You will know exactly when the earthquake will strike, to within a couple hours of it striking, or even less if you did your plotting very correctly.

You will need to go out and measure the linked area you flew to, in order to see if the magnitude is still the same, or if it is greater than the magnitude of your linked area, since other linked areas participate in helping create larger magnitudes; they are cumulative in regards to magnitude. Since you found the epicenter easily, then you of course know how deep the focus is if you just take a few extra minutes.

If it had been a populated area, and you had done all of this, you would be looking at all these people around you that don't even have a clue that they are going to be unwilling participants in an earthquake. They won't have a clue its coming, until it actually strkes, that is what is crazy.

Remember, the only way that you will know when its going to strike, is because you knew exactly when the release was at the linked area thousands of miles away in this case; otherwise you would not know if it was going to strike or not, and you could only guess. But, since you know the linked area was linked to this particular area, and there was a release, and you noted its exact time, then you could plot almost the exact time of the strike, if you had plenty of accurate historical references to rely upon already, and hopefully you do have them; only you will know that.

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